T'inquiéte t'es pas le seulShane a écrit :aller, hop, commandé pour ma part... je sais, je suis faible
Celle-là je la vois comme une invitation personnelle et appuyée au radada... Je la sens bien, cette map d'été
Salut Elanion,Elanion a écrit :Bonjour,
A t' on - j' ai pas trop cherché- une idée de la dâte de commercialisation sur Steam de BOM ? Hiver ou printemps 2016 ?........................pas envie de commander sur le site même si c' est compatible.merci.
http://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/7-q ... ntry301083Jason_Williams a écrit :Fishbed64 a écrit : When we see il2 BOM on STEAM???...I like to buy it now,but i need Steam version,because all my sims and games are on Steam including BOS.Yes, BlackSix s totally correct. You can purchase now and start flying and then later transfer to Steam. Adding it to Steam now is not possible and would cause a lot of issues we are not prepared for during Early Access. It is better to put on Steam at a later date when we are prepared. But we gave the ability to transfer keys to Steam after purchase here several months ago.BlackSix a écrit : You don't need to wait for this event.
Even if you have BOS activated on Steam now, you can pre-order BOM on our site today using your user account (registered email on our site) in which any BOS edition was previously activated. You can activate the key on our site and get access to BOM content during Early Access. Then when BOM is released on Steam you will have an opportunity to deactivate the key on our site and get a Steam key from us and activate it on the Steam page to add BOM in your Steam game-library. Then activate the key on our site and get access to the game without losing all your early game experience on your user account.