Dad wants to fly - RealFlight questions

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Jerry Mattson
Nouvelle Recrue
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Messages : 1
Inscription : 23 décembre 2024

Dad wants to fly - RealFlight questions


Message par Jerry Mattson »

My dad is pretty old, used to have a private pilot's license and has been hanging out at the local RC flight park. The guys there are recommending the RealFLight simulator.
I've looked through the FAQs.
Is it worth doing?
He has a 5 year old Windows box (7th gen i7, with no graphics card; onboard graphics only). The description on their website isn't super clear
How well does it run on onboard Intel graphics?
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 3761
Inscription : 24 octobre 2019

Re: Dad wants to fly - RealFlight questions


Message par 343KKT_Kintaro »

Spam gros comme une maison... on se demande même s'il est convenable de cliquer sur le lien...

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