[BoS] Ce qu'on sait à ce jour

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Stalingrad (BOS) Moscou (BOM), Kuban (BOK)
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 628
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

Gerfaut a écrit : Vraiment dommage, surtout pour une campagne hivernale en Russie... mais faut voir comment les conditions météo seront gérées.
Oui, possible. Cependant, si le jeu fonctionne (en terme de ventes à ses débuts) je fais confiance à 777 pour assurer un suivi suffisamment conséquent pour voir ce genre de choses ( et beaucoup d'autres) implémentés par la suite.
Suffit de regarder l'évolution de RoF...

D'autre simu ont voulu tout mettre dès la sortie ( y compris des engins au sol pilotables) et on connait la suite...:innocent:
le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1889
Inscription : 02 juin 2003


Message par MikiBzh »

Gerfaut a écrit ::detective Plus détaillé que CloD ok, mais espérons que les LOD seront modélisés en conséquence, pour la jouabilité.
Tout en gardant le système de 777... La gestion zoom / distance de visibilité est très bonne sous RoF. Dans CoD, je vois mieux les contact en dézoom qu'en zoom...
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 778
Inscription : 23 novembre 2008


Message par Mike_Sky »

Les modèles 3D des avions seront plus détaillés que ceux de RoF ou de CloD (en nombre de faces).(LOFT)
Si le résultat est là ils peuvent me vendre leurs logiciel à un prix conséquent, je prendrai.
Mais je suis sceptique.
Fortement sceptique!:sweatdrop
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

Developer Diary 10

Hello dear friends. Today is a holiday in our country. On this day all the men clean shave, buy flowers, gifts and congratulate all women. Mothers, wives, sisters, girlfriends and often any girl they met on the street. We also want to join in the congratulations and want to remind all of you that, of course, the real men are fighting at the forefront, but every day they live with the thought of home and loved women. Leave all your emotions in virtual battles and always behave like real men at home. I don't know yet if there is a girl among our readers, but in any case, I congratulate you. You're a rare guest in our complex and all-male genre, and from this we appreciate you even more.

From Jason: Yes, we have several very nice women who fly ROF on a regular basis.

Let's turn from the holiday to our project. Another week completed. The most interesting was the process of recording audio samples for use in the radio system. A huge thanks to the guys from Germany, who are helping us with this. We like what we are getting. While I'll not tell all the details, but I'll say for the sake that besides the usual communication between the pilots in the air and communicating with the ground airfield services we will introduce a new role. It's the ground troops at the front. This system will communicate with you a voice in Russian or German, and will carry out the correction of your actions in a combat zone.

Today, you will see one more episode in a series of interviews with V.Barsuk. This unique video was shot at the air show MAKS, held near Moscow. The last video was a lot said about the difficulties with the taxi and landing an I-16. And we have a unique record of the accident, which occurred at the air show just in time for landing. No one was hurt except for the aircraft. Video camera was mounted on the pilot's helmet so we can see what happened through the eyes of pilot.

Answers to your questions.

1) Will the bombers and attack aircraft need in the strategic plan or they will just as prey for the fighters?

Each class (fighter, attack aircraft, bomber) will have their own mission in the main campaign. So, whether they are needed, it depends on the players. Gameplay for each class will be unique in many ways. I think that of course you need to try everything.

2) Whether you considered opportunity to make the map of Gulf of Finland in the future, as in "IL-2"?

It's almost standard issue. I'll no longer respond to such questions, because the answer is always the same. About the future we need to talk in the future. Of course, we dream to make all theaters for all the wars in which the aircraft used. But after the dream work starting and we're working to make this future a reality. It is a matter of probability.

3) Loft, I have a question. Very often we can find on the forums arguments to players about what is a "simulator" as a game genre. Tell me what you mean by "simulation"? Is this some kind of an objective entity or it depends on the needs of the target audience? If this is the first, what characteristic features should have the game and on which the principles it should be built so that it can be called a "simulator"? Thank you.

This is a great and very personal question. I'll answer it, speaking only for myself. I.e. let's assume that my colleagues may not agree with my opinion.

The definition of the genre can be found in Wikipedia. But the question was about something else; Where does the simulator end and where does the game begin (and vice versa). The border is very unsteady. And for the audience it is also very shaky. Simulations can be divided into two global camps:

1) Simulation of equipment
2) Simulation of situations and events

Both types can be part of a whole, or they can be completely independent. I was always more interested in the second type. Every day I drive my car, it's available for me, as many other people do. But, nevertheless, I have no opportunity to participate in the Dakar Rally. This example describes my attitude to the subject. I’ve flown in different aircraft, propeller-driven and jet, but I never took part in a dogfight. I’ve also never killed a dragon, didn't shoot an arrow at an Orc, never driven a space repairman, not fought with swords under the walls of Troy and in general I try not to expose myself to danger without the need.

The question is about the depth of the simulation, as you rightly pointed out, depending on the target audience (including age). In general, this is a huge question and answering it is like defending a doctoral dissertation. The quality of the simulation should be evaluated according to the result (without regard for what audience it's directed). You need to look as far as the result is correlated with the data that we see in the real world. If the planes are breaking the laws of physics then the simulation is shit, but it does not say anything about how the way we obtain the result. You have created a million lines of code to get a good result in the simulation or you wrote thousands lines of code. I think this is Chinese proverb: it's easy to draw the gods and demons because no one has seen them, but it's hard to draw a rooster and a dog because all seen them.

From Jason: This is the biggest problem for any flight-sim development team. What systems to create faithfully with full realism and which to compromise on. Albert has touched upon the big issue. Are we going to just simulate the systems and machinery or also the external situations and events with extreme accuracy? Unfortunately, it is impossible to do both in a PC simulation, especially when you have a finite amount of resources and time. Albert likes to create the overall illusion and experience of flying an airplane in combat, which he does very well. Some in the community want every button and knob to work as it did in real life. I am more inclined to that approach since I love to learn about systems and machines and that can be a challenge itself. But if we try to do both “situations and systems” to the extreme, will only end up killing the project. We are confident that in the end we will have a simulation, not an arcade game that the large majority of flight-simulation enthusiasts will enjoy.

4) Do I need a permanent connection to the internet? Or everything will be done as in RoF: I once logged in and then I can always play in offline mode.

Connection required for activating the game or installing any add-on. Also, some game modes (including the main mode) will require an internet connection. But we also make a mode where you can play even disconnected.

5) Will criticisms from CloD taken into account for BoS?

Yes, they are already taken into account. And for this reason, this forums has a lot of dissatisfied people J

6) What would you do if you see that you don't have time?

I dismiss myself and dismiss all who believed me. J More seriously, we need to take into account too many factors to answer you. You can not keep up in different ways. But if we don't have time and it will be a critical influence on the quality of the final product then I'll insist on the postponement of the release. I promise you that I'll say this openly and loudly.

7) Now enthusiasts from ATAG themselves correct CloD (copyright for this game belongs to you). Whether any cooperation with this team?

So far none of them have tried to contact with me (or with anyone else from 1C-777) and discuss this possibility. This is a bad sign. They don't respect us. If there is no respect for other people's property, any dialogue is impossible. I hope that this is due only to the fact that this boys don't yet know what they want and what they have done. Therefore, they are shy.

8) Will there be special and elite bonuses for registered and paid for pre-order, intended to stimulate teleporting money out of our wallet in your wallet?

Yes, of course. All details will be disclosed in a future announcement, but I'm sure that we can thank those who help us in the most difficult first step.

9) Will there be reflections from scratches in the canopy glass?!
IMO this would look absolutely great as it really gives you the feeling that you are sitting in glassed in surrounding. It doesn't have to be disturbing and should maybe be visible in certain angles only while maneuvering...


10) Instead of answering the 10th question, I'll show you a video from Youtube.

It accurately reflects the situation with simulators at the moment. And it's very similar to our "questions and answers" from the series: will be…? Imagine that this box is your different wishes and the cat in this video is our command. J Just remember that my interesting answers are always dependent on your interesting questions.

Voir post original: http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... #entry9982
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 628
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

" we will introduce a new role. It's the ground troops at the front. This system will communicate with you a voice in Russian or German, and will carry out the correction of your actions in a combat zone."

Traduction (grosso merdo) :

"Nous allons introduire un nouveau système de communication avec les troupes au sol. Ce système permettra de communiquer avec des voix (du jeu) en russe ou en allemand afin de procéder à des ajustements de vos actions dans les zones de combats"

Pour les missions d'attaques au sol ça peut-être top...si c'est bien fait !!

le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2023
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par Gerfaut »

Et c'est historique, le rôle était tenu à partir du sol par les sections de transmission du StoLuft (Stabsoffizier-Luftfahrtruppen). A Stalingrad également, Richthofen dirigeait les frappes du VIII. Fliegerkorps à partir de son Storch, en quelque sorte l'ancêtre des PC volants.
Ce serait bien aussi que soit repris le système de marquages au sol indiquant la position de l'ennemi, car sans unités au sol, c'est assez difficile de s'y retrouver pour localiser les objectifs... Fumée ? Fumigènes ? Artillerie ? Je me demande comment ils vont s'y prendre pour un champ de bataille convaincant sans unités au sol.
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 628
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

Gerfaut a écrit : Je me demande comment ils vont s'y prendre pour un champ de bataille convaincant sans unités au sol.
Ils n'ont jamais dit qu'il n'y aurait pas d'unités au sol !
Ils ont dit qu'il n'y aurait pas d'infanterie modélisée ! c'est pas pareil
le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2023
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par Gerfaut »

C'est vrai. Mais je me demande juste à quoi cela va ressembler vu d'en haut. Un réseau de tranchées comme dans RoF ?
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1889
Inscription : 02 juin 2003


Message par MikiBzh »

J'espère, concernant les tranchées, que le système de CoD sera retenu, car là, chapeau, c'est génial, très facile à placer via l'éditeur, et ce sont de vrais tranchées (creuses), dans lesquelles ont peut placer des objets...
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »


Hello dear friends. Spring has come, but here is heavy snowfall in Moscow. Perhaps nature wants to help us and provide us the opportunity to study the types of snowy expanses as long as possible. Many thanks to the nature and the weather, but we still want to see the spring. Tell that forecasters possible.

The work is productive in the office and any delays is still insignificant and they are within the norms. This is encouraging every morning. The time is coming when images come more often than texts in our diaries.

But this will be in the future; right now we have a lot of affairs and concerns. Work with such large projects often leads to the need to experiment and change something when we see the result. For example, a small change in lighting requires a fix for already-made textures and a change in the details of animation requires a change in the models. At the moment, your help is very valuable in the search for materials and blueprints. Finding them is getting harder every year as well as data about the battle. Every week we go to the archives, looking for any information that might help. Help us; many of you demonstrate your knowledge in your verbal debates, but actual documents help even more, maybe that can be a key to unlocking something we are missing.

We planned some interesting events and experiments, they will be interesting for us and for you and they will be implemented in the near future, if the weather will allow it. We'll leave the office and go to the airfield to make a dogfight with sport airplanes and conduct tests of turbulence and wake forces. We'll surely shoot all on camera and turn it into interesting films that later we'll present to your attention. Funny, that work on a completely virtual project sometimes requires very real risk, but that's what makes our job so interesting.

And I can already say with confidence that we'll meet with the Russian community in Volgograd (Stalingrad) in May and it will be possible the first presentation of our work. I'll let you know the details later when we'll know our plan exactly.

Answers to your questions:

1) Do you think that the situation is normal when at full realism settings (as an option on the same game server) can use various assistants (such as an automatic machine for the system on the plane where this automatic machine was not)?

For the maximum settings realism this situation is not normal. This just means that all the players are professionals. But I want to say that even if the other players will use assistants, it will still allow the experts to win. Each assistant has a considerable error in the work and if you operate the system manually then you will have the advantage. Preference will be small but enough to win the battle.

2) Will realized continuity of terminology from the new game with the IL-2? For example, IL-2 has a setting "cling to the gun sight", in CloD this parameter is called "unfasten straps" and in RoF this parameter is called "Zoom."

Too early to talk about this. The interface is in the process of prototyping. I can say that we'll choose the most intuitive and easy terms, regardless of what particular project they are taken from, because all three projects are now under one roof. Take a vote, it will be interesting to hear your opinion, but try as we leave feelings aside and really imagine what would be best.

3) Do you plan to test some small innovations arising in the process of developing BoS in RoF?

We would like to make it, but it depends on many factors. To a large extent it depends on the interest of the customers of the game of course. While it was there, we try to develop RoF. We have done this for almost 4 years and I hope that we can celebrate the fifth anniversary. We have many different ideas.

4) Hello! How do you feel (when flu virus is walking across the country), no one is sick? (Some teams stopped work for a month or more because of the illness of one person). How well do you eat in the dining room 1C? And all interested in the question: do you get the "combat" 100 grams of vodka?

Thank you very much that you're interested in this issue. It's all right, though the disease as a "non-combat losses" really affect our work. The guys are working a lot, and often leaving work, we realize that today was again twelve hour day. But we strongly believe in the result and so none of us are frightened and panicked. 100 grams is a constant tradition, although it's always difficult to stop. They feed us well and dining room workers believe that skinny employee is they personal fault.

5) Will BoS have a points system similar to what we have in CLoD?

No, the gameplay will be built on a completely different system.

6) Would it be possible for AI and the player's aircraft to exit from the parking (as it implemented in the IL-2 by DT)? Now DT completes a program that will allow aircraft to enter the runway and take off in turn. Will you make something similar in BoS? Would it be possible to specify the path to a concrete parking for AI?

This is in our plans. But while I don't know how well and thoroughly we can make it. I just can say "no" about the idea of ​​control it using the editor. If it's implemented, it will be done only by our pre-script.

7) Will we still have disappearing ai planes like in RoF, or are there plans to change this issue?

They disappear because they have departed too far from the player's aircraft. This is one of the optimization methods. After removal of these aircraft that you just will not be able to catch up, we can create new objects in your way. We make flight simulator, not a strategy. Of course I understand that you're interested to watch the battle and the "life" of AI behind the scenes. I hope we can think up something that you're not disappointed when you "look behind the scenes."

8) Will new game have protection against the occurrence of epilepsy?

Required warnings will be placed on the box. You don't need to go through a compulsory medical examination, access to the flight will be provided to all. All players still "sick flight" and pills for the treatment does not exist.

9) In the old "IL-2" when the plane left the borders of map then starts to create a primitive landscape and plane can fly infinitely far away. How it will be implemented in BoS?

I think we'll make a loss of control and the forced return of the aircraft to the map. Able to fly outside the map allows you to receive an unfair advantage sometimes. But the map will be huge and I don't think that you will often see its borders.

10) Will realize the possibility of separately (or doubles) launch a rocket missile or it can be fire a volley only?

It depends on the particular aircraft. For example, AFAIK IL-2 can launch two, four or eight missiles in the volley.

11) Will synchronized machine guns fire when the engine is not working as in the old "IL-2" and CloD or they will not shoot as in RoF?

Synchronizers will be modeled accurately as in RoF.

You can discuss this news in this thread
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »


Good afternoon. Today's diary will be pretty short. This is due to the fact that we're working to complete a new version RoF which will be published soon. And of course, we have many tasks for BoS, so we didn't have much time for questions.

First, I want to respond to the great indignation of the English-speaking community of course. Your accusations are true and we do much more to communicate in Russian. Partly because it very easy for us to speak Russian and partly because the Russian-speaking part of the community is very quick to respond to diary and asks a big number of small and specific questions which we pretty easy to answer. But of course, we understand that we're working with an international group and we should not give rise to the impression that communication with us definitely need to know Russian. We'll try to pay more attention to everything. And Jason has been busy with ROF and other business matters and recently traveled to Russia to meet with us in person so he will also be more active in the English side as the project progresses.

The main news this week we started setting up the first pair of planes. The entire engineering department switched to this task and soon we'll be able to tell you about the results. I expect a lot of discovery because nobody has made these aircraft with such precision and with our approach. We're very fascinated and intrigued by the opportunity to get answers to the many questions we ask ourselves before starting this work. I'll definitely talk to you about what will happen.

I enclose a couple of pictures of the IL-2 cockpit. This is not the final stage, still in the process of being finalized. Next time, we'll show an external model.

Answers to some of your questions:

1) Do you plan to implement the refuel, repair, replenishment of ammunition, etc. at the airfield?

In the future. Technically, we're ready to make it but it's part of the gameplay. There is no point in spending time on the production of features if it's not integrated into the game if it is not done tightly.

2) Do you plan an opportunity to give some aircraft as add-ons for RoF (possibly paid) that the community can test them before release BoS?

It's quite difficult. You want to give the whole system the player can test them. That's why we'll do it traditionally. Those who will participate in the pre-order or in any such actions will be able to play the game before release.

3) You have said that AI will follow the same FM as human pilots. What level of complexity will you be giving AI pilots? Will you make it like the full variety of human pilots, from novice to ace, or will it be very simplified?

Yes, we'll try to create a different level. And it will be really different. The lowest level of AI will present a flying target, the average level will make some mistakes and it will not create a big problem when you fight one on one, but in the group it can be dangerous. And of course, aces are made for those who really believe that he wants to get a good sparring partner. I can not yet say exactly how many shades of the AI ​​plan, but they will be different and they will be created for different purposes. And of course, sooner or later you will find all the weak spots, I'll not promise you a perfect AI, because I have never seen such.

4) Will the accuracy of the air defense system depends on the time of day, weather conditions and other factors?

Accuracy will depend on the time of day. At night, they can not see you, but they can hear you. AI of air defense systems has "ears". System is based on the actual speed of sound and other important parameters. Searchlights respond to sound in the first place; they turn on and begin to search for targets. Once the target captured by at least one searchlight, others tried as soon as possible focused with the target and then the anti-aircraft guns opened fire. I'm not going to make any promises about the weather, but as you can see, we have everything you need for this, other than the availability of time and money.

5) Can you pay attention to the visibility range of tracers? I don't want to see them from thousands of miles away as in "IL-2".

Ok, we'll try.

6) Do you plan to add new 3d technics to RoF engine? For instance, do you plan to implement bump mapping?

We'll implement bump mapping but trenches are not, for example. You'll see all in the first screenshots, when we're ready to show them.

7) Will the technology of drawing smoke from explosions, fires (on the ground) and etc progress in the new game?

Yes, of course. We cannot invent a system of particles again, but we'll use it to maximum benefit and of course we'll pay attention to the implementation of the artistic part. We have not started it yet.

8) Will the clouds move?


9) Will the machineguns have the same efficiency as in CloD?

We'll check it when we make it.

10) Do you plan to make a mode (career or campaign) where death of pilot will be final so that we can feel the "fear of death."

This is done in our other project RoF now and it's not a very popular idea, alas. In IL-2:BoS we'll not make this. Playing Dead is Dead will be a decision of the user when to quit.

You can discuss this news in this thread
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »


Good afternoon.

I'm getting used to writing you these small articles, I already know many of the names; I can even imagine how and where there will develop a discussion. I think this is very good. Some of you will disagree with our decisions, ideas and concepts many times. Someone will agree and someone will not, alas. This is inevitable, as well as the release, but on the other hand if it didn't happen there would be no audience who will fight with us for the success of the project later. This is only possible if you will sincerely enjoy what we make and how we planned it. Your help will be needed when new participants will join to this community. They will bring thousands of questions, statements, opinions, videos, rumors and start hundreds of disputes. Only with a group of like-minded people will we be able to cope with this and really create a product known to the world. Flight simulators are a sophisticated game system, manuals for them don't fit on one page and small tutorials don't help the true beginner. The most valuable help is the guidance of more experienced community members. I believe in this approach and so I write for you these small articles.

Today is Friday, but I'm not in the office. I'm at the airfields along with some of the guys. We're shooting a short film which we promised to you earlier, the weather finally allowed us to make this. Alexander (BlackSix) will publish this article for you and he will try to answer your questions. Wish us luck.

The images of ground equipment for the project:

The traditional answers to your questions:

1) It's known that modern GPU have a good potential for the calculation and there are many API for calculation on GPU. It's clear that the implementation of such technologies is very hard. However, it would be interesting to know your opinion on the prospects for GPU computing in general in flight simulators (such as for the physics of flight and ballistics). What do you think about such scenarios? Can you solve the technical problems that arise in the way of implementation?

I'm not a great professional to respond to this global issue so I went to our lead programmer for the expert opinion. And this is what I've learned. This technology is very good in cases where you need to calculate a large (huge) amount of similar data (for example, equations of the same type). In flight simulators such tasks is not enough. Therefore, we're much more advantageous to use parallel threads on a processor instead of transmitting individual computing on GPU. Also as you know the creation of any new module is a complication of the system on a single link. And complication of the system always will give more negative factors than growth, which we'll obtain using this new module. And third, on the computers that you use for a dedicated server, there is usually no such GPU. This means that where the growth is so necessary, it will not.

2) That the developers think about the contrail? It will be implemented as in the old "IL-2" and will appear at an altitude of 7,000 meters or its appearance will depend on certain conditions?

Quite simply, it will be. It will depend on the parameters of the engine.

3) Question about the damage model. Imagine the situation: fighter attack the bomber from the rear hemisphere. Will the fly off parts of the bomber (planes, antennas, access covers, chassis, etc.) somehow damage attacking aircraft flying behind?

Yes, of course. All parts that come off the aircraft will be separate objects with which the player will be able encounter in flight. On the server all will be done the same way.

4) Will the blast from bombs modeled historically and physically correct? In memoirs often written that the 100 kg bombs dropped from a height of 300 meters. There was even a chance of damage the aircraft which dropped a bomb at low altitude.

Yes, this technology is ready.

5) Will realize such situations when the pilot will not be able to bail out? For example, if the plane took off the wing and quickly rotates.

Yes. This module will consider the forces that act on the pilot and the aircraft. But only after the test we'll be clear how much detail we can do it.

6) How do you plan to implement the collision of aircraft in the frontal attack and the deliberate ram attack only with the help by the propeller? Would it be possible theoretically to cut into pieces the pilot of another aircraft by the propeller of my plane?

I'm not sure in such formulation of the question as "to cut into pieces the pilot" (I'm a person with great imagination and such questions terrify me.) But the ram attacks will be interesting. I.e. you'll be able damage an enemy aircraft with only the help by the propeller. But don't expect miracles, network lag often makes it difficult.

7) Will the exploding wing ammunition magazines part of the damage model?


8) Which airfields will be on the BoS map. Can you already give us a list with the names?

We already have a list but we'll be updating it by the summer. We plan to make all the major airfields needed for historical accuracy of events of the battle. Some airfields such as Pitomnik will be made accurately even in terms of the location of ground structures.

9) Do you follow the development of the project a virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift http://www.oculusvr.com/? Do you plan to include support of this device into the game for release (and even better to test this in ROF) and to adapt the gameplay to the features of this device?

We're also very curious. Now we wait for a sample of such device from Jason in America to draw conclusions.

Jason has tried this device at GDC this past week and likes what he sees so far. It is not a perfect device he says, but we won't know how well we can implement it until we have an actual device in-hand and their SDK.

10) Will the "cheat" device for auto level flight make for all aircraft as in RoF or your decision will be more complex? If such device was installed on the aircraft or the crew had more than one person (i.e. a second crew member theoretically could control aircraft) then this device will be present and on the single-pilot airplanes this device will not be present.

In addition to the simulator it's also a game. And it has to be comfortable. Imagine that phone call or knock on the door or something else requires your attention or if you are just tired to keep a hand on the control stick. Each time for all these questions, I'll answer the same way: if you personally for yourselves want more complexity then just don't use such assistants. But you cannot demand to prohibition enjoy for all users for this idea.
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »


Hello everyone! Today is Friday again and that means another week is behind us. Management of this Diary helps organize me and it seems that the time flies very fast. If it's time to write this post for you this means that the release has become the 7 day closer. In the initial period we make such decisions that will be critical in the final stages. If we make an error in the assessment of our strength now, so then we'll need to postpone date of the release. We already have a lot of experience in the development of flight simulations and it helps to soberly assess all progress, but a big part of each development member is a player, which is always pushing to add something else, some kind of feature or idea. There is a constant internal struggle and the key to successful implementation of all planned items in time is a victory in this personal struggle. I'll not deny that the fights so far offer mixed results. But on the basis of the third month, we're still going according to plan and just let see that will be around the corner.

Last week we went to an airfield and held organized dogfights. First, of course, it was cool and secondly we got some great experience. Later we'll make a movie about it. In the meantime, let it be a short teaser. Only IL-2, only hardcore!

We're often asked if we're not afraid to make hardcore games, when all signs point to the fact that the world wants lighter fare. We're afraid, of course, but we're men and don't show fear. We try to break through.

I promised images of IL-2 last time so here it is. Light is in the process of setting and is a test.








Answers to your questions:

1) Would it be possible to convert the models aircraft from RoF to a new project? Not by developers, without outside help? I was just wondering because the engine is the same. Suddenly the possibilities in the project will be larger! Do it, please. This can combine projects somehow.

Let's make good new project at the beginning. Let's focus on that and then we'll see.

2) Do you plan to create a single Wikipedia "from the developers"? RoF-Wiki great helps me and many others. Thank you! I think that the new project will need to Wiki.

This is an important factor for success. Flight simulators are difficult to master and for new players accessibility of information is often critical. I don't know yet that and how we'll be able make but be sure we'll think and remember about this. I believe that it's no less important than the game itself. But as it has often happened in the past, the community can always do a lot more than the developers as has happened with the current ROF User Manual which is quite huge and full of good information. Without your help to create these information resources is impossible. I hope very much that you will help new players to fall in love with this genre, they want to do this but they often don't have the simple explanations.

3) Servers and commanders for the old "IL-2" have been made on the Windows platform and were not friends with *nix OS. If you make a dedicated server, will it work and support * nix OS?

Unfortunately, no. But I understand why you ask about it. Never swap horses while crossing the stream; current technologies are made for Windows platform. But if the online mode will be popular then we'll once again think about it.

4) The devs are doing a great job in getting first-hand accounts from pilots flying certain soviet aircrafts that will be part of BoS. Will first hand accounts from pilots flying axis aircraft be taken into account too?

That would be great, but so far we don't have such contacts. Maybe in the future, if the project proves popular, someone will take an interest in them and contact us to transfer video footage.

5) Will the game presented at the annual exhibition "Igromir 2013" in Moscow this autumn?

I don't know. Autumn is somewhere very far away now. We'll find the time to meet with the players and show our product before release. But I can't say now whether it will be done exactly at Igromir.

6) Will the flame or any explosions is a source of light? For example, if the fuel tank explodes at night will it light all around?

Yes, it's ready. But the number of such light sources is limited. This is not a shooter, territory and the number of objects is huge.

7) Can I ask your lead programmer about the acceleration of physical effects using GPU?

No, he's busy. After the release he will have time and he will answer all the ideas and suggestions without fail.

8) How do you plan to implement different types and sets of arms? Will we see in game all available variants for this type of aircraft (including the rarely applicable)? Or you plan to make only just historically present sets of arms at this theater or just a specific minimum sets and all the rest will be in the add-ons after release.

Planes will have different versions of arms in the release, widely applicable in the past or not, but they always will be historical and realistic. The player will independently decide to use them or not. Everyone creates gameplay for themselves, we only provide opportunities, and we believe that the more, the better.

9) Do you plan to implement a turbulent wake?

Just last week, we ran tests using measuring instruments and just tape attached to the aircraft. Engine operated in different modes and we measured how turbulent wake diffused. We got a lot of different conclusions. Turbulent wake, of course, will be present in the game, but we have yet to decide how it will be implemented.

10) About ground objects: can we have Katyusha (Катюша)?

"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 628
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

10) About ground objects: can we have Katyusha (Катюша)?


le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4073
Inscription : 04 février 2005


Message par 666def »

ça fait longtemps que j'ai décroché de l'actu d'Il-2... quelle est la différence entre BOS et BOM?
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 628
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

666def a écrit :ça fait longtemps que j'ai décroché de l'actu d'Il-2... quelle est la différence entre BOS et BOM?

Houla !! Tu as manqué pas mal d'épisodes lol

Pour faire simple Le développement et le suivi de Cliff of Dover est arrêté.. et par voie de conséquence BoM également. Il ne sortira donc jamais.
L'équipe 777 qui a développé et commercialisé RoF à, en partie, fusionné avec 1C( Cliff et BoM) Et a entamé la réalisation de BoS avec le moteur de RoF (qui subira un petit lifting pour l'occasion)

le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4073
Inscription : 04 février 2005


Message par 666def »

ok. BOM était sensé être quoi, un add on?

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1402
Inscription : 24 juillet 2006


Message par Vylsain »

Non, stand alone basé sur le moteur de CoD.
Si l'ennemi jette l'éponge, faites gaffe à ne pas vous la prendre dans la gueule !
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1748
Inscription : 28 août 2002


Message par PIPS »

Ploofy a écrit :Houla !! Tu as manqué pas mal d'épisodes lol

Pour faire simple Le développement et le suivi de Cliff of Dover est arrêté.. et par voie de conséquence BoM également. Il ne sortira donc jamais.
L'équipe 777 qui a développé et commercialisé RoF à, en partie, fusionné avec 1C( Cliff et BoM) Et a entamé la réalisation de BoS avec le moteur de RoF (qui subira un petit lifting pour l'occasion)

Enfin!!!....rien ne dit que si BOS est un succès, que l'opus suivant ne sera pas un BOM?.......Rien ne l'empêcherai en tous les cas:cowboy:

La grande leçon de l'histoire est que l'homme ne tire presque jamais de leçons de l'histoire.
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4073
Inscription : 04 février 2005


Message par 666def »

ok. quelle est la raison de l'abandon du développement de COD? pourquoi avoir choisi le moteur de ROF plutôt que celui de COD pour BOS?

PS: désolé de reposer des questions dont les réponses ont certainement déjà été données...
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 628
Inscription : 19 août 2008


Message par Ploofy »

666def a écrit :ok. quelle est la raison de l'abandon du développement de COD? pourquoi avoir choisi le moteur de ROF plutôt que celui de COD pour BOS?

PS: désolé de reposer des questions dont les réponses ont certainement déjà été données...
Je pense que le mieux est de relire les quelques (longs posts) qui forment le forum de BoS....ça serait trop long sinon lol

tu as le forum officiel de BoS, également, ici : http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/
le problème principal dans notre société de nos jours, c'est que plus personne ne boit dans le crâne de ses ennemis!
Jasta 18

Topic author
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2727
Inscription : 18 mars 2005


Message par Rama »

666def a écrit :ok. quelle est la raison de l'abandon du développement de COD?
Parce que 1C a perdu patience devant l'incurie de Luthier.
pourquoi avoir choisi le moteur de ROF plutôt que celui de COD pour BOS?
Parce que c'est 777/ex-neoqb qui a repris la main, et que le moteur qu'ils ont développé et qu'ils connaissent est Digital Nature (celui de RoF), pas celui de CoD.

... mais en fait, les raisons du pourquoi du comment n'ont pas beaucoup d'importance, c'est comme ça, c'est tout.... on vera à la sortie si cela fonctionne.

De retour de Cuba aujourd'hui.... je vais avoir du taf pour remettre le post à jour moi... bon, on ne va pas faire cela tout de suite, j'ai trop de chats à fouetter à coté...
... désolé...
Rama: Mesquin, Rancunier, Trucideur de projet, Malhonnête, Saboteur, Diffamateur, Chauve et Bigleux
Que du bonheur....
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Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2023
Inscription : 03 août 2001


Message par Gerfaut »

We're afraid, of course, but we're men and don't show fear. We try to break through.
:innocent: ... Avec tous les récits héroïques qu'ils ont dû parcourir sur la bataille de Stalingrad, on ne pouvait s'attendre à moins de leur part !!

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1815
Inscription : 30 juillet 2002


Message par Rickenbacher »

Developer's diary, partie 15:

http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... entry11212

Hello! I blinked and the week was over. In development there is a moment when the end comes closer and things start to become be brighter and more noticeable. In the initial stages is always very hard to see the final product. Time is running, but we cannot see any final results because everyone is busy at his or her tasks and work. But there comes a turning point and things are starting to gather together. Often a whole group of us will gather around one of the jobs in the office and discuss, watch and criticize something new that has just been added. This is very positive and the team now has complete confidence in what we're doing. Each freely express opinions and now there is almost no debate. This means that you'll get a good result.

In a couple months we'll show you the first dogfights of the fighters. We ourselves are also very interested on how this turns out. Many of the ideas and solutions that we are doing now are implemented for the first time. We have called all this "unknown Stalingrad", there are many discoveries to be encountered. Of course, we have already made ​​a lot of bets on the first couple of fighters. What LaGG-3 will look like? Is Bf-109 really so good? A lot of questions and we look forward to the answers. I'll share first impressions once we have them.


And the traditional answers to your questions:

1) Will BoS is available in the store 1C Online? Some users have encountered problems with payment in RoF.

Final methods of purchase are not yet decided, but we hope to offer different purchasing solutions for the community.

2) Could you imagine an online game type like "capture the airfield" or something like that which will make it possible to overtake enemy airfields by destroying a certain percentage of its AA and ground objects to use it afterwards for your own team?

This or any other game mode you will be able to make without assistance. BoS will be created primarily as a game for a single player. We'll closely monitor everything and develop precisely those elements that will be most popular. But we don't plan anything complex for the multiplayer at launch.

3) Does the impact on the project your superiors from 1C? If so, in what direction is this effect? Or you have the budget and you can implement your own vision of a new game?

1C and 777 Studios have agreed to the concept and 1C is entrusting design decisions to the development team. There is no heavy handed direction from 1C as far as design is concerned. We are only limited by our time, budgets and the market. Business decisions such as retail and distribution models are jointly decided.

4) Will allied AA guns fire in the located next to me enemy aircraft or at the dangerous direction for the "friendly" fire without fear of damage to allied units?

It's simple to setup. But the option to shoot "with caution" is difficult to create. We'll test this in the alpha and beta versions and listen to opinions of the participants.

5) How do you plan to make the skill of AI gunners? In the old "IL-2" theirs shooting could be better on the actual distance when the enemy plane is 300 meters and closer.

AI of the gunners is not an easy task. In fact, as you know, to teach him "beautiful" miss is the most difficult. By default, any AI has a phenomenal response and the ability to calculate point of prediction better then Siberian hunters. Programming AI to shoot in some kind of “human” way is a hard thing to do.

6) Not so much a question as a wish that the developers don't forget that there are people that suffer from color-blindness.


7) Do you plan to upgrade and expand the menu options of the graphics settings in BoS compared to RoF?

We don’t have the final layout yet, but we are aiming for a simple and fast system for the most common user. Advances users will probably be able to adjust more settings by digging a little deeper. We are pretty confident that we know what kind of graphics settings is most important to the majority of users.

8) Can we expect a qualitative leap in terms of elaboration of the terrain in BoS?

No. Please do not expect gigantic leaps in this area. We still face the same kinds of challenges with hardware limits etc. as before. We are confident it will look just fine and as good as we can make it. There will be some changes like lighting and we have added bump mapping which adds some depth to the picture. In our opinion the terrain will be good.

9) Will we see dynamic shadows in BoS like there is in RoF and CloD?

Yes, of course, as well as a number of other new technologies in all areas, not just in the graphics.

10) What data do you use to create the rocket missile? Is this a technical "yellow press" or somewhere still have real characteristics?

Or somewhere still have real characteristics?
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010


Message par Pollux »

Développement partie 16 :

http://forum.il2sturmovik.net/topic/168 ... entry11580


I didn't write last week because there was no time to prepare and I didn't want to make it a pure formality. I ask you to understand because sometimes work is too much. But I have time this week.

Some of you know we have released a new system for the collection and processing of statistics for ROF. This prototype allows us to debug this idea as well as determine its weaknesses. The good news is it works. This means that we were able to combine servers, which are open the players and have a unified system of data collection. The system is large and complex with your performance is immediately recorded not only on the game server but at the server of general statistics. In the future this will allow us to respond to some problem almost immediately. In fact, we can monitor any action in any mission on the servers and have the possibility to change the player’s experience as a result. We did something like this before, but never on such a scale and never with a distributed system of servers.

Of course everything is just beginning and in the statistics currently presents only the most basic parameters of the players and the overall rating. But now we can begin to develop it and to offer a variety of events, competitions, etc., which will occur in near real time on the one hand and on the other hand completely asynchronously. The possibilities are many. This system does work successfully with the single player mode. We have not yet shown results, but it is even more detailed and accurate accounting system of achievements and events. And of course I'm very happy that so far everything is going well and is such a complex system has been successful because it will form the basis for single player and multiplayer component of the "Battle of Stalingrad". How this is done I'll explain later when we're ready.

This is the final post from me before we leave for the May holidays. In May, a few guys from the team and me are planning to go to Volgograd (Stalingrad) and see with our own eyes the battlefields that we're working on in the project. We'll have cameras and video camera, so be sure that you will see a movie about this trip.

Some pictures of Ju-87D3. And I present a second pair of fighter which will be implemented in the project; it's Yak-1 and Bf-109G2.

1) Would it be possible to use the actual flight manuals, instructions and educational films? Or aircraft modeled in the game will have their optimum speed of turn, climb, takeoff/landing, etc?

Yes you can use this if the documents are correct. In studying this issue we have repeatedly faced with the fact that the internet has a lot of not quite correct documents. We'll try to recreate the aircraft as accurately as possible according to the data of tests that we have. But the history of military equipment is a very controversial topic, like a page from the document.

2) How many channels will be designed the sound by default: stereo, 4.0, 5.1 or 7.1?

The sound will be designed for stereo. All sounds and their sources in the project we place correctly in 3D space relative to the listener, even when you using a simple stereo you will perceive the whole sound picture. Supports multi-channel sound requires more work, but given the experience of RoF we have not seen much point in that. In the future this support is not very difficult to make.

3) What is your "vision" of the future game? As in, how will I feel when I will seat in my chair and start it?

Thanks for your question. But this is a topic for a very long story or even the presentation. I'm talking about the project but in small portions, every Friday. Over time, information is becoming more and more.

4) Is it possible to implement tactical formation "defensive circle" for the AI ​​at all stages of combat flight: a flight to the target, a strike to the target (a strike from the circle), retreating from the target?

This is a very difficult task for AI. I can't say that it's impossible but extremely difficult. While active flights not begin, I'll not answer such a question. But now it seems to me that we'll not have time to make anything like that for the release.

5) Do you have the technical ability to create "ghosts" as in driving simulations? It would be very pleased fans of pilotage and the squads could create specific tracks for the education of their cadets.

Such technical ability is certainly there. We thought to use something like this, including for training. But now I understand that it needs some work, interfaces and some other modules. So it will not be in the release.

6) Will the temperature parameter that is set in a mission have an influence at the hue of sunrise and sunset?

No (it's a question of the week J).

7) Will photographic equipment installed on the aircraft as in RoF? Will it work online? If so, will the log file record the fact of air reconnaissance?

Such types of missions as reconnaissance or photographic reconnaissance will be added to the game with time. We'll start with simple and common tasks for pilots. But when they are added they will work similar to the system ROF.

8) Do you plan to make full-fledged gun camera rather than just the ability to record flight?

We don't plan this for the present, but the idea is very good.
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG: https://escadrilleccg.forumactif.com/

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