c'est en anglais sur furgal...Radar mode discution
Ok, tried the button-mashing approach, and that's working. I'm getting a better idea of what's located where in the modes.
Once in FCR, choose ACM or CRM, or dogfight or MRM.
The four ACM submodes are ACM20,60,slew,bore (F1).
When in CRM, the submodes are RWS,LRS,TWS,VS.
Two additional submodes, STT and SAM, are not actually selectable per se, they are the 'enhanced' modes you get when you bug a target.
==> For AF you have three Master Modes for Air-to-air: A-A Master Mode, Dogfight Master Mode and Missile Override Master Mode.
In A-A Master Mode you can select between A-A Missiles (AAM) or Guns (but guns are also currently available in AAM). The default FCR mode for AAM is CRM, consisting of four submodes: RWS, TWS, LRS and VSR. ACM FCR mode consists of ACM Bore, ACM 10x60, ACM 30x20 (default, with No Rad displayed if no target is locked prior to entering ACM) and Slewable scan pattern submodes, and can be selected/deselected and cycled directly with keystrokes or via OSB.
Dogfight Master Mode defaults to ACM FCR mode for use with missiles and guns, and RWS submode can be selected by selecting CRM (other CRM submodes are currently not available).
Missile Override Mode defaults to CRM (ACM is currently not available).