newsletter du 30/09/2016

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Grand Manitou
Grand Manitou
Messages : 28568
Inscription : 04 août 2001

newsletter du 30/09/2016


Message par Ghostrider »

Version web ... 92016.html


A-10C Advanced Aircraft Training (TTQ) Qualification Campaign Now Available

The A-10C Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification campaign puts you in the cockpit of an A-10C Warthog, and tests your ability to use the aircraft's weapon systems successfully. Based on real world qualification requirements, you will fly 10 performance check rides to execute against pre-defined performance objectives. If successful, you will rate a Qualified rating and proceed to the next performance objective.

The campaign covers a number of key areas including Air to Air Refueling Day and Night, Countermeasures and Threat Avoidance, Target Area Ingress Preparation, Illumination Flare Employment, Air to Air Gun and Missile Employment, Air to Ground Gun & Rocket Employment, Unguided and Guided Bomb Employment, and Missile Employment.


There are over 1,200 voiceovers and over 206 pages of briefing material including the A-10C Amplified Checklist, Maps, Target Diagrams, and Mission Data cards.

Additionally, 10 Practice Missions are included so you can perfect your Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) prior to taking the qualification check rides.

Download from campaign section of DCS E-Shop

DCS: F-5E Tiger II Skin Contest


One of the great things we love about the Tiger II is the numerous and beautiful ways in which the aircraft has been painted over the years. Not just the various country operators, but the many creative ways in which it has been painted as an aggressor aircraft.

Based on this and our highly-talented community of skin artist, we are offering a new contest: paint the Tiger II!

Here are some of the requirements and details:

The skin must be created using this template.
The skin can be historically accurate or fictional. However, the skin must be associated with one of the countries currently present in DCS World.

Here are instructions for saving textures with MIP levels using NVIDIA Texture Tools for Adobe Photoshop.

Please upload completed skins to dedicated topic in the forum.

The best skins will be integrated into the DCS: F-5E Tiger II module in the game along with your credits. All winners will get valuable gifts: one key for any module in DCS World of your choice. The contest will run until 28 October 2016.

Best of luck to all contestants!

DCS: World War II Update

Our DCS: World War II set of products progress with the Spitfire making great progress and the Normandy map nearing completion. An important aspect of creating the Normandy map is also creating a set of period-appropriate units to populate the map. This includes both Allied and Axis units that span both military and civilian unit types.

For this weekend's update, we offer you an early look at a few of these new ground units.

Image Image

The Eagle Dynamics Team
Moniteur F/A-18C à l AVM
ImageAmd 3700x - 64 go DDR 4 3200 -Asus Tuf x570 gaming wifi - RTX 4080 16 go - SSD : 1 to NVME ( OS + simus) + 1ssd 500 GO Mx 500 simus + 1 SSD 256 GO (games) + 5 To HD(s)+ TM Warthog + Grip F/A18 - Track IR 5 - Pallo TPR - Deskpit 2 MFD+ICP +Oculus tift
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Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 110
Inscription : 17 août 2010

Re: newsletter du 30/09/2016


Message par highness »

ahem.. personne?

euh qu'est ce que je vois sur le screen de la locomotive?, les voies sont en 2d ! o_O

j'espere de tout coeur que c'est un screen 'WIP'...
Mes skins pour DCS

Win10 x64 / 32gb RAM DDR4 / i7-4770K / Nvidia 980 GTX
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Topic author
Grand Manitou
Grand Manitou
Messages : 28568
Inscription : 04 août 2001

Re: newsletter du 30/09/2016


Message par Ghostrider »

Je préfère avoir des rails en 2d et des fps que de la 3d à 10 fps
c est un simulateur d avions pas de trains
Moniteur F/A-18C à l AVM
ImageAmd 3700x - 64 go DDR 4 3200 -Asus Tuf x570 gaming wifi - RTX 4080 16 go - SSD : 1 to NVME ( OS + simus) + 1ssd 500 GO Mx 500 simus + 1 SSD 256 GO (games) + 5 To HD(s)+ TM Warthog + Grip F/A18 - Track IR 5 - Pallo TPR - Deskpit 2 MFD+ICP +Oculus tift

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