Tir fratricide de l'US Navy !

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Légende volante
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Re: Tir fratricide de l'US Navy !


Message par ironclaude »

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
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Inscription : 29 avril 2014

Re: Tir fratricide de l'US Navy !


Message par l3crusader »

On spécule beaucoup sur les causes, les systèmes impliqués et comment ils auraient pu merder... or, la réalité est qu'on en sait rien ;) A part le bateau et l'avion.
La seule chose qu'on peut éventuellement attendre est un rapport de la Navy ou des fuites dans les médias.
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Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
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Inscription : 22 octobre 2002

Re: Tir fratricide de l'US Navy !


Message par jojo »

L'équipage abattu s'est éjecté avant l'impact du missile o_O
"It was a tanker crew returning to land on the carrier about 10 miles out. They recognized the missile was guiding and punched out about three seconds before the missile hit the jet," the source said.
Un second missile est passé à 30m d'un autre Super Hornet !
On the same night a U.S. Navy fighter jet was shot down over the Red Sea, a second jet nearly suffered the same fate. An F/A-18 Super Hornet – flying a few miles behind the Hornet that was shot down – was forced to take evasive maneuvers after a second surface-to-air missile was fired from the cruiser USS Gettysburg, narrowly missing the second jet by 100 feet while it prepared to land aboard the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, a source with knowledge of the incident tells Fox News.

A Navy official confirmed that a second SM-2 missile was fired from USS Gettysburg, adding that the Navy is investigating whether that missile was targeting the second jet.

The Navy is also looking into whether the USS Gettysburg switched off the guidance system on the second missile. The near shoot-down of a second U.S. Navy jet has not been previously reported.
https://www.foxnews.com/us/second-us-na ... ent-source
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