FalconLog...INSTALL + PB

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FalconLog...INSTALL + PB


Message par Jallie »


-1) Où télécharger les fichiers pour FalconLog
Là Framework1.1 et FalconLog 1.461
Sur LeadPursuit le LogbookReader
Là -->Logbook Reader de LP

-2) je ne vois pas mes heures de vol ?

-3) Comment retrouver mon User ID ?

pour ceux qui ont des pb de LogBook
L'install (par Stevie)
It seems that you did everything correct.

1. Download and install .net framework 1.1.
2. Place logbook.exe (from LP) in the battlefield/config/ directory. (you don't need to run it)
3. Unzip the Falconlog.exe and the english.flg to a folder. (for instance: c:\falconlog)
4. Run Falconlog.

I'm interested in the description of the error you are getting. I'm sure this is causing problems. (Also your callsign which you use in the logbook please)

Is it possible that you post that info here on the forum?. Just select the WHOLE text which you get when the box prompt comes with the Unhandled exception.

Changement de Callsign pilot

Le post de Stevie sur un new LogBook

Réponse de Stevie aux Dragons
I have removed the extra GD974's (:) )
I don't know whats wrong with WHITESHADOW changing his callsign. Some of you guys managed to do it, so he must be doing something wrong...

To change callsign in Falconlog:

- Change callsign in Falcon 4
- Start Falconlog
- Confirm new Callsign in the pulldown menu of pilots.
- Upload the (new) logbook by selecting the callsign.

I have added Mecawarrior to your squadron. I activated his account and emailed him the login details to the website to the e-mail address that he used to register to the website. Because this emailaddress is not verified i'm not sure if he got it.



si après ces check vous avez toujours des soucis de mise à jour de votre logbook en 8th_Pilot --> faites le moi savoir ;)

 VR et PIMAX  Crystal  

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