How to make Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 in AdA mod?

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Messages : 18
Inscription : 25 février 2013

How to make Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 in AdA mod?


Message par Valium »

Hi again guys.
I'd like to find out how to make a Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 in AdA Mod to Lock On Flaming Cliffs 2.

There is one thing, which bothers me - in AdA Mod we've got 5 versions of Mirage:
A) with old cockpit:
- Mirage 2000B - training / air superiority fighter
- Mirage 2000C - air superiority fighter
B) with new cockpit:
- Mirage 2000D - ground atack airplane
- Mirage 2000N - ground atack / nuclear strike
- Mirage 2000-5F - air superiority fighter, which isn't a multirole fighter, because it can't take bombs, etc.

To be honest, there is no multirole fighter, which can take air-to-air missiles and air-to-ground missiles together ( I know that there is also Rafale, but I'm talking about Mirage ), so I can take Mirage 2000-5F with AA missiles only or Mirage 2000-5D with AG missiles, but with 2 AA missiles - it's to small in bigger missions, but it's the same like in real.

Well, I would like to create Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2, because it's the latest version of Mirage and it has got more capabilities. Of course, I know, that French Air Force hasn't got Mk.2 version, but isn't it a good idea to create this version and add it there as prototype for example? :yes:

I think that is, so I would like to ask you how to add new model of Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 without replacing other ?

Let's suppose to take Mirage 2000-5 model and add to him a capability to take missiles, etc.

What do you think about that?

I hope you'll understand what I want to say.

Regards! lol
I'm not French; I'm from Poland, so I don't speak French.

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Messages : 18
Inscription : 25 février 2013


Message par Valium »

I would like to refresh this topic, if it's possible.
I'm not French; I'm from Poland, so I don't speak French.
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
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Message par Morpheus »

Hi, hmmm i don't know how to add a plane in FC2 :wacko:..........and missing time to search how to do :huh:
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Message par ergo »

Hi Valium,

I suggest to ask your question directly in official site of ADA-mod : (In my office i can't check if this forum is allways up, but normaly yes)

Creators of AdaMod don't check there, if they have question for them.

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Messages : 18
Inscription : 25 février 2013


Message par Valium »

Hi. I know about that, but I tried to register for 2 weeks and I can do it. I also wanted to talk with admin, but I haven't received a response, so far.

Could you place my post in that forum if you've got an account there?
I'm not French; I'm from Poland, so I don't speak French.
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Message par ergo »


I will try to transmit your request ;)

I call you back soon.
Tout travail mérite son dû, n'est-ce pas "Oui Oui" ?
(Vainqueur de la Boulet's Cup Démo Team C6 en 2011 et 2013)
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Message par Azrayen »

Valium, registration is open from now 'til 13h00 GMT+1.

[edit] closed again
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Inscription : 29 décembre 2004


Message par Azrayen »

Now AdA Mod team has moved on, I honestly am not sure you'll get much answers in a easy-to-follow way.
Actually, I'm not even sure it's feasible without major rework (sometimes AdA Mod uses payloads to determine which 3D models are seen...)
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