Open Beta - Update 5 (Release Candidate 1): ... .5_FSX.exe
This is likely the last beta update before the general release. Please test and report any issues ASAP, providing a detailed description of the problem, how to reproduce it, level 4 TPM logs, and ACMI.
May be safely installed directly over any existing installation from through 1.3.1.x. (No need to uninstall anything first)
AS WITH ALL BETA UPDATES, THIS WILL BLOW AWAY ANY PREEXISTING CUSTOM LIVERIES. If you wish to retain your liveries, export them BEFORE installation and re-import them AFTER installation. Changes:
TacPack DLL:
MP session publishing functionality
Carrier point defense "dragging" - viewtopic.php?f=82&t=10078
Drone spawns Acceleration Hornet - viewtopic.php?f=49&t=10101
Map "TP" button not displaying for some - viewtopic.php?f=82&t=10022#p69343
Gun hits should now register properly in MP, not incorrectly damaging the shooter instead of the target
Carrier point defense objects are now created only when point defenses are activated, and are removed when deactivated (since they use considerable bandwidth in MP when active)
TacPack crash detection will now drop an effect object (explosion/smoke) at the detected crash location
Tacview object label format changed
Changed object deletion logic to prevent objects spawned outside of loaded terrain from being incorrectly deleted
Further minimize cases where missiles fired by ownship show up on ownship RWR for a few seconds
Improvements to TACAN processing for carriers and tankers
TacPack crash detection inhibited if ownship under control of FS Recorder
Issue with commanded radar antenna elevation angle not responding to down command unless the TDC cursor had been previously moved - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=9998
Issue causing radar antenna elevation not to be reset when transitioning from A/G to A/A via AIR option
The HSI L&S HAFU and RWS/VS "bricks" were being incorrectly plotted 20 pixels to the left of their actual locations
Clipping issue on the A/G radar format was causing graphic corruption on other displays dependent on which display had the Radar.
Az/El format expanded option now available independently of TWS EXP mode (L&S required).
A/A FLIR SLAVED mode for slaving to trackfiles other than the L&S. Slaved mode can only be commanded from th Az/El format with the FLIR as the selected sensor. (see A/A FLIR in Wiki).
Az/El format scan centering (see Az/El Format in Wiki).
Acquisition cursor was previously not available in STT on the Attack format, but has been re-enabled along with bullseye range/bearing.
MSI trackfile classification via SA format. If a trackfile has not been classified by IFF (e.g. it is NOT coming back friendly), the class of any given track can be changed to Friendly, Hostile or back to Ambiguous. (See SA Format in Wiki).
Issue with GACQ RTS functionality. GACQ can only be commanded from the ACM condition if the Gun is selected. Sensor control actuation to the right in the ACM condition does not invoke GACQ unless the Gun is actually still selected. If the Gun is not selected, the right position has no function.
ROLL AFCS behaving like HDG for angles <5 - viewtopic.php?f=82&t=10091&p=69862#p69859
HOME FUEL caution was completely borked
Waypoints beyond the 8th waypoint in any given flight plan weren't being properly overflowed into sequences 2 and 3 on initialization.
HARM PB issue - viewtopic.php?f=80&p=70001#p70001
Mode 3 vs. Mode 1 scratchpad - viewtopic.php?f=80&t=10084
Landing light (cone) not independently rendered in MP
Speed brake sync issue in MP - viewtopic.php?f=79&t=10095
Added "purge default flight" option to Preferences-->General-->Simulation
TPM TP Object creation policy control was not responding to click events (stuck at default)
Removed unused/unimplemented couple/uncouple radius fields from Tankers tab (couple/uncouple fixed at 10m/20m, and has been since initial TP beta)
Added TacPack server publish option and server browser tab. Server browser URL:
TacPack Release candidate 1
Topic author - Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5756
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
TacPack Release candidate 1
#1Log :
merci pour l'info Cougar, à quand un petit vol ensemble, enfin cote à cote, obséderlollol
Topic author - Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5756
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
Quand tu veux ma caillejorjio a écrit :merci pour l'info Cougar, à quand un petit vol ensemble, enfin cote à cote, obséderlollol

Sympa, testé... nickel! Pas (encore) testé les armements, mais le reste marche impec! 

Qualif PAX: Lockheed L-188 Electra II, Boeing 737-200/300/500/600/700/800/800SFP, B747-200 Combi, B767-300ER, B777-200ER, Airbus A320/321, A340-200/300/600, A330-200, Bombardier Dash 8-300, McDonnell Douglas MD-88, Embraer E190, Fokker F-100, BAe 146-300
Qualif Pil Cessna 152, Cessna 172
i7 4770K, 16GB RAM Corsair Vengeance, nVidia GTX 1080Ti, SSD Corsair 120GB + SSD Kingston 480GB + LaCie 2TB USB3 + LR Discovery 3 S V6 + sens de l'humour pourri
Salut a tous,
installé pas de problème, concernant le f18 je ne suis pas certain d'etre a jour, peut on me dire qu'elle est la derniere version ?
Tiens update 6 est out!!
installé pas de problème, concernant le f18 je ne suis pas certain d'etre a jour, peut on me dire qu'elle est la derniere version ?
Tiens update 6 est out!!
Topic author - Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5756
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
Yes version .6 out
et TacPack dans les starting blocks
Sortie imminente, le Père Noel va pouvoir passer pour ceux qui le veulent
et TacPack dans les starting blocks

Sortie imminente, le Père Noel va pouvoir passer pour ceux qui le veulent

Je sens qu'il va falloir qu'on se fasse une grande session MP quand la version finale sera sortie... 

Qualif PAX: Lockheed L-188 Electra II, Boeing 737-200/300/500/600/700/800/800SFP, B747-200 Combi, B767-300ER, B777-200ER, Airbus A320/321, A340-200/300/600, A330-200, Bombardier Dash 8-300, McDonnell Douglas MD-88, Embraer E190, Fokker F-100, BAe 146-300
Qualif Pil Cessna 152, Cessna 172
i7 4770K, 16GB RAM Corsair Vengeance, nVidia GTX 1080Ti, SSD Corsair 120GB + SSD Kingston 480GB + LaCie 2TB USB3 + LR Discovery 3 S V6 + sens de l'humour pourri
Topic author - Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5756
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
On est déjà en train de tester le trio FSX/TacPack/FSX@War en online sur un serveur dédié.

On est déjà en train de tester le trio FSX/TacPack/FSX@War en online sur un serveur dédié.

Ahhh mais faudra avoir FSX@War... pas bien de faire baver le NoStress comme ça.
Quoique ça m'interesserait bien un jour de tester le lag entre chez moi et l'Europe, pour voir si ça ne gâche pas trop le vol.
Quoique ça m'interesserait bien un jour de tester le lag entre chez moi et l'Europe, pour voir si ça ne gâche pas trop le vol.

Qualif PAX: Lockheed L-188 Electra II, Boeing 737-200/300/500/600/700/800/800SFP, B747-200 Combi, B767-300ER, B777-200ER, Airbus A320/321, A340-200/300/600, A330-200, Bombardier Dash 8-300, McDonnell Douglas MD-88, Embraer E190, Fokker F-100, BAe 146-300
Qualif Pil Cessna 152, Cessna 172
i7 4770K, 16GB RAM Corsair Vengeance, nVidia GTX 1080Ti, SSD Corsair 120GB + SSD Kingston 480GB + LaCie 2TB USB3 + LR Discovery 3 S V6 + sens de l'humour pourri
Topic author - Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5756
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
FSX@War n'est pas obligatoire.No_Stress a écrit :Ahhh mais faudra avoir FSX@War... pas bien de faire baver le NoStress comme ça.
On vole sur un serveur situé au Texas.No_Stress a écrit : Quoique ça m'interesserait bien un jour de tester le lag entre chez moi et l'Europe, pour voir si ça ne gâche pas trop le vol.
Topic author - Chef de patrouille
- Messages : 5756
- Inscription : 20 janvier 2002
GR dispo :
General Release - ... .7_FSX.exe
May be safely installed directly over any existing installation from through 1.3.1.x. (No need to uninstall anything first)
THIS WILL BLOW AWAY ANY PREEXISTING CUSTOM LIVERIES. If you wish to retain your liveries, export them BEFORE installation and re-import them AFTER installation. Changes:
TacPack DLL:
Preliminary support for Windows 8 (aircraft settings not persisted between flights and Experimental Features disabled when using Win8)
CHANGE - Log files and ACMI now stored under <My Documents>\VRS\ rather than <FSX Install>\Modules\
Optional feature to limit the number of frames the GPU will pre-render. Can reduce input lag and smooth FPS overall in certain circumstances.
TDC was reporting an MSI HIT even if the TDC priority wasn't on the Radar or AZEL formats.
Radar AACQ wasn't being properly terminated in an ACM condition.
VC ARS console lights were illuminating when the ARS BRT switch was hit even if the lights were off (improperly linked).
Model landing light overlay wasn't being properly retarded during daylight hours.