[TOPIK] iRacing -Le simu OnLine
faut pas essayer... tu pourras plus faire autre chose sinon !lol
[SIGPIC]http://www.kirikoo.net/images/8WoodMAn- ... 212448.png[/img][/SIGPIC]
(_'.') ..i72600k@4.5GHz + AsusSabertoothZ77 + 16Go GSkill10700 + AC Noctua + Raptor + Win7x64Ult + WH MFDs SaitekThr 1920x1080x3 dt 1 tactile 6950 2G
Forbidden Planet = SF , video, old goodie a écrit : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbidden_Planet http://www.forbidden-planet.org/forbidden-planet/http://www.jeffbots.com/forbiddenplanet.html http://web.archive.org/web/200412110934 ... fbhome.htm
quelles bonnes nouvelles ... ça bouge toujours autant avec iRacing .
--> ils écoute toujours les joueurs et s'adaptent en fonction des demandes ( chapeau ! )
iRacing.com Keeps Getting Better and Better!
Renew today and get 3 Months for the price of 1! Just $12!
Here are some of the exciting new features and content available now:

Pocono Raceway
Now available. Including all road course configurations.
Night Racing is here
This long awaited feature has been added to iRacing with night racing at Richmond International Raceway and Bristol Motor Speedway.
Fixed Setup Racing
Fixed setup racing is now available in both hosted sessions as well as a limited number of official iRacing series.
Online myRacer Status Indicator
Finding your friends on iRacing just got a whole lot easier. When you login to the home page you will see where your friends are racing and you’ll be able to join them with one click
Spectator Mode
Watch races right on the member site. No need to wait for the replay anymore
New Member Forums
An entire new look-and-feel, with increased functionality.
Updated Transmission Model
Members asked for more realism, and this new model will answer that call. You’ll need to learn to drive properly by shifting into and out of gears exactly as you do in a real world racecar. Don’t worry though, if the realism goes too far, you can choose to stick with the current transmission model.
Website Usability Improvements
We’ve improved the overall navigation through the site as well as eliminated the need for so many clicks when you just want to go racing. Here's a look at what's coming soon to iRacing.com:

Williams FW31
This Grand Prix car arrives in November 2010.
Dover International Speedway
Coming in October 2010. The "Monster Mile" joins the ever growing list of NASCAR tracks at iRacing.com
Mazda MX5
Coming in November 2010
Ghost iRacing
Drive in an online race against others, without impacting their race
Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
Scanning has been completed. This track will be ready to race in December 2010.

© 2010, iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations LLC
--> ils écoute toujours les joueurs et s'adaptent en fonction des demandes ( chapeau ! )

iRacing.com Keeps Getting Better and Better!
Renew today and get 3 Months for the price of 1! Just $12!
Here are some of the exciting new features and content available now:

Pocono Raceway
Now available. Including all road course configurations.

Night Racing is here
This long awaited feature has been added to iRacing with night racing at Richmond International Raceway and Bristol Motor Speedway.

Fixed Setup Racing
Fixed setup racing is now available in both hosted sessions as well as a limited number of official iRacing series.

Online myRacer Status Indicator
Finding your friends on iRacing just got a whole lot easier. When you login to the home page you will see where your friends are racing and you’ll be able to join them with one click

Spectator Mode
Watch races right on the member site. No need to wait for the replay anymore

New Member Forums
An entire new look-and-feel, with increased functionality.

Updated Transmission Model
Members asked for more realism, and this new model will answer that call. You’ll need to learn to drive properly by shifting into and out of gears exactly as you do in a real world racecar. Don’t worry though, if the realism goes too far, you can choose to stick with the current transmission model.

Website Usability Improvements
We’ve improved the overall navigation through the site as well as eliminated the need for so many clicks when you just want to go racing. Here's a look at what's coming soon to iRacing.com:

Williams FW31
This Grand Prix car arrives in November 2010.

Dover International Speedway
Coming in October 2010. The "Monster Mile" joins the ever growing list of NASCAR tracks at iRacing.com

Mazda MX5
Coming in November 2010

Ghost iRacing
Drive in an online race against others, without impacting their race

Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
Scanning has been completed. This track will be ready to race in December 2010.

© 2010, iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations LLC
VR et PIMAX Crystal
J'ai pas vraiment suivi le soft ces derniers mois, mais l'arrivée de SPA, ça ça donne vraiment envie!
idem , moi aussi ,
j'ai été pas mal ailleurs que sur iRacing ses derniers temps ...
mais , là d'un coup , je vois qu'ils bossent toujours dans le même sens , suivant la demande des utilisatuers (clients) , et ça fait plaisir à voir.
et puis ...Spa pour la fin de l'année !!! ça va être un super cadeau ça , que je vais me faire
j'ai été pas mal ailleurs que sur iRacing ses derniers temps ...

et puis ...Spa pour la fin de l'année !!! ça va être un super cadeau ça , que je vais me faire

VR et PIMAX Crystal
la f1 qui vient de sortir est exceptionnelle , pour moi c 'est du jamais vu .
i7 6700k - ASUS Z170-A GTX1080ti - 16go DDR4 2666mhz HyperX Fury - SSD intel 330 180go - SSD Sandisk ultra II 960 Go - 2 hdd WD - Acer 27" 3D HN274HBbmiiid 1920x1080 + 2eme ecran samsung 22 " 3D - ffb2 crosoft/throttle hotas thrustmaster warthog + 2 Throttles Quadrant + rudder TPR thrustmaster/trackir 3/ son 7.1 - Volant DD osw + pédalier CSL élite fanatec - Windows 10 64bit
... tous les feedback sont UNANIMES sur le sujet
beaucoup de plaisir avec cette voiture ,
il y a eu aussi , les améliorations visuelles
mais ...
la prochaine release, avec le recodage des algorythmes des pneus va faire des heureux encore plus .

beaucoup de plaisir avec cette voiture ,
il y a eu aussi , les améliorations visuelles
mais ...
la prochaine release, avec le recodage des algorythmes des pneus va faire des heureux encore plus .
VR et PIMAX Crystal
Oui par moment j'ai une baisse de fps avec la F1 avez vous remarqué la même chose ? Il faudrait se faire une session entre les users de checksix !
DESIGNER 3D Toliss https://store.x-plane.org/Airbus-A340-6 ... _1459.html
Discord, le chat en live : https://discord.gg/jxcZ9kT
MA CHAINE MILITAIRE: http://www.youtube.com/user/ecolepilotefrance
MA CHAINE CIVILE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-B1u ... subscriber
Discord, le chat en live : https://discord.gg/jxcZ9kT
MA CHAINE MILITAIRE: http://www.youtube.com/user/ecolepilotefrance
MA CHAINE CIVILE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-B1u ... subscriber
je suis "encore" en pleine re-install de mes video projecteurmatrix59 a écrit :Oui par moment j'ai une baisse de fps avec la F1 avez vous remarqué la même chose ? Il faudrait se faire une session entre les users de checksix !

pour se retrouver ...
on est beaucoup ( de réguliers) à suivre l'actu, sur IracingFRANCE
là : http://www.iracing-france.com/
en français et très bien suivi

VR et PIMAX Crystal