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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
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Inscription : 17 novembre 2001

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Jaguar »

Ha bon? Qu'est ce qui te fait dire ça?
Je suis donc je pense
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La joie comme vengeance
Vae soli

Mass hysteria
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 7532
Inscription : 12 août 2008

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Poliakov »

Jaguar a écrit :
mer. mai 11, 2022 3:01 pm
Ha bon? Qu'est ce qui te fait dire ça?
Alors déjà un EFB, je sais qu'il va en avoir un dans PMDG mais pour le moment il y en a pas.
Compatible avec Simbrief, très important pour moi en VR de ne pas avoir à suicher ...............

Un co-pilote dans le cockpit, oui ça rajoute en immersion.

Plus d'interactivité comme la possibilité d'ouvrir le pare brise sur le côté, les accoudoirs, les portes gobelets, les buses d'aérations ........

PMDG a pour lui la célébrité de son modèle mais de mon impression le 146 et le MD80 semble légèrement plus aboutis.

Après la ou je suis d'accord, le 737 est vraiment un bel appareil. :emlaugh:
Escadre de combat DCS Cold War

Config: Rog strix b550-f gaming/Nvidia 3080Ti/AMD Ryzen 7 5850X3DX/2X16GB RAM 3200Mhz/Alim Corsair HX1000W/2X1T Samsung 870 Evo/nvme Samsung 980 1T/Hotas Warthog/Palo Saitek Pro Flight Rudder/Quest 2

Jeux du moment: DCS/MFS/Helldiver 2/Squad/Squad 44/U-Boat/HOI4

Bêta testeur RedWings FS2020
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 3537
Inscription : 17 novembre 2001

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Jaguar »

Haaaaaaaa.... Bon, le prends pas mal, mais alors pour moi tu ne cite pas un seul truc important lol...

Je veux dire pour moi c'est pas parce que que porte gobelet n'est pas dépliable qu'un avion est abouti.... Je pensais que tu parlais de trucs simulés, de systèmes, tout ça !
D'après un pilote de 737 sur un autre forum y a encore des choses à revoir mais à priori c'est connu, ils l'ont sorti la parce que l'attente devenait trop longue...
Il y a fort à parier que d'ici que le 800 sorte ça sera réglé
Je suis donc je pense
J'ai choisi
La joie comme vengeance
Vae soli

Mass hysteria
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 7532
Inscription : 12 août 2008

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Poliakov »

Jaguar a écrit :
sam. mai 14, 2022 1:45 pm
Haaaaaaaa.... Bon, le prends pas mal, mais alors pour moi tu ne cite pas un seul truc important lol...

Je veux dire pour moi c'est pas parce que que porte gobelet n'est pas dépliable qu'un avion est abouti.... Je pensais que tu parlais de trucs simulés, de systèmes, tout ça !
D'après un pilote de 737 sur un autre forum y a encore des choses à revoir mais à priori c'est connu, ils l'ont sorti la parce que l'attente devenait trop longue...
Il y a fort à parier que d'ici que le 800 sorte ça sera réglé
J'ai bien dit à cet heure le MD-82 et le 146 me semble plus abouti.

L'absence d'EFB par exemple est par exemple pour moi éliminatoires à cette heure.
Escadre de combat DCS Cold War

Config: Rog strix b550-f gaming/Nvidia 3080Ti/AMD Ryzen 7 5850X3DX/2X16GB RAM 3200Mhz/Alim Corsair HX1000W/2X1T Samsung 870 Evo/nvme Samsung 980 1T/Hotas Warthog/Palo Saitek Pro Flight Rudder/Quest 2

Jeux du moment: DCS/MFS/Helldiver 2/Squad/Squad 44/U-Boat/HOI4

Bêta testeur RedWings FS2020
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1575
Inscription : 12 juillet 2017

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Worg »

Hello. Je n’ai aucune possibilité de cliquer dans le cockpit avec la souris, aucun des boutons ou commutateur n’ai activable.
De plus lorsque je place l’avion directement en piste ou en vol je n’ai aucun écran d’activé mais les moteurs fonctionnent :hum:

En parcourant la doc de l’avion il y a deux fichier XML pour le mappage de la souris en mod pmdg ou msfs aucun des deux ne fonctionnent impossible d’activer les boutons dans le cockpit.

Bref pour l’instant c’est 60€ pour de la 3D :emlaugh:
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 3537
Inscription : 17 novembre 2001

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Jaguar »

T'as quoi d'autre dans ton community?
Dernière modification par Jaguar le dim. mai 22, 2022 10:12 am, modifié 1 fois.
Je suis donc je pense
J'ai choisi
La joie comme vengeance
Vae soli

Mass hysteria
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1575
Inscription : 12 juillet 2017

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Worg »

Jaguar a écrit :
dim. mai 22, 2022 9:50 am
T'as quoi d'autre dans ton community
A320 FBW
Aerosoft simple traffic
France vfr nord ouest
2 livrée pour A320 FBW
Aéroport du Luxembourg
Et le PMDG 737, bref pas grand chose.

Mais j'ai déjà essayé de tout supprimer pour juste laisser le 737 c'est pareil. Peut être un conflit avec une touche sur mon hotas ou joystick :emlaugh:

Mais bon la souris c'est vraiment bizarre quand même.
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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 3537
Inscription : 17 novembre 2001

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Jaguar »

Yes ton community n'a en effet rien d'exotique et tu as déjà essayé...
Pour le joystick c'est simple à verifier tu remets le profil par défaut de tous tes périphériques et tu vois. Si c'est pas ça t'as juste à remettre ton profil précédemment créé.

J'y pense, t'as aucun Addon hors community? Les trucs du store ne s'y mettent pas, typiquement le G1000 du store (gratuit) fout la merde dans plein de modules si tu l'a tu peux tenter de le virer

T'as rien touché aux XML rassure moi? Si c'est comme le DC6 ils sont pas fait pour ça mais pour donner le nom des LVARS pour les équipements externes, c'est un SDK
Je suis donc je pense
J'ai choisi
La joie comme vengeance
Vae soli

Mass hysteria
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1575
Inscription : 12 juillet 2017

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Worg »

Et bien écoute la nuit porte conseil comme ont dit ...

Réinstallation complète du module + supprimer ce qu'il y avait dans le dossier community et changer tout les profil souris hotas et joystick en "nouveau" ça fonctionne...

J'ai remis ensuite les bon profils pour la souris et joystick, puis rajouter mon dossier community et l'avion fonctionne correctement :emlaugh:

J'ai passé la moitié de l'après midi hier dessus... Quelle bêtise.

Bref c'est partie pour l'apprentissage.

Les fichiers XML sont fournis avec l'avion, tu peux les modifier en fonction de ta préférence en jeu mod msfs ou PMDG... Uniquement pour la souris par contre.

Et non je n'installe rien d'éxotique, le simu et déjà mal optimiser comme ça, et a chaque mise à jour il y a des soucis inutile d'en rajouter 😁
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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 3537
Inscription : 17 novembre 2001

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Jaguar »

Tant mieux alors, enjoy :)
Je suis donc je pense
J'ai choisi
La joie comme vengeance
Vae soli

Mass hysteria
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 7796
Inscription : 09 janvier 2004

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par diditopgun »

To kick the process off: Today we have just released Build 3.00.0020 for the PMDG 737-700.

This update comes with a number of changes and improvements, including updated models and associated textures, a significant update to the sound engine and dozens upon dozens of small tweaks, adjustments and improvements. The change list is as follows:

PMDG 737 for MSFS - 3.00.0020

0011282: [General - Documentation] Documentation - Remove mention of Keyboard command option in FMC until function restored. (hvanrensburg)
0011289: [External Model - Liveries] Decal Mapping Error on engine cowlings (jbrown)
0011336: [General - Documentation] Various Corrections in the Tutorial Flight Document (hvanrensburg)
0011360: [External Model - Geometry] Touchdown Landing Gear Effect reversed laterally. (jbrown)
0011327: [Systems - Electrical] External Airstairs should be allowed to receive power from ship batteries. (hvanrensburg)
0011280: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Various geometry and texture gaps reported by one very eagle-eyed customer. (vscimone)
0011341: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] OFF text on GEN Panel incorrect (vscimone)
0011354: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Overhead Panel separation lines missing (vscimone)
0011368: [External Model - Geometry] plug door pressure relief flaps appear doubled in some instances. (jbrown)
0011307: [Virtual Cockpit - View Presets] View Preset zooms need adjusting (jbrown)
0011249: [External Model - Geometry] N1 Disk transparent, when Rain/Snow WX (jbrown)
0011292: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Missing textures along base of windshield frame covers (vscimone)
0011276: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Triangle punch out in area over master caution creates a light gap in panel (vscimone)
0011251: [General - Ground Operations] Fuel truck connecting function and transparent fuel panel when fueling door is open. (hvanrensburg)
0011227: [AFDS - General] AP constantly micro trimming (emvaos)
0011232: [External Model - Geometry] PIP options incorrectly connected to selection of LED lights option. (jbrown)
0010547: [Sounds - External] External engine start bleed hiss sound loops incorrectly and causes other start sound layers to fail. (acholakian)
0011350: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] VC Yoke clipping and backfacing geometry needs attention (vscimone)
0011283: [General - Suggested/Missing Features] Displays should be able to function as pop-up 2D displays (vscimone)
0011225: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Trim wheel animation fails under certain circumstances (not related to rotation speed) (vscimone)
0011312: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Alternate gear extention cords can be pulled throught the closed Alternate Gear door (abashkatov)
0011194: [Main Panel - PFD] "Single CH" indication has green frame instead of yellow (abashkatov)
0011302: [Main Panel - Aural/Visual Warning Systems] A/P disconnect light not operational when disconnection A/P (abashkatov)
0011352: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] LED Landing Lights not turning ON with clickspot (vscimone)
0011325: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Flickering on various Instruments (vscimone)
0011340: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Missing Arrows Ovd and CB Light selector (vscimone)
0011339: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] ALT CUTOUT missing part of a letter (vscimone)
0011361: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Pedestal ADF panel no backlighting. (hvanrensburg)
0011338: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] CVR Light Plate missing text (vscimone)
0011358: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Screw alignment rudder floor panels (vscimone)
0011367: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Wrong animation on Captain FMC Key (vscimone)
0011369: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] RTE page should show in the scratchpad the airport entered in REF page (emvaos)
0011326: [General - Unsure] Loading Approach State on BDSF load the planes with blank screens and yoke hard over (rsrandazzo)
0011366: [Systems - Electrical] Provisiom for APU auto shutdown if loading a panel state with APU online after loading C && D (emvaos)
0011273: [Docs - Other General Observations] Typo in readme included with the Release candidate (rsrandazzo)
0011279: [General - Documentation] Incorrect work folder paths in Intro (hvanrensburg)
0011286: [General - Ground Operations] Air Start Unit is able to be called when Stairs 1L is connected (hvanrensburg)
0011304: [General - Documentation] Introduction document Amendment - TO/GA (hvanrensburg)
0011308: [General - Documentation] Introduction Document references to P3D license (hvanrensburg)
0011319: [General - Unsure] ILS DME readout not correct (emvaos)
0011353: [Docs - Need to Tell Customers This] Introduction refers to cabin light page in FMC. (hvanrensburg)
0011357: [FREEZES - All Types] Sim freeze when using EBBR CIV5C (emvaos)
0011315: [External Model - Geometry] Texture Mapping Issues MSFS 737-700 (jbrown)
0011356: [External Model - Geometry] APU exhaust textures needs touch up (jbrown)
0011363: [External Model - Geometry] Wing gap during flexing (jbrown)
0011364: [External Model - Geometry] FWD Cargo hold gap (jbrown)
0011343: [Systems - Flight Controls] Reduced AoA for stick shaker onset (emvaos)
0011248: [FMS/AFDS - LNAV] Provision for successive DTO's and adding airways to start of STAR after STAR is defined(!!) (emvaos)
0011196: [Main Panel - Aural/Visual Warning Systems] Below G/S warning should be inhibited below 200ft RA (abashkatov)
0011051: [General - Unsure] Pane state save - When master lights switch is saved in DIM, lights still load BRT (abashkatov)
0011337: [General - Documentation] Erroneous reference to 2D popup in tutorial (hvanrensburg)
0011313: [External Model - Geometry] Need thumbnail for MSFS "content manager" screen (cbpowell)
0011301: [External Model - Geometry] BBJ SSW - Missing tailpipe component R ENG (jbrown)
0011291: [External Model - Geometry] Texture gaps engines (jbrown)
0011266: [External Model - Liveries] negative pressure relief valve cut (jbrown)
0011267: [External Model - Liveries] Strange texture on the left MLG door. (jbrown)
0011076: [External Model - Liveries] Engine Texture Mapping Anomaly (jbrown)
0011274: [AFDS - Roll Modes] Disable mouse wheel scrolling for HDG SEL Bank Angle limiter (hvanrensburg)
0011277: [General - Documentation] Sound settings - Default volume levels and Active Spatial Sound should be set to NO in the documentation (hvanrensburg)
0011270: [FMS - Setup/Options Pages] DISPLAY Options page 9/9 FUEL/CTRLS empty (abashkatov)
0011263: [FMS - Setup/Options Pages] Change display order to options back to original (hvanrensburg)
0011252: [General - Ground Operations] Air Start Unit colliding with Airstairs (hvanrensburg)
0010749: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Trim sound keeps getting triggered inflight (emvaos)
0010840: [General - Engines] FS Engine takes way too long to start at high altitude (emvaos)
0011216: [External Model - Liveries] Delta Livery Blue is too light (psterling)
0011228: [External Model - Liveries] Fuse3 Mapping Anomaly (jbrown)
0011180: [Sounds - External] Hydraulic Pump sound missing (acholakian)
0011328: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Clickspots on FMC do not align correctly after change to PMDG mouse logic (hvanrensburg)
0010678: [General - Engines] MSFS side - Engines take too long to stabilise to idle after engine start (emvaos)
69 issues

HOW TO UPDATE YOUR PMDG 737: The update is available via the PMDG Operations Center on the AIRCRAFT AND LIVERIES//PRODUCT UPDATES page. Click the update button and it will pull the update down and install it for you locally.

IMPORTANT NOTAMS: There are two things we want you to know: First, this is a big update. Run it when you have a few moments to let it do it's thing. Second, our beta team found that for a few of them, the first time they ran the 737 after installing the update, the aircraft sounds did not play properly. We have traced this to the manner in which the sim caches sounds, and it can be easily corrected by simply running the airplane, then exiting back to the world menu and launching the aircraft a second time. For reasons we don't yet understand, the sim does not update the cache on the first run, but it does on the second launch and from then on you will be fine without further need to tinker. (We'll bring this up with Asobo to see if they have ideas to mitigate that problem in the future. It is a very minor nuisance but we'd still like to avoid it if that is possible on the developer end.)

IMPORTANT NOTAM 2: The update is truly huge. It is out on a wide distribution cloud network and should give good speed to most users, no matter where you are geographically. If you find it gives you trouble, sit and watch it a bit. A few of the files are huge. If that doesn't work, you can always grab the installer from your account again. Not that updating via the Operations Center will normally be faster, but obviously internet connections around the globe vary quite dramatically- so we wanted to be sure you had options available to suit your needs.

IMPORTANT NOTAM 3: One of our testers reminded me (in thread below) to remind you: The first time you run a C++/WASM project in MSFS, the sim goes through a ton of compilation process that takes some time. Not all updates will trigger this recompilation, but this one certainly will. Don't think that the sim failed, just let it do it's thing- and you'll be rewarded with a nice, optimized refresh on your 737. (Thanks, Steve- I owe you a bonus cookie at FSExpo...)

Okay- that is all for this update... Time to build the next beta for the test team to look at so that we can hand it to you next week. And so the journey begins!
The PMDG 737-600 is preparing for beta testing entry and is running about 7-9 days behind our originally planned schedule, but there was already some slop in there so she may still roll out right on time in the middle of June. (Because someone will ask, the delay in the 600 does not impact the 800, they are decoupled, we just needed a bit more time for something in the 600 systems integration since I was out sick for a week.)

Now for a few bits of fun news to give you something to look forward to as we prepare this airplane for you:

PMDG 737-600 Release and Marketplace Release:
We are exploring a few changes with the PMDG 737-600, one of which is rapid-entry to MS Marketplace. We are working out the logistics of how this can happen with an eye toward a rapid transition from PMDG release to MS Marketplace release for this product. We are also looking to see if we can do a concurrent release between PMDG and Marketplace- but neither of these have a clear pathway just yet. It is under exploration. Also look for some updated guidance on pricing between now and release, as we have a better scope of the finished package and what it entails- we think initial guidance on the 600 package trended a bit higher than is probably appropriate for the product scale.

PMDG Lateral / Vertical Path Module:
For a few years now, we have been at work conducting a full rebuild on the lateral and vertical path modeling capability for the PMDG FMS used by all of our Boeing airliners. This project has been a bit of a "ship in a storm" in that successive planned rollouts under Prepar3D got sidelined by larger market dynamics. The good news is that we are preparing to insert it into testing within the PMDG 737 for MSFS, and it will then roll out to you in the forum of a free update. This modern path modeling has been something we have been building toward for some time and it will dramatically improve the accuracy of how PMDG airliners move through the sky in a 3D pathway. It is a thing of beauty and while we thought it would be sidelined unless/until Asobo finally delivers on their promise to give us modern debugging tools, we have continued to hammer away at this because it is important- and thus far it looks like the fruit of our labor will pay off handsomely in spite of the lack of support of modern tooling.

PMDG Autoflight Director Module:
Concurrent with the Lateral/Vertical Path Module we have been working to build out a proper flight director roll and pitch module based upon input from some of the industries leading flight control logic engineers and our in in house mathematical wizzard. This has been under initial iteration testing and will also roll out as a free update shortly. One of the problems we have been trying to crack is "how to damp out the massively violent and unrealistic Asobo Atmospheric Shifts" without upsetting the control logic- and feel we finally cracked that nut once again based upon our in-house expertise in the use, operation and design of flight director control law.

It is always nice to have actual engineering degrees in house so that we can crack right into code and adapt it to make the entire simulation experience nicer for you- and we have been at this exercise for nearly fifteen months. It will be nice for you to see how it fundamentally changes the character of the airplane and it's relationship to the lateral and vertical path, restrictions and the like. It is some really great stuff and it is already ready-made for the 777 and 747!

PMDG Universal Flight Tablet:
This beauty is humming right along. Not quite ready for prime-time, but I am betting you have it in your flight deck sooner than later. The team is working diligently to get the core functionality in place and we'll put together a nice preview of it when the time is right. (I got a stern warning about telling you too much about it last week... hence few words other than to say it is coming along really nicely with some cool features!)

Next Update Cycle for the 737:
We are planning another update cycle for the 737 next week. That will get handed off to testing on Monday, I expect. We are working on a few larger issues with animations and control axis inputs that aren't behaving in the manner we like. We are also re-shuffling some priorities around based upon the news that Asobo has had to push the SU10 update out into August. This has an impact on our workflow because there are a few things we needed in that SU10 update in order to clear up a couple of nuisance items, and it appears we will be waiting on those fixes- so some shuffling will be in order to keep the development workflow optimized.

Adding New Features to 737:
I suspect this question will come up in the thread below- so let me try to answer it here: Once the PMDG 737-600 releases, we will be updating both the 600 and 700 airplanes concurrently and individually as needed in an ongoing bases. You will not need to purchase one or the other in order to have access to any new functions that we add to the product line, as those functions will be added to the entire fleet concurrently. The PMDG Universal Flight Tablet, for example, will go into the entire fleet so you will have it no matter which airplane(s) you own. The goal is simplicity and transparency.
Image Intel I7 8700K / RTX 3080 / 32Go DDR4 PC21300 G.Skill Ripjaws V / MSI Z370 Gaming Pro Carbon / Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold - 1000W / Noctua NH-D14 / Acer XB270HUDbmiprz 27" G-synch 144Hz / SSD Samsung 860EVO 250Go + 1To / Cooler Master HAF X / Warthog+VPC WarBRD / Thrustmaster TPR / Track-IR v5 / Windows 11 64bits.
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1575
Inscription : 12 juillet 2017

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Worg »

Grosse mise à jour.
Franchement je l'aime bien cet avion, il est top.
J'avoue que jouant en vr j'attends la tablette avec impatience.
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 7532
Inscription : 12 août 2008

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Poliakov »

Pareil, je suis en VR, pour le moment je suis sûr le 320 mais quant il y aura la tablette, j'achèterai sans doute le 737.
Escadre de combat DCS Cold War

Config: Rog strix b550-f gaming/Nvidia 3080Ti/AMD Ryzen 7 5850X3DX/2X16GB RAM 3200Mhz/Alim Corsair HX1000W/2X1T Samsung 870 Evo/nvme Samsung 980 1T/Hotas Warthog/Palo Saitek Pro Flight Rudder/Quest 2

Jeux du moment: DCS/MFS/Helldiver 2/Squad/Squad 44/U-Boat/HOI4

Bêta testeur RedWings FS2020
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1575
Inscription : 12 juillet 2017

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Worg »

Tu ne sera pas déçu.
L'avantage de MSFS par rapport à DCS c'est que tu peux passer en VR sans quitter le jeu.

Je prépare l'avion et mon plan de vol sur le FMC en mode écran. Quand j'ai finis avec le FMC je passe en VR. Ça fonctionne aussi avec PACX.
Mais oui, la tablette sera un gros plus.
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Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 3537
Inscription : 17 novembre 2001

Re: PMDG 737 NG


Message par Jaguar »

Hello, je vois quils viennent de sortir le 737-600 pour seulement 35$ !!!
Pour info le 737-700 est à 70$, et aucune idée sur le prix du 800 à venir et le plus attendu (donc le plus cher?)
Je me demande ce qui justifie cet écart
Je suis donc je pense
J'ai choisi
La joie comme vengeance
Vae soli

Mass hysteria

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