Vidéo de familiarisation par Requiem:
Vidéo sur le bombardement by Requiem:
Vidéo sur l'utilisation des canon MK 101 et MK 103:
Amphi cabine proposé par l'ami Obélix, un grand merci à lui pour son partage

Eclairage cabine

Spécification technique:
Indicated stall speed in flight configuration: 143..159 km/h
Indicated stall speed in takeoff/landing configuration: 136..150 km/h
Dive speed limit: 670 km/h
Maximum load factor: 9 G
Stall angle of attack in flight configuration: 20.0 °
Stall angle of attack in landing configuration: 18.0 °
Maximum true air speed at sea level, engine mode - Combat: 349 km/h
Maximum true air speed at 3000 m, engine mode - Combat: 396 km/h
Service ceiling: 7000 m
Climb rate at sea level: 8.4 m/s
Climb rate at 3000 m: 8.1 m/s
Climb rate at 6000 m: 2.6 m/s
Maximum performance turn at sea level: 30.0 s, at 255 km/h IAS.
Maximum performance turn at 3000 m: 46.0 s, at 270 km/h IAS.
Flight endurance at 3000 m: 2.1 h, at 300 km/h IAS.
Takeoff speed: 145..155 km/h
Glideslope speed: 180..200 km/h
Landing speed: 135..145 km/h
Landing angle: 10.6 °
Note 1: the data provided is for international standard atmosphere (ISA).
Note 2: flight performance ranges are given for possible aircraft mass ranges.
Note 3: maximum speeds, climb rates and turn times are given for standard aircraft mass.
Note 4: climb rates and turn times are given for Combat power.
Model: Gnome-Rhone 14 M
Maximum power in Take-off mode at sea level: 700 HP
Maximum power in Combat mode at sea level: 580 HP
Maximum power in Combat mode at 4000 m: 650 HP
Engine modes:
Nominal (unlimited time): 2350 RPM, 1.1 ata
Combat power (up to 30 minutes): 2750 RPM, 1.25 ata
Take-off power (up to 1 minute): 3030 RPM, 1.5 ata
Oil rated temperature in engine intake: 60..75 °C
Oil maximum temperature in engine intake: 125 °C
Supercharger gear shift altitude: single gear
Empty weight: 3992 kg
Minimum weight (no ammo, 10% fuel): 4200 kg
Standart weight: 4756 kg
Maximum takeoff weight: 5170 kg
Fuel load: 451 kg / 610 l
Useful load: 1178 kg
Forward-firing armament:
2 x 7.92mm machine gun "MG 17", 1000 rounds, 1200 rounds per minute, nose-mounted
2 x 20mm gun "MG 151/15", 250 rounds, 700 rounds per minute, nose-mounted
2 x 20mm gun "MG 151/20", 250 rounds, 700 rounds per minute, nose-mounted (modification)
4 x 7.92mm machine gun "MG 17", 1000 rounds, 1200 rounds per minute, underbelly (modification)
30mm gun "MK 101", 30 rounds, 250 rounds per minute, underbelly (modification)
30mm gun "MK 103", 80 rounds, 400 rounds per minute, underbelly (modification)
Up to 6 x 55 kg general purpose bombs "SC 50"
249 kg general purpose bombs "SC 250"
Length: 9.7 m
Wingspan: 14.2 m
Wing surface: 28.9 m^2
Combat debut: May 1942
Utilisation du viseur: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/16 ... ent=501477