on ne reviendra pas non plus sur le fait que ça énerve, c'était mieux avant, blabla bla.
On a tous plus ou moins trainé nos guêtres sur le forum ATAG, attendant avec impatience des nouvelles de la Team Fusion et des futures améliorations du patch prochain.
je peux vous dire, avec on ne peut plus d'enthousiasme, que ça y est, c'est réglé! les soucis de changement du LOD ont été résolu par la TF
II/JG53 Mattias a écrit ::salute:
Poor spotting and the feeling that contacts disappear at mid-range has been one big issue in Clod ever since release, as discussed in many threads like this:
http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/f ... t=spotting
We are happy to announce that we have been able to ease that problem
At first we wanted to make a video showcasing the difference, but videos are being shown at all kinds of resolutions and thus not very suitable to show a problem at pixel size…
Anyway, here’s a pic showcasing our attempts to deal with the spotting problem.
The picture shows 6 Hurricanes at distances of 950, 1340 and 1520 meters. “Vanilla” Clod is to the left and the new spotting WIP to the right.
How hard we try there will always be a problem showing a distant aircraft within a very limited amount of pixels, but please note that all of the 6 hurries are at least visible now
je ne vous cache pas que je suis joie!!!