A tout hasard, est-ce que ça intéresse des gens que l'on donne des cours les "Lundi" sur la version 4.50, histoire de reprendre la main sur Cliff?
ce soir, 21h00
Ts :
ce soir, 21h00
Ts :
Regarde ici:zeufman a écrit :Je n y assisterai pas puisque cod blitz ne gère pas le ffb de mon joystick, mais je trouve l'initiative très louable de votre part, c est tout à l'honneur de votre escadrille.
? tu aurais du le dire.Voss a écrit :Sorry pour hier soir OBT~Miguel21 pour ma relative discrétion , mais j'ai vraiment galéré et dans mon Spit et dans mon Hurri pour décoller.
Y a manifestement qqe chose qui m'échappe car après avoir décollé une première fois j'ai pas réussi à le refaire...
Je vais prendre mon temps ce we de bien analyser les tutos du net car manifestement y a qqe chose qui cloche soit dans mes mappings soit chez moi
J'ai aussi remarqué que des mappings de touches ( tir entre autre, rudder ) avaient changé miraculeusement sur mon Joy alors je trouve cela très étrange ....
J'ai monté hier soir mon support Monstertech pour fixer mon Gladiator MKII et c'est que du bonheur maintenant. Me reste plus qu'a virer les roulettes de mon fauteuil d ebureau qui lui me fait reculer lorsque je pousse szur le rudder
Bref on se retrouve mercredi prochain si vous voulez et je ferai tout pour y arriver , car COD a quand même de beaux restes et possède une touche visuelle ( ce n'est que mon avis ) qui lui est propre et lui donne un certain charme.
En attendant joyeux noël à tous
Bristol Beaufighter MkIF
The Bristol Beaufighter was the first of the British 'Heavy' Fighters of the war. It's all aluminum body and robust construction made it very durable, and the four 20mm cannon located in the belly and six .303 machineguns in the wings gave it the heaviest armament of any Allied Fighter of the war. The Bristol Hercules engines which powered it gave it excellent speed at low altitudes, although performance up higher was less imposing.
* Please Note: The engine cowl flaps are not animated on this aircraft. Further code changes are required to allow more than 255 moving parts on CLIFFS OF DOVER aircraft. Opening and closing the controls will cool the engine.
The Beaufighter has 4 fuel tanks. 2 Tanks in each wing referred to as 'Inner' and 'Outer' tanks. Fuel quantity gauges are located on the right rear cockpit wall for the right wing tanks and on the left forward cockpit wall for the left wing tanks. Two gauges are present to indicate the fuel remaining in outer and inner tanks. The pilot selects the tank to be used by each engine by turning the Rotary Fuel Cocks located on the left side cockpit wall.
Mixture Control - AutoRich - Normal
For normal operations, mixture for both engines is set to “AutoRich” or “Normal”, Fully to the rear. (ingame: 100%-110%)
In AutoRich/Normal setting the carburetor automatically compensates for changes in altitude.
Mixture Control - AutoLean - Weak
Pilots may use AutoLean/Weak mixture when they need to economize on fuel consumption. The mixture lever is placed in the fully forward position.
Please note: AutoLean/Weak mixture setting may only be used when engine rpm is at 2400 or below and engine boost is at +0 boost or below. It is never used for engine start, takeoff, climb or combat conditions.
The Beaufighter is powered by two Bristol Hercules air cooled Radial engines which develop approximately 1600 sHp each. The engines are equipped with manually operated two speed superchargers which have an 'M' or low gear, (Ingame: 0% on the 'Compressor') and an 'S' or high gear. (Ingame: 100% on the 'Compressor')
Supercharger Gear Shift Altitudes
At Climb Settings or +2.5 boost/2400 rpm - Gear change altitude: 7800 ft
At Combat Settings or +6.5 boost/2800 rpm - Gear change altitude: 6300 ft
Chocks 'In'
Open both Rotary Fuel Cocks on the left side cockpit wall by rotating them to the “Inner Tanks” position.
Switch on Magnetos for both engines. (located behind the control column pull back, lean forward to see)
Set throttles slightly open to the 12% position
Mixture Normal/AutoRich (ingame: 100%)
Close Cowl Flaps fully. (ingame: 0%)
Supercharger to 'M' Gear or low. (ingame: 'Compressor' set to 0%)
Select, then start engines in turn. First Left then Right. When both started, select 'All'
Monitor the Oil Temperature gauges. (pull Control wheel back and lean forwards to see them) When temperatures reach 20C on both engines go to next step
Advance throttles to 60%. When oil temps on both engines reach 25C aircraft can be taxied.
Open cowl Flaps full open (ingame: 100%)
Monitor Cylinder Heat Temp to 50C
Min Taxi CHT 50C
Min Taxi Oil Temp 25C.
Chocks 'Out', taxi to runway, control column back, use brakes and rudder to turn. Center on runway and stop at zero throttle with brakes on. No chocks.
Minimum Cylinder Head Temp for takeoff 100C
Minimum Oil temperature for takeoff 40C
Set flaps slightly Down (Or Up for lightly loaded aircraft)
Props set to Full Fine Pitch (ingame: 100% pitch delivers 2800 rpm)
Boost Cutout on (allowing +6.5 boost)
Supercharger to 'M' Gear or low. (ingame Compressor set to 0%)
Smoothly and gradually advance both throttles to fully open
Use rudder to track the aircraft straight down the runway
Allow the aircraft to fly itself off the runway with only light back pressure on stick
When safely airborne bring Landing gear Up before starting climb. (beware trim change)
Flaps UP
Deselect Boost cut Out
Reduce throttle to +2.5 boost (ingame: 100% throttle)
Reduce Prop pitch to allow 2400 rpm (ingame: 55% pitch)
Adjust cowl Flaps to 3/4 open (ingame: 75%)
+2.5 boost at 2400 rpm
Cowl flaps at 3/4 open. (ingame: 75%)
Climb at 160 MPH Indicated Airspeed, reducing climb speed by 1 Mph per 1000 ft gain
Cylinder Head Temperature 220 - 230C
Oil Temperature 70 - 80C
Change from 'M' Supercharger gear to 'S' Supercharger gear at 7800 ft (ingame 'Compressor' change from 0% to 100%)
+2.5 Boost/2400 rpm
Cowl Flaps open 1/2 (ingame: 50%)
Cylinder Head Temperature 220 - 230C
Oil Temperature 70 - 80C
COMBAT CONCESSION** (5 Minute limit)
+6.5 Boost/2800 rpm
Max Cylinder Head Temperature 260C
Max Oil Temperature 90C
Monitor gauges carefully in slow speed/max power situations especially near Full Throttle Heights.
Maximum allowable Dive Speed: 410 mph
Maximum allowable Undercarriage deployment speed: 190 mph
Descend to 1000 ft. Reduce throttle, allow speed to drop to 160 mph
Prop pitch to fully fine. (ingame: 100%)
Lower flaps fully. (ingame: 100%)
Trim to correct nose position up
Lower undercarriage, stabilize speed at 120 mph
Approach speed is 120 mph Indicated airspeed
Reduce speed to 110 mph IAS over the threshold
Touch at 100 mph
Allow the aircraft to roll and track straight before applying brakes. Pump the brakes gently to slow the aircraft. Do not turn off the runway until the aircraft has come to a halt.
Cowl Flaps Full open
Max CHT 260C
Max Oil Temp 90C