Je viens de lire le app7 et son annexe.
Aucune différence ami/ennemi pour différencier notch et beam.
Par contre d après ce document beam n a pas vocation à defaire un lock radar.
Tandis que notch a la connotation action défensive..
Et je suis tombé sur l explication du mot notch.
En fait en anglais cela veut encoche.
Et pourquoi on notch le radar?
most modern radars use a filter to get rid of spurious clutter returns by ditching any pulses from "targets" that exhibit too slow a doppler speed, ie. it assumes these can't really be an aircraft (might be birds, rain, the ground, waves at sea, etc.)
If you draw a graph of speed against rejection/acceptance, it kinda looks like a straight line with a notch cut in it, hence the term doppler notch:-
Et la suite
The notch is a maneuver whose purpose is to cause the enemy radar to drop the lock it has on you (or just in general lose track).
You can beam into the notch, but beaming and notching are not the same:
Notching implies beaming the target to break lock when forcing a look-down situation. You can beam co-alt or look-up or just plain really close and you won't be notching (the radar will hold its lock/track on you)