I am writting this thread to report on a suspected major bug regarding SAM behavior in MP F4-AF 1.03. With my sqadron, since a few time we have noticed strange behavior of SAMs, some pilots being fired at while others were not.
In order to test it, I built a TE with 2 SAMs (1 Sa3 and 1 SA2)plus a flight of 3 F16B52. We flew the mission two times with the same problem : the SAM only fire at the first pilot entering his bubble and ignore others players
Please let me explain what we did :
==> 20 miles or so from SA3, pilot2 accelerate in order to be sure to enter the SA3 bubble before Pilot1 (hosteur) and pilot3. As expected the Sa3 fired at pilot 2 who managed to avoid inbound missiles while still flying the SA3 engagement circle. Then Pilots 1 & 3 entered the SAM 3 engagement range. Althougt we were esay targets (flying over the SA3 at 5000ft) compared to pilot 2, the SA3 never fired at us. Finally pilot 2 was shot down and ejected while we were overflying the SA3 endless without being spotted

==> So as the SA3 ignored us, we heads on the SA2 and did the same : Pilot 3 accelerate and entered the SA2 first. As expected he was fired at... I entered then the SA2 and fly over it without being fired at. Then I asked pilot 3 to go out the SA2 range. He did it and the SA2 stops firing at him (as expectred) but still do not engage me althougt I was the only one within the SA2 range. I asked then Pilot 3 to enter the SA2 again. As soon as he did it the SA2 fired at him again. This rules out the rearming issue.
I think it's really a major bug. I cant say if it affects other SAMs nor if it's the same in campaign but I strongly suspect it (at least for other SAMs). ACMI we did for this test clearly demonstrate the problem. I can send them to you on request so that you can see it by yourself .
I sincerely hope LP will plan actions on this issue because actually SAMs are useless in online TE.