comme il le dit...
mais surtout l'écrit si bien...
--> Since my pop-up planner is available on Lead-Pursuit´s site, this tutorial might be helpfull.:
Pop-Up planner tutorial.
First I want to explain the benefits of an offset pop-up attack.
The ingress to target will be at very low altitude which means that the enemy air-defences at the target will have a hard time acquiring you. At the same time the offset during pop-up will make you almost beam any radars at the target. The attack run will be very short at give the enemy only a few seconds to acquire you with SAM´s and AAA.
Here is how to use the pop-up planner.
Input the following values:
1. IAS indicated airspeed = The dive speed during the attack
2. Approach altitude= The altitude above ground you will approcach the IP and VIP.
3. Dive angle= The angle at which you will dive during the attack.
4. Load factor= the amount of g you will pull when passing OA1, to roll- in towards the target.
5. Tracking time= The time you want to have for tracking the target after you have rolled-in towards the target.
6. Release altitude= The altitude at which you want to drop your bomb(s).
7. Attack axis= The heading you want to fly after you have rolled-in towards the target.
8. Bombrange= The distance the bomb(s) will fly after they are released. It is found in the tables attached to the planner.
9. Left/Right= The direction you want to roll-in toward the target.
After these inputs the following values can be read:
1. IAS indicated airspeed= The dive speed during the attack(see input values).
2. IP-Tgt heading= The heading you should fly from IP to target. Note that in the mission map you should move the IP waypoint relative to the target waypoint to reflect this value (look in the briefing sreen to assure it´s right).
3. Pop-up heading= The heading you should fly climb at after passing VIP.
4. Climb angle= The angle you should climb after passing VIP.
5. Load factor= The amount of g you will pull when passing OA1, to roll in towards the target (see input values).
6. Dive angle= The angle at which you will dive during the attack (see input values).
7. Tracking time= The time you want to have for tracking the target after you have rolled-in towards the target see input values).
8. Release altitude= The altitude at which you want to release your bomb(s) (see input values)
9. Pull-down altitude= The altitude at which you should start rolling in toward the target, pulling the amount of g read under “load factor”.
10. Trackpoint altitude= The altitude at which you should start tracking the target (In fact this will happen right after you have rolled-in toward the target).
11.Sight depression= Whether you will have the CCIP pipper inside your HUD or not (if not you might chose another release altitude, dive speed or dive angle).
Here is how to conduct an offset pop-up attack:
At the ramp or prior to fence in, select the target waypoint on the DED.
On th ICP press the LIST button and selcect 3 for VIP.
Input the bearing from the target found in the DED data section of the planner into the TBRG field on the DED via the ICP keyboard, note the format is xxx.x, which means entering a bearing of 181°, requires that you input 1810 and hit ENT on the ICP.
Now input the range found in the planner into the RNG field on the DED and hit ENT on the ICP.
Enter the approach altitude in the ALT field on the DED and hit ENT on the ICP.
Press LIST again and select 1 for DEST, now toggle the Data Command Switch (the four way switch on the ICP) to the SEQ position. OA1 should now be selected on the DED.
Input the relevant values (RNG (range), BRG (bearing) and ELEV (altitude)) into the fields on the DED.
Toggle the Data Command Switch to SEQ once again and input the values for OA2 exactly like you did for OA1.
Toggle the Data Command Switch to RTN and select waypoint 1.
Now here it goes:
................................................[ ] IP
.................................................O Pre-IP
Coming from the pre-IP waypoint towards IP waypoint, overfly IP towards the target waypoint which should be selected.
A small circle will now show up some where ahead of you close to center of the HUD.
Fly exactly toward it.
As soon as you reach it turn to the pop-up heading planner and climb at the climb angle found in the planner.
If you have done it right, you should now see a small triangle in the HUD, this is the OA1. Fly exactly toward it and as soon as you reach it roll 135° (almost inverted) in the direction chosen in the planner. Pull the required amount of g´s and roll out when you are close to the desired attack heading.
Check that your dive angle and speed is correct.
The target should now be visible and a triangle is visible behind it.
If you´ve done all by the numbers, the flight path marker should now be on the triangle. If the flight path marker is not on the triangle, correct until it is.
The CCIP pipper will be on the target at the desired release altitude- PICKLE (drop your bomb(s)), level out and get the hell out of there.
One note:
With patch 1.03 we now have precision waypoints. In the planner recon the target and write down the coordinates. These should be entered by pressing the LIST button on the ICP, press 1 for DEST and enter the coordinates.
Best regards
je cours vérifier le fichier sur LP site comme dit plus haut...
Pop-Up attack trainning
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