BlackShark peut être lancé soit depuis DcsMax soit par les icônes officiels
En effet par défaut, BlackShark se lance sur 1 seule core à chaque lancement de mission
L'amélioration en FPS est de 40 à 50% sur vista32/64
L'amélioration est peu sensible sur XP32, par contre peut avoisiner les 10% MAX sur XP64
De plus, cet utilitaire permet aussi de lancer le TrackIR automatiquement si présent.
Il permet aussi de centraliser l'exécution de certains utilitaires vocaux comme Teamspeak et Mumble.
Lancez le et oubliez le, il s'iconifiera automatiquement au lancement de BlackShark
Vous n'avez désormais plus besoin d'éditer les missions pour utiliser votre skin préféré (téléchargé ou autre).
DcsMax 1.7.0 modifie à la volée la mission lors de son chargement en mémoire.
Ca signifie que les missions dans vos répertoires ne sont pas modifiées

Il suffit pour celà de choisir un skin dans l'interface de DcsMax.
DcsMax tourne alors en tache de fond et appliquera le skin à toutes les missions (quickstart, solo ou campagne) qui seront lancées :
- soit depuis DcsMax (en sélectionnant une mission)
- soit depuis le menu officiel de BS ! :D
on peux enfin profiter des superbes skins téléchargés

DcsMax 1.7.0 - June 12, 2009
DcsMax is a CPU affinity tool dedicated to Blackshark game
It run silently in tray bar to set CPU affinity on DCS.exe each time you launch a mission session
it can run an solo or multiplayer game
it can launch also TRACKIR automatically
It can launch TeamSpeak and Mumble voice utility
If DCS.exe is already launched when you launch DcsMax, DcsMax will detect it and will set CPU affinity on all cores(1)
(1) note that you can also enable/disabled some core
A message will appear in screen center telling you that affinity has been adjusted.
DcsMax will monitor/detect ALL the solo mission and ALL the campaign mission Launch
During the 'loading screen', DcsMax will replace 'ON THE FLY' the default mission skin by YOUR beloved skin !
Your WignMen will have also your skin
by 'ON THE FLY', i mean that all the mission files (in yours several folders) are not modified at all
DcsMax is only processing the TEMPorary mission file loaded by dcs.exe
now you don't need anymore to edit mission file to use your skin !
now you can fly all campaign mission with your beloved skin !
the quick launch mission will also use your skin
THIS WORKS for all missions launched by either DcsMax or by either BS official MAIN MENU

NATIVE LANGUAGE for this utility is ENGLISH
no installation required, just launch DcsMax.exe
Supported OS
XP32*/XP64*/VISTA32**/VISTA64**/WINDOWS 7**
*Note that setting affinity on all cores for Dcs.exe will have few FPS improvements under XP os
**Note that setting affinity on all cores for Dcs.exe will have BIG FPS improvements under VISTA/Windows 7 os
important note for intel I7 owners (or AMD with 4core + hyperthreading)
if you don't have 8 cores available in windows task manager (and 8 checkbox available in DcsMax), it means:
- either your bios settings are false
- either in your msconfig/boot/advanced/, only 4 cores are ticked
- either both

- Added support for TrackIR5
- Recompilation to fix obvious bug
DcsMax will monitor/detect ALL the solo mission and ALL the campaign mission Launch
During the 'loading screen', DcsMax will replace 'ON THE FLY' the default mission skin by YOUR beloved skin !
Your WignMen will have also your skin
by 'ON THE FLY', i mean that all the mission files (in yours several folders) are not modified at all
DcsMax is only processing the TEMPorary mission file loaded by dcs.exe
now you don't need anymore to edit mission file to use your skin !
now you can fly all campaign mission with your beloved skin !
the quick launch mission will also use your skin
THIS WORKS for all missions launched by either DcsMax or by either BS official MAIN MENU
- Added official support for Windows 7
- Now you can select and launch a mission (solo mode) from DcsMax and you will be in cockpit few seconds later (You skip main menu)
- With the testing help from wombat778
Affinity management changed: when your cpu have more than 2 core, all the core will be set after a delay (default is 30s)
You can change this value as you want
when dcs.exe start, only one core is working then after 30s DcsMax will set affinity on all others cores
- Affinity delay implemented: when your cpu have more than 2 core, the others core will be set after a delay (default is 30s)
You can change this value as you want
when dcs.exe start, DcsMax set affinity on 2 cores, then after 30s DcsMax set affinity on all others cores
this will optimize your FPS (thx to wombat778 for the tips)
this settings is not available when you have only two core
- Doubleclick on button fixed (was launching 2 times an utility)
- when you close DcsMax, it will close also TrackIR (if the autorun/close checkbox is checked)
- fixed default directory issue for the 3 custom button utilities (now all custom utilities will be started correctly, ie: ModMan)
- 8 cores are now supported
- Added 3 custom buttons to launch your utilities from DcsMax

just click on the text below each button to show the path to your utility
fix error on intel i7
- First version released to public
- C2D and C4D supported (4 cores Max at this time)
Download: ... chier=5777