Gràce à Lefuneste aujourd’hui on découvre un nouveaux pilote Pitool beta !

Et un résolution de bug sur notre simulateur adoré qu'est IL2 BOS/BOK pour les possesseurs de carte graphique NVIDIA RTX série 2000

-Fix the probability crash of some games (such as IL-2) when FFR is on.

Release notes:
What’s New:
Add VIVE Only Menu to adapt VIVE exclusive game.
Issue Fixed:
Fix NOLO vibration issues on part of games e.g. Beat Saber.
Fix the ineffectiveness issue of smart smoothing on N card.
Fix no rendering model issue of the controllers on some games e.g. Derail Valley.
Fix the probability crash of some games (such as IL-2) when FFR is on.
Fix the issues on switching refresh rate.
Optimizing blackness on 5K XR.
This is a Beta test Release not a formal release, only for test.
Please leave your feedback to this thread, and we will review, fix and improve it!
Tks to support Pimax! ... -1-0/19564