Although it was technically an “operation”, for continuity sake, we’re calling it a battle! Battle of Bodenplatte will explore the air war near the end of 1944 and into 1945. This late-war setting offers a wide variety of classic fighters and fighter-bombers for you to fly including some of the hottest piston powered airplanes to ever grace the skies. In addition, we’ll introduce our first jet aircraft! The Allies flew many low-level tactical missions into Germany from bases in Belgium and Holland during this time. In a desperate attempt to stem the tide of war, the Germans launched a surprise attack on Allied airfields on January 1, 1945. The ensuing battle became legendary.
Planned to be Included in Battle of Bodenplatte:
Flyable Aircraft and Content:
- Bf-109 G-14
- Bf-109 K-4
- Fw-190 A-8
- Me-262
- P-51D
- P-47D
- Spitfire Mk. IX
- Tempest Mk. V
- Fw-190 D-9 (Collector)
- P-38L (Collector)
- B-25 (AI)
- European Low-Countries Map (Final size TBD) (Parts of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany)
- Many Allied and Axis airfields, cities, towns and villages. Winter and Summer textures are planned.
- New Allied and Axis Ground Units and Scenery.
Larger Picture
As you can see we have ambitious plans for Sturmovik. No doubt you will have many questions and concerns about what we have announced. The bigger picture is that are now ready to try making parallel products for our WW2 fans, WW1 fans and possible new customers who enjoy tank battles. But beyond that, we hope to accomplish the following in our next development cycle.
- New MP matchmaking system and lobby with chat
- Improvements to aircraft fuel systems and add drop tanks
- Oxygen masks for pilots at high attitude
- Jet engine technology and associated physics of higher Mach numbers
- Improvements to AI
- Option for 4K skins by default and preview pics in the GUI for Custom skins
- In-Game Model Viewer (hold over from Kuban)
- Mods On/Off (hold over from Kuban)
- More attractive GUI and better GUI optimization
…. and many other small, medium and large improvements to usability, functionality and performance.
Ouverture des pré-commandes:
Accès anticipé pour le printemps 2018