The only thing I'll say is that MP should be signficantly improved in 1.0.7.
On en attend pas moins mais c'est en tout cas une bonne nouvelle

The only thing I'll say is that MP should be signficantly improved in 1.0.7.
C3PO a écrit :Yes, 1.0.7 will address the MP issues of 1.0.6. There is a large amount of MP testing going on with some of the top MP AF users around. We're addressing Host Only issues, stability and the dogfight module. There might be one or two other little goodies in there too. Shouldn't be too long before it's released, but no date.
Ben pourquoi tu ne fais pas une double installation Electro en attendant le fix ??Electro a écrit :Amen !
(en attendant, le vol officiel de ce soir pour les bald eagles va m'obliger à désinstaller ma 1.06 pour rétrograder en 1.05... et me retrouver en format 3/4... ce qui est bien dur lorsqu'on s'est habitué à voir un peu plus de chaque côté).
..... a écrit :A brief update on the progress of our forthcoming update, 1.0.7. This primarily focuses on multi-player and in particular addresses a few issues affecting the server function and dogfight module. Testing multi-player is, by its very nature, most time consuming. But the team has made significant progress. We are keen to release 1.0.7 as quickly as practicable, although there is no date for delivery yet. But as an indication, it will be in a fraction of the timescale for the development of 1.0.6.
Bon, allez, je traduis pour les non anglophones
You're very welcome !alfa FFW04 a écrit :meme si (globalement) j'arrive à déchiffrer merci à toi car c'est trop souvent oublié ... quelquefois je me demande si je ne me suis pas trompé de forum(et encore je me debrouile si j'en fais l'effort)
Not only has the stability issue been fixed, but the positional update enhancements we wanted to include in 1.0.6, but couldn't, will be in 1.0.7. It will be an awesome patch for MP.Electro a écrit :That is a very very very good news C3PO for those (not everybody, probably a little more than 1/3 of mp players) that have issues of stability with the 1.06 patch. Thanx !
Not only has the stability issue been fixed, but the positional update enhancements we wanted to include in 1.0.6, but couldn't, will be in 1.0.7. It will be an awesome patch for MP.