voici ce que je viens de poster sur les forums de "Falcon5.nl", je vous avouerais que j'ai un peu la flemme de vous le traduire .... et je l'avoue, j'espére un peu aussi que vous ne compreniez pas tout ....

Oooooff …. Coming back to the real life ….. oh … no …. I slept during 3 long days (and short nights

I remember so, in my dream, I was flying a glider, I think (;)), with CBU’s, and I dropped it on the guy who stole my girlfriend when I was in Bosnia …. Unfortunetely, I destroyed so, his bakery, his bank office, and his musculation room ! ! ! (I want here, present again my apologies to all persons involved in this poor action … and to my comrades too, for the incomfortable position I gave them to explain during the next LAN party (next week end) to our 51th Massilia squadron chief why we come back with the « cheat medal » …. (i’m sorry, but my doctor said today, I will be ill next week end …., so you will be alone to explain to our chief, in the stand up position, our ranking place … Good luck guys ! ).
I dreamed so, I was flying beside awesome guys with a great competition spirit (and skills ….) during the flights, and a very magical friendly spirit between.
I dreamed so, there was a «Magic Organisation Staff ». In this dream, there was no losses, no mistakes, no problems …. Everything was PERFECT ! ! ! (I organised and participated to many and many events, LAN party, sport tournaments and many others, and I never, never, never saw the same perfection level …. So, I think it was a dream, not reality, it’s impossible !

The place ….. how can I describe where I was in my dream …. : I was in the pilot paradise ! ! ! a Fabulous place …. Imagine you are flying a F16 with a SU 22 overhead … Imagine you eat a delicious (really ! !) cheeseburger on a Mig23 monobloc tail surface with a pint of beer on your other hand, and a beautiful woman with a large smile say to you : « do you need something else to drink or eat ? ? » …. Imagine you, on the toilets, on your « Dump » position, watching on a wide screen, the TR2 test flight, and many other vidéos (like Lock On Demo flights …. When you are « Falconner », imagine you are « Dumping » watching Lock On ! ! ! … marvellous sensation ! ) …. Sorry, sorry … I make others casualties of war ! ) ) (It’s just a joke : I use to fly on SU25T

I dreamed so, I was received by a society (Tobit Software if I remember well my dream …) who have a « welcome » conception I have never seen before, all over the world …. just in my most beautiful dreams ! ! !
My dream was Marvelous, Awesome, Magic, ….. I have not enough words to describe it ! ! ! !
I am not sure if it was a dream or reality, but, I am really sure of something : I will make this dream again next years ! ! !
from all the « Frenchie’s sun glasses Team »