Tx_Tip a écrit :Friday August 28 The Angle! Mission AAR
11 T-34 Destroyed. 11 Anti-Tank.
Destroyed Bridge 554 West.
Destroyed 3 Ammo Bunkers.
8 LaGG Destroyed. 2 Flak 6 Air/Action.
3 Yak-1 shot down. 3 Air/Action.
6 Pe-2 Destroyed. 1 Flak. 5 Air/Action
5 Il2 Destroyed. 1 Flak. 4 Air/Action.
Refitted Supply Train Arrived.
Zahorov Supply Airfield Captured by VVS Armor.
17 Pz MkIII Destroyed. 4 Anti-Tank. 13 Air/Action.
4 Pk 40 Pieces Destroyed. 4 Air/Action.
4 StG Destroyed. 2 Armor. 2 Air/Action.
1 Main Hanger Destroyed at Chernishkovskiy. AF capacity diminished a further 20%.
6 Ammo Bunkers Destroyed.
8 Ju-87 lost. 3 Flak. 5 Air Action.
5 He-111 lost. 3 Flak. 2 Air Action.
2 109G lost. 2 Air/Action. With 1 written off.
Captured Zahorov Airfield.
17 Pz MkIII Destroyed. 4 Anti-Tank. 13 Air/Action.
4 Pk_40 Artillery Pieces Destroyed. 4 Air/Action.
4 StG Destroyed. 2 Armor. 2 Air/Action.
Destroyed Main Hanger at Chernishkovskiy AF.
Destroyed 3 Ammo Bunkers.
8 Ju-87 Destroyed 3 Flak. 5 Air Action.
5 He-111 Destroyed 3 Flak. 2 Air Action.
2 109G shot down. 2 Air/Action.
Supply Train arrived.
11 T-34 Lost. 11 Anti-Tank.
Bridge 554 West Destroyed.
3 Ammo Bunkers Destroyed.
7 Il2 lost. 1 Flak. 6 Air/Action. 1 Mid-Air
8 LAGG lost. 2 Flak. 6 Air/Action.
3 Yak-1 lost. 3 Air/Action.
6 Pe-2 lost. 1 Flak. 5 Air Action.
A coordinated effort and several sorties by LaGGs, Yaks and Pe-2s were needed to break the Axis Defensive lines in front of Zahorov. Here a Pk_40 Anti-Tank gun is put out of action...
With one artilleryman making it out of the carnage...
In the North...IL2s mauled several platoons of 14th PzD armor until Axis Stukas and Fighters put an end to it...
A lone Stuka...Survivor of several rough sorties makes its way back to base at Chernishkovskiy...
Needless to say it was a trying day administrative wise. However once we were able to get things ironed out. Another Excellent Mission folks.
So my sincere apologies to those were unable to stay due to time restraints or just became frustrated as we worked to get the server back up.
And a Thank You for those who remained and made it happen,
The [DBS] BoS Admin Team