Nouvelles de Razbam après le 16 avril

salle dédiée au module M-2000C par RAZBAM
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Nouvelles de Razbam après le 16 avril


Message par Azrayen »

Après l'important séisme d'avant-hier, des nouvelles - rassurantes - des Équatoriens de l'équipe Razbam :
Zeus67 a écrit :Hello folks. As we told you before we got hit by a 7.8, not 7.9, but that was still a powerful shake. Thanks for your well wishes. All of us and our immediate families, including uncles, aunts and cousins, are okay. Our houses got through without structural damage but the same cannot be said of the furnishings. Several stuff, ornaments mainly, were shattered and Ron lost some equipment. A water pipe is busted so we had to close the water supply for the time being. There is no water in the city, but like many houses we have an underground cistern that is almost full but that means we have to guard it like gold. We can't give a schedule for when we will get back to work, but I doubt it will be this week, At this time basic services are not guaranteed. Our city was hit hard and several buildings collapsed. Many high rise buildings are still standing by the Grace of God only, their interiors are gone. So at this time we will take care of our loved ones and will resume work as soon as things return to normal.
On s'attachera donc à ne pas attendre d'update ou de correction de bug dans les prochains jours ou peut-être même semaines, et on en profitera pour se souvenir qu'il y a (bien) plus important que nos "impatiences virtuelles" :)

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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1177
Inscription : 05 mai 2003

Re: Nouvelles de Razbam après le 16 avril


Message par wipon34 »

Copy !!....

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