Si oui, possible une petit preview suivit de screens ?

WHY PAYWARE ?Originally posted by RaZoR31@5 Jul 2005, 20:42
Et bien si il est gratuit il sera encore mieux alors... <_<
Il y en a qui se sont casser le cul à faire ODS, Balkan, et plein d'autre, et n'ont pas demander le moindre sous... Alors pourquoi eux...
Until AF allows modding - nope it is not compatable - and I guess judging from the zero interest/comms from the AF syndicate never will be - and quite frankly by now - I am not interedted in it ever being compatable.
Users with Angolan Theater installs will have a good stable Mplay environment in any case, and quite frankly the models in the Angolan theater, and the terrain utilises technology more advanced than AF.
So Hellfish - I guess that is the answer - we are going ahead as planned, we tried to contact AF via various people and emails, but they play GOD, refusing to communicate.
I have one response to people who have a monopoly - and in true South African style (as witnessed with the arms embargo's placed on South Africa during the very war we are recreating in the theater - we remain defiant and find our own solution)
And from that path NOBODY or NOTHING will stop us.
That I guess is my last comment on AF. We tried, they refused to repsond in any way - so we drop that bridge and we strike as planned.
IL2-FB-PF demontrent le contraire..... (meme si je soutiens, et participe à Angola)les licences qui marchent ce sont TOUJOURS celles qui peuvent être amélioré par les communauté de moddeurs pas celle qui sont vérrouillée par des gripsous assoifés d'argent !.
News: July 6 2005
Lead Pursuit would like to remind all current owners of Falcon 4.0 and Falcon 4.0: Allied Force that they are bound by the EULA they accepted when they loaded the product onto their PC. There are no exceptions to this. Atari and Lead Pursuit will vigorously defend their intellectual property. This includes modification or redistribution of any portion of Falcon 4.0 and Falcon 4.0: Allied Force.