TS3 Meeting : ts10.bargainvoice.com:7050 (join the channels dedicated for the PVP Total War)
History :
I'm the author of the Korea PVP theater included by default in Falcon BMS 4.32. This was the First Dedicated PVP (Player vs Player) Campaign Concept (not TE) built for the Falcon Community.
Some month ago when Falcon BMS was released, i organized the first public PVP campaign round ever played in the Falcon world.
Finally, three successive rounds were played with huge succes, sometime with more than 40 players connected.
Today, i want to introduce the 4th round called : Korea PVP Total War
Registration :
Only v-squads/groups can register (i consider a v-squad/group with at least 5 active pilots/players)
Follow this thread where the current 18 v-squads/groups (so more than 100 players) already registered are sorted : http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/show ... bscription
Registration will be always open, no matter if the campaign is already running. Feel free to join the adventure
Concept :
First, some definitions to better understand the PVP concept :
-Set by HQ = the campaign engine (AI) is creating automatically the Flights/Packages
-Set by Human = the connected player is creating manually the Flights/Packages
-Controlled by AI = only the AI can control (fly) the Flights/Packages in the 3D
-Controlled by Human = only the players can control (fly) the Flights/Packages in the 3D
Basically for this 4th PVP round, there is only 5% of Set by HQ activity. It simply means that only minor Air-Air activity is automatically created by the campaign engine, like :
-AirLift package (only Controlled by AI) => Supply
-Alert/Intercept package (only Controlled by AI) => Airbase AA defense
So 95% of the Air-Air activity is Set by Human. It simply means that the v-squads/groups of each side (North or South) have to create their own Fligths/Packages (in real time) to achieve the main goal of this PVP campaign : to win the war.
So the majority of the Air-Air activity is Human (no players connected = no AA activity). I increased the AG lethality a bit to provide enough (i hope) difficulty if there is not enought Air/Air activity (due a lack a players connected), just to give a minimum of challenge when flying over the ennemy territory.
There are two sort of squadrons types dedicated for the players (so who need to be Set by Human) :
-Support squadrons (Awacs, Jstar, Tanker and ECM) => can be only Controlled by AI
-Fighters squadrons => can be only Controlled by Human
Here each v-squad/group (registered with this event) have their dedicated fighters squadron to manage. They also need to work in coalition with others v-squads/groups within their side (North or South).
A dedicated forum is available with dedicated room (passworded) for each side, to permit the two coalitions (North and South) to talk about strategy and tactic :
http://www.27thvfw.com/forum/forumdispl ... Operations (thanks the DoW to provide it)
To resume, the v-squads/groups need to do all the war job, like :
-to elaborate the strategy, it need to be updated in real time, depend of the current war situation (offensive, defensive, etc)
-to elaborate the tactics to achieve this strategy
-to manage their dedicated squadron's fighters availability
-to manage their pilots/players availability (to achieve the tactics chosen)
-to protect their Airbases and high value assets
Finally, the main goal of this PVP round is to support massive MP game (99 clients slots open). This is really a PVP (Players vs Players) challenge, nothing else.
How to Win the War :
North side's ground units need to capture Taejon
South side's ground units need to capture P'Yongyang
As AirForce players, you need to support your ground units. Also with the new supply system, the strike missions of the factories become very strategic. In the same way, you need to protect also your factories.
Critical Gameplay :
This part is really critical : the remote flight/package creation by the connected player !!!
You already know that each v-squad/group need to manage their dedicated Fighters squadron. With only three human dedicated Airbases available per side, there are many dedicated squadron located on each Airbase
Due the code limitation, you need to be very carefull by selecting the good Fighter type and the good squadron (yours) in the Add Flight screen. Imagine that you create some Flights/Packages with other fighter type or from another dedicated squadton than your ..... IT WILL SIMPLY BECOME WIERD AND HELL FOR EVERY V-SQUAD/GROUP
So here is what you MUST TO DO, showed by an example (be sure that you are connected on the Airbase where your dedicated squadron is located) :
i'm part of the Cellules Rapaces v-squad :
1/ First i need to select the F16C-52, like this :Cellules Rapaces :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 1000
-Fighter type : F16C-52
-Airbase : Kaech'on
2/ Then i need to select my corresponding "In game squadron name". Finally i need to check if the Squadron and the Airbase are correct before to click 'OK'
3/ When done, your flight/package will appear in the Frag Order like this :
Rules :
1) Alert/Intercept (F15C, F15AGRS, F/A18E), AirLift (C17, C130H) are only Set by HQ and Controlled by AI : you can't create any package and you can't fly these planes. You can't never modify any of these packages
2) Fighters from v-squad/group's dedicated squadrons are only Set by Human and Controlled by Human : you need to create the packages and you must fly these fighters. I don't wanna see any AI flight with your dedicated fighters
3) Awacs (E3, E2), Jstar (E8), Tanker (KC10) and Jammer (EF111, EA6B) are only Set by Human and Controlled by AI : you need to create the packages but you can't fly these planes
4) you can only create packages and fly the fighters from your dedicated squadron. Exception : if one v-squad/group invite you (only for registered player). It is forbidden to control another dedicated fighter squadron that yours
5) when you connect it is forbidden to join the opposite side
6) it is forbidden to control/touch the ground units, let the campaign engine to control them (because there is a risk to crash the server)
7) The PVP Total War theater is an Add-on with dedicated DB. It is only a "Client Side" theater. It is forbidden to Add/Modify/Delete any folders/files from your "Falcon BMS 4.32\Data\Add-On Korea PvP TW" folder
It is also forbidden to Modify any files from your "Falcon BMS 4.32\Data\Sim" folder
The no respect of these 7 Rules will induce a direct ban for the player and maybe also for his v-squad/group. If i suspect any cheat, the player and his v-squad/group will be also banned
How to Connect :
First, you need to download the Add-on PVP Total War Theater here : Add-On Korea PvP TW Size : 16Mb
Then follow these steps :Installation instructions:
1- Unzip and place the “Add-On Korea PvP TW” folder into your "Falcon BMS 4.32\Data" folder.
2- Go into your "Falcon BMS 4.32\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition" folder, edit the “theater.lst” file by adding the following line to the bottom :
Add-On Korea PvP TW\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Korea PvP TW.tdf
Like this :
# list of all known theaters
Add-On Korea PvP TW\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Korea PvP TW.tdf
3- Start the game and activate the new theater called "Korea PvP Total War". Restart the game after each theater swap before playing.
That's all
Server Spec :
Professionel Connexion 100/100Mbits - Powered by iWeb Technologies DataCenter located in Canada (Québec/St Léonard)
Misc :New Server Hardware Spec :
MB : Gigabyte GA-H67 Rev B3 S1155
CPU : Intel Core i5 2500K (sandy bridge) 3.3Ghz 6Mb cache
RAM : 8Gb DDR3 Gskill Ripjaws 1600Mhz CL7
GC : Gigabyte ATI HD6670 1024Mb GDDR5
SSD : 120Gb OCZ AGILITY 3 Sata3 (for OS : Win7 Home Premium 64bits)
HDD : Seagate 1Tb 7200 rpm 64Mb cache Sata3 (for Data)
1) F15AGRS is spiking like the Mig29 (RWR 29 symbol) while no change for the F15C (RWR 15 symbol)
2) The new supply system is better balanced betwen the North side and South side (files edition), but it is not yet perfect : there are still supply advantages for the side in major offensive (hardcoded) and this is unrealistic. I talked with JP about this problem, he will take a look at the code for the next BMS Update
3) Due all the optimizations made on the campaign file : now by default the North side is in major offensive (while South side is in defensive). I tried many settings to balance this start situation but no joy. The campaign engine initialyse the war like this and I can't control all the parameters. To be clear it wasn't my intention to have this result.
4) Because there is only 5% of AI flight, the MP smootness of all the human AA combats/fights will depend of the connexion quality from each player connected. To be clear, I can't promise there will be any lag during this MP campaign
5) i do not recommand you to make any sortie by Inclement Weather, you've been adviced
Special Thanks :
-to Mystic_J (new Supply System)
-to Demer (Art files modifications and DB recommandations)
-to Dee-Jay (Theater structure)
-to Red Dog (Station+iLS file edition)
Also Thanks to A.S for some ideas shared
V-Squad summary (check here http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/show ... bscription) :
69th FS Dogs of War (leader Bonedust) :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 69
-Fighter type : F16C-50
-Airbase : Kaech'on
409th FS Dogs of War (leader Bonedust) :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 409
-Fighter type : CF-188
-Airbase : Kaech'on
16th Ark Angels (leader Mystic_J) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 16
-Fighter type : F16C-52+
-Airbase : Kunsan
Cellules Rapaces (leader Rouge):
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 1000
-Fighter type : F16C-52
-Airbase : Kaech'on
373rd vFS Phoenix (leader gregzagk) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 373 (x2)
-Fighter type : F16C-52+ and M-2000-5
-Airbase : Yechon
IAF (leader Ezana9) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 1001
-Fighter type : F16C-52+
-Airbase : Kunsan
7th Air Force Command (leader engerek) :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 7
-Fighter type : F16C-50
-Airbase : Panghyon
75 Squadron Awesome Force (leader Killer) :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 75
-Fighter type : F/A-18C-AU
-Airbase : Toksan
MasterArms (mAXpOWER) :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 1002
-Fighter type : F16C-52
-Airbase : Toksan
13th Polish VFS (leader otto77 / Qba) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 13
-Fighter type : F16C-52+CFT
-Airbase : Kunsan
VMFA-513 Flying nightmares (leader CClavier) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 513
-Fighter type : F16C-50
-Airbase : Pohang
Flight Team (leader PAVEWAY) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 1003
-Fighter type : F16C-52+
-Airbase : Yechon
Team Archer (leader A.S):
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 1004
-Fighter type : F16C-52+CFT
-Airbase : Pohang
ViperDrivers (leader Red Dog) :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 1005
-Fighter type : F16C-50
-Airbase : Panghyon
VFAF Buzzards (leader Callaghan) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 1006
-Fighter type : F16C-52
-Airbase : Kunsan
GV5JS (leader Chichowalker) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 1007
-Fighter type : F16C-52+
-Airbase : Kunsan
Escuadron 69 (leader Ender) :
-Camp : South
-In game squadron name : 69
-Fighter type : F16C-52+
-Airbase : Yechon
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 1008
-Fighter type : F16C-52+
-Airbase : Toksan
420th vFS Chaos Reigns (leader Harlequin) :
-Camp : North
-In game squadron name : 420
-Fighter type : F16C-52+
-Airbase : Panghyon