Avions hypersoniques

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As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 11171
Inscription : 13 avril 2004

Avions hypersoniques


Message par Deltafan »

Ce tweet a plus d'un an, mais je ne crois pas qu'on en ait parlé ici :
Four years after first unveiling its hypersonic airliner concept at #AIAASciTech 2018 @Boeing has revealed a refined, more realistic Mach 5 reusable air-breathing design targeting military and space launch roles at @aiaa San Diego event
Dernière modification par Deltafan le mar. sept. 05, 2023 12:05 am, modifié 1 fois.
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
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Inscription : 31 janvier 2003

Re: Avions hypersoniques


Message par Scrat »

Et le Dark Star de Top Gun Maverick ? :Jumpy:
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Topic author
As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 11171
Inscription : 13 avril 2004

Re: Avions hypersoniques


Message par Deltafan »

Article C4IRSNET, avec le titre : Pentagon chooses Australian firm to build hypersonic test aircraft

https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-te ... -aircraft/
The U.S. Department of Defense selected Hypersonix Launch Systems, an Australian aerospace company, to develop a high-speed aircraft that can test hypersonic technologies. The aircraft will support a Defense Innovation Unit program called Hypersonic and High-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities, or HyCAT. The organization, which works to push technology from non-traditional companies to military users, is partnering with the Defense Department Test Resource Management Center and the director of hypersonics to help alleviate strain on government test infrastructure.

“Commercial companies are forging ahead towards reusable and low-cost test vehicles,” Maj. Ryan Weed, a program manager in DIU’s space portfolio, said in a March 16 statement. “The HyCAT project represents a paradigm shift in viewing the hypersonic realm as a place for aircraft, not just missiles and weapons.” DIU gave no value for the contract. Hypersonix did not immediately respond to a request for details.

The aircraft developed by Hypersonix, dubbed DART AE, will test high-speed platforms, components, sensors and communications and control systems. According to the company, DART AE is powered by a hydrogen-fueled scramjet engine and can fly at speeds up to Mach 7. The aircraft is scheduled to fly for the first time in early 2024, and HyCAT testing is expected to begin in the next 12-18 months.

DIU announced a second HyCAT award this week with California-based Fenix Space. The company builds a reusable tow-launch system that the agency expects will “improve the efficiency and affordability of high-cadence test flights.” Neither DIU nor Fenix provided details on the value of the contract.

Along with the initial HyCAT awards, the agency said it expects to issue more contracts in the coming months for advanced materials to support prototype tests.
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