
Salle dédiée à IL-2 Cliffs of Dover et ses évolutions
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2127
Inscription : 24 mai 2005



Message par OBT~Miguel21 »

(rappel, à installer sur une version 3.00 +3.01 + 4.00 , vider le cache et lancer une mission solo....)

Taille 558Mo, je télécharge sur le lien torrent, ça avance pas mal ;)

MOD 4.3

Le torrent ... .3.torrent

Lien direct: ... ... ... ... 7d11c42019 ... (lien valide 6jours)

First, make sure you already have downloaded and installed all previous patches up to 4.0
That means you need:
Vanilla (off steam)
Patch 3.0
Patch 3.1
Patch 4.0
Getting up to 4.0 is explained here;

Once you are up to 4.0; (most people will be here already)

1. Download the new patch
2. EXTRACT** the contents of the new zip file (You will now see a file called "mod installer TF 4.3 .exe)
3. Run/ execute the extracted .exe file
4. Make sure it installs to your MAIN game folder (usually under Steam/Steamapps/Common/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover)
5. Delete all cache and shaders files (from here; \Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD\cache) and run single player once

** It's best if you extract using "7-zip". Winrar and Winzip have casued problems for some people in the past. 4.3 should work with winzip and winrar. It will work with 7-zip.

note: Mysticpuma has tested with WINRAR and reports that it works OK.
Well, here it is. Team Fusion patch v4.3

After many more months than was expected, initially it was designated v4.01 as a 'hotfix', the patch steadily grew and now comes to you as v4.3

There are a huge amount of fixes and features added but rather than repost them all here, please visit this page where the v4.3 readme is listed:

v4.3 is most likely the only update team Fusion will release until v5.0, which will then take us into another theatre of war.

I could post much more, but we realise that you'll most likely already have skipped past this and have the file downloading.

At the same time as releasing v4.3 we are starting a complete new Bugtracker with the help of community member "Artist" and we'd like you to consider adding bugs that you find using that system rather than a completely new bug thread. This will make it easier for us to visit the page (which we intend to do as a Team and regularly) and the intention is to tick off the bugs as they are fixed and corrected.

Please report bugs and/or request features at the new official Team Fusion Bugtracker:

but please read the guidelines first before posting:

You may need to register to post a report, but please, once you have logged in, read the guidelines above before adding a new bug. We will be monitoring this now much more closely and although we can't promise to fix everything....if we know about it, there is now a chance it can be looked at

For information on how to install this and previous patches please visit the following link and please be sure to follow the always helps when you do that!

Please note you must have all the previous patches installed before installing v4.3

If you have already managed to get to v4.00 on your own, these are the instructions to install v4.3:

This next link takes you to the FAQ with video tutorials on how to install all the previous patches including v3.00/3.01 and v4.00 along with many other previously reported features, like how to get it working with Windows 8/8.1 or why graphics anomalies are occurring, plus so much more:
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Topic author
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2127
Inscription : 24 mai 2005

Re: MOD+4.3


Message par OBT~Miguel21 »

Readme officiel 4.3

1. Installation
2 Flight modeling
-2.1 Overall direction of flight modeling
-2.2 Aerofoil Changes
-2.3 Ground Taxi and takeoff
-2.4 Landing run behaviour
-2.5 AI aircraft flight behaviour
-2.6 New aircraft
-2.7 Damage model changes
-2.8 Misc FM changes

3 SFX (Visual and Audio)
-3.1 Visual changes
-3.2 Environmental smoke
-3.3 Audio changes

4 Map changes
5 Multiplayer
6 Miscellaneous
7 Credits


Patch TF 4.3 is installed over Patch TF 4.0 and will overwrite it automatically. Players should make sure they delete their "1CSoftclub/il2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD/cache" Folder prior to installation.

For more detailed instructions, and a step by step process for starting from a Vanilla (standard) copy of IL-2 CLIFFS OF DOVER, please see the threads on the ATAG community forum.


The Flight Modeling team has as its motto, "FM's are not perfect, and never will be".

Which means we never stand still, we are constantly looking for ways to improve and refine the virtual aircraft to better replicate the historical ones. Part of this is to do with the learning process we have gone through as we became more familiar with the game, and improve our ability to control the parameters which affect the various aspects of aircraft behaviour. We also have an ongoing program to improve and add to the game, to create new parameters and input points which increase the complexity of the aircraft flight model.

The above are the basis of the changes we are introducing in TF 4.3.



There are two major changes implemented in the Flight Models for TF 4.3:

1) We have gone back and re-examined the aerofoil polars in detail and where necessary, have made changes which bring the lift/drag characteristics of the game aircraft's aerofoils closer in line with those of the historical aircraft.

2) We have focused on introducing more realistic behaviour in the takeoff, landing and ground handling areas of the aircraft envelope. These changes are in the area of flap lift modelling, better refinement of stall behaviour when flaps are down, better refinement of drag characteristics when undercarriage is deployed, more accurate modelling of aircraft handling and Center of Gravity characteristics on the ground as well as more accurate behaviour when under heavy braking.



All the aircraft types, but in particular the Fighters, have had the Polar values in their .fmd files examined and compared to charts of the historical aerofoil types. There have been a number of changes, which although they do not change the basic manoeuver characteristics of the aircraft, do add subtle changes which will clearly affect game play and the way the virtual aircraft respond.

For example, while both Spitfires and Hurricanes will still outturn Bf109's in sustained turn contests, a Bf109 with an advantage in energy will be able to turn with either for a brief period. The revised aerofoil of the Bf109 is more stable at higher Angles of Attack, allowing the pilot to sacrifice speed for turn performance for a brief moment. However, any attempt to maintain the turn angle will very quickly lead to a loss of speed and energy with the Spitfire and Hurricane then rapidly reversing the advantage.

There are no changes in sustained turn times at lower altitudes... in such a contest, the Spitfire and Hurricane have a good deal of an advantage. However, at higher altitudes, in contests between the Spitfire and Bf109, the higher lift aerofoil of the Bf109 will begin to reduce the advantage of the Spitfire. There is still an overall better turn rate for the British aircraft, but it is less noticeable the higher the altitude range. This is less the case with the Hurricane, although the Hurricane's comparative powerloading disadvantage at higher altitudes means that although its aerofoil performs better, it is less able to sustain turns.

Players will also notice the Spitfire responds best when its pilot uses a slightly higher speed when turning than was optimal in earlier TF versions. The Spitfire's aerofoil was relatively low lift when compared to the Bf109, but the wing did have the advantage of low drag, and combined with the aircraft's very low wingloading, this gave the Spitfire its very good turn rate. But this was best achieved with the wing at a lower Angle of Attack, (typically a higher speed) than the Hurricane or Bf109. The Spitfire still has a good warning 'buffet' to indicate its wing is approaching stall.

Conversely to the Spitfire, players will notice the Hurricane with its new aerofoil characteristics, is better able to sustain higher Angle of Attack turns, is able to pull more steeply into its turns, and that it now has a slightly better maximum sustained turn rate than the Spitfire. However, it does have a sharper stall onset, and pilots who pull a little too strongly will find the aircraft can respond abruptly.

The Fiat G-50 has also had its aerofoil revised. Players will notice the aircraft can be pulled into very tight turn angles, although its low power to weight ratio will not allow it to sustain those angles for long periods. The G-50 can be a handful when pulled into a sharp turn from high speeds, although with practice this can be accomplished. A G-50 with an energy advantage will quite handily outturn a Spitfire or Hurricane, although it will not sustain turn with them. The G-50 can also display a nasty stall when pushed too far.

The Bf110 also has had aerofoil changes to bring it in line with the historical aircraft. Once again, the overall sustained turn rate is not much improved, but the Bf110 aerofoil displays the same characteristics as the Bf109, (they were closely related) and the aircraft can now be pulled in a stable fashion to higher angles of attack without it flicking. This means given enough of an energy advantage, the Bf110 can give a British fighter a bit of a scare. The Bf110 will of course, not turn anywhere near as well as a single engine aircraft, as its weight is nearly 3 times that of a Bf109, Spitfire or Hurricane.

Overall these changes mean the aircraft are closer to what they were historically. A well flown aircraft of any type, in an advantageous position, will be able to get on the tail of its opponent.

Bf109 and Bf110 Slat Deployment

The Bf109 and Bf110 have also had their slat deployment revised. In TF 4.0 and vanilla, the slats deployed at a lower Angle of Attack than was historically accurate. They deployed at approximately 7 degrees AoA, whereas the actual slats deployed at approximately 8 degrees AoA. What this means in game terms is that as the pilot pulls G into the turn, the slats will deploy a little later than they did in earlier TF versions. As slats deploy, wingtip AOA is effectively reduced (like washout) this ensures aileron control can be maintained right down to the stall. Slats however also cause considerable drag, slowing the aircraft. With the later slat deployment in TF 4.3, the pilot of a Bf109 or Bf110 will now be able to better conduct low G manoeuvres at higher speeds, without losing energy due to the slats deploying sooner than they should. There is no difference to behaviour or lift/Drag characteristics once the slats come out.

Bf110 Rollrate

The Bf110 models have had their rollrates adjusted slightly to better reflect the historical performance.


In TF 4.3 a lot of work has been done to make Ground handling more accurate. This includes a complete re write of propeller slipstream effects at low forward speeds and how rudder authority is affected by it. In short you will find rudder authority with power on most types dramatically improved.

You need to take note of the wind direction and strength. Get this from the mission brief or the windsock or smoke from buildings etc.
Taildragger aircraft have a unique combination of Wheel position and centre of gravity. This results in them being a little capricious to handle (esp in crosswind conditions). pilots need to be aware that if you don't control Yaw rates quickly and smoothly then you are setting yourself up for a possible ground loop. To this end you must be "on your toes" and use smooth judicious rudder (and differential brake if need be) to stop swings. Taxi speed is also important a good guide is a walking pace. The faster you go the easier it is to get a swing going that might be uncontrollable. In CLOD nearly all of the aircraft have fully castoring tail wheels .... they have a mind of their own. The only thing that keeps them straight is YOU. Using smooth slow input together with good speed management the aircraft can be accurately manoeuvred on the ground. Airflow from the prop has a significant effect on rudder authority - the more prop wash the more rudder authority ... but also the more Torque and spiral slipstream effect to counter. So it requires intelligent co-ordinated pilot input to keep things under control. A small trickle of power should be enough for most types to keep them straight under most realistic wind conditions. For tight manoeuvring on the ground keep speed right down use full rudder and differential brake and moderate power. If the swing is accelerating get on to it ASAP, come off the brake immediately and ease off the rudder input.... maybe even reverse the rudder input and apply opposite brake. Taxi with Full back stick in. If you think the rudder is lacking authority at slow speeds a little Blip of power will help slipstream-wise.

Some aircraft need a some specific techniques in high crosswind conditions... notably the Bf109/Spitfire and Blenheims. Guidance is given later.

Get the aircraft lined up on the runway pointing exactly down the centreline. If you have turned on to the runway through a large angle there is every chance the tailwheel is offset from the fore aft axis, taxi forward a little to ensure its straight. If required use the “brake Shoe/Chocks option”. Note the direction of the wind from the windsock…. this is vital. A wind from the right is the most critical as it adds to the torque effects. At 6msec crosswind consider pre selecting full opposite rudder. (i.e. wind from the right set full left rudder). On all types once you get above 40MPH/80Kmh you should easily have enough rudder authority to control any swing. When you advance the power do it smoothly and progressively.... get on to any directional changes ASAP with small but prompt smooth rudder work.

If the swing is becoming difficult to control cease any increase in power (or reduce the application rate) until you have things under control... then re-introduce the power. Avoid use of Differential brakes unless absolutely necessary. (Differential brake during taxi use is however a prime control method). With crosswind component 6msec or greater then up to full into wind aileron may be required on the narrow track types (Spit and 109)
As you rotate gradually ease the aileron input off…. i.e just maintain wings level. Once safely off the ground ease the rudder off and centre the skid ball.

This is the most difficult of the current CLOD aircraft, but if done properly quite manageable.
The worst scenario is a limit crosswind from the right as this is additive to torque effects.
With limited airflow over the rudder until 40MPH care is needed.
there are a couple of ways to handle it though this is IMO the easiest.

This based on 6Msec crosswind worst case from the right

PRE Take off checks
Boost Cut Out ON
Props Full Fine
Rudder Trim neutral or 1/2 opposite Crosswind (Pilots choice)
I would not recommend more than half rudder trim as it complicates
the lift off case.

1. Rudder trim Neutral or 1/2 opposite crosswind
2. Chocks in or brakes on
3. Pre select full opposite Rudder
4. Advance both engines to +5lbs Boost
5. Release brakes and advance into wind engine to +9 Boost
6. Passing 40MPH advance other engine to +9
7. normal take off

The Bf109 narrow and high gear make it a little awkward on takeoff.
6Msec crosswind should be considered a hard limit.
Note the wind direction and speed.... look at the windsock
Hold the aircraft on the brakes or have the “ground shoes/Chocks” in place
Pre select Full into wind aileron.
Slowly apply power keeping the aircraft straight with smooth but positive Rudder input.
As IAS builds past 80kmh you may start reducing aileron input... don't pre-judge this but react to what you see and feel … basically keep the wings level. As you get airborne again ease of the aileron to keep wings level. Once airborne Ease off the rudder and center the skid ball.

Similar to the Bf109 but not as critical. You won’t need as much into wind aileron.

Know the wind speed and where its coming from … look at the windsock smoke etc. Use this to plan your landing. Approach airspeed and touchdown without skipping and landing with zero drift (i.e. pointing exactly down the runway) are important means to stay safe. If you touch down with ANY drift on you will encounter an immediate swing that needs controlling .... don't set yourself up. Likewise slack control of Airspeed on final increases your chance of a skip/bounce... this then introduces the possibility of getting a little bit of drift on before the final touchdown. So nail the Airspeed, nail the runway centreline, arrive in the three point attitude. Once under control bring the control column fully back and commence braking as required. Keep the wings level with aileron as required (up to full into wind aileron might be required with the spit and 109). You will be able to use the brakes a lot earlier and harder now then previously. It is still possible to nose over but generally only if you get on the brakes immediately after landing before getting the tail down ... thats why a 3 point landing is desired.

Know the wind if landing at an all over grass field then land into wind. If you are using a fixed runway direction and it is becoming difficult or at limit crosswind then consider diversion to a grass all over field or airfield with a more into wind runway. So A good knowledge of airfields around you is helpful.

VO101_Toms airfield diagrams are invaluable in this regard, and can be found here:

The only aircraft in CLOD at present with Tail wheel locks are the JU87,JU88 and BR20 (new in 4.01). These can be used any time on long straight legs and SHOULD be used for take off and Landing. On take off once lined up and with the tail wheel straight Lock the tail wheel. On landing verify the Tail Wheel is locked. After landing when down to a walking pace and ready to taxi off the runway un-lock the tailwheel. The tail Wheel will not lock unless the tail wheel is aligned with the aircraft's fore aft axis.

CLOD TF4.3 now can use the Brake Shoes or Chocks feature more realistically. You may need to set a keybinding for this. This simulates the Ground crew either placing or removing Wheel chocks. It will only work at zero forward speed. It is of particular use in during Engine Warm up in strong wind conditions, or on line up prior to take off …. though perhaps a little unrealistic in this phase. The Options settings refer to this as "Brakeshoes". In Game the Blue status message now shows "Chocks IN" or "Chocks OUT"

Progressive braking (i.e. on a slider) has been enabled for all RAF types and the Fiat G50 and Fiat BR20. This allows progressive application of Braking pressure, Differential distribution to each unit is still controlled by rudder deflection. Differential braking is an integral part of ground handling in these types. You will be using it a lot more than previously especially in the low speed case.

Mission designers need to consider crosswind limits. These aircraft all had crosswind limits in the order 5-6 msec maximum. Not a big deal on Grass all over fields as you just land and take off into wind. Sealed runways however will pose a problem if the crosswind is excessive so be considerate. Most sealed runways are actually designed and laid down pointing along the axis of the statistical average wind. Mission designers should start using the Windsock strong object and place it somewhere logical where pilots can see it. A White X banner under it helps a lot in this area.

The windsock Strong object has been tweaked to reflect the practical crosswind limits we now have in TF4.3. The graphic below illustrates the Wind strength versus Sock deflection. At 10msec or more the Windsock will be horizontal.

Click image for larger version. Name: Clod401wsock_zpsc6ff9c9f.jpg Views: 275 Size: 54.9 KB ID: 8143

This new Ground handling will require practice. Don't expect to have it totally under control right from the get go. initially you may find it frustrating especially if wind is present. These aircraft could be a handfull/bootfull on the ground. Practice practice and you will get the hang of it.


Undercarriage drag has been revised for all aircraft from the vanilla game's generic drag value for nearly all aircraft of 0.7 m2 to drag values based on examination of the actual aircraft's a) length and diameter of undercarriage struts, b) wheel size

Players will notice in general more drag when the undercarriage is deployed.


All aircraft have their flaps operation and effects revised to model the increased drag seen at full deployment. As well, lift characteristics are changed. Both should now show the engineering design focus on:

a) high lift at low AoA

b) increased drag, this combined with a) allowing low landing speeds to be more easily maintained with full control of the aircraft.

Players will note that flaps when fully deployed are now not generally conducive to improving aircraft performance in combat maneuvers. Stall speeds with flaps fully deployed have been set based on known historical data. In some cases where data is unavailable, these speeds have been calculated.


Here are the recommended Approach, Boundary and Flare speeds for the various aircraft in the game with flaps fully deployed and undercarriage down.

NOTE: Pilots should not attempt turns at less than 'Approach' speeds and all turns should be gentle.

For these purposes:

'Approach' is defined as the recommended flight speed in a landing pattern when approaching, or established in the glide path and descending towards the airfield.

'Boundary' is the recommended flight speed when continuing the descent to land, and as crossing the boundary between surrounding terrain and the airfield landing area.

'Flare' is the final speed prior to wheels touching just before the pilot pulls up gently on the stick and causes the aircraft to stall and drop the last few inches onto the runway surface in a three point attitude.

Below figures are with full fuel and loaded weapons, no bombs.


Messerschmidt Bf109's

(speeds may vary slightly with the Bf109E-1 a bit lower and the Bf109E-4N a bit higher)

Add 5 clicks up elevator trim after flaps and gear are down. Use full fine pitch in Manual.

Approach: 180 kmh

Boundary: 160 kmh

Flare: 150 kmh

Messerschmidt Bf110's

(speeds may vary slightly with the Bf110C-2 a bit lower and the Bf110C-4N a bit higher)

Add 10 clicks up elevator trim after flaps and gear are down. Use full fine pitch in manual.

Approach: 190 kmh

Boundary: 170 kmh

Flare: 155 kmh

Heinkel He-111H and Heinkel-111P

Add 10 clicks up elevator trim after flaps and gear are down.

Approach: 175 kmh

Boundary: 150 kmh

Flare: 135 kmh

Junkers Ju-87B

Approach: 175 kmh

Boundary: 160 kmh

Flare: 140 kmh

Junkers Ju-88A

Add 12 clicks elevator up trim after flaps and gear are down

Approach: 220 kmh

Boundary: 200 kmh

Flare: 185 kmh


Fiat BR-20M

Add 10 clicks 'up' Elevator trim. Use 75% rad and 50% oil 2200 rpm and 720mmHG for landing in case of a go round or wave off, and be prepared to use emergency power

820mmHG if this occurs.

Approach: 175 kmh

Boundary: 150 kmh

Flare: 140 kmh

Fiat G-50
Add 5 clicks up Elevator trim. Use 2200 rpm and 740mmHG in case of a go round or wave off and be prepared to use emergency power 840mmHG if this occurs.

Approach: 165 kmh

Boundary: 155 kmh

Flare: 145 kmh


Supermarine Spitfire

Use 3000 rpm or fine pitch. Add five clicks up elevator.

Approach: 115 mph

Boundary: 100 mph

Flare: 85 mph

Hawker Hurricane

Use 3000 rpm or fully fine pitch. Add five clicks up elevator.

Approach: 115 mph

Boundary: 100 mph

Flare: 80 mph

Bristol Blenheim

Add 7 clicks up elevator trim after flaps and gear are down. Use fine pitch and +9 boost in case of go round or wave off.

Approach: 120 mph

Boundary: 100 mph

Flare: 90 mph


Some re-writing of the AI routines governing aircraft behaviour at low altitudes. This should reduce the incidence of 'Lawn-Darting'.

The changes however, will not eliminate this from occurring, and I would recommend Mission Builders use the following values for default skill levels in their mission files.

Rookie: 1 0.47 0.21 0.053 0.053 0.21 0.053 0.053
Average: 1 1 0.74 0.21 0.11 0.74 0.11 0.32
Veteran: 1 1 0.74 0.21 0.21 0.74 0.32 0.32
Ace: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.89 1



* Messerschmidt Bf109E-4N-DeRated
* Messerschmidt Bf110C-4N-DeRated

These two aircraft are the same as the standard versions of these aircraft with their DB601N engines, but have WEP power disabled to represent the 'DeRating' of the engine allowable power settings which occurred on or around the time of the Battle of Britain.

They have the same performance as the fully rated types at the 1.35ata power setting.

These are made available so Mission Builders can have the option of selecting either type. For reference, although there is not a lot of hard data on the dates when the aircraft had the max power settings reduced, it is likely the WEP enabled versions were operating at latest after mid October of 1940, when factory data indicated Bf110E-1N models under testing at that time were using 1.42ata.

In addition, the standard Bf110C-4N now has 1.42 ata WEP power enabled.



Increased Drag from Combat Damage

Aircraft with combat damage will now suffer increased drag effects from the damaged parts. This will eliminate some of the anomalies seen in TF 4.0, with aircraft with combat damage seeming to be unaffected.

Radiator Puncture and Drain times

All aircraft have had their radiator drain times revised to better reflect the historical average. This change will see radiators taking slightly longer to drain after being hit by gunfire.


Gunner Positions G Effects and Reload times

Aircraft gunners are no longer subject to the 5 meters/sec altitude change restriction for firing weapons. This affects both human gunners and AI gunners. Aircraft gunners will now be much more dangerous and accurate opponents.

Aircraft Gunners in upright or seated positions now have their magazine reload times reduced to 8 seconds.

Bf109E-4N and Bf110C-4N Overheat

The Bf109E-4N and Bf110C-4N have their overheat schedules revised to better reflect their cooling characteristics.

Merlin III Engine Overheat

British Aircraft equipped with the Merlin III engine have their overheat characteristics tweaked to better reflect the 5 minute power setting restrictions. Pilots will be better able to sustain full boost and rpm in level flight maximum speed situations, but should exercise caution when using the same settings in low speed, high Angle of Attack maneuver and should monitor their temperature gauges.

Spitfire IA 100 octane Sea Level Speeds

Spitfire IA 100 octane variants have their sea level maximum speeds raised to the historical 310 mph level.

Spitfire IIA Sea Level Speeds and Coolant Temperatures

Spitfire IIA's have their sea level maximum speeds reduced slightly to historical levels.

Coolant temperature maximum corrected to 135 degrees and overheat remodeled.

Hurricane I Rotol 100 octane Sea Level Speeds

Hurricane I Rotol 100 octane variants have their sea level maximum speeds reduced slightly to the historical levels.

Variable Prop Pitch Climb Exploit Fix

British aircraft equipped with Variable Prop Pitch types have been open to an exploit at higher altitudes. In TF 4.0, the Spitfire I's and the Hurricane DH5-20's were able to use higher than actual climb rpms without a concern for overheating.

While it is not a perfect fix, for the moment we have addressed this by reducing the allowable maximum safe rpms for these aircraft. The Spit I's and Hurricane DH5-20's are now limited to 3100 rpm. Players will not notice a large effect in normal flight, but in steep dives, will need to reduce throttle as they approach terminal velocity. Exceeding max. allowable rpms for any length of time will cause engine destruction.

We hope to institute a more permanent and accurate fix when the overheat modelling systems are revised for TF 5.0.

Fiat G-50 revised Climb, Rollrate, Speed and Overheat model

The Fiat G-50 has had a complete revision of its engine, overheat and roll characteristics.

A careful examination of its original manual with a better translation has revealed the m2 figures for control surfaces were incorrect.

superficie del piano stabilizzatore -- translation: "surface of the stabilizer" Horizontal Stabilizer

superficie del timone di quota -- translation: "rudder area to share", this is actually the elevator not the rudder

superficie del piano di deriva -- translation: " the surface of the drift" This is the fin

superficie del timone di direzione -- translation: "surface of the rudder" This is the rudder

The original developers gave the G50 overly large fin, rudder, stabilizer and elevator area. As well, the ratio between the fixed surfaces and moveable ones were out of balance. All which resulted in an overly stable and sluggish aircraft. The change in TF 4.3 to historical values results in a much more harmonized set of controls. As well, the developers had mistakenly undersized the m2 area of ailerons, the game values were 1.3 m2 instead of 1.52 m2 in the real aircraft. The change to historical values gives better rollrate performance.

After entering the correct values, the game aircraft now better reflects the historical aircraft, characterized as underpowered, but very maneuverable within its optimum maneuver envelope of 300 - 350 kmh

Overheat, Climb times and Speeds now more precisely match the original documents.

Ju87b, Ju88A and Blenheim default Trim settings

The Stuka, Ju-88A and Blenheim have had their default aileron trim setting revised to better stabilize the aircraft in level flight.

Ju-87b Flight Model

After the discovery the original game did not model drag for fixed position undercarriages, we wrote the changes to allow this.

Climb, Speed, Overheat, Stall and Aerofoil characteristics were then adjusted to take into account the changed drag factors and to align the aircraft performance with known data.

Ju-88A, He-111H and P and BR-20M revised Climb, Speed and Overheat characteristics

There are too many changes to go into detail, but all of the above aircraft in a similar fashion to the Ju-87, have had their Climb, Speed, Overheat, Stall, Aerofoil and general performance revised to TF 4.01 mod standards from where they were in TF 4.0.

These changes bring the bomber and Attack types up to the level of accuracy of the Fighters.

In addition, the Heinkel 111H and P have their coolant radiator controls changed to a slider type, to allow display of the degree of opening in the player game window.

Ju-88A Fuel loads and unloaded weight

Fuel loads in the Ju-88A internal tanks have been corrected to amounts carried by the historical aircraft. The vanilla game had incorrectly given the aircraft internal fuel equivalent to the amount carried by both internal tanks as well as the amount which could be carried in optional droppable or jettisonable tanks which historically could be mounted in the bomb bay or on the wings on the bomb racks. (these are not available currently in the game)

Fuel load is now 415 liters for the outboard internal tanks and 425 liters for the inboard internal tanks.

The vanilla game had also incorrectly reduced the unloaded aircraft weight to artificially compensate for all the incorrect amount of extra fuel carried, the aircraft now has the correct historical unloaded aircraft weight.

BR20M Autopilot, Pneumatic pressure, and Carburettor

The BR20M has had its autopilot generator switched to run off an engine, in order to eliminate the vibration bug which affected it. The aircraft's carburetion has also been modified to allow it to use maximum rpms and boost without misfire and vibration.

Brakes on incremental controls

Any aircraft which were incorrectly equipped in the game with toggle 'on/off' Brake systems have had them changed to incremental control types.

Bf110 fuel tanks corrected

Before, if in the Bf 110 the front right wing tank (Main Fuel Tank 2) gets damaged, you got the message "Fuel Tank 3 - Leak", but Fuel Tank 3 is from the fuel-gauge-selector the left reserve tank.

This bug was caused due setting FuelTank0 & FuelTank1 (indicated as 1 & 2) into the left wing of the model, but damage report doesn't differentiates between set main and reserve tanks.
Both tanks (front right - rear left) now work correctly in damage indication.


3. SFX

* AI uniforms corrected (no more parade uniforms)
* FXAA introduced (just turn it to any other setting than "Off" in your video settings)
* Bf 110 Spinner marking bug corrected
* Shadows (not trees) should look a bit less choppy (but still).
* Red-out bug fix (no more pitch black parts)
* Horizon smoke bug fix (no more horizon shining through buildings, trees, cockpit etc.)
* Ground fog introduced as in pre-vanilla versions of Clod
* Another horizon bug fixed (smoke no longer gets "chopped" at horizon level)
* Hires re-texture of bf110’s cockpits
* Removed gun smoke and contrails from inside the cockpit
* Corrected the ammo lights in all marks of Bf109 and Bf110 to work as they did historically (The lights are now ON when there is any ammo left, FLICKERING when firing and OFF when out of ammo (or jammed/destroyed)
* Corrected ammo counter for Bf109E-1B (now works as in the 109E-1, not 109E-3/4)
* Bail out animations introduced for all marks of Spitfire, Hurricane and Bf109
* Improved aircraft reflections algorithms to prevent the whiteout/washout and better overall look
* Improved bumpmaps for all marks of Spitfire, Hurricane and Bf109
* Reduced the moonlight water reflections a bit
* Reduced the night time brightness of the revi sights a notch
* Made a few corrections to night time smoke and water splashes
* Tweaked the aircraft spotting mod a bit by increasing the distance where the aircraft turn black when using FOV 30 or less (to better enable identification when zooming in)
* Increased the brightness of tracers a notch
* Increased tracer smoke thickness a notch
* Corrected the heartbreaker girl’s sideburns
* Corrected slightly off revi sights in axis planes
* Added missing markings for Bf-110C-7Late
* LG1 paint scheme fix
* Removed contrail rubber banding under 7000 meters

* New 3D objects added:
- Blister Hangar (Static->Building->Airfield)
- Dispersal Hut (Buildings->England->Airfield)

* New and more FPS friendly SFX for:
- gun smoke behind wings when guns are fired.
- 20mm (aircraft) cannon bursts
- light flak bursts
- some types of engine fire
- glycol and oil leaks
- environmental smoke and visible distance increased to 10 km for some of them (see the "Environmental Smoke" section below)
- fuel tank fire
- hit flashes for Dewilde ammo. (Sources indicate that a Dewilde flash was an orange/red twinkling spark (previously they were too bright, big and yellow in colour)
- smoke effects for crashed and burning planes. (They are now dependent on wind in the mission to move in any other direction rather than just upwards)


This patch includes several re-done FMB place-able environmental smoke plumes:

Heavy Smoke A
Attachment 7576

Heavy Smoke B
Attachment 7556

Smoke A
Attachment 7577

Smoke B
Attachment 7555

Among these there are two types:

-Thick, black, hot burnt smokes. Typically from hot fires, like burning fuel or oil storage/refineries, that kind of thing.
-A thinner, lighter, cooler burnt smoke. Typically from things like burning vegetation, wood, or other building materials.

To achieve the best looking results with these effects, it is necessary to use wind in missions. Lack of wind will result in perfectly vertical, spire-like smoke plumes - which look awful.

Option 1: Use 1 blanket wind setting.

In the mission parameters, simply add one wind setting. This will give the smoke plumes a very linear, wind blown appearance (depending on strength of wind). Here is an example of two smoke plumes with one wind setting of about 4 m/s:

Attachment 7553
Attachment 7554

Option 2: Use 2+ wind settings.

In the mission parameters it is possible to have different wind speeds at different heights. Using this, it is possible to give the smoke plumes a much more non-linear, typical "plumish" appearance. Typically you will want a layer of low wind speed, 1-2m/s, up to about 200-300 meters. Above this, any wind speed above 1-2m/s will give a good appearance, 5-6m/s is always a good bet.

Here is an example of two smoke plumes using low level winds of 1m/s, and a higher level windspeed of 6m/s:

Attachment 7555
Attachment 7556

As you can see, the black smoke plume looks much more like it has burnt hot, risen fast, cooled and then encounters typically higher wind speeds a few hundred meters up.

Utilizing the different smoke types, variations, windspeeds and layers, it is now possible to create a multitude of different smoke scenes. The only imperative is wind.

Although these place-able smokes are not all that taxing, placement of way too many of these smoke plumes can overload the engine, causing all clouds, glass details and other SFX to disappear. For most situations, however, this should not be an issue.


* Portable air raid sirens now working. (Found in the FMB under Static->Environment/Portable Siren -British/German. It will start sounding when a plane is within 3Km horizontally from where the siren is)
* Various sound effects have been tweaked:
-Improved Bren Mk2 Sound (used in Bren Carriers and armoured cars for those who didn’t know it was in the game)
-Improved Cannon sounds (artillery, bofors, tank guns etc)
-Engine Damage sound added some bass
-Improved ground roll sounds
-Beefed up Jumo211 sounds
-Beefed up Mercury sounds
-Improved MG-FF cannon sounds
-Improved SAFAT 12.7mm sounds
-Improved MG-15 machine gun sounds
-Improved MG-34 machine gun sounds
-Improved overspeed jolting sounds
-Beefed up tank sounds
-Improved Vickers MG sounds
-Improved ambient wind sounds
-Improved explosive ground impact sounds
-Improved aircraft water impact sound
-Improved bomb explosion sounds
-Improved bomb water explosion sounds
-Improved building explosive impact sounds
-Improved bullet ground impact sounds
-Improved bullet metal impact sounds
-Improved tank round metal impacts
-Improved bullet wood impact sounds
-Improved aircraft ground impact sounds
-Improved aircraft part detach sounds
-Improved fire sound
-Improved hatch/canopy open/close sounds
-Improved canopy eject sound
-Improved aircraft flak impact sounds
-Improved flak impact water sounds
-Improved aircraft interior touchdown sounds
-Improved landing gear deploy sound


* Improved summer map noise texture
* Improved sand texture
* Concrete runways made darker in summer and autumn maps
* Added coastal landmarks to channel map:
- Margate Harbour
- Margate pier
- North Foreland lighthouse
- Royal Ramsgate harbour
- Deal pier
- Folkestone harbour
- Folkestone pier
- Brighton Palace pier
- Brighton West pier
- Calais harbour
- Dunkirk harbour (correct location)
- Canterbury Cathedral (Westminster substitute)
- Arundel Castle

* Spawn Fixes:
Fixed bad spawns (hangar explosions) at Canterbury airfield & 20+ French airfields




* Flak is now a bit more accurate
* Corrections to Russian translation of German rounds
* Fixed a small error in the bore of the German AP-H round
* Tweaks made to gun dispersions for all fuselage and turret mounted guns (making them slightly more accurate compared to wing and pintle mounts. No guns are made less accurate)
* Corrected Bf110 turn needle gauge
* AAA guns can be operated by human player
* DCG (Dynamic Campaign Generator) made by The Enlightened Florist is now included.
* FMB option to select both types of empty bomb racks for bf109
* BR-20 Top turret corrected (no longer inverted)
* AAA etc will no longer try to kill animals
* Beaverette Armoured Car now enabled to fire at low flying aircraft, as an AAA substitute for missing British light AAA


Thank you to all the talented community modders, who within hours of hearing about our announcement on various forums, rushed through the doors offering their skills to help keep the simulation alive. Your energy & enthusiasm to make this project a success is incredible!

A big thank you to the original IL-2 Sturmovik development team and 1C and Ubisoft for publishing around the world! Your work over the years has been a legacy, given us hours of fun, and allowed us to have a taste of what it was like to fly classic war-planes. It has also brought together a dedicated & passionate community of aviators & enthusiasts which could get pretty crazy at times but it’s been one hell of a ride!

Oleg & Luthier, there is always a place for you guys here, amongst your fellow flight simmers. Hopefully we’ll meet again sometime soon, but until then, all the best with your endeavours and talking about flight simmers.

PLEASE NOTE 1: Team Fusion do not claim any rights on IL-2 Sturmovic Cliffs of Dover. All rights belong to the original developer and publisher, namely: © 2011 1C Company. All Rights Reserved. Developed by 1C: Maddox Games. Published by Ubisoft Entertainment.IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover is a trademark of 1C EUROPE used under license by Ubisoft.

PLEASE NOTE 2: Team Fusion does not accept any payment/donations.

However, ATAG as the host of the Team Fusion website, incurs considerable costs for hosting the bandwidth to allow downloads for the patches, as well as the cost for running the Team Fusion Beta testing server which they provide for free.

If you are interested in helping ATAG defray some of these costs, please donate to the link on their website.

This one is for you!
Team Fusion

Note: For picture examples and attachments within the read-me and to follow the discussion, please see the update thread located here:
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1773
Inscription : 08 mars 2009

Re: MOD+4.3


Message par OBT~Mikmak »

une traduction en francais se trouve ici : ... php?t=9143
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1896
Inscription : 02 juin 2003

Re: MOD+4.3


Message par MikiBzh »

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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 401
Inscription : 22 mai 2004

Re: MOD+4.3


Message par Mad_44 »

5 minutes d'utilisation et 2 bugs détectés à vérifier...En solo en hurri contre des CR42, je suis touché, mort, mais pas d'écran noir. Autre vol en spit, impossibilité de maintenir la puissance de la manette des gaz à la valeur désirée: de 49% à 100% sur une course d'un millimètre.
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Messages : 369
Inscription : 29 janvier 2006

Re: MOD+4.3


Message par Coromon »


sur hurri et spit : décollage plein gaz et plein petit pas , le badin reste inactif , pourtant je roule sur la piste à fond roulette de queue décollée et impossible de décoller la bête du sol ... :emlaugh:
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Topic author
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2127
Inscription : 24 mai 2005

Re: MOD+4.3


Message par OBT~Miguel21 »

Je me suis fait avoir aussi avec un axe que j'avais placé pour les freins des avions rouge.

Comme maintenant les freins sont progressif, il se peut que l'axe ne soit pas à 0 et qu'il freine un peu.

Tu peux regarder ça avec le manometre à 3 aiguilles


Les 2 petites aiguilles doivent être exactement en bas (0) si tu ne freines pas

Ce mano, sur Hurricane, se situe derrière et en bas du manche (il est totalement invisible en temps normal ;) )

Si ce n'est pas à cause du frein, regarde la direction du vent, et fait gaffe de ne pas décoller vent dans le dos.
Avatar de l’utilisateur

Messages : 369
Inscription : 29 janvier 2006

Re: MOD+4.3


Message par Coromon »


merci pour ta réponse, par contre il ne s'agit pas des freins ou du sens du vent. Je roulais suffisamment vite pour décoller la roulette de queue par contre le badin restait vraiment inactif malgré ma vitesse.

J'ai réessayé aujourd'hui et cette fois cela marchait ... comprend pas ... j'attends de voir si ce bug réapparait ...

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