![Innocent :innocent:](./images/smilies/innocent.gif)
C'est peut être pas insurmontable d'en faire un ....
![Sweatdrop :sweatdrop](./images/smilies/sweatdrop.gif)
Cockpit "façon tempest", Moteur (voir spitfireperformances.com, voir ci-dessous) et hélice 4 pâles.UF_Josse a écrit :C'est quoi les différences essentielles entre le modèle 42 et le 44....
C'est peut être pas insurmontable d'en faire un ....
* All Typhoon production was centered on Gloster Aircraft Company Ltd., Brockworth, Gloscester. However, a single production batch of 15 aircraft was produced by Hawker at Langley, being intended as trials aircraft, some were however delivered to the RAF. R8198 to R8231. R8198 first flight 26-11-41. Mk1a and Mk1b.
* First batch of 250 Mk 1a and 1b. R7576-R7599, R7613-R7655, R7672-R7721, R7738-R7775, R7792-7829, R7845-R7890 and R7913-R7923. Delivered between September 1941 and June 1942.
* Second batch of 250 Mk 1a and 1b. R8630-R8663, R8680-R8722, R8737-R8781, R8799-R8845, R8861-R8900, R8923-8947 and R8966-R8981. Delivered between June 1942 and September 1942.
* Third batch of 700 Mk1b. 300 aircraft DN241-DN278, DN293-DN341, DN356-DN389, DN404-DN453, DN467-DN513, DN529-DN562 and DN576-DN623. 400 aircraft EJ900-EJ934, EJ946-EJ995, EK112-EK154, EK167-EK197, EK208-EK252, EK266-EK301, EK321-EK348, EK364-EK413, EK425-EK456, EK472-EK512 and EK535-EK543. Delivered between September 20th 1942 and May 5th 1943.
* Fourth batch of 600 Mk1b. JP361-JP408, JP425-JP447, JP480-JP516, JP532-JP552, JP576-JP614, JP648-JP689, JP723-JP756, JP784-JP802, JP836-JP861, JP897-JP941, JP961-JP976, JR125-JR152, JR183-JR223, JR237-JR266, JR289-JR338, JR360-JR392, JR426-JR449 and JR492-JR535. Napier Sabre IIa from new, many aircraft modified with Sabre IIb engines in 1944. Later aircraft featured sliding hood from new, majority of earlier aircraft retrospectively modified. Delivered between April 5th 1943 and December 7th 1943.
* Fifth batch of 800 aircraft. MM951-MM995, MN113-MN156, MN169-MN213, MN229-MN269, MN282-MN325, MN339-MN381, MN396-MN436, MN449-MN496, MN513-MN556, MN569-MN608, MN623-MN667, MN680-MN720, MN735-MN779, MN791-MN823, MN851-MN896, MN920-MN956, MN968-MN999, MP113-MP158 and MP172-MP203. All aircraft with sliding hood, whip aerial, faired cannon and Sabre II, most with four blade propeller. Delivered between December 8th 1943 and June 6th 1944.
* Sixth batch of 400 aircraft. PD446-PD480, PD492-PD536, PD548-PD577, PD589-PD623, RB192-RB235, RB248-RB289, RB303-RB347, RB361-RB408, RB423-RB459 and RB474-RB512. All aircraft with sliding hood, whip aerial, faired cannon, exhaust shrouds and four blade propeller, most aircraft with Napier Sabre IIa engine but a few among the final 255 were powered by the Napier Sabre IIb. Delivered between June 15th 1944 and January 5th 1945.
* Seventh and final batch of 300 aircraft 299built. SW386-SW428, SW443-SW478, SW493-SW537, SW551-SW596, SW620-SW668, SW681-SW716 and SW728-SW772. Napier Sabre IIb engines. Delivered between January 5th 1945 and November 13th 1945.
A demander à de vrais experts, mais je pense (http://www.wwiiaircraftperformance.org/ ... ntest.html) qu'il faudrait soit un Sabre IIa, soit un sabre II 9 lbs (ce dernier ferait effectivement l'affaire).UF_Josse a écrit :Donc, verrière tempest et sabre 9lbs feraient l'affaire, ? pas de modifs sur le mdv ni d'amélioration du roll-rate ou autre ?
Sur les photos du livre de chez Heimdal sur la 2nd TAF en Normandie, on y voit une majorité de "3 pales"UF_Josse a écrit : D'après ce que tu mets, ce serait plutôt de l'hélice 4 pales et sabre IIB pour les versions pré- débarquement ? (lot 5)
C'est ce que je suis en train de chercher.UF_Josse a écrit :Hummm, l'existant est déjà un 7 lbs.... est ce que ça vaudrait le coup de refaire un autre 7 lbs ? ce serait intéressant de voir le nombre en 9 lbs à l'époque.
UF_Josse a écrit :...tout du moins la version modée du A8 n'as pas de difficulté à basse altitude,...