Clodo "moddé"

Salle dédiée à IL-2 Cliffs of Dover et ses évolutions
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 778
Inscription : 23 novembre 2008


Message par Mike_Sky »

J'sais pas vous, mais perso je n'en peux plus t'attendre!!!!!!!:Jumpy:

Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2445
Inscription : 18 novembre 2002


Message par Shane »

beau boulot.
P182, Z68XP UD3, I5 2500K@4,2Ghz, 12Go DDR3 PC12800 9 9 9 24, Asus Geforce GTX580 1,5Go, HDD 10.5To, PSU Antec 750W Bronze modulaire, Moniteur LG W2600HP-BF 26" LCD, FFB2, CH Product Pro Pedals, Track IR 2.
Crucial RealSSD C300 64Go.

Shane .Michel.
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Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 12
Inscription : 31 janvier 2007


Message par LeCruel »

Fantastique, ça donne envie de s'y mettre! Quand la config le permettra.

Merci mikmak :flowers:
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1773
Inscription : 08 mars 2009

Re: Clodo "moddé"


Message par OBT~Mikmak »

Un résumé détaillé des modifs passées et à venir sur "PC Pilot": ... 0&p=1&i=10
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1773
Inscription : 08 mars 2009

Re: Clodo "moddé"


Message par OBT~Mikmak »

Le décompte final :

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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 4373
Inscription : 03 août 2001

Re: Clodo "moddé"


Message par LUSO 83 »

Pas mal du tout à voir à l'épreuve, dommage que cela arrive si tard, mais je testerais et défendrais dans mon groupe si cela correspond à nos attentes!! :busted_co
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 4373
Inscription : 03 août 2001

Re: Clodo "moddé"


Message par LUSO 83 »

Sur le sujet j'ai trouvé cela d'ailleurs:
Originally Posted by Mysticpuma View Post
Let me start by saying I wasn’t sure how to approach this update. I had an idea for a video, then an idea for an image…and then I thought what the heck; let’s make it a detailed update about the forthcoming patch.

So as you know over the past months, behind the scenes a vast amount of work has been going on to improve Cliffs of Dover and make the nest step along its evolutionary path.

When we got together and built the first patch (Team Fusion patch v3.00), we had done an amazing job of righting many wrongs that were still present when development was abandoned so prematurely in its life cycle. In truth, as much as we had done, it was barely a scratch in the surface of the huge potential that awaits this much maligned piece of software.

So Patch v3.00 hit the forums followed by a very small hotfix…and the community went wild. Flight Models that allowed accurate altitudes and speeds, stalls were corrected, contrails filled the skies….the detailed improvements were a huge difference……but it wasn’t enough. Still issues persisted, aircraft still vanished at too close a distance, clouds popped into view and barely filled the sky, aircraft skins were still not accurate, maps were never changing, always British summertime, grass too green, there were many, many unresolved issues.

Well behind those scenes in the closed forums we have raised issues, closed issues, opened new ones, discussed long standing bugs, found new areas of code, fixed those areas, built on their foundations and steadily advanced to where we are today with the Patch TFv4.00
Now as much as I’d like to chip in with “it’ll be two-weeks”…I’m not that cruel

Over the last few-weeks it’s be noticeable that there has been on the forums a sense of anticipation but also frustration as to not knowing the timeline for the release. This hasn’t been intentional. Seriously behind the scenes huge amounts of testing has been going on making sure that all parts of this next patch work together and give you, the player, the best. Most authentic experience possible from the current development point we have reached.

It’s really important that we thank all of you forum users for your patience and understanding. The information you have provided and feedback to the Friday updates has certainly spurred us on and shown that there is a great interest in the work we are doing and will continue to do.
Also there are a group of beta testers who really have been put to the test in working through laborious testing of new FM’s/DM’s over and over and over again. But all have done an amazing job and their contribution to Team Fusion’s fixes can’t be understated.

Team Fusion is made up solely of volunteers, all unpaid and doing this for fun. We have no affiliation with any of the original development team and therefore no help in working out how the jigsaw blocks of code are put together. All of this is worked out by some truly talented minds who (I make the assumption) see things like Neo did at the end of the first Matrix film!

Every one of us does this in our own spare time. We all have other personal commitments as you do, but we see CloD as the most advanced WW2 Combat simulation software currently available. It has so much potential it would be a travesty to leave it in such an under-developed state. At times I’m sure it may appear like we are dragging our feet, but nothing is further from the truth, This really is a spare time project, a hobby taken on by a group of dedicated Flight Sim enthusiasts who want to have the best time with CloD and share that experience with the rest of the Community,
So, back to today’s update.

The last few weeks have been a truly exciting experience in the Team Fusion private forums. Each tiny advance has been added as slowly the Patch has been assembled.

Over the previous months, we’d have an idea, one of the guys would test it, make it work, then we’d complain, they’d tweak it, we’d love it…and on and on. A lot of the fixes are visual and easy to spot, others are so subtle but again have to be worked through, coded, tweaked, re-tweaked….the process has seemed endless and that is why the patch has taken so long due to intense quality control. What would be the point in releasing a patch after all these months, only for it to fall down on first testing!

So the various departments have been fixing, improving, tweaking, editing, building, coding, testing and as each has been ticked off the list, they are added to the final compile software.

So today we’re announcing the way we hope the patch is going to reach you in the next few-days.

This weekend every part of the upcoming patch is set to be compiled into the final release candidate patch. This is made up of everything that has been previously tested, seen to be working correctly and passed up the chain to be compiled into the final patch.

Once this is done, it will be shared between team Fusion and the close nit group of chosen Beta testers. Everything is expected to work (honestly it really is).

Testing will continue until next-Wednesday and if all has gone according to plan, TF v4.00 readme will hit the forums, detailing everything that will be in this patch.

On Thursday a short promo video will be released, picking out some of the highlights of the patch as a taster for the week’s finale, TF v4.00 going live on October 18th.

I have to add, this is the route we fully expect to take BUT if during testing we hit a ‘Show-stopper’ bug, it may be delayed, however lots of testing has been carried out and we are not expecting this!

So, get your F5 keys ready for October 18th, that is expected to be release day and may I/we say once more, thank you for your patience

On a final note, having seen the huge advances made in the last month by our modeller’s and coders TF v5.00 is going to be immense….I’m on the inside and already I’m excited about what the future holds… really is going to be worth sticking around…….big things will be happening

Cheers MP/TF

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