J'ajouterais que faire des SKIN sous JF-18 demande beaucoup plus que de l'art.
Pour ce qui est de l'explication des fichiers PCX:
-Fuselage underside
-Bottom of lerx’s and fuselage up to nose gear doors
-The far left side is used for the TOP of the REAR fuselage
-The upper right, up to the first line is used for the radome
-The upper left is used for all the weapon pylons
-The area between the pylons and the fuselage doesn’t appear to be used
-The lower right corner is the dark area around the gun ports
-Inside of vertical stabs (Left and Right)
-Right "squiggly mess" is inner edges of rudders, left "mess" doesn’t appear to be used
-Outside of RIGHT vertical stab. You would of thought this would be the left stab...
F18efro.pcx Outside of LEFT vertical stab.
-Fuselage side (shared L and R)
-Intakes and arresting hook housing
-Nose up to radome
F18etfld.pcx Bottom of horizontal stabs (shared L and R)
F18etflr.pcx Top of horizontal stabs (shared L and R)
-Top of aft to mid fuselage
-Top of Lerx’s and canopy frame
-Far left side is actually used on the BOTTOM of the REAR fuselage
-Stripes at top left are the tail hook
-Wing underside (shared L and R)
-Top strip is for Sidewinder rails
-Left wing top
-Top strip is the inner edges of the wing controls
-Right wing top
-Top strip is for aerials.
F18enavy.pcx Word ’NAVY’
-US Star Logo
-Emb1 Tail art
-Lett1 Tail letters
-Lett2 Tail letters
-Numb1 Numbers used on the tails, wings and fuselage
C'est tiré du document FA18-Skin_design que tu peut te procurer sur le site de
Les termes (shared L and R) veut dire que tu auras l'effet mirroir des deux côté.
Bon courage!:sweatdrop