Voila un petit mot histoire de regrouper les avis des pilotes de UH1H depuis la mise a jour en 1.2.7.
Petit rappel des modification:
Perso, je trouve qu'elles sont super pour ces différents points:DCS: UH-1H Huey
Corrected missions for UN Pilot campaign.
Added M134 minigun as door gun option.
Added new M134 and M60 payload icons in the ME payload editor menu.
Implemented AI fire control logic for left pilot, left and right door gunners.
Added hint indicator for status and ROE setting of AI gunners.
Implemented countermeasures (flare dispenser) system.
Implemented correct throttle model including ignition, STOP, IDLE, and IDLE RELEASE functionality.
Implemented “hot start” dynamics as a result of throttle mismanagement during engine start (WIP).
Corrected main rotor mast tilt angle.
Corrected collective control animation of the main rotor assembly (WIP).
Visual cyclic and collective pitch angles of the rotor blades now derived from FM data rather than raw control settings.
Fixed flight model bug causing erroneous “warping” in translational lift.
Added seatbelts to pilot 3D models.
Added new door gunner human 3D models.
Added recoil visual effect when firing M60 and M134 door guns.
Implemented airframe configuration panel in the UH-1H Helicopter Group menu of the ME to control setting of external hardpoints, IR suppression kit, engine lifespan (WIP).
Fixed and updated Elbrus Rescue mission.
Changed the logic of door gunner commands so that the “3” and “4” keys affect left and right door gunners, respectively.*
Reduced recoil when firing unguided rockets.
Added wind sound to door gunner positions.
Corrected UH-1H damage model zones.
Corrected inability to disable the controller indication. Set in Options / Special.
Updated flight dynamics.
Corrected animation of door gunners.
Corrected AI targeting of door gunners.
Corrupted cockpit night illumination is fixed.
The tail rotor drive shaft arguments are corrected.
Corrected some weights.
Tail rotor is absent on network phantom bug is corrected.
Tail rotor direction fix.
Tail rotor rotation in multiplayer is corrected.
Corrected hints of crew control.
Spinup time decreased.
Updated UH-1H instant missions.
*Changes in input commands require resetting input profiles to new default settings. To do so, delete (or rename if you wish to keep a backup) the saved input configuration folders (files) located in \WINDOWS DRIVE\User\User Name\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\UH-1H\.
- On peut se concerter sur le pilotage vu que les IA font du bon boulot et la gestion de ces dernières est simple.
- Petit détail mais qui a son importance les mitrailleur des portes sont beaucoup plus réaliste.
- Avec l'ajour des M134 pour les mitrailleur de porte cela permet d'augmenter le nombre de combinaison d'armement.
- Enfin un système de défense par contre-mesure qui permettra peut être de survivre un peut plus longtemps
- La modification de la procédure de démarrage rend encore plus réaliste le module.
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