Je vous explique mon problème:
J'ai installé EECH sur mon ordinateur mais quand je passe au jeu, j'ai un crash.
De plus quand à la selection de l'hélicoptère, aucun objet 3D apparait.
J'ai déja essayé avec la configuration du Catalyst Control Center, avec et sans, mais rien de se passe.
Quand je réussis à jouer, je n'ai aucun affichage 3D et au changement de caméra, plantage.
Ma configuration est la suivante:
- Carte mère MSI K9A2 CF-F v1
- Chipset AMD 790X
- Processeur AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ 3,2 Ghz
- Carte graphique PCI-Express ATi Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512 Mo 256bit edition
- Mémoire 8 Go ( 4x2 Go ) DDR2-800 Non-ECC EXCELLIUM avec refroidissement
- Carte son Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SE
- Microsoft Windows Vista Edition Intégrale 64bit version avec Service Pack 1
- DirectX 10.1
Par contre ce jeu fonctionne impeccablement bien avec:
- Carte mère ASUSTek A7V600-X
- Chipset VIA KT600
- Processeur AMD Duron 1800+ 1,8 Ghz
- Carte graphique AGP ATi Radeon X850 XT 256 Mo
- Mémoire 512 Mo ( 2x 256 Mo ) DDR1-400 Non-ECC KINGSTON sans refroidissement
- Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel 32bit version avec Service Pack 3
- DirectX 9.0c
Je vais voir si le jeu sera fonctionnel avec Windows XP Professionnel 64bit edition avec DirectX 8.1 et DirectX 9.0c.
Je vous tiendrai au courant.
Merci de m'aider!
Bonne journée!

Essayé en normal ou avec la commande /32bit, aucun changement.
Je me suis permi de cacher l'identité de mon correspondant MSN sur le 2eme screen pour la protection de son identité.

Et le fichier "eech.ini":
" a écrit : [Commandline options]
# for more information see readme file in game directory
# for more information see ... e=Eech.ini
maxplayers=4 # maximum number of players in a multiplayer game (def = 4)
ipa= # IP address (TCP/IP address) to connect to. A host can leave out the value.
usemaster=0 # Report game to internet masterserver (0 = off/private game, 1 = on) (def = 0) (recommended = 1) # primary masterserver internet address (def = # secondary masterserver internet address (def =
ccrs=215040 # connection receive size, initial guess of campaign data size (def = 215040)
cdrs=215040 # data record size, similar to above (def = 215040)
cpbs=215040 # pack buffer size, similar to above (def = 215040)
cpds=512 # packet data size (def = 512)
cgs=0 # force the comms to use DirectPlay guaranteed send instead of its own (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
crls=1000 # packet history list size, increase if client keeps getting kicked out by server (default = 1000)
crl=10 # number of times a client can re-request the same packet, increase for poor connections (def = 10)
cpt=5 # time delay for comms to wait for a packet before re-requesting it (n = seconds) (def = 5)
crto=2 # time delay for comms to wait before assuming re-requested packets was lost (n = seconds) (def = 2)
mur=15 # max update framerate for a server (not available for client) (n = frames/second) (TCP/IP = 5, IPX = 15) (def = 5)
cig=1 # interpolate helicopter position for smoother visuals (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
cvc=1 # removes dead player husks when client crashes to validate connection (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
cptl=10 # packet throttle limit, governs the flow rate of packets (mainly for modems) (def = 10)
cto=15 # timeout time before removing dead player husks (def = 15)
eufr=2 # client server entity update framerate, number of iterations (def = 2)
css=0 # show comms stats (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
cist=500 # comms initial sleep time (def = 500)
servlog= # filename for server log
[Dedicated server]
# for more information see ... ted_server
dedicated=0 # dedicated server mode (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
pauseserv=0 # pause server if no clients connected (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
game_type=0 # available game types (1 = Freeflight, 2 = Campaign, 3 = Skirmish) (def = 0)
gunship_type=8 # available gunship types [NOTE!] dummy value (0 = Apache, 1 = Havoc, 2 = Comanche, 3 = Hokum) (def = 8)
path= # path to map/campaign/skirmish folder
[Graphics and Textures]
cbar=500 # distance that city blocks resolve (n = meters) (def = 500)
fs=1 # full screen mode (0 = window mode, 1 = full screen mode) (def = 1)
mfr=999 # maximum visual frame rate (n = frame rate) (def = 30)
32bit=1 # 32-bit rendering (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
nrt=0 # rendering to texture (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled) (def = 0) (disable in case of visual problems with MFDs or TADS)
notnl=0 # GeForce "TnL" support (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled) (def = 0)
3dreset=0 # reset screen resolution to 640x480 (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
dxtm=0 # DirectX texture management (should fix "unable to allocate hardware slot" error) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
cg=0 # (clean graphics) re-installs graphics files (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
palette=1 # use textures.pal (if videocard supports it) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1) (recommended = 0)
eofullrange=0 # eo ranges near to max fog distance (and objects are drawn up to it) 1=yes 0=no
render-tree-shadows=1 # 1=yes 0=no
high_lod_hack=0 # [EXPERIMENTAL!] Enables highest level-of-detail models at far distances. Nice for higher FOVs, bad for FPS (esp. near cities)
dwash=0 # rotor downwash (dust) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
restricted_nvg_fov=1 # night vision restriction (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
russian_nvg_no_ir=0 # russian night vision has no FLIR (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
colourmfd=1 # MFDs will use colour when available (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
highreshud=1 # high resolution HUD (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
tsdrender=0 # TSD render options (0 - 4) (def = 0 (contours only))
tsdpalette=0 # TSD palette options (0 - 2) (def = 0)
tsdenemy=0 # TSD showing red force blue force colours (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
tsddetail=0 # TSD in high detail (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
texture_colour=1 # Use texture colours directly. [WARNING!] Use only with correct texture packs. (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
texture_filtering=1 # [EXPERIMENTAL!] texture blending (reacts to anisotropic filter setting) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
mipmapping=1 # mipmapped textures (dds files). [WARNING!] Use only with correct texture packs. (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
dynamic_water=1 # dynamic water textures (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
night_light=1.0 # night light darkness level (0.0 - 1.0) (0.0 = fully dark, 1.0 = less dark) (def = 1.0)
persistent_smoke=1 # Burning targets emitting smoke for a long time. [Warning!] CPU intensive. (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
themes= #comma-separated list of directories for alternate psd files
[Views and Cameras]
# minfov is linked to key 7, maxfov is linked to key 9, normal fov is linked to key 8, normal fov = 60
minfov=20 # general field of view minimum
maxfov0=80 # general field of view maximum
g-force_head_movement=0.0 # amount of head movement caused by gravitational force (wideview only) (n = Gs, 1.0 = normal, 0.0 = off) (default = 0.0)
comanche_pilot=0.000,0.105,0.180,0.000 # wideview pilot position
comanche_co-pilot=0.000,0.105,0.180,0.000 # wideview co-pilot position
hokum_pilot=0.000,0.000,0.200,0.000 # wideview pilot position
hokum_co-pilot=0.000,0.000,0.200,0.000 # wideview co-pilot position
apache_pilot=0.000,0.050,0.200,-7.000 # wideview pilot position
apache_copilot=0.000,0.000,0.000,-10.000 # wideview pilot position
havoc_pilot=0.000,0.050,0.200,-5.000 # wideview pilot position
hud_code=0,0,10,0,0,10,0,0,10,0,0,10 #hud code for 4 gunships
wobbly-camera=1 # Make external cameras move wobbly and smoother (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
advancedfm=0 # different flight model Makes sideways flight easier, but not realistic (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
enginerealism=1 # realistic engine workload simulation model (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
enginestartup=0 # manual engine start up, off by default (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
drbs=1.0 # retreating blade stall, floating point scaling factor for RBS effect (default = 1.0)
drv=1.0 # rudder value, scaling factor for drag on tail rotation (default = 1.0)
dra=0.8 # rudder acceleration, scaling factor for tail rotation acceleration (default = 0.8)
drd=1.0 # main rotor drag, scaling factor for drag caused by main rotor (default = 1.0)
dmrl=1.0 # main rotor lift, scaling factor for lift of main rotor (default = 1.0)
dtrd=1.0 # tail rotor drag, scaling factor for drag caused by tail in forward flight (default = 1.0)
dzd=0.0 # cyclic deadzone (n = 40909348eadzone, 0.0 = no deadzone) (default = 0.0)
dyal=5.0 # yaw altitude loss (default = 5.0)
debug_show_force_vectors=0 # show force vectors on own helicopter for debuging purposes
# for more information see
wut=gwut190 # Weapons and Unit Tweaking file (n = filename)
chaff=1.0 # effectiveness of chaff (0.0 - 1.0) (0.0 = ineffective, 1.0 = fully effective) (def = 1.0)
flare=1.0 # effectiveness of flares (0.0 - 1.0) (0.0 = ineffective, 1.0 = fully effective) (def = 1.0)
smoke=1.0 # effectiveness of smoke (0.0 - 1.0) (0.0 = ineffective, 1.0 = fully effective) (def = 1.0)
fog=14400 # sets reshroud time for "fog of war" (n = seconds) (def = 14400 (4 hours))
cpac=1 # Capture and utilize aircraft landed at captured bases (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
uit=5.0 # User invulnerable time at mission start (n = seconds) (def = 5.0)
faa=1 # fly any aircraft (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
radarinf=1 # infantry invisible and undetectable by radar (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
grstab=1 # ground stabilisation of FLIR (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
manual_laser/radar=0 # operate radar and laser manually (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
targeting_system_auto_page= 1 # autoswitch MFD to according targeting system (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
camcom=0 # Campaign Commander (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
campaign_map_mode=1 # campaign map resolution (1 = default resolution, 2 = high resolution) (def = 1)
campaign_map_palette=1 # campaign map palette (1 = default shades, 2 = like paper map
map_update_interval=120 # enemy units update rate (n = seconds) (def = 120)
destgt=0 # designated target list (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
cannontrack=1 # cannon tracking boresight (0 = no tracking, 1 = track if no acquire, 2 = always track IHADSS/HIDSS/HMS) (def = 1)
unpadlock_on_handover=0 # unpadlock on handover from HMS to TADS = 0 (off)
pilot_as_periscope_default=0 # stay in pilot seat when switching to periscope = 0 (off)
TSD_mouse_control=1 # allows mouse control of TSD (Apache only) for selecting targets and creating PFZs
co_pilot_reports_targets=1 # Co-pilot will report targets he finds, and add them to TSD
[Joysticks and TrackIR]
eopann=-1 # joystick number for EO-camera panning
eopanv=0 # joystick DirectX axis for vertical EO-camera panning
eopanh=0 # joystick DirectX axis for horizontal EO-camera panning
eozoomn=-1 # joystick number for EO-camera zooming
eozoomax=0 # joystick DirectX axis for EO-camera zooming
field_of_viewn=-1 # joystick number for field of view (zoom) of main view
field_of_viewax=5 # joystick DirectX axis for field of view (zoom) of main view
cyclicn=-1 # Joystick number for cyclic
cyclich=0 # Joystick DirectX axis for cyclic horizontal
cyclicv=0 # Joystick DirectX axis for cyclic vertical
collectiven=-1 # Joystick no. for the collective
collectiveax=0 # Joystick DirectX acis for the collective
ruddern=-1 # Joystick no. for the rudder
rudderax=0 # Joystick DirectX axis for the rudder
joylookn=-1 # joystick no. used for joystick look
joylookh=0 # joystick DirectX axis used for horizontal joystick look
joylookv=0 # joystick DirectX axis used for vertical joystick look
joylookst=30 # joystick look step (1 = min, 100 = max) (def = 30)
nonlinear-cyclic=1 # use non-linear control for cyclic (less sensitive around center) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
nonlinear-pedals=1 # use non-linear control for pedals (less sensitive around center) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
nonlinear-collective-zone1=0.30 # non-linear control value for throttle (n = % throttle position joystick to represents 60% collective) (10= 0.1) (0.0 = off (linear control), 1.0 = max) (def = 0.3)
nonlinear-collective-zone2=0.70 # non-linear control value for throttle (n = % throttle position joystick to represents 100% collective) (10= 0.1) (0.0 = off (linear control), 1.2 = max) (def = 0.7)
reverse_pedal=0 # reversed pedal input (0 = off/blue force/USA, 1 = on/red force/Russia) (def = 0)
msl=0 # activates mouselook (and TrackIR when present) (0 = off, 1 = internal, 2 = external, 3 = both) (def = 0)
msls=15 # mouselook speed (when msl=1) (n > 0) (def = 15), POV speed (when msl=0) (n > 0, max = 20) (def = 13)
TIR_6DOF=0 # 6 DoF support for TrackIR (Hokum and Comanche only) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
external_trackir=0 # (only when msl=1) external cameras controlled by TrackIR (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
external_trackir_dir=0 # (only when external_trackir=1) invert external cameras view direction (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
filter=1 # session filtering (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 1)
autosave=0 # autosave (n = minutes, 0 = off) (def = 0)
dfr=0 # display framerate (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = log to file "framerate.txt") (def = 0)
goto=0 # "GOTO" (teleport) functionality on campaign map (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
vfm=0 # vector flight model (activates viewer or "UFO" flight mode) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
psr=1 # player start rank for new pilots (1 - 5) (def = 1)
ns=0 # bypass soundcard (useful for tracking hardware conflicts) (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
hdwrbuf=0 # hardware buffers to use for sound (0 = software only, n = number of hard buffers) (def = 0)
mta=4 # maximum time acceleration (n = time multiplier) (default = 4)
nomcm=0 # no mission complete music (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
MEMEXPORT=0 # export cockpit information to a shared memory area (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
export_mfd=0 # enables MFD export on multimon systems (0 = off, 1 = on) (def = 0)
export_mfd_adapter=0 # graphic adapter for MFD export screen (0 = first, 1 = second, ...) (def = 0)
export_mfd_screen_width=640 # resolution of export screen (n = pixels horizontally) (def = 640)
export_mfd_screen_height=400 # resolution of export screen (n = pixels vertically) (def = 400)
export_mfd_left_pos=0,0,256,256 # left MFD position (def = 0,0,256,256)
export_mfd_right_pos=384,0,640,256 # right MFD position (def = 384,0,640,256)
export_mfd_single_pos=0,0,256,256 # single MFD position (Havoc, Hind and Black Shark only) (def = 0,0,256,256)
[end of file]
Même problème sur Windows XP 64bit
Carte graphique trop récente?
Je vais essayer avec des drivers OMEGA
Les drivers OMEGA sont imcompatibles Windows avec noyau 64bit
Solution restante: une seconde carte graphique en PCI classique?
Test avec les pilotes anciens ( Catalyst 7.12 )
Résultat: Idem qu'avec les nouveaux pilotes ( Catalyst 8.5 )
Quels solutions restantes?
Aprés echec de toutes solutions apparentes software avec la version Xplosiv, je pars chercher une autre version du jeu.
Peut-être que celle-ci ira mieux.
Toujours le même problème...
Configuration de eech.ini en activant tout les options graphiques au maximum et a l'optimisation 3D
Installation des Catalyst 7.6 (ma carte n'est pas fait pour, elle a été reconnue comme une ATi Radeon HD 2900 XT car pas de pilotes prévu pour les autres series)