la sortie de la version 6.0 de totale réalisme est imminente
plus d'info là pour la liste complète des changements
# Complete reskinning, and remodeling (where neccesary) of every unit in the game, over 80 new units as well.
# Complete reskinning/customization of the game itself - the GUI, menus, loading screens, interface etc.
# Custom music for the most common areas of play - over a hour and a half of studio-produced sound.
# Shigawire's latin voicemod for the romans.
# ZoR+ system - a complete revolution in RTR gameplay simulating realistic conquests, composite armies, supply lines, assimilation and reinforcements.
# A new campaign map, made to be as historically accurate as possible, also painstakingly renders the proper domains of the factions in 280 BC.
# 2 new factions: the illyrians and the bactrian kingdom.
# Realistic armies - the armies depicted now can create the most realistic and reasonable armies to date, many units have been added to complete a more accurate unit list for each faction.
# Improved buildings and vnv files.
# technically more efficient: the entire mod has been completely rebuilt from the ground up and a new file system and orginization method is being used, which will make it especially easy for the community to pick our mod clean and use assets in their own creations. For example we use a uniform file format for unit skins and models in a isolated directory - so if you want the skin of an armenian cataphract you just go down to armenia_cavalry_cataphract. If you want ptolemaic imitation legionaries, you grab egypt_infantry_legionaries - see?
# A more balanced and stable gameplay experience.
Asrock E3 890GX Phenom II X6 @4ghz avec Corsair H50 8go SSD OCZ agility2 HD6950@ 6970 Seven 64
Hulk of Dover Never before in the fields of human gaming has so much been promised by so few and not been delivered to so many.