IL-2 AM-38F modèle 1943: Questions / Réponses

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IL-2 AM-38F modèle 1943: Questions / Réponses


Message par Pollux »


Vidéo de familiarisation de Requiem:

Utilisation des bombes:

Utilisation des roquettes:

Caractéristique technique:

Indicated stall speed in flight configuration: 144..159 km/h
Indicated stall speed in takeoff/landing configuration: 135..152 km/h
Dive speed limit: 570 km/h
Maximum load factor: 10.5 G
Stall angle of attack in flight configuration: 19.4 °
Stall angle of attack in landing configuration: 17.5 °

Maximum true air speed at sea level, engine mode - Boosted: 407 km/h
Maximum true air speed at sea level, engine mode - Nominal: 389 km/h
Maximum true air speed at 1200 m, engine mode - Nominal: 400 km/h

Service ceiling: 5600 m
Climb rate at sea level: 7.5 m/s
Climb rate at 3000 m: 4.2 m/s

Maximum performance turn at sea level: 26.6 s, at 250 km/h IAS.
Maximum performance turn at 3000 m: 39.3 s, at 250 km/h IAS.

Flight endurance at 3000 m: 1.4 h, at 300 km/h IAS.

Takeoff speed: 160..200 km/h
Glideslope speed: 195..205 km/h
Landing speed: 145..155 km/h
Landing angle: 11.7 °

Note 1: the data provided is for international standard atmosphere (ISA).
Note 2: flight performance ranges are given for possible aircraft mass ranges.
Note 3: maximum speeds, climb rates and turn times are given for standard aircraft mass.
Note 4: climb rates are given for Nominal power, turn times are given for Boosted power.

Model: AM-38F
Maximum power in Boosted mode at sea level: 1720 HP
Maximum power in Nominal mode at sea level: 1500 HP
Maximum power in Nominal mode at 750 m: 1500 HP

Engine modes:
Nominal (unlimited time): 2050 RPM, 1200 mm Hg
Boosted power (up to 5 minutes): 2350 RPM, 1360 mm Hg

Water rated temperature in engine output: 80..110 °C
Water maximum temperature in engine output: 120 °C
Oil rated temperature in engine intake: 40..80 °C
Oil maximum temperature in engine intake: 85 °C
Oil rated temperature in engine output: 115 °C
Oil maximum temperature in engine output: 120 °C

Supercharger gear shift altitude: single gear

Empty weight: 4715 kg
Minimum weight (no ammo, 10% fuel): 5014 kg
Standard weight: 5681 kg
Maximum takeoff weight: 6375 kg
Fuel load: 535 kg / 730 l
Useful load: 1660 kg

Forward-firing armament:
2 x 20mm gun "SsVAK", 250 rounds, 800 rounds per minute, wing-mounted
2 x 7.62mm machine gun "ShKAS", 750 rounds, 1800 rounds per minute, wing-mounted
2 x 23mm gun "VYa-23", 150 rounds, 600 rounds per minute, wing-mounted (modification)
2 x 37mm gun "NS-37", 50 rounds, 250 rounds per minute, wing-mounted (modification)

Defensive armament:
Backward: 12.7 mm machine gun "UBT", 150 rounds, 1000 rounds per minute (modification)

Up to 240 x 1.5 kg HEAT bomblets "PTAB-2,5-1,5"
Up to 6 x 50 kg general purpose bombs "FAB-50sv"
Up to 6 x 104 kg general purpose bombs "FAB-100M"
2 x 254 kg general purpose bombs "FAB-250sv"

4 x 7 kg rockets "ROS-82", HE payload mass 2.5 kg
4 x 15 kg rockets "RBS-82", HEAT payload mass 7.2 kg
4 x 42 kg rockets "ROFS-132", HE payload mass 21.3 kg

Length: 11.5 m
Wingspan: 14.6 m
Wing surface: 38.5 m^2

Combat debut: early 1943

Additional airplane configurations list:
Spoiler Show

Operation features:
- Engine has a boost mode which is engaged by setting mixture control lever to maximum position.
- Engine has a single stage mechanical supercharger which does not require manual control.
- Engine mixture control is automatic when the mixture lever is set to the intermediate (50%) position. It is possible to manually lean the mixture by moving the control lever to less than 50%. This will lower fuel consumption during flight.
- Engine RPM has an automatic governor and it is maintained at the required RPM corresponding to the governor control lever position. The governor automatically controls the propeller pitch to maintain the required RPM.
- Water and oil radiator shutter control is manual. Airplane has armored oil radiator shutters which should be closed at the beginning of ground attack to reduce a possibility of combat damage. After finishing the attack, it is necessary to re-open the shutters to the required position.
- Airplane has only the pitch flight-control trimmer.
- Landing flaps have a pneumatic actuator. Flaps can be extended fully or to takeoff position - 17°, gradual extending is impossible. Due to the weak force of the actuator the extended landing flaps may be pressed upwards by the airflow if the airspeed is more than 220 km/h. Remember that the flaps will not extend fully in case of high speed. In case of a high-speed landing approach the flaps may extend a few steps further right before the landing which will cause the aircraft to shoot upwards.
- Airplane has a manual tail wheel lock. Wheel should be locked when taxiing straight for a long distance and before takeoff and landing.
- Airplane has differential pneumatic wheel brakes with shared control lever. This means that if the brake lever is held and the rudder pedal the opposite wheel brake is gradually released causing the plane to swing to one side or the other.
- Airplane has a fuel gauge which shows the amount of remaining fuel in the front or bottom fuel tank depending on switch position. In game the fuel indicator switch changes by itself during horizontal flight by every 10 seconds. Rear fuel tank level is not indicated.
- Cockpit canopy weight is 50 kg and it has no lock in the open position, for this reason the canopy may to spontaneously close in a deep dive. Also, it is impossible to open or close canopy at high speed due to strong airflow. The canopy has no emergency release, so bail out requires the speed drop before it.
- Airplane is equipped with a joint salvo controller both for bombs and rockets, it has three release/fire modes: single launch, launch two in a salvo or launch four in a salvo.
- The mechanical gun sight "Visier Vladimirova" allows aiming rockets and guns at ground and air targets and horizontal bombing at certain speeds and altitudes.

Utilisation du viseur VV 1 : ... ent=456219







"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG:
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
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Inscription : 12 février 2010

Re: IL-2 AM-38F modèle 1943: Questions / Réponses


Message par Pollux »

Rajout de la vidéo de familiarisation de Requiem en post principal, enfin dans le seul post...
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG:

Messages : 6581
Inscription : 17 janvier 2006

Re: IL-2 AM-38F modèle 1943: Questions / Réponses


Message par LOLOF1 »


Salut,je suis en train de me spécialiser sur IL2 ,pour l’Il2 (pléonasme lol )en VR en ce moment car je suis en accident de travail et beaucoup de temps à utiliser :yes: et je relisais ton post fort utile pour piloter en mode expert avec toute les donnés moteur et specs de l’Il2 !
Connaîtrais tu un site ou des photos du cockpit pour mémoriser les différents secteurs du cockpit assez simple car on ets pas dans DCS lol avec ,gestion du moteur ,nav,armement ect sct pour me les mémoriser car en VR on dois tout connaître par cœur car on peux pas voir u. Fichier pdf de tablette en vol ou je connais pas une astuce en Vr pour le faire !

Merci d’avance :notworthy :notworthy
Je vais me spécialiser en Expert VR en Air/sol dans IL2 :yes: et gèrer le mod a LEFUNESTE pour bien voir son viseur en Tba et lâcher les bombes avec le viseur VV1 à 50/100/200/300 mètres :yes:
Surtout refaire de la navigation à l’ancienne et quitter la facilité de DCS et le GPS ,donc du taf pour mon cerveau de moineau :hum:
Et pourquoi pas vous rejoindre quand je serais plus une buse sur Ts ou Discord pour piloter sur des serveurs Expert /multi :yes: en VR/IL2 !
Je sais pas si il y a des vidéos de navigation en français pour IL2,car j’en ai vu énormément en anglais et pour calculer son plan de vol ,ça c’est top

Aplushhhss Pollux :yes:

Core I7 4770k/5930k/6700k. All OC 4,5Ghz-Watercooling Corsair H100i/H110i V2/GYGABYTE SNIPER 5/ASUS ROG RAMPAGE EXTRÊME VI/ASUS ROG MAXIMUS FORMULA VIII/32-64 RAM DDR3-4/Alim Enermax Platimax 1200-1500 Watt/GTX 1080TI FE OC +20%/ SLI TITAN X PASCAL OC+20% /Corsair 800D/900D /VIRPIL T50-57 MONGOOST/ Hotas/Cougar/Warthog / MFG rudder pedals / Oculus CV1 3 capteurs./WHEEL BASE THRUSTMASTER TS-PC RACER-WHEEL ROSOF1 Ferrari modder SIMDISPLAY SIMR-F1/WHEEL MERCEDES F1-HAMILTON 2016 SIMULAJE « AKIRA »...
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
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Re: IL-2 AM-38F modèle 1943: Questions / Réponses


Message par Ploofy »

ben tu as le topic de l'IL2 version antérieur ( c'est le même question cockpit) ... 0&t=184809

Messages : 6581
Inscription : 17 janvier 2006

Re: IL-2 AM-38F modèle 1943: Questions / Réponses


Message par LOLOF1 »

Ah super Ploofy c’est ce que je cherchais :yes: :yes:

Merki beaucoup :notworthy :notworthy

Apluhssssss :banana:

Core I7 4770k/5930k/6700k. All OC 4,5Ghz-Watercooling Corsair H100i/H110i V2/GYGABYTE SNIPER 5/ASUS ROG RAMPAGE EXTRÊME VI/ASUS ROG MAXIMUS FORMULA VIII/32-64 RAM DDR3-4/Alim Enermax Platimax 1200-1500 Watt/GTX 1080TI FE OC +20%/ SLI TITAN X PASCAL OC+20% /Corsair 800D/900D /VIRPIL T50-57 MONGOOST/ Hotas/Cougar/Warthog / MFG rudder pedals / Oculus CV1 3 capteurs./WHEEL BASE THRUSTMASTER TS-PC RACER-WHEEL ROSOF1 Ferrari modder SIMDISPLAY SIMR-F1/WHEEL MERCEDES F1-HAMILTON 2016 SIMULAJE « AKIRA »...
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Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5866
Inscription : 12 février 2010

Re: IL-2 AM-38F modèle 1943: Questions / Réponses


Message par Pollux »

Rajout en post principal de la vidéo sur l'utilisation des roquettes
"Il faut préférer la modestie de ceux qui s'associent pour combattre au triomphe passager de celui qui s'isole." Cdt De Rose CCG:

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