Gremlin programme votre hotas

Salle dedieé aux péripheriques : Joystick, palloniers, Track-Ir

Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 1003
Inscription : 15 février 2004

Gremlin programme votre hotas


Message par kpax2004 »


Permet de programmer (mapping) la plupart des joystick.

Attention avec les VC redistribuables, il paraît que cela peut perturber ClOfDover (c'est ce que j'ai lu).
Il est possible que ces redistribuables soient déjà installé sur le PC.

Bon Amusement.
Dernière modification par kpax2004 le mar. déc. 06, 2016 2:44 pm, modifié 1 fois.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 15317
Inscription : 05 août 2001

Re: Gremlin prgramme votre hotas


Message par phoenix »

Tu as testé, car si je pige bien, ça pourrait nous permettre de programmer des fonctions sur nos vieux microsoft force feedback.

Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 1003
Inscription : 15 février 2004

Re: Gremlin prgramme votre hotas


Message par kpax2004 »


"""Tu as testé, car si je pige bien, ça pourrait nous permettre de programmer des fonctions sur nos vieux microsoft force feedback."""

Oui, cela fonctionne. J'ai installé le logiciel comme demandé (installer vJoy puis gremlin ). Gremlin a reconnu tous mes périphériques "joy".
Le programme fonctionne, j'ai utilisé le Gladiator Pro pour faire mes tests. J'ai pu assigner l'envoi d'une série de touche et j'ai essayé en modifiant le profil d'un axe. J'ai vérifié le fonctionnement via notepad++ et vJoy monitor. Dans IL2BOS, j'ai réussi à faire reconnaître le bouton, mais pas l'axe (toujours reconnu comme joy vkb).
Il s'agit probablement d'un manque de connaissance de ma part.
Le support semble se faire via les forum RSI Industries (Star Citizen).

Bonne journée.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 15317
Inscription : 05 août 2001

Re: Gremlin prgramme votre hotas


Message par phoenix »

Super, merci. Il va falloir que je teste à l'occasion. Tu as le post sur le forum RSI s'il te plait.

Topic author
Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 1003
Inscription : 15 février 2004

Re: Gremlin programme votre hotas


Message par kpax2004 »

phoenix a écrit :Super, merci. Il va falloir que je teste à l'occasion. Tu as le post sur le forum RSI s'il te plait.
Je n'ai pas accès à la section hardware du forum RSI. Je ne sais pas pourquoi (je me suis pourtant inscrit hier).(*)

Voici le post IL2 où l'on parle de l'application. ... teresting/

Voici le lien RSI que je n'arrive pas à atteindre :

https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.c ... ation-tool


(*) pour avoir accès à l'entièreté des forums, il faut que je sois un backer. Je dois acheter quelquechose si j'ai bien compris :busted_re .
Comme je n'en ai pas l'intention pour l'instant, je devrai me passer du support :yes:
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 15317
Inscription : 05 août 2001

Re: Gremlin programme votre hotas


Message par phoenix »

Ok, merci. :yes:

Pour le forum RSI, ce n'est pas un souci pour moi, car je suis backer de Starcitizen.

Je recopie le post d'intro du forum RSI.
I started writing this program a while ago with the main motivation being that I didn't want to be locked into a single joystick manufacturer, in order to make use of their configuration tool. Additionally, I also play with some custom devices so being able to configure them properly is quite handy. Since people in the Star Citizen community use various combinations of devices or self built ones I decided to write something that should be usable by non programmers, in a similar way to the software offered by CH Products and Thrustmaster. I'm currently using this with a Thrustmaster Warthog, CH Pro Pedals, and a Thrustmaster T.16000M.

Release 6
Here are the download links for the current version (release 5) of the tool:
- installer
- zip file
The manual and other information can be found on the project's website

Joystick Gremlin is a program that allows the configuration of joystick like devices, similar to what CH Control Manager and T.A.R.G.E.T. do for their respectively supported joysticks. However, it works with any device be it from different manufacturers or custom devices that appear as joysticks to Windows. Joystick Gremlin uses the virtual joystick devices provided by vJoy to perform remapping and various other transformations such as response curves on the physical joystick inputs. In addition to managing joysticks, Joystick Gremlin also provides keyboard macros, unlimited number of modes, and scripting using Python.

The main features are:
- Works with arbitrary joystick like devices
- User interface for common configuration tasks
- Merging of multiple physical devices into a single virtual device
- Axis response curve and dead zone configuration
- Arbitrary number of modes with customizable mode switching
- Keyboard macros on joystick buttons and keyboard keys
- Python scripting support

The project is hosted on GitHub ( ).

There are a few other tools which provide some of the above features, such as:
- Universal Joystick Remapper
- Joystick Curves
- FreePie
- AutoHotkey
Compared to Joystick Gremlin, though, the above either have limited functionality due to more specific tasks or require more manual coding as they are a more general purpose tool.

If the program fails to work or crashes I'd be more then happy about bug reports of such cases. Some debug information, albeit incomplete, is stored in %userprofile%/Joystick Gremlin/debug.log.

Joystick Gremlin can be installed using either the installer or extracting the contents of the zip file to a suitable location. In addition to Joystick Gremlin itself VJoy (, which provides virtual joysticks, is required as they are extensively used. If you installed an earlier version of Joystick Gremlin you will have to upgrade the vJoy installation as there have been new versions since the last release. Currently Joystick Gremlin uses vJoy 2.1.6 which you can get directly from here: vJoy 2.1.6. Once VJoy is installed it has to be configured using the "Configure VJoy" program before Joystick Gremlin can use it properly. The number of axis, buttons, and hats can be set to as needed. The only important setting is that hats are configured as "continuous", as otherwise 8-way hats will not work. It is also worth noting that currently the maximum number of buttons per joystick supported by Star Citizen is 50.

Once a profile has been setup using Joystick Gremlin it still has to be mapped in Star Citizen. Sadly the key binding dialogs in Star Citizen will see the physical joystick inputs rather then the virtual ones. To get around this issue there are two options: 1) you use the "input repeater" option of Joystick Gremlin or 2) you create a custom XML file with the bindings.

With option 1) Joystick Gremlin will repeat the last input you performed after a short delay for some five seconds. So you would press the button, move the axis you want to map and then click on the action you want to map that input to inside of Star Citizen. This is a bit clunky and tedious but it works. For option 2) you most likely will want to use a third party program to create the XML file for you. As far as I know currently only SCJMapper-V2 supports Alpha 2.0 and allows you to map the vJoy device directly by selecting the correct tab.

The interface of Joystick Gremlin is roughly split in two parts, the left side shows the available devices and their inputs such as axis, buttons, and keys. The right side contains the actions to execute when the input currently selected on the left side is used. Actions are added by selecting the desired one from the drop down menu and clicking the "Add" button. Most of these actions have to be configured before being usable. Actions which are not properly configured will simply be removed when another input is selected. The manual contains more information with regards to the different actions.

Joystick Gremlin has three different states it can be in:
- Not Running, where no inputs are processed
- Running & Active, where all inputs are processed
- Running & Paused, where only specifically marked inputs are processed

Joystick Gremlin always starts out in the Not Running state. To switch to the "Running & Active" state the gamepad button in the toolbar has to be clicked. The change of state is reflected by the button turning green and the status bar reading "Running and Active". It is possible to make changes to the configuration while Joystick Gremlin is running, however, changes will only become active once the state has been changed to "Not Running" and then to "Running & Active" again.

Testing the mapping from physical to virtual devices by launching a game can be a tedious at times. Often times the Windows "Game Controllers" tool and opening the readout of the desired VJoy device is enough to make sure axis, buttons, and hats are correctly mapped.

In order for keyboard macros to work in Star Citizen, Joystick Gremlin has to be launched with administrator privileges. The reason for this is that the injection of key events has to occur with the same permission levels as the program we wish to receive them. As Star Citizen currently requires administrator rights to run so does Joystick Gremlin.

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