preview des améliorations du patch 2.04

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preview des améliorations du patch 2.04


Message par pelican72 »

Salut la marmaille :cowboy:

Voici la liste, en anglais, de ce qui est prévus avec l'apport du patch 2.04 :

Problem Fixed for 2.04
1. BF110 engine performance problem.
2. After burner speed up problem for Bombers.
3. Landing gear down problem, on Low Level Attack Mission.
4. Player engine sound stopping
5. Fixed CTD on Campaign photo
6. Fighter bailout changes to increase bailouts. Note: BOB_FIGHTERFIX=ON in BDG.txt
7. AI smoothing and fixing strange/odd maneuvers. Added transition maneuver to SimpleACM and ManualACM processes.
8. BF110 engine going out of sync when going to Manual-AutoPilot-Manual.
9. Strengthened mid-air collision between player and AI A/C so it is much more difficult for the player to fly back to base.
10. Death Warp/Speed up fixed.
11. After player bail out, players A/C now heads to the ground rather that looking like it was on autopilot.
12. Prevented AI A/C from doing vertical maneuvers when energy level is low and the AI A/C cannot do the maneuver properly.
13. Add an option based on a random number for a fighter/Ju87 to blowup when it has significant engine damage (by user request to have A/C blow up sometimes). Note: BOB_FIGHTERFIX=ON in Bdg.txt.
14. The Ju87 was added to the fighters and with significant engine damage they will either blowup, crash, or bailout. The bailout will only occur if the A/C canopy has not been damaged. If the canopy is damaged the A/C will crash and you hear a Texas death yell. Note: BOB_FIGHTERFIX=ON in BDG.txt.
15. Changed the RAF player’s A/C to display MPH on the info line by user request.
16. Deleted Rolling fire ball effect from A/C explosions.
17. Fixed the Novice JU87 takeoff problem (crashed or tipped over)
18. Fixed Novice Wheel Rolling problem (except tail wheel)
19. Converted to MPH from Knots for imperial units in Spit and Hurri gauge
20. Fixed Airspeed Cal for both Spit and Hurri
21. Boost Gauge in both Hurri and Spit to work more correctly
22. Fixed a second CTD when using Photo in Campaign
23. Add RenderD3D9.cpp CTD prevention code.
24. Fixed CTD in JimCol.cpp that occurred mostly in Replay
25. Fixed the 1-on-1 “Engage” problem
26. Osram helped me fix a Fileman CTD (note may not be the last one)
27. Osram fixed the “lost device” CTD (I called the rerun CTD)
28. Fixed the jittery and un-natural movements for both the DISENGAGE and the SCREWYOUGUYSIAMGOINGHOME SimpleACM maneuvers.
29. Changes developed for the ACM file to permit easier landing for the 109 (not sure if included or used change required)

New Capabilites for 2.04. (A New feature for our Kids/Novice users is Novice AI, Novice Bullets, Novice AI Speed control, and Novice larger Targets which is used with Novice FM). These features are all individually selectable in the BDG.txt and should allow our kids/grandkids to better enjoy BobII at a Novice/Jr level.

Il y a aussi de nouvelles possibilités que l'on pourra soit même sélectionner, en rappotr avec le BDG texte :

1. New BDG.Txt Switch for Novice_Stronger_Bullits. The bullets are about 20% stronger for those who want to get on with it (like when I test) and so our Kids/Novice users can shoot down the AI easier and have more fun until seasoned.
2. New BDG.Txt for Collision_Avoidance. Added collision avoidance for player (only) to prevent most collisions with AI A/C. Very fast collisions (especially headon) may still occur as AI A/C may skid in making very quick maneuver and not get out of the way..
3. New BDG.Txt for Warp/Jump analysis/debug (Jump_Test_Tool_Percent_X)
4. New BDG.Txt for Novice_AI. This give the Kids/Novice user a less aggressive but hopefully challenging subset of the AI Maneuvres so our they can better enjoy BobII, it will be easier, and they can have more fun until seasoned.
5. New BDG.Txt for Maneuvre_Testing (Maneuvre_Testing). This will permit the coder to get data for debug analysis concerning AI and FM issues/problems..
6. New BDG.Txt for Novice_AI_Airspeed_Fraction. This will control the AI speed as a fraction of 100% (like set to .75 for a 25% speed reduction). You can then slow down the AI for our Kids/Novice users to better enjoy BOBII until seasoned.
7. New BDG.Txt for Novice_Target_Size. This increase the AI target size for the Kids/Novice users so they can get easier kills.
8. Surprise
9. Surprise
10. New Multi-Skin Capability (Osram and Bader’s words)
11. New selectable weather, water, and sky via the BDG.txt
12. Add a BDG.txt parameter (BF109_Slats_Open_Close_Sounds). It simulates the sound of the 109 slats opening and closing. Note: the default is OFF

Il y aura entre autre un manuel d'utilisation pour expliquer le fonctionnement des nouveaux réglages du patch.
Bien sûr, la liste n'est pas exhaustive encore. Sortie prévue courant juin 2006.

A bientôt et gare aux 109!:sweatdrop :cowboy:

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."
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Message par oli »

Merci Papa... :tongue:
Antec Nine Hundred II - Asus P6X58D-E / Intel X58 - Intel Core I7 950 3 GHz - 6 Go DDR3 1600 MHz Corsair - Windows Seven Professional 64 bits - NVidia Geforce 480 GTX 1,5 Go

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Message par STEFOSTEF »

Miam miam sinon question idiote c'est quoi

8. Surprise
9. Surprise
Asrock E3 890GX Phenom II X6 @4ghz avec Corsair H50 8go SSD OCZ agility2 HD6950@ 6970 Seven 64
Hulk of Dover Never before in the fields of human gaming has so much been promised by so few and not been delivered to so many.
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Message par pelican72 »

8 : Les textures de la tour de contrôle photoréaliste.o_O
9 : En plus des vaches et des moutons qu'on peut voir dans les champs, il y aura désormais des chêvres. Le réalisme et l'immersion ne seront que renforcée.:Jumpy:

P*tain il promet ce patch! :innocent:

Pélican 72
(:exit: )
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Nouvelle Recrue
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Inscription : 17 juin 2004


Message par minimo »

:cowboy: merci pour tes infos, j'avoue que j'utilise peu BOB, mais j'ai hâte de voir ces améliorations :yes:
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As du Manche
As du Manche
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Message par jeanba »

pelican72 a écrit :8 : Les textures de la tour de contrôle photoréaliste.o_O
9 : En plus des vaches et des moutons qu'on peut voir dans les champs, il y aura désormais des chêvres. Le réalisme et l'immersion ne seront que renforcée.:Jumpy:

P*tain il promet ce patch! :innocent:

Pélican 72
(:exit: )
Moi, je l'achèterai pas tant qu'on n'aura pas de yorkshire .
L'absence de yorkshire nuit complètement à l'immersion.

"Tu as peur, Boyington, tu refuses le combat" (Tomio Arachi).
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Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Message par Daffy »

jeanba a écrit :Moi, je l'achèterai pas tant qu'on n'aura pas de yorkshire .
L'absence de yorkshire nuit complètement à l'immersion.

C'est vrai que çà manque...


Par contre, pas facile de les voir d'en haut :tongue:

Nouvelle Recrue
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Message par DarkWolF »

il parlait peut etre de pouvoir embarquer un yorkshire dans le cockpit ;)
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Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Ouhaaa Daffy....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Excellente l'image!!!:Jumpy:

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
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Inscription : 02 novembre 2004


Message par Flyingkiller »

En effet, quel programme alléchant :Jumpy:
Je vais finir par vraiment me l'acheter si ça continue :sweatdrop
Merci à vous pour ce que vous m'avez appris ! :yes:

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