FreeFalcon3.1 Hotfix and Cobra 1.1.1

Salle dédiée à la version BMS de Falcon 4

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1727
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par babar »

and do not forget Longhorn in 5 years :D

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Of course, that's Microsoft "years" which is really about 8 years in real time. B)
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.

Mécano au sol
Mécano au sol
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Inscription : 16 avril 2002


Message par hatch »

Until then, I did not understand why you all said that F4 is dying.
I've been playing from the beginning and went through ALL the patches, and my feeling is that it has always evolved in a good way. Of course, there are always new bugs appearing and resulting from modifications, but I feel that it is more converging to something better and better than diverging.
I really understand why there is FF team, SP team..., It's just a question of "taste" for me, and after then, people are free to choose the version they prefer, where is the harm?
Of course we would reach better results if every teams would work together, but now it is not case, just live with it, make your choice, fly and enjoy, and STOP complaining!

Cougar FFW04
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Inscription : 20 janvier 2002


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

OK T Rex I respect your point of view but could you please comment on the future of FF with respect to the BMS code. This is something one can worry about...

My english is certainly not perfect and may be I misunderstood something, but as far as I understand, until recently, the BMS guys didnt take postion for FF/SP and the BMS exe was compatible with both falcon versions. However, it seems that this is not the case now and that the new BMS code, when realeased, will only be compatible with Falcon SP and NOT FF <_< <_<

I know you are going to tell me about cobra exe. Yes it's a nice one improving Falcon with many respects, BUT as it is based on the 1.03 exe one lost some nice features. Let me please just speak about one : for exemple the "online multiflight ramp start". For many online flyers, it was a long waited enhancement... It was finaly debugged with the BMS2.0.6.14 :king: And now it doesnt work any more (works only when the clients planes are i he 3D world of the hosteur, preventing for exemple online ramp start on different airbases...) How long will it takes to repair... There are many others exemples unfortunatly...

FSX@War : THE unofficial TacPack Companion

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Originally posted by Cougar FFW04@15 Mar 2005, 23:46
OK T Rex I respect your point of view but could you please comment on the future of FF with respect to the BMS code. This is something one can worry about...

My english is certainly not perfect and may be I misunderstood something, but as far as I understand, until recently, the BMS guys didnt take postion for FF/SP and the BMS exe was compatible with both falcon versions. However, it seems that this is not the case now and that the new BMS code, when realeased, will only be compatible with Falcon SP and NOT FF <_< <_<

I know you are going to tell me about cobra exe. Yes it's a nice one improving Falcon with many respects, BUT as it is based on the 1.03 exe one lost some nice features. Let me please just speak about one : for exemple the "online multiflight ramp start". For many online flyers, it was a long waited enhancement... It was finaly debugged with the BMS2.0.6.14 :king: And now it doesnt work any more (works only when the clients planes are i he 3D world of the hosteur, preventing for exemple online ramp start on different airbases...) How long will it takes to repair... There are many others exemples unfortunatly...
Your English is 100x better than my French. ;) :)

I can only guess about BMS - I am not involved with their decisions. What I see on the forums (Frugal's mostly) are somewhat mixed signals. I know that BMS continues work :D but also that Jammer :god: only wants to release if he has permission. But others that are "with" BMS suggest that there might be releases no matter what.

I am not sure what to think.

I know that the people who did Cobra believed that BMS would only release with permission, and that the permission was not likely to come. :huh:

I have heard that BMS wants to remain "neutral" but also that some who are working with BMS are very much anti-FF and would like to see a data lock or something. (I couldn't blame them for doing such a thing, either.)

I do not know what the future may bring.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Oh, I forgot about the bug fixes.

I do not know how easy or hard it is to fix those things. I do know that the Cobra guys want to fix as much as they can and plan on working on this for some time to come.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.

Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 771
Inscription : 14 mars 2003


Message par F-MATH »


Je vois que mon post a enjendrer une frande discution en Anglais. Il faut que je sort le dico pasque j'ai pas réussi a tous comprendre !


Il vaut mieux regretter d'être au sol plutôt qu'en vol.

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Pardon, F- Math.

Je pourrais essayer d'expliquer en Francais, mais j'ai peur que il serait seulement plus confusement.


Avez-vous questions specifiques? Je pourrais essayer d'expliquer. :us:
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1727
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par babar »

Oh ben tu sais mon anglais n'est vraiment pas génial mais bon ca tournais autour du fait qu'il faudrait qu'ils puissent se réunir ( SP et FF team), ca a été plusierus fois mis sur le tapis sans aucun avancement des discussions donc c'est pour ca que les deux équipes persistent, tout ca d'après T Rex :)

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Uhhh... oui.

Mais, parce que je suis un advocat, j'ai besoin beaucoup plus de mots que ca.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.

Cougar FFW04
Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5737
Inscription : 20 janvier 2002


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

Avez-vous questions specifiques? Je pourrais essayer d'expliquer
Yes I have :lol:

1) Do you know if the Cobra team is awarded of this "online miltiflight ramp start". I did report the bug on FF forum but nobody say yes or no....

2) Can you tell us something about the goodies of FF4 ?

Thanks ;)

FSX@War : THE unofficial TacPack Companion

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Originally posted by Cougar FFW04@16 Mar 2005, 23:29
1) Do you know if the Cobra team is awarded of this "online miltiflight ramp start". I did report the bug on FF forum but nobody say yes or no....
Oui, je pense. Je sais qu'ils lisent les forum chaque jour. I'll try to get more information for you. DewDog has some tips on how to make it work. :)
2) Can you tell us something about the goodies of FF4 ?
Non. ^_^ :jumpy:

But here's a hint:

Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.

Cougar FFW04
Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5737
Inscription : 20 janvier 2002


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

I'll try to get more information for you. DewDog has some tips on how to make it work. cowboy.gif
We know how to make it work on the same airbase (we select maximum spawing time and commit "ramp start" at that time) but for flights on different airbases, no way :( So if you have any clue, please tell us ;) It is actually a show stooper for my suqadroon as we are "ramp start" fan but as most of the time we do not take off from the same airbase, we cant use it :blushing:
Non. sweatdrop.gif Jumpy.gif
:jumpy: :angry: :lol: :lol:
As we say in french : "Qui ne tente rien n'a rien" :rolleyes:

Thanks again ;)

FSX@War : THE unofficial TacPack Companion



Message par Nanard »

Amusez vous à parler français sur le forum FF et vous verrez... :lol:

Pour cette histoire de throttle to idle, Scrat, c'est juste que Saint ne réalise pas la portée de ce qu'il code! Tu prends ton F-16, tu voles largement supersonique à 40000 pieds, tu passe full idle et tu continues à accélérer.
I have heard that BMS wants to remain "neutral" but also that some who are working with BMS are very much anti-FF and would like to see a data lock or something. (I couldn't blame them for doing such a thing, either.)
Yes you cannot blame them for that since you experimented the DbCheck yourself with FF3.1!:D
I do not know what the future may bring.
Saint will change his nickname from FM_Designer to FM_Destroyer, JimG will go on yelling "My EULA, my EULA" and so on.:lol:
Did you realize how those guys (including Halistorm, BebBen) can be full of condescension? Do you really wonder why there are anti-FF people in the community?
Don't you ever read the topics @ FF forum? How can you dare to ask Mav to rework the WCD file, and let Saint treat him like a dog?
Pathetic... I used to think FF was the future of falcon, I don't think so anymore.
The winner will be the group that won't treat the end users and other contributors like shit.
There might also be no winner in the end...
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 6505
Inscription : 31 janvier 2003


Message par Scrat »

Originally posted by Nanard@17 Mar 2005, 12:27
Pour cette histoire de throttle to idle, Scrat, c'est juste que Saint ne réalise pas la portée de ce qu'il code! Tu prends ton F-16, tu voles largement supersonique à 40000 pieds, tu passe full idle et tu continues à accélérer.
Mortel !

Heureusement, je ne vole plus (hélas) qu'en IUC 1.02 car au moins on bénéficie de modèles de vol corrects (contrairement à d'autres qui au final s'en contre-foutent <_<)
"Et c'est à cet instant qu'il vit la Mort arriver, chevauchant une plaine de feu pour s'emparer de son âme..." Tom Clancy - Les dents du tigre
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8736
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

Amusez vous à parler français sur le forum FF et vous verrez...

Pour cette histoire de throttle to idle, Scrat, c'est juste que Saint ne réalise pas la portée de ce qu'il code! Tu prends ton F-16, tu voles largement supersonique à 40000 pieds, tu passe full idle et tu continues à accélérer.

I have heard that BMS wants to remain "neutral" but also that some who are working with BMS are very much anti-FF and would like to see a data lock or something. (I couldn't blame them for doing such a thing, either.)

Yes you cannot blame them for that since you experimented the DbCheck yourself with FF3.1!:D

I do not know what the future may bring.

Saint will change his nickname from FM_Designer to FM_Destroyer, JimG will go on yelling "My EULA, my EULA" and so on.
Did you realize how those guys (including Halistorm, BebBen) can be full of condescension? Do you really wonder why there are anti-FF people in the community?
Don't you ever read the topics @ FF forum? How can you dare to ask Mav to rework the WCD file, and let Saint treat him like a dog?
Pathetic... I used to think FF was the future of falcon, I don't think so anymore.
The winner will be the group that won't treat the end users and other contributors like shit.
There might also be no winner in the end...
Avec un post comme celui là, on tient peut être le premier prototype du Canard post-apocalyptique, celui qui fait fuir les dinosaures :lol: :lol: :lol:

Question for T-Rex, if you dare face our "Chaos Duck" for a few more posts:

Any "hotfix for the hotfix", to fix this "supersonic at idle" engine thingie that we may expect soon ? :)

Thanks for the hardwork on FF3.1, it's far from perfect but still :wub: :wub: :wub:
L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...

T Rex
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Messages : 98
Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Yes you cannot blame them for that since you experimented the DbCheck yourself with FF3.1!
Ce n'est pas vrai. C'est Cobra exe avec le dbcheck - pas FF3.1.

Vivre le difference. :)
Did you realize how those guys (including Halistorm, BebBen) can be full of condescension? Do you really wonder why there are anti-FF people in the community?
A-tten-tion, ces sont mes amis. :kiss:

A mon avis, la communite est pleine de jelousie. Ce n'est pas toute de le truc, mais certainment une partie.
Don't you ever read the topics @ FF forum? How can you dare to ask Mav to rework the WCD file, and let Saint treat him like a dog?
Oui, je lit en peu. ;) I don't "let" Saint do anything - he's a man, he can take responsibility for his own actions.

As for "how dare we"? We didn't ask Mav and Raptor to change the database. How dare *you* expect *us* to test *their* work when we fix things in the same files. The HFFM is not our patch. It is theirs. If they don't want to make it work for FF3.1, that's up to them. They decided to go beyond FM changes into data changes. They may have valid reasons for doing it, but that was their choice. They should've known that data in those files changes all the time!
The winner will be the group that won't treat the end users and other contributors like shit.

Let's see - FF is continually adding things and fixing things, for free, from many sources, yet we treat end users and contributors like shit? Frankly, I'm tired of end users and other contributors treating FF like shit.

Tie game.
Any "hotfix for the hotfix", to fix this "supersonic at idle" engine thingie that we may expect soon ?
Probably not soon, but it probably will be fixed by Cobra. That is a code issue. The person responsible for it is trying to improve the overall flight characteristics in F4, and this is part of it.

It is not right yet, but I expect him to keep working on it. If it doesn't get fixed, it is easy enough to disable in the fm.dat.

Ce n'est pas "big deal."
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.



Message par Nanard »

Ok T-Rex. :lol:
I don't "let" Saint do anything - he's a man, he can take responsibility for his own actions.
No, he can't. Sorry to say that, but a guy who doesn't want to speak with Mav just because mav is french can't take his reponsiblilty. Don't tell me you weren't aware of this... ;)
Since all members of Coabra are also members of FF, FF=Cobra. So you had to slow down your horses before to reach the point of no return. It was your responsibility.
Don't search the reponsibilities where they aren't. Look at yourself before looking at the others.
I re-read several closed topics on FF forum. Some end users and especially some contributors have been put down because of the jealousy you mentionned above.
Not yours, but your friends.
Thinking about Harald Renner, Zaggy, Mav, myself... So all these people would be kind of poor bastards? Far too easy..

It's so sad, as you appear to be the good guy. So, don't take it for a personnal attack.

A-tten-tion, ces sont mes amis. kiss.gif
Yes, but I remember at the beginning of the FF adventure, those guys were nice. then suddenly they appeared to be casse-couilles (ball breakers in english...), especially regarding IP. Who could dare to claim for IP regarding a skin which is just the reproduction of an existing thing. (FYI, I have been doing some skinning, with no cpoyright on it, so I know what I am talking about. It doesn't prevent people to mention my name on some occasions. And I encourage people to use them without my consent.)
It could be a subject for a debate. But especially in this community, knowing the context, it has been a great mistake not willing to share your work. It's your right not to share, but a mistake also... And don't be amazed if some don't feel comfortable with FF anymore...

Good luck anyway ;)

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

Sorry to say that, but a guy who doesn't want to speak with Mav just because mav is french can't take his reponsiblilty. Don't tell me you weren't aware of this...
Saint won't talk to Mav because he's French? First, I hadn't heard that. Second, I don't believe it. Saint may not want to talk to him for several reasons, but if one is "because he's French" I'll be VERY disappointed.

But again, even if its true, I can't very well be responsible for that, just like Mav can't be responsible for Raptor's "style" or opinions.
Since all members of Cobra are also members of FF, FF=Cobra.
First, that's not entirely accurate, but it is true that the two major Cobra people are in FF. France had a German government for a while, but that didn't make Frenchmen into Germans. ;)
Who could dare to claim for IP regarding a skin which is just the reproduction of an existing thing.
The guy that spent 100 hours examining the placement of every rivet and figuring out where it was mapped.

So, do you have Aeyes' payware cockpits? If its no big deal to you, do you give them away to people?

IP law bestows the right to the artist. That's just the law.
And I encourage people to use them without my consent.
That is your choice. Others make a different choice. That is the developer's prerogative.
And don't be amazed if some don't feel comfortable with FF anymore...
People should fly what they like to fly.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.

Cougar FFW04
Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5737
Inscription : 20 janvier 2002


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

It is not right yet, but I expect him to keep working on it. If it doesn't get fixed, it is easy enough to disable in the fm.dat.
Hi T Rex,

could you please give us the right method to do it because I dont know what you mean :wacko:

Thanks to all for the work already done ;)

FSX@War : THE unofficial TacPack Companion

T Rex
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Inscription : 27 août 2003


Message par T Rex »

I believe all that is necessary is to open the aircraft's .dat file in the, erase the line EngineType, then save it and leave it unzipped. The doesn't overwrite files that are already in that directory.
Sic semper tyrannosauro.
New PC: Athlon 64 dualcore 4200+, 3gb DDR, nVidia 7300 256mb.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 8736
Inscription : 04 août 2001


Message par rollnloop »

First, that's not entirely accurate, but it is true that the two major Cobra people are in FF. France had a German government for a while, but that didn't make Frenchmen into Germans
Well, those working with germans were shot in late 1944/1945, watch your six :P

I believe all that is necessary is to open the aircraft's .dat file in the, erase the line EngineType, then save it and leave it unzipped. The doesn't overwrite files that are already in that directory.
Thanks for this, it could be the "special FF3.1 hotfix for cobra", couldn't it ?

Thanks again for answering our questions here

L'avion, l'avion, l'avion, ça fait lever les yeux, etc...

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