C'est désormais chose faites ...
Il s'agit en fait d'un template complet de la map Normandie avant le débarquement. Il a été construit par quelques personnes qui ont fait un boulot remarquable. Et voici leur première release :
TELECHARGEMENT ICIThis template is the result of weeks of hard and dedicated work by Team Normandie. Initally kicked off by lowfighter the project steamrolled into a massive undertaking by several highly talented and resourceful individuals. Their efforts brought this template to fruition.
On this map you will find:
1 fully populated Allied air base which represents the "British Isles".
2 harbors, one located on the "British Isles" and an Axis harbor at Le Harve.
7 fully populated Axis airbases.
The Atlanic Wall covering all of the D-Day Invasion beaches.
Various beach obstacles, trenches and strongpoints along the invasion beaches.
A second line of Axis defense located behind the invasion beaches including bridge defenses and road checkpoints.
4 towns representing Axis supply areas and marshalling yards.
Flora and Fauna abound in many of these areas giving a less sterile feeling to them.
This template contains no moving objects and so is suitable for use as a dogfight map.
Feel free to use or modify this template in any way. We only ask that you leave the credits line, located in the 'Full Description' section of the .properties file, so that the Team Normandies' members work can be recognized.
Super intéressant pour faire des missions pré-débarquement, débarquement et post-débarquement moyennant quelques modifs :?