Patch AF 1.06 List...
Patch AF 1.06 List...
#1Updated stores for some squadrons in campaigns.
Some ROK infantry changed to correct unit type in Korean campaign.
EF/A-18G added to all 2010 campaigns.
Mission times tasked according to threat/range (fewer deep strikes in first hours of campaign that just abort).
Changing the takeoff waypoint time sometimes resulted in the flight not getting pilots assigned. Fixed for single and multiplayer.
In Tactical Engagement, naval units can now be set as victory conditions and in Campaign they can be a target now for self-created missions.
Saving a Tactical Engagement file now resets the "TE won" situation so new successive missions and victory conditions can be added as an ongoing "mini-campaign".
Prevent AWACS from setting up waypoints that lead them flying too close to the FLOT.
Fixed all 05/23 airbase tower voice calls to wrong runway.
Added many more "Vehicle position points" and "ship points" to airbases , ports , army-base, HARTs etc.
Fixed position of building at Wonsan airbase type.
Added R-77M and AGM-65E/K missile types.
Updated radar data for few aircraft and seekers (F/A-18, F-22, R-77).
Fixed missing bridge feature on one bridge objective type.
Lowered Kirov ship damage amounts.
Updated some 2D weapon ranges.
Vehicles (ground, aircraft and ships) will fire closer to real-life ranges in 2D now.
Adjusted weapons positioning on Tornado fuselage racks.
Added Brimstone and rack back to Typhoon in 2005 and 2010 theaters.
Fixed rocket pylons so they now show in loadout and in game under wings.
Changed CBU-97 hardpoint count to be the same as CBU-87. (Standard loadout 4xCBU and two fuel tanks).
Updated AWACS screen icon symbols for more objects to be shown.
Removed CAS roles from UH-60L.
Updated SA-3 so it will now fire more than one missile in the ai
General Gameplay:
Added the ability for emergency braking. In case the Hydraulic B system fails (flameout or damage), the pilot can still use his brakes for 15 seconds to stop the Jet on the runway.
If the plane has blown up with a comms window on the screen, ESC will still work to close the window so the simulation can be exited.
If Joystick button 0 or 1 is pushed, but no function is assigned to them, do not fire the gun/ pickle weapons.
Retain controllability of ACMI on/off even when shot down for documentation purposes. Now, ACMI is not turned off automatically when the plane gets destroyed.
Fixed bug where a newly created .key file could not be loaded properly without exiting and re-entering the sim.
Help with frame rates at airbases.
Elimination of general graphic jitter (eg when refuelling, taxiing or viewing from tower cam).
Reduced on-ground aircraft pitch during braking.
Complex aircraft code now supports models containing rotatable wheels and swing-wing DOF's.
In Dogfight mode
Fixed IR weapons losing lock on ground vehicles when being fired at distances greater 8nm and moving away from target, especially in Multiplayer.
Fuel dump is disabled for online dogfights.
When "No Player Voice" is turned on in the Sound Setup user interface, Flight comms of other human pilots, for example to AWACS, are still audible.
Master Arm switch now defaults to SAFE when a player enters an aircraft on the server (previously it would be SAFE on clients, and ARM on server).
Aircraft canopy open/close state now correctly shown in a multiplayer environment.
Make sure the location of the bullseye is the same for all connected sessions.
ACMI's now record and play back orientation of non-local missiles correctly.
Connection state fix.
Clients are now able to order flights to RTB.
Fixed several issues where deleting flights or a package through the ATO list was not correctly working in Multiplayer.
Packages containing a flight with a remote human player can not be deleted
Artificial Intelligence:
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused On-call CAS AI flights to attack targets before attempting to check in with FAC.
On-call CAS flights now request targets from the FAC after two minutes instead of four if unassigned.
Fixed TARCAP flights continuing to press on aircraft like An-124 even after it has been identified.
AI now able to use afterburner power for a short time after Rejoin command is received.
Mid-air refuelling rewritten. Tanker now maintains correct speed and altitude. Many changes to AI refuelling and multiplayer-specific code.
Avionics / Weapons:
Fixed HSD showing wingmen in Dogfight after they have been destroyed.
Fixed static ground vehicles not showing up in GM radar mode.
ALOW and MSLFloor warnings are now played whether the HUD is visible on screen or not.
Fixed TGP going into POINT lock immediately upon first designation.
Fixed Com1 and Com2 Volume knobs to work again.
Fixed TACAN station bearing indicator on HSI to not display bearing if the station can not be received.
Fixed PL-5E seeker range to be shorter.
Fixed bug where contacting an airbase other then the landing one was impossible in certain situations.
Various fixes/improvements to A-A Weapon handling:
Each Mastermode remembers which weapon type has been selected (AIM-9M/P etc) and will set the weapon again when the mode is reselected at a later point.
All A-A Radarmodes are available from all A-A Mastermodes. Dogfight Override mode, for example, can have RWS as selected radar mode, and Missile Override can use the ACM modes.
The Mastermodes will no longer have the radar turned on when selecting another weapon by either the Enter key or the OSB buttons. The radar only starts emitting when a mode is selected.
Fixed gun rounds counter sometimes showing zero when there were still bullets left.
Fixed bug where a target could not be locked to STT mode in TWS mode when the azimuth scan was set to something other then 60 degrees.
Fixed bug where stealthy vehicles like F-117A were not even lockable using IR sensors even at closest ranges.
Frame-rate improvement to HSD display.
Fix bug where designating/undesignating with the HSD as SOI and the cursor over a pre-planned threat did not toggle it's range-ring.
Fix the new CBU burst altitude value not being shown in the MFD when pressing the decrement burst altitude keystroke.
When changing target in simplified radar, set padlock target to the new target.
Fixed all 05/23 airbase tower voice calls to wrong runway.
Added many more "Vehicle position points" and "ship points" to airbases , ports , army-base, HARTs etc.
Fixed position of building at Wonsan airbase type.
Added R-77M and AGM-65E/K missile types.
Updated radar data for few aircraft and seekers (F/A-18, F-22, R-77).
Fixed missing bridge feature on one bridge objective type.
Lowered Kirov ship damage amounts.
Updated some 2D weapon ranges.
Vehicles (ground, aircraft and ships) will fire closer to real-life ranges in 2D now.
Adjusted weapons positioning on Tornado fuselage racks.
Added Brimstone and rack back to Typhoon in 2005 and 2010 theaters.
Fixed rocket pylons so they now show in loadout and in game under wings.
Changed CBU-97 hardpoint count to be the same as CBU-87. (Standard loadout 4xCBU and two fuel tanks).
Updated AWACS screen icon symbols for more objects to be shown.
Removed CAS roles from UH-60L.
Updated SA-3 so it will now fire more than one missile in the air per volley. Also adjustments to range being too short and loft angle too high .
Allow night missions for AH-1, C-130 and few other airlift aircraft.
Adjusted JSTAR patrol waypoints so they have approximately up to 50nm of ground coverage of enemy side.
Objective feature value lists prioritized better.
Removed FA-37 from TE list as it was a testbed only.
Lower large ammo dump damage value for high-explosive types so two 2000lb bombs can destroy it.
Campaign / Tactical Engagement:
Updated stores for some squadrons in campaigns.
Some ROK infantry changed to correct unit type in Korean campaign.
EF/A-18G added to all 2010 campaigns.
Mission times tasked according to threat/range (fewer deep strikes in first hours of campaign that just abort).
Changing the takeoff waypoint time sometimes resulted in the flight not getting pilots assigned. Fixed for single and multiplayer.
In Tactical Engagement, naval units can now be set as victory conditions and in Campaign they can be a target now for self-created missions.
Saving a Tactical Engagement file now resets the "TE won" situation so new successive missions and victory conditions can be added as an ongoing "mini-campaign".
Prevent AWACS from setting up waypoints that lead them flying too close to the FLOT.
Fixed RWR position in all three 2D 1600x1200 resolution cockpits in wide-view, one click down.
Speed up of drawing 2D cockpit views without visable outside view.
Improved instruments in padlock situational awareness bar.
Adjusted RWR position in all 3D cockpit views.
Support for all available resolutions and aspects greater than 800x600. Since 2D cockpit is of 4:3 aspect ratio, on wide screens there will be black bars on the sides. All pure 3D views and outside views are full screen.
Fixed fontsize of HUD and DED data in wideview in 1024x768 res 2D cockpit of the MLU.
Increased down-tilt limit in 3D cockpit so we can see the whole MFD when looking closer.
General Gameplay:
Added the ability for emergency braking. In case the Hydraulic B system fails (flameout or damage), the pilot can still use his brakes for 15 seconds to stop the Jet on the runway.
If the plane has blown up with a comms window on the screen, ESC will still work to close the window so the simulation can be exited.
If Joystick button 0 or 1 is pushed, but no function is assigned to them, do not fire the gun/ pickle weapons.
Retain controllability of ACMI on/off even when shot down for documentation purposes. Now, ACMI is not turned off automatically when the plane gets destroyed.
Fixed bug where a newly created .key file could not be loaded properly without exiting and re-entering the sim.
Help with frame rates at airbases.
Elimination of general graphic jitter (eg when refuelling, taxiing or viewing from tower cam).
Reduced on-ground aircraft pitch during braking.
Complex aircraft code now supports models containing rotatable wheels and swing-wing DOF's.
In Dogfight mode
Added power detection for notebooks that warns when battery is low both in 3D and the User Interface.
Added support for DED display on Logitech G15 keyboard LCD.
Fix for missing cursor, buttons and lights issues on nVidia graphics devices at resolutions greater than 1024x768 and FSAA enabled.
Models / Textures:
Fixed texture on flaps of F/A-18D.
Added texture to F/A-18E.
Adjust LOD of the building "Hotel" at some airbases so it does not "pop up" visually.
Fixed many buildings with missing parts (walls, roof, etc).
Fixed texture issue on Wonsan airbase type, center runway.
Fixed many fuel tanks not shown textured (they are used on J-22, F-5E/A, Su-7BK, Su-39, MiG-23, Su-24, Su-25, AMX, Typhoon).
Fixed AMX texture issues on nose.
Added Challenger tank texture green and desert cammoes.
Most F16's and some other aircraft models edited for wheel rotation.
Some aircraft models edited to rotate engine fan blades.
Fix specific sounds sometimes not being played, like missile launch sound.
De-hissed some sounds.
New in-cockpit engine sound
CTD Fixes including dogfight module and dedicated server stability increased.
User Interface:
le lien sur MultiViper
Form Multivaiper List 1.06 Patch-AF
Added a "Clear" button to the key assignment dialog.
Fixed a bug where only pressing a DirectX Joystick button would clear the keystroke assigned to a function.
A keystroke and joystick button press at the same time in key assignment dialog are now properly saved.
Fixed some abbreviation mistakes.
Fixed E-2 ATO icon so that it is centered.
Added cockpit switcher to Graphics setup menu.
Changed color of user interface bullseye view to make it better visible.
Fixed misaligned Briefing print-out.
Now sorting some more list-boxes alphabetically.
Resizing of splash screens to fit full screen.
When joining a flight using the UI map popup menu "Join Flight" option, the Munitions screen is now correctly showing the new flight's loadout.
Removed 'Keep' button from MP UI Connection screen.
Added Mipmapping option in Graphics Setup section for terrain and 3D models, to reduce shimmering.
Some ROK infantry changed to correct unit type in Korean campaign.
EF/A-18G added to all 2010 campaigns.
Mission times tasked according to threat/range (fewer deep strikes in first hours of campaign that just abort).
Changing the takeoff waypoint time sometimes resulted in the flight not getting pilots assigned. Fixed for single and multiplayer.
In Tactical Engagement, naval units can now be set as victory conditions and in Campaign they can be a target now for self-created missions.
Saving a Tactical Engagement file now resets the "TE won" situation so new successive missions and victory conditions can be added as an ongoing "mini-campaign".
Prevent AWACS from setting up waypoints that lead them flying too close to the FLOT.
Fixed all 05/23 airbase tower voice calls to wrong runway.
Added many more "Vehicle position points" and "ship points" to airbases , ports , army-base, HARTs etc.
Fixed position of building at Wonsan airbase type.
Added R-77M and AGM-65E/K missile types.
Updated radar data for few aircraft and seekers (F/A-18, F-22, R-77).
Fixed missing bridge feature on one bridge objective type.
Lowered Kirov ship damage amounts.
Updated some 2D weapon ranges.
Vehicles (ground, aircraft and ships) will fire closer to real-life ranges in 2D now.
Adjusted weapons positioning on Tornado fuselage racks.
Added Brimstone and rack back to Typhoon in 2005 and 2010 theaters.
Fixed rocket pylons so they now show in loadout and in game under wings.
Changed CBU-97 hardpoint count to be the same as CBU-87. (Standard loadout 4xCBU and two fuel tanks).
Updated AWACS screen icon symbols for more objects to be shown.
Removed CAS roles from UH-60L.
Updated SA-3 so it will now fire more than one missile in the ai
General Gameplay:
Added the ability for emergency braking. In case the Hydraulic B system fails (flameout or damage), the pilot can still use his brakes for 15 seconds to stop the Jet on the runway.
If the plane has blown up with a comms window on the screen, ESC will still work to close the window so the simulation can be exited.
If Joystick button 0 or 1 is pushed, but no function is assigned to them, do not fire the gun/ pickle weapons.
Retain controllability of ACMI on/off even when shot down for documentation purposes. Now, ACMI is not turned off automatically when the plane gets destroyed.
Fixed bug where a newly created .key file could not be loaded properly without exiting and re-entering the sim.
Help with frame rates at airbases.
Elimination of general graphic jitter (eg when refuelling, taxiing or viewing from tower cam).
Reduced on-ground aircraft pitch during braking.
Complex aircraft code now supports models containing rotatable wheels and swing-wing DOF's.
In Dogfight mode
Fixed IR weapons losing lock on ground vehicles when being fired at distances greater 8nm and moving away from target, especially in Multiplayer.
Fuel dump is disabled for online dogfights.
When "No Player Voice" is turned on in the Sound Setup user interface, Flight comms of other human pilots, for example to AWACS, are still audible.
Master Arm switch now defaults to SAFE when a player enters an aircraft on the server (previously it would be SAFE on clients, and ARM on server).
Aircraft canopy open/close state now correctly shown in a multiplayer environment.
Make sure the location of the bullseye is the same for all connected sessions.
ACMI's now record and play back orientation of non-local missiles correctly.
Connection state fix.
Clients are now able to order flights to RTB.
Fixed several issues where deleting flights or a package through the ATO list was not correctly working in Multiplayer.
Packages containing a flight with a remote human player can not be deleted
Artificial Intelligence:
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused On-call CAS AI flights to attack targets before attempting to check in with FAC.
On-call CAS flights now request targets from the FAC after two minutes instead of four if unassigned.
Fixed TARCAP flights continuing to press on aircraft like An-124 even after it has been identified.
AI now able to use afterburner power for a short time after Rejoin command is received.
Mid-air refuelling rewritten. Tanker now maintains correct speed and altitude. Many changes to AI refuelling and multiplayer-specific code.
Avionics / Weapons:
Fixed HSD showing wingmen in Dogfight after they have been destroyed.
Fixed static ground vehicles not showing up in GM radar mode.
ALOW and MSLFloor warnings are now played whether the HUD is visible on screen or not.
Fixed TGP going into POINT lock immediately upon first designation.
Fixed Com1 and Com2 Volume knobs to work again.
Fixed TACAN station bearing indicator on HSI to not display bearing if the station can not be received.
Fixed PL-5E seeker range to be shorter.
Fixed bug where contacting an airbase other then the landing one was impossible in certain situations.
Various fixes/improvements to A-A Weapon handling:
Each Mastermode remembers which weapon type has been selected (AIM-9M/P etc) and will set the weapon again when the mode is reselected at a later point.
All A-A Radarmodes are available from all A-A Mastermodes. Dogfight Override mode, for example, can have RWS as selected radar mode, and Missile Override can use the ACM modes.
The Mastermodes will no longer have the radar turned on when selecting another weapon by either the Enter key or the OSB buttons. The radar only starts emitting when a mode is selected.
Fixed gun rounds counter sometimes showing zero when there were still bullets left.
Fixed bug where a target could not be locked to STT mode in TWS mode when the azimuth scan was set to something other then 60 degrees.
Fixed bug where stealthy vehicles like F-117A were not even lockable using IR sensors even at closest ranges.
Frame-rate improvement to HSD display.
Fix bug where designating/undesignating with the HSD as SOI and the cursor over a pre-planned threat did not toggle it's range-ring.
Fix the new CBU burst altitude value not being shown in the MFD when pressing the decrement burst altitude keystroke.
When changing target in simplified radar, set padlock target to the new target.
Fixed all 05/23 airbase tower voice calls to wrong runway.
Added many more "Vehicle position points" and "ship points" to airbases , ports , army-base, HARTs etc.
Fixed position of building at Wonsan airbase type.
Added R-77M and AGM-65E/K missile types.
Updated radar data for few aircraft and seekers (F/A-18, F-22, R-77).
Fixed missing bridge feature on one bridge objective type.
Lowered Kirov ship damage amounts.
Updated some 2D weapon ranges.
Vehicles (ground, aircraft and ships) will fire closer to real-life ranges in 2D now.
Adjusted weapons positioning on Tornado fuselage racks.
Added Brimstone and rack back to Typhoon in 2005 and 2010 theaters.
Fixed rocket pylons so they now show in loadout and in game under wings.
Changed CBU-97 hardpoint count to be the same as CBU-87. (Standard loadout 4xCBU and two fuel tanks).
Updated AWACS screen icon symbols for more objects to be shown.
Removed CAS roles from UH-60L.
Updated SA-3 so it will now fire more than one missile in the air per volley. Also adjustments to range being too short and loft angle too high .
Allow night missions for AH-1, C-130 and few other airlift aircraft.
Adjusted JSTAR patrol waypoints so they have approximately up to 50nm of ground coverage of enemy side.
Objective feature value lists prioritized better.
Removed FA-37 from TE list as it was a testbed only.
Lower large ammo dump damage value for high-explosive types so two 2000lb bombs can destroy it.
Campaign / Tactical Engagement:
Updated stores for some squadrons in campaigns.
Some ROK infantry changed to correct unit type in Korean campaign.
EF/A-18G added to all 2010 campaigns.
Mission times tasked according to threat/range (fewer deep strikes in first hours of campaign that just abort).
Changing the takeoff waypoint time sometimes resulted in the flight not getting pilots assigned. Fixed for single and multiplayer.
In Tactical Engagement, naval units can now be set as victory conditions and in Campaign they can be a target now for self-created missions.
Saving a Tactical Engagement file now resets the "TE won" situation so new successive missions and victory conditions can be added as an ongoing "mini-campaign".
Prevent AWACS from setting up waypoints that lead them flying too close to the FLOT.
Fixed RWR position in all three 2D 1600x1200 resolution cockpits in wide-view, one click down.
Speed up of drawing 2D cockpit views without visable outside view.
Improved instruments in padlock situational awareness bar.
Adjusted RWR position in all 3D cockpit views.
Support for all available resolutions and aspects greater than 800x600. Since 2D cockpit is of 4:3 aspect ratio, on wide screens there will be black bars on the sides. All pure 3D views and outside views are full screen.
Fixed fontsize of HUD and DED data in wideview in 1024x768 res 2D cockpit of the MLU.
Increased down-tilt limit in 3D cockpit so we can see the whole MFD when looking closer.
General Gameplay:
Added the ability for emergency braking. In case the Hydraulic B system fails (flameout or damage), the pilot can still use his brakes for 15 seconds to stop the Jet on the runway.
If the plane has blown up with a comms window on the screen, ESC will still work to close the window so the simulation can be exited.
If Joystick button 0 or 1 is pushed, but no function is assigned to them, do not fire the gun/ pickle weapons.
Retain controllability of ACMI on/off even when shot down for documentation purposes. Now, ACMI is not turned off automatically when the plane gets destroyed.
Fixed bug where a newly created .key file could not be loaded properly without exiting and re-entering the sim.
Help with frame rates at airbases.
Elimination of general graphic jitter (eg when refuelling, taxiing or viewing from tower cam).
Reduced on-ground aircraft pitch during braking.
Complex aircraft code now supports models containing rotatable wheels and swing-wing DOF's.
In Dogfight mode
Added power detection for notebooks that warns when battery is low both in 3D and the User Interface.
Added support for DED display on Logitech G15 keyboard LCD.
Fix for missing cursor, buttons and lights issues on nVidia graphics devices at resolutions greater than 1024x768 and FSAA enabled.
Models / Textures:
Fixed texture on flaps of F/A-18D.
Added texture to F/A-18E.
Adjust LOD of the building "Hotel" at some airbases so it does not "pop up" visually.
Fixed many buildings with missing parts (walls, roof, etc).
Fixed texture issue on Wonsan airbase type, center runway.
Fixed many fuel tanks not shown textured (they are used on J-22, F-5E/A, Su-7BK, Su-39, MiG-23, Su-24, Su-25, AMX, Typhoon).
Fixed AMX texture issues on nose.
Added Challenger tank texture green and desert cammoes.
Most F16's and some other aircraft models edited for wheel rotation.
Some aircraft models edited to rotate engine fan blades.
Fix specific sounds sometimes not being played, like missile launch sound.
De-hissed some sounds.
New in-cockpit engine sound
CTD Fixes including dogfight module and dedicated server stability increased.
User Interface:
le lien sur MultiViper
Form Multivaiper List 1.06 Patch-AF
Added a "Clear" button to the key assignment dialog.
Fixed a bug where only pressing a DirectX Joystick button would clear the keystroke assigned to a function.
A keystroke and joystick button press at the same time in key assignment dialog are now properly saved.
Fixed some abbreviation mistakes.
Fixed E-2 ATO icon so that it is centered.
Added cockpit switcher to Graphics setup menu.
Changed color of user interface bullseye view to make it better visible.
Fixed misaligned Briefing print-out.
Now sorting some more list-boxes alphabetically.
Resizing of splash screens to fit full screen.
When joining a flight using the UI map popup menu "Join Flight" option, the Munitions screen is now correctly showing the new flight's loadout.
Removed 'Keep' button from MP UI Connection screen.
Added Mipmapping option in Graphics Setup section for terrain and 3D models, to reduce shimmering.
VR et PIMAX Crystal

Il est énorme ce patch !!!
C2D E 6750, Asus P5KC, Nvidia 8800 GT 512 Mo, 2 Go de RAM, Cougar FFSB R1, TIR PRO 3 + VE, PC dash 2

encore plus de bonnes choses...
la verrière ouverte en réseau...on va enfin en profiter , pour le Ramp Start...c'est bien visuel après la mise en route !!!
la verrière ouverte en réseau...on va enfin en profiter , pour le Ramp Start...c'est bien visuel après la mise en route !!!
VR et PIMAX Crystal
- Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5757
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
Awesome this patch!
can we have more explanation about this one:
"Fix bug where designating/undesignating with the HSD as SOI and the cursor over a pre-planned threat did not toggle it's range-ring.
Awesome this patch!

can we have more explanation about this one:
"Fix bug where designating/undesignating with the HSD as SOI and the cursor over a pre-planned threat did not toggle it's range-ring.
Liste impressionnante de bugs corrigés et d'améliorations plus ou moins souhaitées.
On attend ce patch "MAJEUR" avec impatience, en souhaitant qu'il n'amène pas trop de nouveaux bugs!!!

On attend ce patch "MAJEUR" avec impatience, en souhaitant qu'il n'amène pas trop de nouveaux bugs!!!

- Webmaster
- Messages : 16227
- Inscription : 28 janvier 2005
Updated AWACS screen icon symbols for more objects to be shown
Added the ability for emergency braking. In case the Hydraulic B system fails (flameout or damage), the pilot can still use his brakes for 15 seconds to stop the Jet on the runway.
Fixed static ground vehicles not showing up in GM radar mode
Fixed TGP going into POINT lock immediately upon first designation.
Fixed Com1 and Com2 Volume knobs to work again.
Fixed TACAN station bearing indicator on HSI to not display bearing if the station can not be received.
Déjà: davantage de symboles pour l'écran AWACS (oui, je sais bien que ça n'intéresse guère que moi

Sinon, pour le:
Les pilote virtuels ne se servent que peu du HSD comme SOI (c'est-à-dire comme senseur de désignation, si on veut), mais dans la réalité ça ouvre pas mal de possibilité.Fix bug where designating/undesignating with the HSD as SOI and the cursor over a pre-planned threat did not toggle it's range-ring.

Là, de cette phrase, je comprends que dorénavant quand on pose les curseurs sur un site SAM, et qu'on "verrouille" ou "déverrouille", on peut effacer ou faire réapparaître le cercle de menace du site sur la page HSD.
eutoposWildcat a écrit : Sinon, pour le:
Les pilote virtuels ne se servent que peu du HSD comme SOI (c'est-à-dire comme senseur de désignation, si on veut), mais dans la réalité ça ouvre pas mal de possibilité.![]()
Là, de cette phrase, je comprends que dorénavant quand on pose les curseurs sur un site SAM, et qu'on "verrouille" ou "déverrouille", on peut effacer ou faire réapparaître le cercle de menace du site sur la page HSD.
C'est très bon ça!!
Normalement, on devrait même pouvoir sélectionner les STP avec le curseur et le HSD en SOI
Et un TRES grand merci de la part de tous les utilisateurs de cartes NVidia
Thanks a lot C3PO, appreciate

Thanks a lot C3PO, appreciate

Wow, un max de bonnes choses ... mais ce que j'attends le plus c'est :
"Fixed static ground vehicles not showing up in GM radar mode. "
Un bug majeur qui m'a déjà fait ch*** pas mal de fois !
"Fixed static ground vehicles not showing up in GM radar mode. "
Un bug majeur qui m'a déjà fait ch*** pas mal de fois !

Intel Core2Duo E6700 (2.67GHz), NVidia 8800 GTS (640Mb) , 2Gb DDR2 PC8500 (1066MHz), Hotas Cougar, Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals, TrackIR 4
Ce qui est très bon c'est l'AGM-65E: en vrai il est à guidage laser...A quand un 2000-D avec AS-30L?
(N'empèche ce serait cool)

Méga ce patch...
"New in-cockpit engine sound " Ah le petit plus qui fournira plus d'immerssion j'espère...

"New in-cockpit engine sound " Ah le petit plus qui fournira plus d'immerssion j'espère...

- Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5757
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
qui ne sera que le 6ieme patch ... donc le 1.06 sortira avant le 6iem patchAvant le 1.07
c'etait juste pour compléter


Config : Intel 10600k (overclock), 32 Go de Ram, 3 SSD, CG 3080 msi