Un bon fichier Road and River pour B17II

Un simu warbird sans salle dédiée ? parlez en ici !
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Messages : 1905
Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Salut à tous,

Voici pour vous un fichier Road and River que j'ai modifié, voici un bon bout de temps déjà où le site bombs away était encore d'actu et où j'avais pas mal potassé les instructions quant aux changements de paramètres de ce fichiers. Ne me demandez donc pas comment j'ai fait!!! :rolleyes:

Au fait, pour être honnête aussi, je dois vous informer que je l'ai modifié à partir du fichier que j'avais téléchargé sur bomb away "River and Road 1.5" fait par Anzacmick.....donc j'ai juste réalisé les modifs' dont je vous parle ci dessous. Le reste desz changements que vous remarquerez, ce n'est pas moi.

Toutefois, pour les courageux, je crois que j'ai gardé le tutorial qui apprend à changer les paramètres du dit fichiers, pour ceux que cela intéresse!!! ^_^

Ce fichier change notamment :
-Le nombre de B17 dans le Box : On passe de 12 à 18. Cool non? :welcome:
-ce n'est plus quatre avions qui vous attaquent maintenant c'est 8, 12 voir 16 poirquoi pas soyons fou!!!! :devil:
Je m'explique : Maintenant l'IA n'attends plus que les 4 premier soient tous descendus pour envoyer les autres chasseurs à vos trousses.
-Ensuite, l'IA des membres d'équipage est revu : ici, finie les blessures légères de Marcel qui s'est pris une balle de 109 ou un éclat d'obut brûlant. Vos membres d'équipage sont plus fragiles et sont plus sujets à des blessures graves voire la mort. C'est plus réaliste je trouve.
Attention cela ne veut pas dire qu'ils cannent à la moindre égratignures!!
-La robustesse des B17 est inchangé, elle était déjà bien gérée.
-Par contre, l'IA des 109 et celle de la Flak sont, je crois, plus coriace.
Là, je ne sais plus ce que j'ai fait ou bidouillé pour être franc avec vous...... :rolleyes:
Je sais juste qu'elle est plus forte d'après mes souvenirs......

Pour les paramètres dans le menu du B17 il faut mettre AI de la Luftwaffe sur vétéran et celle de la flak sur élite.
Après ça, le premier qui a fini sa campagne vient me voir B)

Quelques précisions toutefois :
-Sur les 18 bombardiers, 6 sont fantômes, c'est à direils sont là pour faire figuration....ils tirent, se descendent, mais ne larguent pas de bombes. D'ailleurs, au vu d emes résultats en campagnes, j'en soupçonne d'autres...... <_<
-L'IA de la Luftwaffe est casse cou : Les passes frontales à qq cm sont hasardeuses parfois....

Voilou, je vous file le contenu du fichier, vous n'avez plus qu'à le copier dans le contenu dde votre fichier R&R.
ATTENTION, faites en une copie avant, sait on jamais....


//distance formulas used by the Dept.of Defence in chapters 9.2a and 2c DoD 6055.9 Ammunition and Explosive Safety Standard.
//BIG THX to Chris"noonerman"Nunamaker for his contribution of the RWB stats,Good Stuff Mate.
//This is an evolving file(and so needs imput),it DOES NOT claim to be the definative answer to all of your problems or gripes with the game.
//It needs YOU the user to comment, good or bad, so newer versions can evolve and we can have maybe a standard that everyone agrees to.
//Without feedback it just stays at what I think is better and more real than the release R&R in my eyes. Slowly I will insert what ive
//changed and why into my R&R files just next to the parameter header so you can see what has been changed.
//All ideas and discussion to http://www.bombs-away.net Mods&Add-ons forum(Realistic R&R file:post) or at my
//website www.geocities.com/anzacmick(guestbook) or mailto: anzac@yahoo.co.uk to chat by mail.
//ALSO.....>>>* BE SURE to try RBJOY , THE SAVIOR for B17-2 users of j`sticks or wheels; until a patch or something comes along
//to set controls up on your j`stick or wheel through the game menu, this is a MUST
//and its *FREE(*charityware).More info at my site.
//Thanks to Ralf Biederman for this GREAT utility..ENJOY ALL

Comment =
ModifiedBy = Chris Keegan, Iain Howe, Gavin Whitlock, John Shave

Comment =
ModifiedBy = Chris Keegan


DefaultTimeSkipMinutes = 15 // Increasing this makes timeskips larger ( press <return> )
DefaultMiniTimeSkipMinutes = 1 // Increasing this makes mini timeskips larger ( press <ctrl><return> )
TimeSkipTimeOutSeconds = 40 // A timeskip will take no longer than this before returning

// Only Release *or* Debug settings should be used

//************ Begin Release Settings ***************NOTE*from mick you can change these to suit your system
B17SquadronSize = 6 // Number of B-17s in a squadron
NumLowGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at low graphics detail setting
NumMediumGhostB17s = 6 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at medium graphics detail setting
NumHighGhostB17s = 12 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at high graphics detail setting
PreventFighterAttack = 0 // Prevents the enemy fighters from launching
PreventFlakAttack = 0 // Prevents flak from firing
PreventEscortFighters = 0 // Prevents escort fighters from launching
FreeEnemyFighterSlotsOnLanding = 1 // Frees up slots for enemy fighters to launch if a whole squadron is landed and / or crashed, if set to 1. Otherwise, only frees slots up when all of an enemy formation has crashed ( = 0 ).

NavigatorErrorWindHeadingDegrees = 10 // Plus or minus the maximum angle error of the wind by the worst navigator
NavigatorErrorWindSpeedMPH = 10 // Plus or minus the maximum speed error of the wind by the worst navigator
BombardierDriftScaleErrorDegrees = 2.0 // Worst possible drift scale error. It applies to the worst bombardier.
BombardierSpeedErrorMPH = 10.0 // Worst possible speed error. It applies to the worst bombardier and affects the track rate.
//************* End Release Settings ****************

//************* Begin Debug Settings ****************
//B17SquadronSize = 1 // Number of B-17s in a squadron
//NumLowGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at low graphics detail setting
//NumMediumGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at medium graphics detail setting
//NumHighGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at high graphics detail setting
//PreventFighterAttack = 1 // Prevents the enemy fighters from launching
//PreventFlakAttack = 1 // Prevents flak from firing
//PreventEscortFighters = 1 // Prevents escort fighters from launching
//FreeEnemyFighterSlotsOnLanding = 0 // Frees up slots for enemy fighters to launch if a whole squadron is landed and / or crashed, if set to 1. Otherwise, only frees slots up when all of an enemy formation has crashed ( = 0 ).

//NavigatorErrorWindHeadingDegrees = 0 // Plus or minus the maximum angle error of the wind by the worst navigator
//NavigatorErrorWindSpeedMPH = 0 // Plus or minus the maximum speed error of the wind by the worst navigator
//BombardierDriftScaleErrorDegrees = 0.0 // Worst possible drift scale error. It applies to the worst bombardier.
//BombardierSpeedErrorMPH = 0.0 // Worst possible speed error. It applies to the worst bombardier and affects the track rate.
//************** End Debug Settings *****************

PreferredTakeoffRunway = -1 // The taxi AI will take off from this runway if not -1 or out of range. (Valid numbers start from 0 with -1 as the default, AI choice setting)

LogDamage = 0 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
LogCrewStats = 0 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
UseCrewMemberHighlight = 0 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
CreateEnemyFightersInTheAir = 1 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
MaxNoOfActiveAirfields = 5 // Caps the number of simultaneously active enemy airfields. ( limit no of airborne enemy planes with this).
EscortSquadronSize = 4 // Number of escorts
InterceptorSquadronSize = 4 // Number of interceptors

CockpitToolTipFontSize = 10 // size of the tooltip fonts in the virtual cockpit screens
CompartmentToolTipFontSize = 9 // size of the tooltip fonts in the compartments screens
StationToolTipFontSize = 9 // size of the tooltip fonts in the station screens

BomberCaptainViewRestrictions = 0 // Prevents the player selecting other bombers and zooming out massively in bomber captain mode
BomberCaptainViewPanAndScan = 1 // Allows extra camera movement when view restrictions are active

SystemBreakOnMemAlloc = 0 // causes the game to debug break when the indicated memory allocation occurs

MaxPositiveGLoading = 3.5 // Positive G load that a pilot can withstand before blacking out
MaxNegativeGLoading = 2.3 // Negative G load that a pilot can withstand before redding out
MaxP51PositiveGLoading = 4.5 // Positive G load that a pilot can withstand before blacking out in a P51 ( they had a G suit )
MaxP51NegativeGLoading = 3.1 // Negative G load that a pilot can withstand before redding out in a P51 ( they had a G suit )

ForceForBlackoutToBegin = 0.70 // Force in addition to max G loading that causes blackout in 'TimeForBlackoutToStart' milliseconds
TimeForBlackoutToStart = 1500.0 // Standard time for blackout to occur at 'ForceForBlackoutToBegin' plus 'MaxPositiveGLoading'

MaxTargetDistance = 5 // Max distance in Kilometers that you can padlock a target at
MaxOffCentreDotProduct = 0.25 // 1.0-dot product from center of screen has to be lower then this to select a target

SimpleNavigationErrorScalar = 0.35 // Affects the wind heading and speed values defined by the navigation error settings
NavigatorOnHeadingThresholdDegrees = 5.0 // How on heading is on heading?

ManualBombRelease = 0 // Determines if, whilst under manual control of the bombardier, the bombs should be released manually

B17FuelUsageScalar = 2.5 // Determines the rate of fuel use for a b-17


LowWeatherSeverityScalar = 0.5 // When the weather realism options are set to "Light", this affects: "WindSpeedMPH", "WindSpeedChangeMPH", "WindGustSpeedMPH", All the cloud cover values
MediumWeatherSeverityScalar = 0.7 // When the weather realism options are set to "Moderate", this affects: "WindSpeedMPH", "WindSpeedChangeMPH", "WindGustSpeedMPH", All the cloud cover values
HighWeatherSeverityScalar = 1.0 // When the weather realism options are set to "Severe", this affects: "WindSpeedMPH", "WindSpeedChangeMPH", "WindGustSpeedMPH", All the cloud cover values

MinWindSpeedMPH = 2 // Minimum speed of the wind
MaxWindSpeedMPH = 20 // maximum speed of the wind

MinWindSpeedChangeMPH = 20 // The amount that the wind speed will change with the change in altitude defined in "WindSpeedChangeAltitudeFeet"
MaxWindSpeedChangeMPH = 30 // The amount that the wind speed will change with the change in altitude defined in "WindSpeedChangeAltitudeFeet"
WindSpeedChangeAltitudeFeet = 24000 // The altitude change required to modify the wind speed by the amount defined in "WindSpeedChangeMPH"
MinWindRotationDegrees = 35 // The amount that the wind direction will change in the time defined in "WindRotationTimeHours"
MaxWindRotationDegrees = 50 // The amount that the wind direction will change in the time defined in "WindRotationTimeHours"
WindRotationTimeHours = 7 // The time required for the wind direction to change by the amount defined in "WindRotationDegrees"

MinWindGustSpeedMPH = 1 // The minimum wind speed of a gust
MaxWindGustSpeedMPH = 20 // The maximum wind speed of a gust
MinWindGustPeriodSeconds = 5 // The minimum time it takes the wind to "gust" up to max speed
MaxWindGustPeriodSeconds = 15 // The maximum time it takes the wind to "gust" up to max speed

MinAverageCloudCover = 0.1 // This represents the minimum general cloud cover
MaxAverageCloudCover = 0.5 // This represents the maximum general cloud cover
MinPrimaryTargetCloudCover = 0.1 // The minimum amount of cloud cover over the primary target
MaxPrimaryTargetCloudCover = 1.0 // The maximum amount of cloud cover over the primary target
MinSecondaryTargetCloudCover = 0.1 // The minimum amount of cloud cover over the secondary target
MaxSecondaryTargetCloudCover = 0.8 // The maximum amount of cloud cover over the secondary target
MinTertiaryTargetCloudCover = 0.1 // The minimum amount of cloud cover over the tertiary target
MaxTertiaryTargetCloudCover = 0.4 // The maximum amount of cloud cover over the tertiary target

LowCloudMinAltitudeFeet = 5000 // Minimum altitude of the lowest cloud layer ( max gameplay impact )
LowCloudMaxAltitudeFeet = 10000 // Maximum altitude of the lowest cloud layer ( max gameplay impact )
MidCloudMinAltitudeFeet = 15000 // Minimum altitude of the middle cloud layer
MidCloudMaxAltitudeFeet = 25000 // Maximum altitude of the middle cloud layer
HighCloudMinAltitudeFeet = 40000 // Minimum altitude of the highest cloud layer
HighCloudMaxAltitudeFeet = 45000 // Maximum altitude of the highest cloud layer


ExplosionMinRangeFeet = 10000 // Range of max volume of a dulled explosion
ExplosionMaxRangeFeet = 15000 // Range of min volume of a dulled explosion
ExplosionBrightMinRangeFeet = 1000 // Range of max volume of a bright explosion
ExplosionBrightMaxRangeFeet = 3000 // Range of min volume of a bright explosion

FlakInteriorNearRangeFeet = 65 // Range at which the flak near effects will be played for interior views
FlakInteriorMediumRangeFeet = 350 // Range at which the flak medium distance effects will be played for interior views
FlakInteriorFarRangeFeet = 700 // Range at which the flak far effects will be played for interior views
FlakExteriorNearRangeFeet = 200 // Range at which the flak near effects will be played for exterior views
FlakExteriorMediumRangeFeet = 800 // Range at which the flak medium distance effects will be played for exterior views
FlakExteriorFarRangeFeet = 3150 // Range at which the flak far effects will be played for exterior views

SmallSplashMinRangeFeet = 1500 // Range of max volume of a small splash
SmallSplashMaxRangeFeet = 3000 // Range of min volume of a small splash
LargeSplashMinRangeFeet = 2000 // Range of max volume of a large splash
LargeSplashMaxRangeFeet = 3500 // Range of min volume of a large splash

NavigatorFirstLostRangeMiles = 8.0 // First navigator prompt about being lost
NavigatorSecondLostRangeMiles = 12.0 // Second navigator prompt about being lost
NavigatorThirdLostRangeMiles = 16.0 // Third navigator prompt about being lost
FirePromptLevelOne = 0.1 // First fire warning level
FirePromptLevelTwo = 0.3 // Second fire warning level
FirePromptLevelThree = 0.5 // Third fire warning level

Type = Standard // Can be Standard, StandardFree, Free, FighterAttack
Airbase = Funsville // Ridgewell, Podington, Kings Cliffe, Steeple Morden, Deenethorpe, Duxford, Raydon, Funsville
Target = Brest Harbor // Brest Harbor, Brest U-boat Base, Harnes Oil Facility... any defined target
MissionAltitudeFeet = 20000 // Height at which the mission will be flown

// Free Mini Mission Parameters
FreeFighterType = ME262 // Can be P51, P47, P38, BF109, FW190, ME262
FreeFighterQuantity = 1

// FighterAttack Mini Mission Parameters
FighterAttackAttacker = P51 // Can be P51, P47, P38, BF109, FW190, ME262
FighterAttackDefender = FW190 // Can be P51, P47, P38, BF109, FW190, ME262
FighterAttackDistanceFeet = 250 // Initial distance between the fighters


MinInitialEnemyRangeMiles = 2.0 // The distance away from the player's formation that the enemy is created
MaxInitialEnemyRangeMiles = 3.5 // The distance away from the player's formation that the enemy is created

// Limping Home
MissionOneAirbase = Ridgewell // Where the player is limping to
MissionOneStartPosXMetres = 961968.10 // X coordinate of the start position
MissionOneStartPosZMetres = 2224982.79 // Z coordinate of the start position
MissionOneStartHeightFeet = 6000 // Starting height above the terrain
MissionOnePortAileronDamage = 0.0 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneStbdAileronDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOnePortFlapsDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneStbdFlapsDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOnePortWingDamage = 0.2 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneStbdWingDamage = 0.2 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneElevatorDamage = 0.0 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneRudderDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneVerticalStabiliserDamage = 0.0 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage

// Attack of the Axis
MissionTwoTarget = Bremen Oil Refinery // Target that the B-17 squadron has just bombed
MissionTwoDistanceFromRallyPointMiles = 1.0 // ummmm... distance from the rally point
MissionTwoMissionAltitude = 20000 // Height at which the mission will be flown
MissionTwoEscortSquadronSize = 2 // Number of escorts
MissionTwoNumInterceptorSquadrons = 4 // Number of interceptor squadrons
MissionTwoInterceptorSquadronSize = 4 // Number of interceptors in each squadron

// Where are the Little Friends
MissionThreeTarget = Yonne River Rail Bridge // Target that the B-17 squadron is attacking
//MissionThreeTarget = Brest Harbor // Target that the B-17 squadron is attacking
MissionThreeDistanceToInitialPointMiles = 1.0 // Distance to the initial point of the bomb run
MissionThreeMissionAltitude = 27000 // Height at which the mission will be flown
MissionThreeNumInterceptorSquadrons = 4 // Number of interceptor squadrons
MissionThreeInterceptorSquadronSize = 4 // Number of interceptors in each squadron

// Opportunity for the Axis
MissionFourTarget = Wildau Torpedo Plant // Target being attack by the B-17 squadron
MissionFourAircraftType = FW190 // Aircraft type the player gets to fly
MissionFourMissionAltitude = 8000 // Height at which the mission will be flown
MissionFourEscortSquadronSize = 2 // Number of escorts
MissionFourNumInterceptorSquadrons = 3 // Number of interceptor squadrons
MissionFourInterceptorSquadronSize = 4 // Number of interceptors in each squadron

// Fighter Sweep over France
MissionFiveAircraftType = P47 // Aircraft type the player gets to fly
MissionFiveStartPosXMetres = 796601.08 // X coordinate of the start position
MissionFiveStartPosZMetres = 1923380.0 // Z coordinate of the start position
MissionFiveStartHeightFeet = 18000.0 // Starting height above the terrain
MissionFiveAlliedSquadronSize = 4 // Size of allied squadron
MissionFiveNumAxisSquadrons = 1 // Number of axis squadrons
MissionFiveAxisSquadronSize = 4 // Size of axis squadron

// Defence of the Reich
MissionSixAircraftType = FW190 // Aircraft type the player gets to fly
MissionSixStartPosXMetres = 934884.17 // X coordinate of the start position
MissionSixStartPosZMetres = 1956460.65 // Z coordinate of the start position
MissionSixStartHeightFeet = 8000.0 // Starting height above the terrain
MissionSixNumAlliedSquadrons = 2 // Number of allied squadrons
MissionSixAlliedSquadronSize = 3 // Size of allied squadron
MissionSixAxisSquadronSize = 4 // Size of axis squadron


// Taxi and Take Off
MissionOneAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionOneWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionOneWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed

// Approach and Landing
MissionTwoAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionTwoWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionTwoWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed

// Feather/Restart an Engine
MissionThreeAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionThreeWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionThreeWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed

// Bombing Easy
MissionFourTarget = Training target // Target being bombed
MissionFourMissionAltitudeFeet = 20000.0 // Height from which the bombs are dropped

// Bombing Hard
MissionFiveTarget = Bremen FockeWulf Factory // Target being bombed
MissionFiveMissionAltitudeFeet = 25000 // Height from which the bombs are dropped
MissionFiveWindHeadingDegrees = 45.0 // Wind direction
MissionFiveWindSpeedMPH = 4.0 // Wind speed
MissionFiveCloudCover = 0.6 // Cloud cover over target

// Gunnery
MissionSixAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionSixHitsToSucceed = 50 // Number of bullet hits per gunner position required to complete the mission
MissionSixWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionSixWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed
MissionSixLowHeightFeet = 200 // Height below aircraft for dummy B-17
MissionSixHighHeightFeet = 200 // Height above aircraft for dummy B-17
MissionSixRangeFeet = 400 // Range for dummy B-17
MissionSixChinTurretBearingDegrees = 0.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixCheekGunBearingDegrees = 30.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixTopTurretBearingDegrees = 135.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixBallTurretBearingDegrees = 270.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixLeftWaistBearingDegrees = 90.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixRightWaistBearingDegrees = 270.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixTailGunnerBearingDegrees = 180.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17


MissionOneAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionOneTarget = Bremen FockeWulf Factory // Target attacked
MissionOneStartTimeHours = 7.75 // Engine start time ( 7:45AM )
MissionOneOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionOneReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionOneMissionAltitudeFeet = 25000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionTwoAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionTwoTarget = Osnabruck Industrial Center // Target attacked
MissionTwoStartTimeHours = 10.0 // Engine start time ( 10:00AM )
MissionTwoOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionTwoReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionTwoMissionAltitudeFeet = 25000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionThreeAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionThreeTarget = Ludwigshaven Rubber Factory // Target attacked
MissionThreeStartTimeHours = 7.25 // Engine start time ( 7:15AM )
MissionThreeOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionThreeReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionThreeMissionAltitudeFeet = 25000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionFourAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionFourTarget = Frankfurt Industrial Center // Target attacked
MissionFourStartTimeHours = 7.00 // Engine start time ( 7:00AM )
MissionFourOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionFourReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionFourMissionAltitudeFeet = 24000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionFiveAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionFiveTarget = Brunswick Bomb Factory // Target attacked
MissionFiveStartTimeHours = 7.75 // Engine start time ( 7:45AM )
MissionFiveOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionFiveReturnLegEscort = P51 // Return leg escorts
MissionFiveMissionAltitudeFeet = 21000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionSixAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionSixTarget = Eurotank Oil Refinery and Storage // Target attacked
MissionSixStartTimeHours = 6.25 // Engine start time ( 3:45AM )
MissionSixOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionSixReturnLegEscort = P51 // Return leg escorts
MissionSixMissionAltitudeFeet = 26000.0 // Mission altitude

// below *NOTE* from mick-you can change these parameters to what suits you
TimeHours = 15 // Number of hours past midnight as mission time
AltitudeFeet = 8000 // Altitude at which the mission occurs
SpeedMilesPerHour = 200 // Speed of aircraft for mission
Bearing = 000 // Target approach bearing-000=N 180=S
DurationSeconds = 60 // Length of the footage
CameraAngle = 55 // 0 == Ahead, 90 == Down
FlakProbability = 1 // Probability that flak will hit the recce mission

[B17VirtualDamage] // number of bullets and smokes to apply to each position
ChinTurretBullets = 50
ChinTurretSmokes = 150
CheekGunnerBullets = 50
CheekGunnerSmokes = 150
PilotBullets = 50
PilotSmokes = 150
CoPilotBullets = 50
CoPilotSmokes = 150
TopTurretBullets = 50
TopTurretSmokes = 150
BallTurretBullets = 50
BallTurretSmokes = 150
LeftWaistBullets = 50
LeftWaistSmokes = 150
RightWaistBullets = 50
RightWaistSmokes = 150
TailGunnerBullets = 50
TailGunnerSmokes = 150

[BailOut] // Difficulty of getting out of the plane from a position
BombardierDifficulty = 0.25 // Difficulty for the Bombardier to get out. 0 = easy and 1 = impossible
BombardierBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Bombardier bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
ChinTurretDifficulty = 0.25 // Difficulty for the Chin Turret guy to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
ChinTurretBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Chin Turret guy bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
CheekGunnerDifficulty = 0.25 // Difficulty for the Cheek Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
CheekGunnerBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Cheek Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
NavigatorDifficulty = 0.25 // Difficulty for the Navigator to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
NavigatorBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Navigator bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
PilotDifficulty = 0.3 // Difficulty for the Pilot to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
PilotBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Pilot bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
CoPilotDifficulty = 0.3 // Difficulty for the Co-Pilot to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
CoPilotBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Co-Pilot bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
TopTurretDifficulty = 0.3 // Difficulty for the Top Turret Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
TopTurretBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Top Turret Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
RadioOperatorDifficulty = 0.33 // Difficulty for the Radio Operator to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
RadioOperatorBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Radio Operator bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
BallTurretDifficulty = 0.85 // Difficulty for the Ball Turret Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
BallTurretBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Ball Turret Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
LeftWaistDifficulty = 0.1 // Difficulty for the Left Waist Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
LeftWaistBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Left Waist Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
RightWaistDifficulty = 0.1 // Difficulty for the Right Waist Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
RightWaistBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Right Waist Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
TailGunnerDifficulty = 0.5 // Difficulty for the Tail Turret Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
TailGunnerBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Tail Turret Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch

[CrewInitiative] // Determines crew reaction to external stimuli

EventImportanceNoseFire = 1.0 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Nose Compartment Fire)
EventImportanceFlightDeckFire = 1.0 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Flight Deck Fire)
EventImportanceBombBayFire = 1.0 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Bomb Bay Fire)
EventImportanceRadioRoomFire = 1.0 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Radio Room Fire)
EventImportanceWaistFire = 1.0 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Waist Compartment Fire)
EventImportanceTailFire = 1.0 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Tail Compartment Fire)

NoInititiveModifier = 0.0 // Never React to anything
LimitedInitiativeModifier = 0.2 // Immediate simuli only. Long response time.
NormalInitiativeModifier = 0.7 // General autonomy
SuperiorInitiativeModifier = 1.7 // Enhanced autonomy
MaxTimeInEventQueueSeconds = 60 // This is scaled to 1.0 - the above modifiers

CompartmentInjuredImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Wounded comrade slumped in a non specific position)

BombardierTaskImportance = 0.35 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical (Bombardier at any time other than bombrun)
BombardierCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier on bombrun - Should be VERY high)
EventImportanceBombardierPrimaryDamage = 0.75 // Norden
EventImportanceBombardierSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceBombardierInjury = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier manning bombsight requires First Aid)

ChinTurretTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical (Bombardier manning Chin turret at any time other than Fighter attack)
ChinTurretCombatTaskImportance = 0.7 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier manning Chin turret during Fighter Attack)
EventImportanceChinTurretPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceChinTurretSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceChinTurretInjury = 0.75 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier manning Chin turret requires First Aid)

CheekGunnerTaskImportance = 0.0 // NOTE:*NOTE FROM MICK* I`ve done this to stop RO to B-CT takeovers
CheekGunnerCombatTaskImportance = 0.0 // See above
EventImportanceCheekGunnerPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // See above
EventImportanceCheekGunnerSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // See above
EventImportanceCheekGunnerInjury = 0.1 // See above

NavigatorTaskImportance = 0.75 // Set this and the below category to the same value - No "In combat" task for Navigator
NavigatorCombatTaskImportance = 0.75 // See above
EventImportanceNavigatorPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceNavigatorSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceNavigatorInjury = 0.77 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Navigator requires First Aid)

PilotTaskImportance = 0.8 // Importance of pilots job when skilled co-pilot present.
PilotCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // Importance of pilots job when no skilled co-pilot is present.
EventImportancePilotPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportancePilotSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportancePilotInjury = 1.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Pilot requires First Aid)

CoPilotTaskImportance = 0.75 // Importance of co-pilots job when skilled pilot is present
CoPilotCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // Importance of co-pilots job when no skilled pilot is present
EventImportanceCoPilotPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceCoPilotSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceCoPilotInjury = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Co-Pilot requires First Aid)

TopTurretTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
TopTurretCombatTaskImportance = 0.7 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceTopTurretPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceTopTurretSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceTopTurretInjury = 0.75 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner requires First Aid)

RadioOperatorTaskImportance = 0.2 // Set this and the below category to the same value - No "In combat" task for Radio Operator
RadioOperatorCombatTaskImportance = 0.0 // See Above *NOTE FROM MICK* I`ve done this to stop RO to B-CT takeovers
EventImportanceRadioOperatorPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceRadioOperatorSecondaryDamage = 0.0// N/A
EventImportanceRadioOperatorInjury = 0.75 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Radio Operator)

BallTurretTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Ball Turret Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
BallTurretCombatTaskImportance = 0.7 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Ball Turret Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceBallTurretPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceBallTurretSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceBallTurretInjury = 0.9 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner requires First Aid)

LeftWaistTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
LeftWaistCombatTaskImportance = 0.7 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceLeftWaistPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Gun
EventImportanceLeftWaistSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceLeftWaistInjury = 0.75 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner requires First Aid)

RightWaistTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Right Waist Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
RightWaistCombatTaskImportance = 0.7 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceRightWaistPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Gun
EventImportanceRightWaistSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceRightWaistInjury = 0.75 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner requires First Aid)

TailGunnerTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Tail Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
TailGunnerCombatTaskImportance = 0.7 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Tail Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceTailGunnerPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceTailGunnerSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceTailGunnerInjury = 0.75 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Tail Gunner requires First Aid)

FirstAidMaxTimeSeconds = 240 // The longest first aid can possibly take.
ResidualDrainTimeHours = 5 // Originally set to 8. This represents the amount of time in which a crewmember can bleed out.
MaxHealAmount = 0.5 // The most health that can be recovered from First Aid.

CriticalHealthLevel = 0.25 // Unconsciousness threshold
CriticalInjuryHealTimeModifier = 7.0 // Time to heal up to Critical Health Level is modified by this value

MinKnockoutHealth = 0.8 // Above this value a KO is impossible
MinKnockoutChance = 0.01 // This is the lowest possible chance for a KO (the chance at the above health level)
MaxKnockoutHealth = 0.2 // Below this value consciousness is impossible
MaxKnockoutChance = 5.0 // This is the highest possible chance for a KO (the chance at the above health level)
KnockoutCheckIntervalSeconds = 1 // KO is checked for at an interval defined here.

MachineGunBulletInitialDamageMin = 0.69 // Minimum damage inflicted by an MG hit.
MachineGunBulletInitialDamageRange = 0.68 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by an MG hit.
MachineGunBulletDamageSeconds = 240 // The additional health drain from an MG injury occurs over this time period
MachineGunBulletDamagePerTime = 0.2 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

CannonRoundInitialDamageMin = 0.99 // Minimum damage inflicted by a direct cannon hit.
CannonRoundInitialDamageRange = 0.98 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by a direct cannon hit.
CannonRoundDamageSeconds = 5 // The additional health drain from a direct Cannon injury occurs over this time period
CannonRoundDamagePerTime = 0.25 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

CannonSplashInitialDamageMin = 0.45 // Minimum damage inflicted by the splash from a cannon shell exploding.
CannonSplashInitialDamageRange = 0.44 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by the splash from a cannon shell exploding.
CannonSplashDamageSeconds = 150 // The additional health drain from an indirect Cannon injury occurs over this time period
CannonSplashDamagePerTime = 0.1 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

FlakInitialDamageMin = 0.85 // Minimum damage inflicted by the splash of a flak shell explosion.
FlakInitialDamageRange = 0.84 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by the splash from a cannon shell exploding.
FlakDamageSeconds = 10 // The additional health drain from a flak injury occurs over this time period
FlakDamagePerTime = 0.2 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

BombInitialDamageMin = 0.99 // Minimum damage inflicted by the impact of an unfused bomb dropping through the aircraft
BombInitialDamageRange = 0.98 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by the impact of an unfused bomb dropping through the aircraft
BombDamageSeconds = 1 // The additional health drain from being struck by an unfused bomb occurs over this time period
BombDamagePerTime = 0.15 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

FireInitialDamageMin = 0.7 // Minimum damage inflicted by exposure to a compartment fire
FireInitialDamageRange = 0.69 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by exposure to a compartment fire
FireDamageSeconds = 120 // The additional health drain from being burned by a fire occurs over this time period
FireDamagePerTime = 0.05 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

PanicSkillModifierMin = 0.175 // The minimum effect of a state of panic on the crewmembers skill ratings
PanicSkillModifierMax = 0.35 // The maximum effect of a state of panic on the crewmembers skill ratings
PanicTimeModifier = 1.20 // The modifier applied to task times in a state of panic
PanicAggressionAmplifier = 0.45 // Affects the balance of aggression in panic. Aggression higher than this value panics aggresively, lower equals losing nerve
PanicCureTimeSeconds = 15 // Time of player possesion to "cure" panic.

MinSkillModifier = 0.2 // The lowest a skill can be reduced to by Wounds / Panicking etc

LearningModifierMin = 0.25 // Maximum improvement of a skill under AI Control
LearningModifierMax = 2.5 // Maximum improvement of a skill under Human Control
VocationalSkillModifierMin = 0.5 // Effect of a low Vocational Skill level on acquired experience
VocationalSkillModifierMax = 1.5 // Effect of a high Vocational Skill level on acquired experience

MaxAIImprovementPerMission = 0.06 // Maximum skill improvement in each skill without human intervention, per mission.
MaxHumanImprovementPerMission = 1.3 // Maximum skill improvement in each skill with human intervention, per mission.
HumanModifier = 1.5 // Modifier for human possesion on skill improvement rate.

GunneryImprovementCombatTimeSeconds = 300 // Rate Gunnery skill improves by the maximum rate.
BombingImprovementCombatTimeSeconds = 180 // Rate Bombardment skill improves by the maximum rate.
PilotingImprovementCombatTimeHours = 2 // Rate Piloting skill improves by the maximum rate.
NavigationImprovementCombatTimeHours = 7 // Rate Navigation skill improves by the maximum rate.
FirstAidingImprovementCombatTimeMinutes = 20// Rate First Aid skill improves by the maximum rate.

MinTimeToCrankBombBayDoorsSeconds = 20 // It takes at least this long to crank the doors
MaxTimeToCrankBombBayDoorsSeconds = 40 // Low technical skill means longer to crank the doors
MinTimeToCrankUndercarriageSeconds = 20 // It takes at least this long to crank the wheels
MaxTimeToCrankUndercarriageSeconds = 35 // Low technical skill means longer to crank wheels

MinTogglierReactionTimeSeconds = 1 // The reaction time of the best togglier ( bombardier ) i.e not the lead aircraft
MaxTogglierReactionTimeSeconds = 2 // The reaction time of the worst togglier ( bombardier ) i.e not the lead aircraft

DamageFighter = 1 // Reward system points for damaging a fighter
DestroyFighter = 3

BombardierLightDamage = 3.0 // Reward system points for the Bombarder lightly damaging the target
BombardierModerateDamage = 7.0 // Reward systen points for the Bombardier moderately damaging the target
BombardierHeavyDamage = 12.5 // Reward system points for the Bombardier taking a heavy wound

ExtinguishFire = 2.0 // Reward system points for extinguishing a fire
SufferLightWound = 2.0 // Reward system points for suffering a light wound
SufferModerateWound = 4.0 // Reward system points for suffering a moderate wound
SufferHeavyWound = 6.0 // Reward system points for suffering a heavy wound

SuccessfulLightFirstAid = 1.0 // Reward system points for giving sucessful first aid (light wound)
SuccessfulHeavyFirstAid = 3.0 // Reward system points for giving sucessful first aid (heavy wound)
RecoverFromWound = 2.0 // Reward system points for returning to station after wound
RepairSystem = 3.0 // Reward system points for sucessfully repairing a damaged system

SuccessfulLandingAfterCatastrophe = 30.0 // Reward system points for landing after catastrophic damage
SuccessfulLangingMinus1Engine = 5.0 // Reward system points for landing on three engines
SuccessfulLangingMinus2Engines = 10.0 // Reward system points for landing on two engines
SuccessfulLangingMinus3Engines = 20.0 // Reward system points for landing on one engine
SuccessfulLangingMinus4Engines = 30.0 // Reward system points for a deadstick landing

HitPrimaryTarget = 8.0 // Reward system points for hitting the primary target, as planned.
HitSecondaryTarget = 7.0 // Reward system points for hitting the secondary target, as planned.
HitTertiaryTarget = 5.0 // Reward system points for hitting the tertiary target, as planned.
HitTargetOfOpportunityLow = 3.0 // Reward system points for hitting a low priority target of opportunity
HitTargetOfOpportunityMedium = 4.0 // Reward system points for hitting a medium priority target of opportunity
HitTargetOfOpportunityHigh = 5.0 // Reward system points for hitting a high priority target of opportunity

Panicking = -3.0 // Reward system points deducted for panicking
DamageFriendly = -5.0 // Reward system points deducted for damaging a friendly aircraft
DestroyFriendly = -15.0 // Reward system points deducted for destroying a friendly aircraft
DitchingBeforeBombing = -10.0 // Reward system points for ending the mission prematurely before bombing
DitchingAfterBombing = -5.0 // Reward system points for ending the mission prematurely after bombing.

TimeToMaxIntensitySeconds = 270 // Time taken for a compartment fire to reach maximum intensity
MaxTimeToExtinguishSeconds = 20 // Longest time taken to extinguish a fire
IntensitySpreadMin = 0.55 // Value of fire intensity at which checks for spreading are made
IntensitySpreadMax = 0.85 // Value of fire intensity at which spreading automatically occurs
IntensityUninhabitable = 0.65 // Value of fire intensity at which crewmembers take damage
IntensityInoperable = 0.8 // Value of fire intensity at which crewmembers must leave the compartment
FlightDeckIntensityToBlow = 1.25 // Value of fire intensity in flight deck required to destroy B-17
BombBayLoadedIntensityToBlow = 0.5 // Value of fire intensity in loaded bomb bay required to destroy B-17
BombBayUnLoadedIntensityToBlow = 1.5 // Value of fire intensity in unloaded bomb bay required to destroy B-17
LevelOneFireWarning = 0.1 // Value of fire intensity required to generate level one warning from crewmember
LevelTwoFireWarning = 0.3 // Value of fire intensity required to generate level two warning

[Gunner] // Probability of jam increases exponentially as consecutive bullets approaches max
MinConsecutiveBulletsBeforeJam = 30 // Minimum consecutive rounds in a single burst before test for jam is made
MaxConsecutiveBulletsBeforeJam = 95 // Number of consecutive rounds in a single burst at which a jam is inevitable
AIDeadBulletsModifier = 0.001 // This alters the number of dead bullets in a burst. At 1.0 it's equal to gunner skill, .5 = half gunner skill.

RangeMinSpotYards = 420 // Range closer than which, the gunner will have spotted the target irrespective of observance
RangeMaxSpotYards = 900 // Maximum range at which the gunner may spot the target irrespective of observance
RangeMinFireYards = 50 // The range at which the gunners will cease firing
RangeMaxFireYards = 690 // The range at which the gunners will begin to fire
MaxBurstTimeSeconds = 3.0 // Max length of firing burst, when target is at it's closest
MinBurstTimeSeconds = 0.8 // Max length of firing burst, when target is at it's furthest
PauseTimeSeconds = 0.5 // Length of pause between bursts of fire
MuzzleVelocityMetresPerSecond = 800 // Speed of the bullets ( don't change lightly, must match the particle muzzle velocity )

MaxLeadErrorFeet = 35 // At it's worst, the gunner will get the lead wrong by this amount
MaxHeightErrorFeet = 35 // At it's worst, the gunner will get the height wrong by this amount
MaxTimeToHomeLeadSeconds = 1.5 // The AI will home in on the correct lead in this time at worst
MaxTimeToHomeHeightSeconds = 1.5 // The AI will home in on the correct height in this time at worst

MaxHomeStartRangeYards = 850 // Range at which the best gunner will start homing
MinHomeStartRangeYards = 690 // Range at which the worst gunner will start homing

[B17EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.05 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.05 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 1 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.5 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 150 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.90 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 0.5 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.6 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.80 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.5 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 2.5 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.4 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.84 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 0.99 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 0.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 2.5 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.70 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.40 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[P38EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.4 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 0 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 0.6 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.50 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.80 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.10 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.4 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.20 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.88 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 0.99 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 0.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 2.5 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[P47EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.40 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 150 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.90 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.80 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.40 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.88 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 0.99 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 0.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 2.5 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[P51EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.4 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 0 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 0.6 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.50 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.80 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.10 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.4 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.20 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.88 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 0.99 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 0.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 2.5 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[BF109EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.01 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.1 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.4 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 0 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.015 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."
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Corktip 14
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4243
Inscription : 16 août 2003


Message par Corktip 14 »

Hében on va tester ça de suite (et je sens que jvais te haïr bien vite avec ça :lol: ). Blague dans le groin, ça m'a l'air bien alléchant! Jvais recommencer une campagne avec un nouveau Black Magic, et je te tiens au courant en cas de bug ou autre ;)

Edit: C'est bien, j'ai l'impression qu'on fait revivre un peu cette simu depuis quelques jours :D
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Corktip 14
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4243
Inscription : 16 août 2003


Message par Corktip 14 »

Ben après test, je suis sur le cul, c'est vachement plus réaliste (a mon sens). Par contre, c'est pas toi qui va devoir envoyer un courrir aux parents de Harold Keegan, de Ian Lieberman et d'Oscar Evans, respectivement bombardier, navigateur et mitrailleurs de queue du B-17G "Black Magic" du 532nd BS du 381st BG de la 8th AF... Et encore, on a pas eu de chasse sur le dos, et la flak était signalée comme modérée ^_^
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Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Lol, attend que la chasse arrive. La Luftwaffe se déplace en nombre cette fois : au début, modérée mais dès que tu approches le territoire du Reich, c'est plus quatre appareils, mais 8, 12 voir 16 qui t'agressent en même temps. Et là ben......... :rolleyes:

Pour ma part la sagesse me dit d'attendre la fin de mes exams universitaires avant de commencer une campagne ^_^ .....la Huitième Air force c'est pas elle qui va m'embaucher loll :P

@+++ et gare aux chasseurs dans le soleil et de face!!

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1959
Inscription : 02 novembre 2004


Message par Flyingkiller »

Merci Pelican72, pour ce contenu de fichier, ça m'a l'air super !
Ca na provoque pas de pb de plantage ou autre ? Nan, je dis ça parce je suis très sceptique, avec les jeux que j'adore !!
Mais où change-t-on le contenu ? Il faut utiliser quel logicel ( Bloc-Notes ) ?
Merci encore !
Merci à vous pour ce que vous m'avez appris ! :yes:
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Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Salut Flying,

Pas de souci pour le plantage, je n'en ai jamais eu. D'ailleurs, même avant ça je n'en avait jamais eu (quel bonheur lol).

Pour insatller, tu vas dans le répertoir d B17, puis dans "Ressource", puis "Database".
Là, tu sauvegardes ton fichier "River and Road" existant.
Ensuite, tu l'ouvres avec word ou notepad, as you want.

Tu vois le contenu? Ben tu remplace tout par ce qu'il y a écris plus haut. Et le tour est joué.

Voilou voilou!!

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1959
Inscription : 02 novembre 2004


Message par Flyingkiller »

Merci, j'ai réussi !
J'ai testé, et je dois dire que pour les chasseurs et la flak, c'est génial, mais ils y a quand même des trucs qui ont changé :
Le temps est plus beau que d'habitude, les sons sont différents, les membres sont de très bons viseurs...
Ca fait bizarre, on dirait un nouveau jeu !
Merci à vous pour ce que vous m'avez appris ! :yes:
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Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Pour le temps plus beau je n'avais jamais remarqué, je mets toujours la météo sur "modérée" dans les paramètres.
Pour l'AI, ma foi je sais pas trop, je l'a mets sur "normale", en tout cas je n'ai jamais remarqué de "sniper" dans mon équipage, il faut vraiment que le chasseur ennemi s'approche de près ou vole "steady" pour qu'il soit touché par une des mitrailleuse d'un B17...a moi d'un tir croisé.... ;)

Sinon j'ai juste remarqué les sons différents dans l'avion oui, l'AI parle plus souvent et émet de nouveaux sons c'est vrai!!

Sinon c'est du pur bonheur ce remake du fichier R&R!!!

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1959
Inscription : 02 novembre 2004


Message par Flyingkiller »

A titre d'exemple, je peux te citer ma mission de campagne :
arrivé sur cible, 12 chasseurs nous attaquent, je regarde d'extérieur, deux moteurs explosent, et d'autres tombent, 5 abbatus en une passe !
Trois B-17 descendus, et la flak en descend 4....
La vue peut-être dézoomer comme en campagne d'escadrille aussi !
Merci pour ce remake !
Merci à vous pour ce que vous m'avez appris ! :yes:
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Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Exact Flying, de plus tu soulèves un des points pénible des vols :
En effet, lorsque les chasseurs ennemis attaquent, et ce particulièrement les première vague, ils ont tous descendus ou amochés à leur première passe.

Pourquoi? Parce qu'aux première vagues, c'est toujours pareil : l'attaque se fait par en haut et par l'arrière, à la porté des B17 et leur mitrailleuse arrière et dorsale.
C'est un défaut du jeu..les premières attaques se déroule toujours ainsi, de la même manière.

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1959
Inscription : 02 novembre 2004


Message par Flyingkiller »

Ok, c'est vrai que c'est dommage, mais merci quand même pour ce remake !
Merci à vous pour ce que vous m'avez appris ! :yes:
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1898
Inscription : 02 juin 2003


Message par MikiBzh »

Salut Pelican 72 !

P'tite question en passant :
Tu confirmes qu'il n'y a pas moyen de mettre plus de 18 B-17 en visu (fantomes et reels ) ?
Certe 18 c'est deja pas mal, mais sur de bonne conf recente ca doit bien gazer d'en voir le double !
De mon coté je n'y suis jamais arrivé...
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Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Arf, je sais pas trop, car j'ai jamais essayé.
A l'époque, j'avais lu le tuto pour modifier le fichier et j'avais ainsi bidouillé le fichier....c'était dans le nombre de squadron de B17 je m'en rappelle.
Mais déjà 18 c'est déjà pas mal au niveau des décollages sur les bases car presque toutes les aires de stationnement sont prises.

A vrai dire, faudrait essayer Miki...j'irai voir ça d'un peu plus près ces jours ci.

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1898
Inscription : 02 juin 2003


Message par MikiBzh »

Aucun essai n'a donné satisfaction.

Tu peux mettre des chiffres au dela de 18, style 24, il ne sont pas corrigés dans le fichier, mais en vol n'apparaissent que 18 avions...

Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 675
Inscription : 17 février 2002


Message par pulsars »

salut pelican et les autres

j'ai fait la manip du copier/coller et de mettre dans databases, le nouveau fichier.
Il est donc en .txt et j'ai du plantage : écran noir à ouverture mission !
J'ai remarqué que le fichier était en .lmf extension---> il faut l'omf pour le modifier ???

je comprends pas !
sinon j'ai le fichier de pelican du 21/01/03 21:27 modifié, c'est bien un .lmf
il est storé ici : le fichier RiverAndRoadsDB
je pense qu'il doit répondre aux critères de pelican ? est ce que tu confirmes pelican ? à ce titre j'en ai un autre en date du 20/03/03 00:21 : est il valable celui-ci ? seul pelican pourra me dire ;)

si qq'un peut m'expliquer ? :D
J'ai vécu dans mon avion ce que les autres ne connaîtront jamais.....Pierre Clostermann

My specs :
Processeur 3,2 GHz : AMD Risen 7 / 2700 huit cœurs RAM 16 Go Windows 10 ,
64 bits x64
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Nvidia Ge Force GTX1060 6 Go
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Messages : 1905
Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »


D'après ce que j'ai lu du fichier mis en lien par tes soins c'est ce lui de Anzacmick, c'est le fameux fichier R&R 1.5 de Bombs aways, le R&R le plus abouti en ce temps...
C'est à partir de celui ci que j'ai modifié mon R&R pour en faire celui que j'utilise actuellement. En fait la gosse modif' que j'y ai apporté pour l'essentiel est la modification du nombre de bombardier et l'IA, voilà les changements majeurs comme expliqués dans le premier post.
ce fichier 1.5 est déjà pas mal du tout et permet de se faire plaisir avec un nouveau B17 II mais oh combien hard surtout au niveau de la gestion des dommages (une passe de 109 ou 190 et c'est généralement l'envoi au fraise pour le B17.... ^_^ )

Pour la manip du copier collé je ne comprend pas pourquoi cela ne marche pas....cela devrait aussi marcher avec txt ? Sinon oui, il faut l'éditer avec l'OMF editor, ensuite l'ouvrir avec Notepad ou Word....par défaut, mon R&R, bien qu'en extention Imf, s'ouvre avec Word....

Voilou, si il ya d'autres questions je suis à votre disposition, dans la mesure de mes connaissances!!! :) :) ^_^

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."
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Black Wolf
Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 6586
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par Black Wolf »

euh il te suffirait pas simplement de renomer le .txt en l'extension originale... le bloc notes a tendance a toujours vouloir ajouter .txt a la fin du nom. Je n'ai pas B17II mais c'était juste une suggéstion comme ça...
A ceux qui nous ont quittés trop vite : bon vol les gars !

Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 675
Inscription : 17 février 2002


Message par pulsars »

blackwolf merci çà a marché ... çà plante pas

pelican ----> peux tu me donner une mission dans le jeu où je verrai 18 B17 au lieu de 12 , que ce soit au décollage ou en l'air :ph34r: ... avec ton fameux fichier r&r

J'ai vécu dans mon avion ce que les autres ne connaîtront jamais.....Pierre Clostermann

My specs :
Processeur 3,2 GHz : AMD Risen 7 / 2700 huit cœurs RAM 16 Go Windows 10 ,
64 bits x64
Carte graphique :
Nvidia Ge Force GTX1060 6 Go
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Messages : 1905
Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »

Normalement avec ce nouveau fichier River And Road tu dois avoir 18 bombardiers en 3 box de 6 dans les missions historiques et dans le mode campagne, à la fois en tant que commandant de bord et chef d'escadrille (attention à ce dernier mode de campagne, prévu pour la gestion de 12 bombardiers).
Donc 18 bombardiers, au décollage, puis en l'air. B)



Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 675
Inscription : 17 février 2002


Message par pulsars »

génial tes deux sreens ... je les mets où tu sais (sans copyright : hein ? )
je vais refaire manip car je n'ai pas encore vu çà dans mon jeu à moins que mon R&R soit pas bon :angry:

non pas bon je ne vois que 12 bombardiers au départ dans mission historique ...
question : si il y en a 18 , est ce qu'on lit les 18 noms des bombardiers sur cahier ? moi j'ai pas çà si c'est oui

auquel cas je suggère que tu m'envoie le fichier en question par email, merci à toi

et à ++-+

J'ai vécu dans mon avion ce que les autres ne connaîtront jamais.....Pierre Clostermann

My specs :
Processeur 3,2 GHz : AMD Risen 7 / 2700 huit cœurs RAM 16 Go Windows 10 ,
64 bits x64
Carte graphique :
Nvidia Ge Force GTX1060 6 Go
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Messages : 1905
Inscription : 05 août 2001


Message par pelican72 »


Hélas non, pas de 18 mais seulement 12 nom de bombardiers dans les différents rapport "admistratifs et techniques" du jeu....faudrait que je rebidouille un de ces quatre pour voir si je peux peux faire prendre en compte 6 appareils restants...

Pour le fichier R&R si tu le veux je m'occupe de te le faire passer. ;)

A plus dans l'bus.....(je dis "dans le bus" parce que ça rime avec "plus"...oui je sais, je suis drôle :rolleyes: <_< .....)

Pélican 72
"Fermez, démontez, roulez."

Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 675
Inscription : 17 février 2002


Message par pulsars »

Originally posted by pelican72@14 Apr 2005, 08:48

Pour le fichier R&R si tu le veux je m'occupe de te le faire passer. ;)

oki pelican merci

pour ce qui est des noms sur les dossiers, ce doit pas être compliqué une fois que le R&R est ouvert sous notepad ; il suffit de faire un ctrl+f sur un nom de bombardier existant et compléter le "trou"

J'ai vécu dans mon avion ce que les autres ne connaîtront jamais.....Pierre Clostermann

My specs :
Processeur 3,2 GHz : AMD Risen 7 / 2700 huit cœurs RAM 16 Go Windows 10 ,
64 bits x64
Carte graphique :
Nvidia Ge Force GTX1060 6 Go

Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 675
Inscription : 17 février 2002


Message par pulsars »

Originally posted by pelican72@8 Jan 2005, 16:29
....Mais déjà 18 c'est déjà pas mal au niveau des décollages sur les bases car presque toutes les aires de stationnement sont prises. .....
bein j'ai essayé le fichier que pelican m'a envoyé et j'ai toujours que 12 b17 sur le parking (ou en vol)
il faut dire que j'ai la version eco patché 2.0 déjà : est ce que çà viendrait de là ?

en tous cas mon fichier origine R&R commence ainsi , et comme il est différent de celui du post , je le mets en entier, au cas où qq'un se pencherait dessus et me donnerait une explication : [DamageLog]
Comment =
ModifiedBy = Chris Keegan, Iain Howe, Gavin Whitlock, John Shave

Comment =
ModifiedBy = Chris Keegan


DefaultTimeSkipMinutes = 10 // Increasing this makes timeskips larger ( press <return> )
DefaultMiniTimeSkipMinutes = 1 // Increasing this makes mini timeskips larger ( press <ctrl><return> )
TimeSkipTimeOutSeconds = 20 // A timeskip will take no longer than this before returning

// Only Release *or* Debug settings should be used

//************ Begin Release Settings ***************
B17SquadronSize = 6 // Number of B-17s in a squadron
NumLowGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at low graphics detail setting
NumMediumGhostB17s = 6 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at medium graphics detail setting
NumHighGhostB17s = 12 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at high graphics detail setting
PreventFighterAttack = 0 // Prevents the enemy fighters from launching
PreventFlakAttack = 0 // Prevents flak from firing
PreventEscortFighters = 0 // Prevents escort fighters from launching
FreeEnemyFighterSlotsOnLanding = 0 // Frees up slots for enemy fighters to launch if a whole squadron is landed and / or crashed, if set to 1. Otherwise, only frees slots up when all of an enemy formation has crashed ( = 0 ).

NavigatorErrorWindHeadingDegrees = 20 // Plus or minus the maximum angle error of the wind by the worst navigator
NavigatorErrorWindSpeedMPH = 10 // Plus or minus the maximum speed error of the wind by the worst navigator
BombardierDriftScaleErrorDegrees = 5.0 // Worst possible drift scale error. It applies to the worst bombardier.
BombardierSpeedErrorMPH = 30.0 // Worst possible speed error. It applies to the worst bombardier and affects the track rate.
//************* End Release Settings ****************

//************* Begin Debug Settings ****************
//B17SquadronSize = 1 // Number of B-17s in a squadron
//NumLowGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at low graphics detail setting
//NumMediumGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at medium graphics detail setting
//NumHighGhostB17s = 0 // Number of ghost b17s to tag along at high graphics detail setting
//PreventFighterAttack = 1 // Prevents the enemy fighters from launching
//PreventFlakAttack = 1 // Prevents flak from firing
//PreventEscortFighters = 1 // Prevents escort fighters from launching
//FreeEnemyFighterSlotsOnLanding = 0 // Frees up slots for enemy fighters to launch if a whole squadron is landed and / or crashed, if set to 1. Otherwise, only frees slots up when all of an enemy formation has crashed ( = 0 ).

//NavigatorErrorWindHeadingDegrees = 0 // Plus or minus the maximum angle error of the wind by the worst navigator
//NavigatorErrorWindSpeedMPH = 0 // Plus or minus the maximum speed error of the wind by the worst navigator
//BombardierDriftScaleErrorDegrees = 0.0 // Worst possible drift scale error. It applies to the worst bombardier.
//BombardierSpeedErrorMPH = 0.0 // Worst possible speed error. It applies to the worst bombardier and affects the track rate.
//************** End Debug Settings *****************

PreferredTakeoffRunway = -1 // The taxi AI will take off from this runway if not -1 or out of range. (Valid numbers start from 0 with -1 as the default, AI choice setting)

LogDamage = 0 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
LogCrewStats = 0 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
UseCrewMemberHighlight = 1 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
CreateEnemyFightersInTheAir = 0 // 0 = Off and 1 = On
MaxNoOfActiveAirfields = 3 // Caps the number of simultaneously active enemy airfields. ( limit no of airborne enemy planes with this).
EscortSquadronSize = 4 // Number of escorts
InterceptorSquadronSize = 4 // Number of interceptors

CockpitToolTipFontSize = 12 // size of the tooltip fonts in the virtual cockpit screens
CompartmentToolTipFontSize = 12 // size of the tooltip fonts in the compartments screens
StationToolTipFontSize = 12 // size of the tooltip fonts in the station screens

BomberCaptainViewRestrictions = 1 // Prevents the player selecting other bombers and zooming out massively in bomber captain mode
BomberCaptainViewPanAndScan = 0 // Allows extra camera movement when view restrictions are active

SystemBreakOnMemAlloc = -1 // causes the game to debug break when the indicated memory allocation occurs

MaxPositiveGLoading = 5.0 // Positive G load that a pilot can withstand before blacking out
MaxNegativeGLoading = 9.5 // Negative G load that a pilot can withstand before redding out
MaxP51PositiveGLoading = 6.0 // Positive G load that a pilot can withstand before blacking out in a P51 ( they had a G suit )
MaxP51NegativeGLoading = 9.5 // Negative G load that a pilot can withstand before redding out in a P51 ( they had a G suit )

ForceForBlackoutToBegin = 2.0 // Force in addition to max G loading that causes blackout in 'TimeForBlackoutToStart' milliseconds
TimeForBlackoutToStart = 5000.0 // Standard time for blackout to occur at 'ForceForBlackoutToBegin' plus 'MaxPositiveGLoading'

MaxTargetDistance = 5 // Max distance in Kilometers that you can padlock a target at
MaxOffCentreDotProduct = 0.25 // 1.0-dot product from center of screen has to be lower then this to select a target

SimpleNavigationErrorScalar = 0.5 // Affects the wind heading and speed values defined by the navigation error settings
NavigatorOnHeadingThresholdDegrees = 10.0 // How on heading is on heading?

ManualBombRelease = 0 // Determines if, whilst under manual control of the bombardier, the bombs should be released manually

B17FuelUsageScalar = 0.6 // Determines the rate of fuel use for a b-17


LowWeatherSeverityScalar = 0.7 // When the weather realism options are set to "Light", this affects: "WindSpeedMPH", "WindSpeedChangeMPH", "WindGustSpeedMPH", All the cloud cover values
MediumWeatherSeverityScalar = 1.0 // When the weather realism options are set to "Moderate", this affects: "WindSpeedMPH", "WindSpeedChangeMPH", "WindGustSpeedMPH", All the cloud cover values
HighWeatherSeverityScalar = 1.2 // When the weather realism options are set to "Severe", this affects: "WindSpeedMPH", "WindSpeedChangeMPH", "WindGustSpeedMPH", All the cloud cover values

MinWindSpeedMPH = 0 // Minimum speed of the wind
MaxWindSpeedMPH = 0 // maximum speed of the wind

MinWindSpeedChangeMPH = 30 // The amount that the wind speed will change with the change in altitude defined in "WindSpeedChangeAltitudeFeet"
MaxWindSpeedChangeMPH = 50 // The amount that the wind speed will change with the change in altitude defined in "WindSpeedChangeAltitudeFeet"
WindSpeedChangeAltitudeFeet = 35000 // The altitude change required to modify the wind speed by the amount defined in "WindSpeedChangeMPH"
MinWindRotationDegrees = 35 // The amount that the wind direction will change in the time defined in "WindRotationTimeHours"
MaxWindRotationDegrees = 50 // The amount that the wind direction will change in the time defined in "WindRotationTimeHours"
WindRotationTimeHours = 7 // The time required for the wind direction to change by the amount defined in "WindRotationDegrees"

MinWindGustSpeedMPH = 4 // The minimum wind speed of a gust
MaxWindGustSpeedMPH = 6 // The maximum wind speed of a gust
MinWindGustPeriodSeconds = 10 // The minimum time it takes the wind to "gust" up to max speed
MaxWindGustPeriodSeconds = 15 // The maximum time it takes the wind to "gust" up to max speed

MinAverageCloudCover = 0.30 // This represents the minimum general cloud cover
MaxAverageCloudCover = 0.80 // This represents the maximum general cloud cover
MinPrimaryTargetCloudCover = 0.3 // The minimum amount of cloud cover over the primary target
MaxPrimaryTargetCloudCover = 1.0 // The maximum amount of cloud cover over the primary target
MinSecondaryTargetCloudCover = 0.3 // The minimum amount of cloud cover over the secondary target
MaxSecondaryTargetCloudCover = 0.8 // The maximum amount of cloud cover over the secondary target
MinTertiaryTargetCloudCover = 0.3 // The minimum amount of cloud cover over the tertiary target
MaxTertiaryTargetCloudCover = 0.5 // The maximum amount of cloud cover over the tertiary target

LowCloudMinAltitudeFeet = 5000 // Minimum altitude of the lowest cloud layer ( max gameplay impact )
LowCloudMaxAltitudeFeet = 10000 // Maximum altitude of the lowest cloud layer ( max gameplay impact )
MidCloudMinAltitudeFeet = 15000 // Minimum altitude of the middle cloud layer
MidCloudMaxAltitudeFeet = 25000 // Maximum altitude of the middle cloud layer
HighCloudMinAltitudeFeet = 40000 // Minimum altitude of the highest cloud layer
HighCloudMaxAltitudeFeet = 45000 // Maximum altitude of the highest cloud layer


ExplosionMinRangeFeet = 10000 // Range of max volume of a dulled explosion
ExplosionMaxRangeFeet = 40000 // Range of min volume of a dulled explosion
ExplosionBrightMinRangeFeet = 2000 // Range of max volume of a bright explosion
ExplosionBrightMaxRangeFeet = 6000 // Range of min volume of a bright explosion

FlakInteriorNearRangeFeet = 200 // Range at which the flak near effects will be played for interior views
FlakInteriorMediumRangeFeet = 800 // Range at which the flak medium distance effects will be played for interior views
FlakInteriorFarRangeFeet = 800 // Range at which the flak far effects will be played for interior views
FlakExteriorNearRangeFeet = 200 // Range at which the flak near effects will be played for exterior views
FlakExteriorMediumRangeFeet = 800 // Range at which the flak medium distance effects will be played for exterior views
FlakExteriorFarRangeFeet = 4000 // Range at which the flak far effects will be played for exterior views

SmallSplashMinRangeFeet = 1500 // Range of max volume of a small splash
SmallSplashMaxRangeFeet = 3000 // Range of min volume of a small splash
LargeSplashMinRangeFeet = 2000 // Range of max volume of a large splash
LargeSplashMaxRangeFeet = 3500 // Range of min volume of a large splash

NavigatorFirstLostRangeMiles = 8.0 // First navigator prompt about being lost
NavigatorSecondLostRangeMiles = 12.0 // Second navigator prompt about being lost
NavigatorThirdLostRangeMiles = 20.0 // Third navigator prompt about being lost
FirePromptLevelOne = 0.1 // First fire warning level
FirePromptLevelTwo = 0.3 // Second fire warning level
FirePromptLevelThree = 0.5 // Third fire warning level

Type = Standard // Can be Standard, StandardFree, Free, FighterAttack
Airbase = Ridgewell // Ridgewell, Podington, Kings Cliffe, Steeple Morden, Deenethorpe, Duxford, Raydon, Funsville
Target = Brest Harbor // Brest Harbor, Brest U-boat Base, Harnes Oil Facility... any defined target
MissionAltitudeFeet = 20000 // Height at which the mission will be flown

// Free Mini Mission Parameters
FreeFighterType = ME262 // Can be P51, P47, P38, BF109, FW190, ME262
FreeFighterQuantity = 1

// FighterAttack Mini Mission Parameters
FighterAttackAttacker = P51 // Can be P51, P47, P38, BF109, FW190, ME262
FighterAttackDefender = BF109 // Can be P51, P47, P38, BF109, FW190, ME262
FighterAttackDistanceFeet = 250 // Initial distance between the fighters


MinInitialEnemyRangeMiles = 2.0 // The distance away from the player's formation that the enemy is created
MaxInitialEnemyRangeMiles = 2.5 // The distance away from the player's formation that the enemy is created

// Limping Home
MissionOneAirbase = Ridgewell // Where the player is limping to
MissionOneStartPosXMetres = 961968.10 // X coordinate of the start position
MissionOneStartPosZMetres = 2224982.79 // Z coordinate of the start position
MissionOneStartHeightFeet = 6000 // Starting height above the terrain
MissionOnePortAileronDamage = 0.0 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneStbdAileronDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOnePortFlapsDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneStbdFlapsDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOnePortWingDamage = 0.2 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneStbdWingDamage = 0.2 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneElevatorDamage = 0.0 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneRudderDamage = 0.5 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage
MissionOneVerticalStabiliserDamage = 0.0 // 0.0 no damage 1.0 full damage

// Attack of the Axis
MissionTwoTarget = Bremen Oil Refinery // Target that the B-17 squadron has just bombed
MissionTwoDistanceFromRallyPointMiles = 1.0 // ummmm... distance from the rally point
MissionTwoMissionAltitude = 27000 // Height at which the mission will be flown
MissionTwoEscortSquadronSize = 3 // Number of escorts
MissionTwoNumInterceptorSquadrons = 2 // Number of interceptor squadrons
MissionTwoInterceptorSquadronSize = 4 // Number of interceptors in each squadron

// Where are the Little Friends
MissionThreeTarget = Yonne River Rail Bridge // Target that the B-17 squadron is attacking
//MissionThreeTarget = Brest Harbor // Target that the B-17 squadron is attacking
MissionThreeDistanceToInitialPointMiles = 1.0 // Distance to the initial point of the bomb run
MissionThreeMissionAltitude = 27000 // Height at which the mission will be flown
MissionThreeNumInterceptorSquadrons = 3 // Number of interceptor squadrons
MissionThreeInterceptorSquadronSize = 2 // Number of interceptors in each squadron

// Opportunity for the Axis
MissionFourTarget = Wildau Torpedo Plant // Target being attack by the B-17 squadron
MissionFourAircraftType = BF109 // Aircraft type the player gets to fly
MissionFourMissionAltitude = 8000 // Height at which the mission will be flown
MissionFourEscortSquadronSize = 3 // Number of escorts
MissionFourNumInterceptorSquadrons = 2 // Number of interceptor squadrons
MissionFourInterceptorSquadronSize = 4 // Number of interceptors in each squadron

// Fighter Sweep over France
MissionFiveAircraftType = P47 // Aircraft type the player gets to fly
MissionFiveStartPosXMetres = 796601.08 // X coordinate of the start position
MissionFiveStartPosZMetres = 1923380.0 // Z coordinate of the start position
MissionFiveStartHeightFeet = 18000.0 // Starting height above the terrain
MissionFiveAlliedSquadronSize = 4 // Size of allied squadron
MissionFiveNumAxisSquadrons = 1 // Number of axis squadrons
MissionFiveAxisSquadronSize = 4 // Size of axis squadron

// Defence of the Reich
MissionSixAircraftType = FW190 // Aircraft type the player gets to fly
MissionSixStartPosXMetres = 934884.17 // X coordinate of the start position
MissionSixStartPosZMetres = 1956460.65 // Z coordinate of the start position
MissionSixStartHeightFeet = 8000.0 // Starting height above the terrain
MissionSixNumAlliedSquadrons = 2 // Number of allied squadrons
MissionSixAlliedSquadronSize = 3 // Size of allied squadron
MissionSixAxisSquadronSize = 4 // Size of axis squadron


// Taxi and Take Off
MissionOneAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionOneWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionOneWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed

// Approach and Landing
MissionTwoAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionTwoWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionTwoWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed

// Feather/Restart an Engine
MissionThreeAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionThreeWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionThreeWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed

// Bombing Easy
MissionFourTarget = Training target // Target being bombed
MissionFourMissionAltitudeFeet = 8000.0 // Height from which the bombs are dropped

// Bombing Hard
MissionFiveTarget = Training target // Target being bombed
MissionFiveMissionAltitudeFeet = 18000 // Height from which the bombs are dropped
MissionFiveWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionFiveWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed
MissionFiveCloudCover = 0.6 // Cloud cover over target

// Gunnery
MissionSixAirbase = Ridgewell // Starting airbase
MissionSixHitsToSucceed = 50 // Number of bullet hits per gunner position required to complete the mission
MissionSixWindHeadingDegrees = 0.0 // Wind direction
MissionSixWindSpeedMPH = 0.0 // Wind speed
MissionSixLowHeightFeet = 200 // Height below aircraft for dummy B-17
MissionSixHighHeightFeet = 200 // Height above aircraft for dummy B-17
MissionSixRangeFeet = 400 // Range for dummy B-17
MissionSixChinTurretBearingDegrees = 0.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixCheekGunBearingDegrees = 30.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixTopTurretBearingDegrees = 135.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixBallTurretBearingDegrees = 270.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixLeftWaistBearingDegrees = 90.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixRightWaistBearingDegrees = 270.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17
MissionSixTailGunnerBearingDegrees = 180.0 // Bearing for dummy B-17


MissionOneAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionOneTarget = Bremen FockeWulf Factory // Target attacked
MissionOneStartTimeHours = 7.75 // Engine start time ( 7:45AM )
MissionOneOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionOneReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionOneMissionAltitudeFeet = 25000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionTwoAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionTwoTarget = Osnabruck Industrial Center // Target attacked
MissionTwoStartTimeHours = 10.0 // Engine start time ( 10:00AM )
MissionTwoOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionTwoReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionTwoMissionAltitudeFeet = 25000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionThreeAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionThreeTarget = Ludwigshaven Rubber Factory // Target attacked
MissionThreeStartTimeHours = 7.25 // Engine start time ( 7:15AM )
MissionThreeOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionThreeReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionThreeMissionAltitudeFeet = 25000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionFourAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionFourTarget = Frankfurt Industrial Center // Target attacked
MissionFourStartTimeHours = 7.00 // Engine start time ( 7:00AM )
MissionFourOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionFourReturnLegEscort = P38 // Return leg escorts
MissionFourMissionAltitudeFeet = 24000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionFiveAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionFiveTarget = Brunswick Bomb Factory // Target attacked
MissionFiveStartTimeHours = 7.75 // Engine start time ( 7:45AM )
MissionFiveOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionFiveReturnLegEscort = P51 // Return leg escorts
MissionFiveMissionAltitudeFeet = 21000.0 // Mission altitude

MissionSixAirbase = Ridgewell // Home airbase
MissionSixTarget = Eurotank Oil Refinery and Storage // Target attacked
MissionSixStartTimeHours = 6.25 // Engine start time ( 3:45AM )
MissionSixOutlegEscort = P47 // Out leg escorts
MissionSixReturnLegEscort = P51 // Return leg escorts
MissionSixMissionAltitudeFeet = 26000.0 // Mission altitude

TimeHours = 15 // Number of hours past midnight as mission time
AltitudeFeet = 8000 // Altitude at which the mission occurs
SpeedMilesPerHour = 350 // Speed of aircraft for mission
Bearing = 90 // Target approach bearing
DurationSeconds = 30 // Length of the footage
CameraAngle = 60 // 0 == Ahead, 90 == Down
FlakProbability = 1 // Probability that flak will hit the recce mission

[B17VirtualDamage] // number of bullets and smokes to apply to each position
ChinTurretBullets = 50
ChinTurretSmokes = 20
CheekGunnerBullets = 50
CheekGunnerSmokes = 20
PilotBullets = 50
PilotSmokes = 20
CoPilotBullets = 50
CoPilotSmokes = 20
TopTurretBullets = 50
TopTurretSmokes = 20
BallTurretBullets = 50
BallTurretSmokes = 20
LeftWaistBullets = 50
LeftWaistSmokes = 20
RightWaistBullets = 50
RightWaistSmokes = 20
TailGunnerBullets = 50
TailGunnerSmokes = 20

[BailOut] // Difficulty of getting out of the plane from a position
BombardierDifficulty = 0.2 // Difficulty for the Bombardier to get out. 0 = easy and 1 = impossible
BombardierBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Bombardier bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
ChinTurretDifficulty = 0.2 // Difficulty for the Chin Turret guy to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
ChinTurretBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Chin Turret guy bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
CheekGunnerDifficulty = 0.15 // Difficulty for the Cheek Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
CheekGunnerBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Cheek Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
NavigatorDifficulty = 0.2 // Difficulty for the Navigator to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
NavigatorBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Navigator bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
PilotDifficulty = 0.3 // Difficulty for the Pilot to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
PilotBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Pilot bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
CoPilotDifficulty = 0.3 // Difficulty for the Co-Pilot to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
CoPilotBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Co-Pilot bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
TopTurretDifficulty = 0.1 // Difficulty for the Top Turret Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
TopTurretBailOutBone = 0 // Area the Top Turret Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
RadioOperatorDifficulty = 0.2 // Difficulty for the Radio Operator to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
RadioOperatorBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Radio Operator bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
BallTurretDifficulty = 0.9 // Difficulty for the Ball Turret Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
BallTurretBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Ball Turret Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
LeftWaistDifficulty = 0.1 // Difficulty for the Left Waist Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
LeftWaistBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Left Waist Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
RightWaistDifficulty = 0.1 // Difficulty for the Right Waist Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
RightWaistBailOutBone = 1 // Area the Right Waist Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch
TailGunnerDifficulty = 0.4 // Difficulty for the Tail Turret Gunner to get out. 0 = auto and 1 = impossible
TailGunnerBailOutBone = 2 // Area the Tail Turret Gunner bails out from. 0 = Nose, 1 = Main Hatch. 3 = Tail Hatch

[CrewInitiative] // Determines crew reaction to external stimuli

EventImportanceNoseFire = 0.7 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Nose Compartment Fire)
EventImportanceFlightDeckFire = 0.8 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Flight Deck Fire)
EventImportanceBombBayFire = 0.8 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Bomb Bay Fire)
EventImportanceRadioRoomFire = 0.7 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Radio Room Fire)
EventImportanceWaistFire = 0.7 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Waist Compartment Fire)
EventImportanceTailFire = 0.7 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Tail Compartment Fire)

NoInititiveModifier = 0.0 // Never React to anything
LimitedInitiativeModifier = 0.4 // Immediate simuli only. Long response time.
NormalInitiativeModifier = 0.8 // General autonomy
SuperiorInitiativeModifier = 1.0 // Enhanced autonomy
MaxTimeInEventQueueSeconds = 180 // This is scaled to 1.0 - the above modifiers

CompartmentInjuredImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Always react. 0 = Never react (Wounded comrade slumped in a non specific position)

BombardierTaskImportance = 0.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical (Bombardier at any time other than bombrun)
BombardierCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier on bombrun - Should be VERY high)
EventImportanceBombardierPrimaryDamage = 0.6 // Norden
EventImportanceBombardierSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceBombardierInjury = 0.6 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier manning bombsight requires First Aid)

ChinTurretTaskImportance = 0.6 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical (Bombardier manning Chin turret at any time other than Fighter attack)
ChinTurretCombatTaskImportance = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier manning Chin turret during Fighter Attack)
EventImportanceChinTurretPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceChinTurretSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceChinTurretInjury = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Bombardier manning Chin turret requires First Aid)

CheekGunnerTaskImportance = 0.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Cheek Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
CheekGunnerCombatTaskImportance = 0.2 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Cheek Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceCheekGunnerPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Gun
EventImportanceCheekGunnerSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceCheekGunnerInjury = 0.3 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Gunner manning Cheek gun requires First Aid)

NavigatorTaskImportance = 1.0 // Set this and the below category to the same value - No "In combat" task for Navigator
NavigatorCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // See above
EventImportanceNavigatorPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceNavigatorSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceNavigatorInjury = 0.6 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Navigator requires First Aid)

PilotTaskImportance = 0.8 // Importance of pilots job when skilled co-pilot present.
PilotCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // Importance of pilots job when no skilled co-pilot is present.
EventImportancePilotPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportancePilotSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportancePilotInjury = 1.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Pilot requires First Aid)

CoPilotTaskImportance = 0.8 // Importance of co-pilots job when skilled pilot is present
CoPilotCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // Importance of co-pilots job when no skilled pilot is present
EventImportanceCoPilotPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceCoPilotSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceCoPilotInjury = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Co-Pilot requires First Aid)

TopTurretTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
TopTurretCombatTaskImportance = 0.7 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceTopTurretPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceTopTurretSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceTopTurretInjury = 0.5 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner requires First Aid)

RadioOperatorTaskImportance = 0.1 // Set this and the below category to the same value - No "In combat" task for Radio Operator
RadioOperatorCombatTaskImportance = 0.1 // See Above
EventImportanceRadioOperatorPrimaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceRadioOperatorSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceRadioOperatorInjury = 0.3 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Radio Operator)

BallTurretTaskImportance = 1.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Ball Turret Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
BallTurretCombatTaskImportance = 1.0 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Ball Turret Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceBallTurretPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceBallTurretSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceBallTurretInjury = 0.6 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Top Turret Gunner requires First Aid)

LeftWaistTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
LeftWaistCombatTaskImportance = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceLeftWaistPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Gun
EventImportanceLeftWaistSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceLeftWaistInjury = 0.6 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner requires First Aid)

RightWaistTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Right Waist Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
RightWaistCombatTaskImportance = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceRightWaistPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Gun
EventImportanceRightWaistSecondaryDamage = 0.0 // N/A
EventImportanceRightWaistInjury = 0.6 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Left Waist Gunner requires First Aid)

TailGunnerTaskImportance = 0.4 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Tail Gunner manning gun at any time other than Fighter attack)
TailGunnerCombatTaskImportance = 0.8 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Tail Gunner manning gun during Fighter attack)
EventImportanceTailGunnerPrimaryDamage = 1.0 // Guns
EventImportanceTailGunnerSecondaryDamage = 1.0 // Turret
EventImportanceTailGunnerInjury = 0.6 // 1.0 = Utmost Importance. 0 = Non critical. (Tail Gunner requires First Aid)

FirstAidMaxTimeSeconds = 300 // The longest first aid can possibly take.
ResidualDrainTimeHours = 8 // Originally set to 8. This represents the amount of time in which a crewmember can bleed out.
MaxHealAmount = 0.7 // The most health that can be recovered from First Aid.

CriticalHealthLevel = 0.3 // Unconsciousness threshold
CriticalInjuryHealTimeModifier = 5.0 // Time to heal up to Critical Health Level is modified by this value

MinKnockoutHealth = 0.8 // Above this value a KO is impossible
MinKnockoutChance = 0.25 // This is the lowest possible chance for a KO (the chance at the above health level)
MaxKnockoutHealth = 0.1 // Below this value consciousness is impossible
MaxKnockoutChance = 2.0 // This is the highest possible chance for a KO (the chance at the above health level)
KnockoutCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 // KO is checked for at an interval defined here.

MachineGunBulletInitialDamageMin = 0.2 // Minimum damage inflicted by an MG hit.
MachineGunBulletInitialDamageRange = 0.1 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by an MG hit.
MachineGunBulletDamageSeconds = 300 // The additional health drain from an MG injury occurs over this time period
MachineGunBulletDamagePerTime = 0.1 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

CannonRoundInitialDamageMin = 0.5 // Minimum damage inflicted by a direct cannon hit.
CannonRoundInitialDamageRange = 0.1 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by a direct cannon hit.
CannonRoundDamageSeconds = 300 // The additional health drain from a direct Cannon injury occurs over this time period
CannonRoundDamagePerTime = 0.2 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

CannonSplashInitialDamageMin = 0.1 // Minimum damage inflicted by the splash from a cannon shell exploding.
CannonSplashInitialDamageRange = 0.2 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by the splash from a cannon shell exploding.
CannonSplashDamageSeconds = 300 // The additional health drain from an indirect Cannon injury occurs over this time period
CannonSplashDamagePerTime = 0.1 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

FlakInitialDamageMin = 0.1 // Minimum damage inflicted by the splash of a flak shell explosion.
FlakInitialDamageRange = 0.5 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by the splash from a cannon shell exploding.
FlakDamageSeconds = 300 // The additional health drain from a flak injury occurs over this time period
FlakDamagePerTime = 0.1 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

BombInitialDamageMin = 0.5 // Minimum damage inflicted by the impact of an unfused bomb dropping through the aircraft
BombInitialDamageRange = 0.4 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by the impact of an unfused bomb dropping through the aircraft
BombDamageSeconds = 300 // The additional health drain from being struck by an unfused bomb occurs over this time period
BombDamagePerTime = 0.1 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

FireInitialDamageMin = 0.1 // Minimum damage inflicted by exposure to a compartment fire
FireInitialDamageRange = 0.1 // Possible spread of damage inflicted by exposure to a compartment fire
FireDamageSeconds = 180 // The additional health drain from being burned by a fire occurs over this time period
FireDamagePerTime = 0.1 // The amount of damage inflicted during the above period

PanicSkillModifierMin = 0.25 // The minimum effect of a state of panic on the crewmembers skill ratings
PanicSkillModifierMax = 0.50 // The maximum effect of a state of panic on the crewmembers skill ratings
PanicTimeModifier = 1.50 // The modifier applied to task times in a state of panic
PanicAggressionAmplifier = 0.50 // Affects the balance of aggression in panic. Aggression higher than this value panics aggresively, lower equals losing nerve
PanicCureTimeSeconds = 30 // Time of player possesion to "cure" panic.

MinSkillModifier = 0.5 // The lowest a skill can be reduced to by Wounds / Panicking etc

LearningModifierMin = 0.25 // Maximum improvement of a skill under AI Control
LearningModifierMax = 3.0 // Maximum improvement of a skill under Human Control
VocationalSkillModifierMin = 0.5 // Effect of a low Vocational Skill level on acquired experience
VocationalSkillModifierMax = 1.5 // Effect of a high Vocational Skill level on acquired experience

MaxAIImprovementPerMission = 0.02 // Maximum skill improvement in each skill without human intervention, per mission.
MaxHumanImprovementPerMission = 0.08 // Maximum skill improvement in each skill with human intervention, per mission.
HumanModifier = 2.0 // Modifier for human possesion on skill improvement rate.

GunneryImprovementCombatTimeSeconds = 240 // Rate Gunnery skill improves by the maximum rate.
BombingImprovementCombatTimeSeconds = 180 // Rate Bombardment skill improves by the maximum rate.
PilotingImprovementCombatTimeHours = 2 // Rate Piloting skill improves by the maximum rate.
NavigationImprovementCombatTimeHours = 7 // Rate Navigation skill improves by the maximum rate.
FirstAidingImprovementCombatTimeMinutes = 15 // Rate First Aid skill improves by the maximum rate.

MinTimeToCrankBombBayDoorsSeconds = 20 // It takes at least this long to crank the doors
MaxTimeToCrankBombBayDoorsSeconds = 60 // Low technical skill means longer to crank the doors
MinTimeToCrankUndercarriageSeconds = 30 // It takes at least this long to crank the wheels
MaxTimeToCrankUndercarriageSeconds = 90 // Low technical skill means longer to crank wheels

MinTogglierReactionTimeSeconds = 0.5 // The reaction time of the best togglier ( bombardier ) i.e not the lead aircraft
MaxTogglierReactionTimeSeconds = 2.5 // The reaction time of the worst togglier ( bombardier ) i.e not the lead aircraft

DamageFighter = 1.0 // Reward system points for damaging a fighter
DestroyFighter = 5.0

BombardierLightDamage = 3.0 // Reward system points for the Bombarder lightly damaging the target
BombardierModerateDamage = 5.0 // Reward systen points for the Bombardier moderately damaging the target
BombardierHeavyDamage = 10.0 // Reward system points for the Bombardier taking a heavy wound

ExtinguishFire = 2.0 // Reward system points for extinguishing a fire
SufferLightWound = 2.0 // Reward system points for suffering a light wound
SufferModerateWound = 4.0 // Reward system points for suffering a moderate wound
SufferHeavyWound = 6.0 // Reward system points for suffering a heavy wound

SuccessfulLightFirstAid = 2.0 // Reward system points for giving sucessful first aid (light wound)
SuccessfulHeavyFirstAid = 4.0 // Reward system points for giving sucessful first aid (heavy wound)
RecoverFromWound = 5.0 // Reward system points for returning to station after wound
RepairSystem = 1.0 // Reward system points for sucessfully repairing a damaged system

SuccessfulLandingAfterCatastrophe = 25.0 // Reward system points for landing after catastrophic damage
SuccessfulLangingMinus1Engine = 5.0 // Reward system points for landing on three engines
SuccessfulLangingMinus2Engines = 10.0 // Reward system points for landing on two engines
SuccessfulLangingMinus3Engines = 15.0 // Reward system points for landing on one engine
SuccessfulLangingMinus4Engines = 20.0 // Reward system points for a deadstick landing

HitPrimaryTarget = 15.0 // Reward system points for hitting the primary target, as planned.
HitSecondaryTarget = 10.0 // Reward system points for hitting the secondary target, as planned.
HitTertiaryTarget = 5.0 // Reward system points for hitting the tertiary target, as planned.
HitTargetOfOpportunityLow = 1.0 // Reward system points for hitting a low priority target of opportunity
HitTargetOfOpportunityMedium = 3.0 // Reward system points for hitting a medium priority target of opportunity
HitTargetOfOpportunityHigh = 5.0 // Reward system points for hitting a high priority target of opportunity

Panicking = -5.0 // Reward system points deducted for panicking
DamageFriendly = -5.0 // Reward system points deducted for damaging a friendly aircraft
DestroyFriendly = -10.0 // Reward system points deducted for destroying a friendly aircraft
DitchingBeforeBombing = -10.0 // Reward system points for ending the mission prematurely before bombing
DitchingAfterBombing = -10.0 // Reward system points for ending the mission prematurely after bombing.

TimeToMaxIntensitySeconds = 450 // Time taken for a compartment fire to reach maximum intensity
MaxTimeToExtinguishSeconds = 20 // Longest time taken to extinguish a fire
IntensitySpreadMin = 0.6 // Value of fire intensity at which checks for spreading are made
IntensitySpreadMax = 0.8 // Value of fire intensity at which spreading automatically occurs
IntensityUninhabitable = 1.0 // Value of fire intensity at which crewmembers take damage
IntensityInoperable = 0.7 // Value of fire intensity at which crewmembers must leave the compartment
FlightDeckIntensityToBlow = 1.0 // Value of fire intensity in flight deck required to destroy B-17
BombBayLoadedIntensityToBlow = 0.4 // Value of fire intensity in loaded bomb bay required to destroy B-17
BombBayUnLoadedIntensityToBlow = 0.7 // Value of fire intensity in unloaded bomb bay required to destroy B-17
LevelOneFireWarning = 0.2 // Value of fire intensity required to generate level one warning from crewmember
LevelTwoFireWarning = 0.6 // Value of fire intensity required to generate level two warning

[Gunner] // Probability of jam increases exponentially as consecutive bullets approaches max
MinConsecutiveBulletsBeforeJam = 25 // Minimum consecutive rounds in a single burst before test for jam is made
MaxConsecutiveBulletsBeforeJam = 100 // Number of consecutive rounds in a single burst at which a jam is inevitable
AIDeadBulletsModifier = 0.1 // This alters the number of dead bullets in a burst. At 1.0 it's equal to gunner skill, .5 = half gunner skill.

RangeMinSpotYards = 1000 // Range closer than which, the gunner will have spotted the target irrespective of observance
RangeMaxSpotYards = 1500 // Maximum range at which the gunner may spot the target irrespective of observance
RangeMinFireYards = 10 // The range at which the gunners will cease firing
RangeMaxFireYards = 800 // The range at which the gunners will begin to fire
MaxBurstTimeSeconds = 2.5 // Max length of firing burst, when target is at it's closest
MinBurstTimeSeconds = 0.2 // Max length of firing burst, when target is at it's furthest
PauseTimeSeconds = 0.1 // Length of pause between bursts of fire
MuzzleVelocityMetresPerSecond = 800 // Speed of the bullets ( don't change lightly, must match the particle muzzle velocity )

MaxLeadErrorFeet = 5 // At it's worst, the gunner will get the lead wrong by this amount
MaxHeightErrorFeet = 3 // At it's worst, the gunner will get the height wrong by this amount
MaxTimeToHomeLeadSeconds = 0.75 // The AI will home in on the correct lead in this time at worst
MaxTimeToHomeHeightSeconds = 0.75 // The AI will home in on the correct height in this time at worst

MaxHomeStartRangeYards = 1000 // Range at which the best gunner will start homing
MinHomeStartRangeYards = 750 // Range at which the worst gunner will start homing

[B17EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.40 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 150 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.90 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 1.00 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.7 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.80 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.4 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.8 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 0.0 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[P38EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.4 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 0 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 0.6 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.50 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.80 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.10 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.4 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.20 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.8 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 0.6 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[P47EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.40 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 150 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.90 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 1.00 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.80 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.40 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.8 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 1.0 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[P51EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.4 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 0 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 0.6 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.50 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.80 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.10 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.4 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.20 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.8 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 1.0 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[BF109EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.4 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 0 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 0.6 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.50 // The maximum volume of the idle sound
IdleMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the idle sound
IdleMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the idle sound

DroneStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the drone sound will begin to fade in
DronePeakPower = 0.8 // Power value at which the drone sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
DroneStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the drone sound will be silent
DroneMaxVolume = 0.70 // Volume of drone sound at max power
DroneMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of drone sound at min power
DroneMaxFrequency = 1.20 // Frequency of drone sound at max power

PropStartRpm = 0.3 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will begin to fade in
PropPeakRpm = 1.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PropStopRpm = 0.0 // Rpm value at which the prop sound will be silent
PropMaxVolume = 0.80 // Volume of prop sound at max power
PropMinFrequency = 0.90 // Frequency of prop sound at min power
PropMaxFrequency = 1.10 // Frequency of prop sound at max power

CharacterStartPower = 0.1 // Power value at which the character sound will begin to fade in
CharacterPeakPower = 0.7 // Power value at which the character sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
CharacterStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the character sound will be silent
CharacterMaxVolume = 0.8 // The maximum volume of the character sound
CharacterMinFrequency = 0.90 // The minimum frequency of the character sound
CharacterMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the character sound

PowerStartPower = 0.4 // Power value at which the power sound will begin to fade in
PowerPeakPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
PowerStopPower = 0.0 // Power value at which the power sound will be silent
PowerMaxVolume = 1.0 // The maximum volume of the power sound
PowerMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the power sound
PowerMaxFrequency = 1.10 // The maximum frequency of the power sound

ScreamStartCompressibility = 0.8 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will begin to fade in
ScreamPeakCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
ScreamStopCompressibility = 1.0 // Compressibility value at which the scream sound will be silent
ScreamMaxVolume = 1.0 // Volume of scream sound at max power
ScreamMinFrequency = 0.80 // The minimum frequency of the scream sound
ScreamMaxFrequency = 1.30 // The maximum frequency of the scream sound

[FW190EngineSounds] // These values control how the radial engines sound

BoostRange = 0.02 // If engines on the same side of the aircraft are running at within this range of the same power then the sound for that side is amplified
BoostModifier = 0.05 // This defines the amplification if the above criterium is met
PanFrequencyOffset = 0.04 // change the frequency of similar sounds playing opposite one another

MeshSilence = 0 // Play the "silence" sound during meshing
MeshVolume = 0.4 // Volume of the mesh sound
MeshOverlapMilliseconds = 150 // Amount of overlap between the individual mesh components

IdleStartPower = 0.01 // Power value at which the idle sound will begin to fade in
IdlePeakPower = 0.014 // Power value at which the idle sound will be playing at max volume, fade out begins here
IdleStopPower = 1.0 // Power value at which the idle sound will be silent
IdleMaxVolume = 0.90 // The maximum volume of
J'ai vécu dans mon avion ce que les autres ne connaîtront jamais.....Pierre Clostermann

My specs :
Processeur 3,2 GHz : AMD Risen 7 / 2700 huit cœurs RAM 16 Go Windows 10 ,
64 bits x64
Carte graphique :
Nvidia Ge Force GTX1060 6 Go

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1959
Inscription : 02 novembre 2004


Message par Flyingkiller »

Il n'est pas en entier ton fichier R&R, mais je l'ai testé.
J'ai remplacé cette partie sur celle du mien, et j'ai bien 18 appareils en l'air lors d'une mission normale...
Donc je vois pas, c'est pas le jeu qui fait défaut...
Merci à vous pour ce que vous m'avez appris ! :yes:

Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 675
Inscription : 17 février 2002


Message par pulsars »


en fait j'ai eu la réponse depuis, pour les voir cela vient de :


sinon le fichier R&R est bon : je l'ai mis en dl sur le site ....

à ++-+

J'ai vécu dans mon avion ce que les autres ne connaîtront jamais.....Pierre Clostermann

My specs :
Processeur 3,2 GHz : AMD Risen 7 / 2700 huit cœurs RAM 16 Go Windows 10 ,
64 bits x64
Carte graphique :
Nvidia Ge Force GTX1060 6 Go

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