Doc acronymes/sigles/abréviations

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1794
Inscription : 27 décembre 2006


Message par Buck-Danny »

Dans ce cas la rajouter "slew" egalement :)
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Inscription : 28 janvier 2005


Message par eutoposWildcat »

Non, ce ne sont ni des abréviations, ni des acronymes, ni des sigles, donc pas le sujet de la doc. ;)

EDIT: version 1.2 disponible: ont été ajoutés les sigles VRP, VIP, OA, PUP, SPI, TGP, FOV, OSB, STP, TGT, TOT, VHF et UHF.

Pour ce qui est du vocabulaire lié à l'avionique du Hornet, j'ai décidé d'attendre, pour l'instant cette doc reste d'abord faite pour Falcon. :cowboy:
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1242
Inscription : 27 juin 2005


Message par T-REX FFW04 »

Allez en vrac (j'ai mis beaucoup de chose que j'ai pompées dans un manuel sur le F-18, il y a donc des doublons par rapport à ce qui est déjà dans la doc, je te laisse faire le tri...) :

A/A – Air-to-Air
AAA - Antiaircraft Artillery.
AACQ – Automatic Acquisition. Mode of Air-to-Air radar.
AAW - Antiair Warfare.
ABCCC - Airborne Battlefield Command and Control
ACE - Airborne Combat Element (Marine Corps term).
ACM - Air Combat Maneuvering, The process of
positioning an attacking aircraft to employ weapons
against a target aircraft.
ACT - Air Combat Tactics, Tactical gameplans to achieve
desired Air-to-Air objectives.
ADIZ - Air Defense Identification Zone.
A/G – Air-to-Ground.
AGL - Above Ground Level.
AGM - Air-to-Ground Missile.
AI - Air Interdiction/Air Intercept.
AOA – Angle Of Attack, The angle between the mean
chord line of a wing and the relative wind.
AOT- Angle Off Tail, The angle formed between the
longitudinal axes of two aircraft. The angle is measured
from defender's 6 o'clock. Also called track crossing
angle (TCA).
AOB - Air Order of Battle.
ARM - Antiradiation Missile.
ASM - Air-to-Surface Missile.
ASUW - Antisurface Warfare.
ASW - Antisubmarine Warfare.
ATO - Air Tasking Order, or Fragmentary Order (FRAG).
Daily schedule of air support sorties, includes all pertinent
information to perform mission.
AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System.
BAI - Battle Area Interdiction.
GCE – Ground Combat Element (Marine Corps term).
BDA - Bomb Damage Assessment. Brief description of
weapon effectiveness on target.
BFM - Basic Fighter Maneuvers – Series of aerial
maneuvers in order to achieve a weapons firing position
on another aircraft.
BRAT – Report stating; Bearing, Range, Altitude, and
Target aspect of target
BS – Boresight. ACM mode of Air-to-Air radar.
BVR - Beyond Visual Range.
CAG - Carrier Air Group.
CAP - Combat Air Patrol – Fighter mission to destroy
enemy aircraft along a specified route or from a specific
geographic point.
CAS - Close Air Support.
CBU - Cluster Bomb Unit.
C2 - Command and Control.
C3 - Command, Control, and Communications.
CCIP – Constantly Computed Impact Point.
CL Max - Coefficient of Lift, Maximum - The angle of attack
at which the most lift is created, the maximum turn rate
and maximum G loading also occur at this AOA.
CSAR - Combat Search and Rescue.
DCA - Defensive counter air.
DDI – Digital Display Indicators.
DLZ - Dynamic launch zone.
ECCM - Electronic counter-countermeasures.
ECM – Electronic Counter Measures, Actions taken to
prevent or reduce the effective use of the electromagnetic
spectrum by the enemy force.
EMCON - Emission control.
EO - Electro-optical.
EOB - Electronic Order of Battle.
ETA - Estimated Time of arrival.
EW - Electronic Warfare.
FAC - Forward Air Controller.
FAC(A) - Forward Air Controller (Airborne).
FCS – Flight Control System.
FEBA - Forward Edge of the Battle Area.
FLIR - Forward-looking infrared.
FLOT - Forward Line Of Troops.
Frag - Fragmentary Order (ATO).
FSCL - Fire Support Coordination Line.
GBU - Guided Bomb Unit.
GCI - Ground Controlled Intercept.
GOB - Ground Order of Battle.
GPS - Global positioning system.
HARM - High Speed Anti radiation Missile, AGM 88.
HSD – Horizontal Situation Display.
HUD – Heads Up Display.
IADS - Integrated Air Defense System.
IFF - Identification Friend or Foe.
ILS – Instrument Landing System.
IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions.
IR - Infrared.
IRCM - Infrared countermeasures.
JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander.
JFC - Joint Force Commander.
LOS – Line Of Sight - A direct line from the pilot's eye to
an object.
LGB - Laser-Guided Bomb.
MIG - Fighter aircraft designed and produced by the
Mikoyan Gurevich Aircraft Bureau of the USSR.
M/M – Master Mode.
MSL - Mean Sea Level.
NOB - Naval Order of Battle.
NORDO - No radio.
OCA - Offensive counter air.
Pk - Probability of kill.
Ps - Specific excess power.
RADAR – Radio Detection And Ranging.
RECCE - Reconnaissance.
Rmax - Maximum weapons range.
Rmin - Minimum weapons range.
ROE - Rules of Engagement.
RWR - Radar Warning Receiver.
SA - Situational Awareness.
SAM - Surface-to-Air Missile.
SEAD - Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses.
SHRIKE - AGM-45 antiradiation missile.
TACAN – Tactical Aircraft Navigation.
TACC – Tactical Air Control Center.
TACP - Tactical Air Control Party.
TACS - Tactical Air Control System.
TDC – Target Designator Control.
TOF - Time Of Flight; The time from weapon release to
weapon impact.
TOT - Time On Target.
TTA – Time Till Active. Time till missile seeker goes
TCA - Track Crossing Angle, See AOT.
Vc – Velocity closing; Closure between fighter and target
expressed in knots.
VACQ – Vertical Acquisition Mode.
VV - Velocity Vector, Depiction of where the aircraft is
actually going .
VID - Visual identification.
VMC - Visual Meteorological Conditions.
UFC – Up Front Control.
WACQ – Wide Acquisition Mode
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Inscription : 28 janvier 2005


Message par eutoposWildcat »

Merci beaucoup pour le coup de main, T-Rex! :cowboy:

J'ai choisi pour le moment de ne pas utiliser le vocabulaire spécifique aux Hornet, et il y avait pas mal d'acronymes que j'avais déjà rentrés dans la doc, mais ça m'a permis d'en ajouter encore pas mal qui seront vraiment utiles.

Dans le coup, je crois qu'on commence à avoir une doc vraiment complète. :cowboy:
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1242
Inscription : 27 juin 2005


Message par T-REX FFW04 »

Bon, ben, il ne te reste plus qu'à faire la même chose avec les brevity... :hum:
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Messages : 16213
Inscription : 28 janvier 2005


Message par eutoposWildcat »

Boh, ça, ce serait beaucoup plus simple. Il existe tellement de docs recensant les Brevity Words sur le net qu'il n'y aurait guère qu'à les élaguer des inutiles pour notre activité. Bon, pour l'instant je dois t'avouer que ça n'est guère prioritaire. :happy:

Je vais d'abord tâcher d'établir des docs correctes pour le combat BVR, parce que sur ce point l'EDC n'a pour le moment pratiquement rien à offrir.
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1242
Inscription : 27 juin 2005


Message par T-REX FFW04 »

Voici la liste officielle des abré de la Navy, peut-être y troiveras-tu encore des trucs à rajouter à la tienne :

ABI. Aviation billet indicator.
ACFT CMDR. Aircraft commander.
ACIP. Aviation career incentive pay.
ACM. Air combat maneuvers.
ACP. Allied communication publication.
ACT. Aircraft commander time.
ADIZ. Air defense identification zone.
ADMAT. Administrative material inspection.
AEW. Airborne early warning.
AFCS. Automatic flight control system.
A/G. Miscellaneous ship.
AI. Air intelligence; Air intercept.
AGL. Above ground level.
AIA. Aircraft inspection and acceptance.
AIM. Aeronautical Information Manual.
AIS. Aeronautical Information System.
ALS. Approach lighting system.
ALSS. Aviation life support system.
ALTRV. Altitude reservation.
AMCM. Airborne mine countermeasures.
AMDD. Aeromedical Dual Designator.
AME. Aviation medical examiner.
AMO. Aviation medical officer.
AMSO. Aeromedical Safety Officer.
AOA. Angle of attack.
AOR. Area of responsibility.
AP. Area planning.
ARCP. Air refueling control point(s).
ARTCC. Air route traffic control center.
ASAC. Antisubmarine air controller.
ASED. Aviation service entry date.
ASEP. Aircrew survivability enhancement program.
ASI. Aviation status indicator.
ASTC. Aviation Survival Training Center.
ASW. Antisubmarine warfare.
ATC. Air traffic control.
ATCAA. Air traffic control assigned airspace.
ATCF. Air Traffic Control Facility.
ATP. Allied tactical publication.
AVOPS. Aviation Operations Officer.

BRAC. Base realignment and closure.
BUMED. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
BuNo. Bureau number.
BVA. Best visual acuity.

CAD. Collective address designator.
CANDE. Computer-aided NAVFLIRS data entry.
CAP. Combat air patrol.
CASREP. Casualty report.
CBR. Chemical, biological, and radiological.
CBRND. Chemical, biological, radiological, or
nuclear defense.
CCA. Carrier-controlled approach.
CDC. Combat Direction Center.
CG FOURTH MAW. Commanding General, 4th
Marine Air Wing.
CEFIP. Career Enlisted Flyer Incentive Pay.
COMUSNAVEUR. Commander, U.S. Naval
Forces Europe.
COMUSNAVCENT. Commander, U.S. Naval
Forces Central.
COMUSNAVSO. Commander, U.S. Naval Forces
CMC. Commandant of the Marine Corps.
CNATRA. Chief of Naval Air Training.
CNI. Communication, navigation, identification.
CNO. Chief of Naval Operations.
CO. Commanding Officer.
COD. Carrier on-board delivery.
COMCABEAST. Commander, Marine Corps Air
Bases, Eastern Area.
COMCABWEST. Commander, Marine Corps Air
Bases, Western Area.
COMFAIR. Commander, Fleet Air.
COMMARFORs. Commading Generals, Fleet
Marine Force.
COMMARFORLANT. Commander, U.S. Marine
Forces, Atlantic.
COMMARFORPAC. Commander, U.S. Marine
Forces, Pacific.
COMNAVAIRES. Commander, Naval Air Force
COMNAVAIRFOR. Commander, Naval Air Forces.
COMNAVAIRLANT. Commander, Naval Air Force,
U.S. Atlantic Fleet.
COMNAVAIRPAC. Commander, Naval Air Force,
U.S. Pacific Fleet.
COMNAVAIRSYSCOM. Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command.
Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division.
COMNAVEDTRACOM. Commander, Naval
Education and Training Command.
COMNAVRESFOR. Commander, Naval Reserve
COMNAVSAFECEN. Commander, Naval Safety
COMSEVENFLT. Commander Seventh Fleet.
COMSIXTHFLT. Commander Sixth Fleet.
CONUS. Continental United States.
CORTRAMID. Coordinated training of midshipmen.
CPT. Copilot time.
CRM. Crew Resource Management.
CTF. Commander Task Force.
CVW. Carrier air wing.

DCF. Document control form.
DCMC. Defense Contract Management Command.
DEWIZ. Defense early warning identification zone.
DH. Decision height.
DIFCREW. Duty involving flying, crewman.
DIFDEN. Duty in a flying status not involving flying.
DIFOPS. Duty in a flying status involving operational
or training flights.
DIFTECH. Duty involved flying as a technical
DIFTEM. Personnel under training to become
DM. Defensive Maneuvering.
DME. Distances measuring equipment.
DNEC. Distributive naval enlisted classification.
DOD. Department of Defense.
DP. Departure procedure.
DPRO. Digital projection readout.
DSF. Data service facility.
DSN. Defense switched network.
DUAT. Direct user access terminal.

ECM. Electronic countermeasures.
ER. External pilot (UAV).
ETA. Estimated time of arrival.
ETD. Estimated time of departure.
ETE. Estimated time en route.

F/W. Fixed wing.
FAA. Federal Aviation Administration.
FACSFAC. Fleet area control and surveillance facility.
FAILSAFE. Fleet air introduction/liaison of survival
aircrew flight equipment.
FAR. Federal Aviation Regulation.
FCF. Functional checkflight.
FCLP. Field carrier landing practice.
FDLP. Field deck landing practice.
FFPB. Field Flight Performance Board.
FL. Flight level.
FLIP. Flight information publication.
FLIR. Forward looking infrared.
FLP. Field landing pattern.
FMF. Fleet Marine Force.
FMS. Foreign military sales.
FNAEB. Field Naval Aviator Evaluation Board.
FOD. Foreign object damage.
FPC. Flight purpose code.
FPT. First pilot time.
FRS. Fleet Replacement squadron.
FS. Flight surgeon.
FSS. Flight service station.
FSSB. Flight Status Selection Board.
FXP. Fleet exercise publication.
FYTD. Fiscal year to date.

GCI. Ground-controlled intercept.
GLOC. G-loss of consciousness.
GPC. General purpose code.
GPS. Global positioning system.
GSA. General Services Administration.

HAP. High-altitude parachute.
HAT. Height above touchdown.
HDIP. Hazardous duty incentive pay.
HEED. Helicopter emergency egress device.
HF. High frequency.
HOI. Handbook of overhaul instructions.
HWD. Horizontal weather depiction.

ICAO. International Civil Aviation Organization.
ICS. Intercommunication system.
IFARS. Individual flight activity reporting system.
IFF. Identification friend or foe.
IFR. Instrument flight rules.
ILS. Instrument landing system.
IMC. Instrument meteorological conditions.
IMR. Individual master roster.
IR. Internal pilot (UJAV).
IR. Infrared; IFR Military Training Route.
IRS. Intelligence report; Independent research.
IT. Instructor time.

JAGMAN. Manual for Judge Advocate General.
JANAP. Joint Army, Navy, Air Force publication.
JQR. Job qualification requirements.

KIAS. Knots indicated airspeed.

LANT/PAC/MED/TRAMID. Atlantic/Pacific/
Mediterranean/Naval reserve officers training corps
LEO. Law enforcement official.
LEP. Laser eye protection.
LIMDU. Limited duty.
LOA. Letter of agreement.
LOG. Log video.
LOS. Line of sight; Launch on search.
LPC. Low pressure chamber.
LPU. Life preserver unit.
LSO. Landing signal officer.

MAG. Marine aircraft group.
MAP. Military assistance program.
MARSA. Military assumes responsibility for
separation of aircraft.
MAW. Marine Air Wing.
MCAS. Marine Corps Air Station.
MCO. Marine Corps Order.
MCT. Mission commander time.
MDA. Minimum descent altitude.
MDS. Maintenance data system.
MEDEVAC. Medical emergency evacuation.
METS. Modular Egress Training System.
MIFAR. Monthly individual flight activity report.
MIM. Maintenance instruction manual.
MITO. Minimum interval takeoff.
MMU. Model Manager Unit.
MOA. Military operating areas.
MOP. Month(s) operations flying.
MOS. Military occupational specialty.
MRU. Military radar unit.
MSL. Mean sea level.
MSN. Mission.
MSN CDR. Mission Commander.
MTR. Military training route.
MWA. Military weather advisory.

NAC. Naval aircrewnman.
NALCOMIS. Naval Aviation Logistics Command
Management Information Systems.
NALIS. Navy logistics information system.
NAMT. Naval air maintenance trainer.
NAS. Naval air station.
NASA. National Aeronautics and Space
NASTP. Naval Aviation Survival Training Program.
NATEC. Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering
Service Command.
NATIP. Naval Aviation Technical Information Product.
NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NATOPS. Naval air training and operating procedures
NAVAID. Navigation aid.
NAVAVNDEPOTs. Naval air depots.
NAVAVSCOLSCOM. Naval Aviation Schools
NAVFIG. Naval Flight Information Group.
NAVMETOCCOM. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography
NAVOPMEDINST. Naval Operational Medicine
NAVPERSCOM. Navy Personnel Command.
NAVREP. Navy representative.
NCOIC. Noncommissioned officer in charge.
NCR. No carbon required.
NEC. Naval enlisted classification.
NFM. NATOPS flight manual.
NFO. Naval flight officer.
NIMA. National Imagery and Mapping Agency.
NITE. Night imaging and threat evaluation.
NJROTC. Naval Reserve Junior Officer Training
nm. Nautical mile.
NMCS. Not mission capable-supply.
NMCM. Not mission capable-maintenance.
NOE. Nap of the Earth.
NOS. National Oceanographic Service.
NOTAM(s). Notice(s) to airmen.
NPQ. Not physically qualified.
NROTC. Naval reserve officer training corps.
NSTI. Naval Survival Training Institute.
NTTP. Naval Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
NVD. Night vision device.
NWP. Naval warfare publication.

OAT. Outside air temperature.
ODCR. Officer data control report.
OFT. Operational flight trainer.
OIC. Officer in charge.
OMA. Operational Maintenance Activity.
OMB. Office of Management and Budget.
OOCF. Out-of-control flight.
OPAREA. Operating area.
ORE. Operational readiness evaluation.
ORG. Originator.
ORI. Operational readiness inspection.
ORM. Operational risk management.
OT&E. Operational test and evaluation.

PALS. Precision approach and landing system.
PAR. Precision Approach Radar.
PCS. Permanent change of station.
PEP. Personnel exchange program.
PHIBRON. Amphibious Squadron.
PIC. Pilot in command.
PO. Payload operator (UAV).
POC. Point of contact.
PQM. Pilot qualified in model.
PQS. Personnel qualification standard.
PR. Parachute rigger.
PROTRAMID. Professional training of midshipmen.

QAC. Quick attachable chest.

RAC. Replacement aircrew.
RDD. Required delivery date.
RDO. Runway Duty Officer.
RDT&E. Research, development, test, and evaluation.
ROTC. Reserve Officer Training Corps.
RSSMM. Rescue swimmer school model manager.
RSSTP. Rescue swimmer school training program.
RTO. Range training officer.
RUC. Reporting unit code.
RVR. Runway visual range.

SAD. Senior air director.
SAR. Search and rescue.
SARMM. Search and rescue model manager.
SCATANA. Security control of air traffic and air
navigation aids.
SCT. Special crew time.
SELRES/SMCR. Selected reserve.
SERE. Survival, evasion, resistance to interrogation
and escape.
SFA. Single frequency approach.
SIF. Selective identification feature.
SOP. Standard operating procedure.
SPC. Specific purpose code.
STANAG. Standardization agreement.
STOL. Short takeoff and landing.
SUA. Special use airspace.

T&R. Training and readiness.
TACTS. Tactical aircrew combat training system.
TAD. Temporary additional duty.
TAR/FTS. Tactical air request.
TBA. To be assigned.
TCAS. Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System.
TDIP. Technical data indoctrination package.
TERPS. Terminal instrument procedures.
TMR. Total mission requirements.
T/M/S. Type/model/series.
TO. Table of organization.
TRAMID. Training for U.S. Naval Academy/Naval
reserve officers training corps midshipmen.
TR. Training rules.
TYCOM. Type Commander.

UAV. Unmanned aerial vehicle.
UCR. Urgent change recommendation.
UHF. Ultrahigh frequency.
UIC. Unit identification code.
UT. Underway trial.
UTC. Coordinated Universal Time.

VFR. Visual flight rules.
VHF. Very high frequency.
VIP. Very important person.
VMC. Visual meteorological conditions.
VOD. Vertical on-board delivery.
VOR. VHF Omni-Directional Range.
VR. VFR Military Training Route.
V/STOL. Vertical/short takeoff and landing.
VTOL. Vertical takeoff and landing.

WST. Weapon system trainer.
WW. Weather watch.
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 527
Inscription : 04 mars 2006


Message par Frog »

Wouawww T-Rex, t'as pas mal aux doigts????? :exit:

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1242
Inscription : 27 juin 2005


Message par T-REX FFW04 »

elmachin a écrit :Wouawww T-Rex, t'as pas mal aux doigts????? :exit:
Clt-C Clt-V, c'est pas beaucoup d'efforts tu sais ! Image
Good girls play dress up. Bad girls play Rock'n Roll.
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Topic author
Messages : 16213
Inscription : 28 janvier 2005


Message par eutoposWildcat »

Moi par contre, je dois redécaler le sommaire de la doc à chaque fois, ce type va me tuer! :tongue:

Plus sérieusement, merci beaucoup, je vais regarder ça avec attention. :cowboy:
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1242
Inscription : 27 juin 2005


Message par T-REX FFW04 »

eutoposWildcat a écrit :ce type va me tuer! :tongue:
Good girls play dress up. Bad girls play Rock'n Roll.
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
Messages : 527
Inscription : 04 mars 2006


Message par Frog »


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