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Eagle Dynamics Update – 15 June 2009
It’s been a little over a month since the last update, so I thought it time to bring you all up to speed:
1- DCS: Black Shark Update/Patch. The update/patch is still in work but many more of the training tracks are broken due to update/patch changes than we first expected. Moving forward with DCS: A-10C Warthog, it is unlikely we will continue using the track file system for training missions! Between this and a couple of high-priority, time-sensitive tasks that have come up, the update/patch will probably not be released until August 2009. We understand that this is disappointing news to some, but believe me when I say that we want to release the update/patch even more than any of you.
2- DCS: Black Shark Printed Manual. Regarding North American distribution, the manuals have arrived at the distributer’s warehouse and will be sent to both and We apologize for the delay on this.
3- DCS: Black Shark Localization. Our localization manager and the dedicated Spanish translation team are working very hard on finalizing the Spanish version and are now at the release candidate stage.
4- DCS: A-10C Warthog. Not much to report here other than progress is good and it we will go into alpha testing after the Black Shark patch is released. Probably starting in August we’ll be discussing this project in more detail and I will start the Producer Notes soon after. We appreciate the PM beta tester application, but please note that we are not accepting beta tester applications at this time.
5- Lock On: Flaming Cliffs. As mentioned in the last update, we are working on a further evolution of this product line. However, until the software is essentially done, we will not be discussing this in any detail. Sorry.
6- 3rd Party Tools. As some of you may have noticed a Tool Wiki is available here: and forum discussion here: In the near future we will be adding an additional 18 documents regarding terrain construction (kudos to Hawg11). Later in the year we will be adding additional plug-ins and instructional documents to create new aircraft.
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