Bon en fait ça n'a pas d'intérêt, si les ecrans sont tous locaux, softTH désactive le smoothing.
autant placer les vues directement en lua...
à part pour les bezel... faut que je vois encore ça...
bon ça marche tjrs pas
config options.lua
["aspect"] =5960/1080, -- 810 pour exports gauches + 2 x 1920 + 810 pour exports droits + 2 x 100 bezel
["haze"] = 1,
["HDR"] = 0,
["TranspSSAA"] = true,
["cockpitShadows"] = false,
["effects"] = 3,
["textures"] = 2,
["width"] = 5960,
["MSAA"] = 3,
mon monitorsetup
_ = function(p) return p; end;
name = _('CS');
Description = '3 monitors + Helios + exports + SoftTH'
--[[displays = -- screen table also contain x, y members which mark top left corner of DCS window
note about fullscreen : directx doesn't allow fullscreen applications with resolutions more than primary display can handle,
so multimonitor presets in DCS will fall back to windowed mode if fullscreen initialization failed ( this info also will be printed to dcs.log)
[1] =
x = 0, -- note : x == 0 and y == 0 is always mark primary windows display
y = 0,
width = 1920,
height = 1080
[2] =
x = -1920, -- mark that secondary display is on left side of primary display
y = 0,
width = 1920,
height = 1080
[3] =
x = 1920, -- mark that third display is on right side of primary display
y = 0,
width = 1920,
height = 1080
function reconfigure_for_unit(unit_type) --unit type is string with unit name
--[[if unit_type == "A-10C" then
-- EMC (MFCD_init.lua)
if unit_type == "Ka-50" then
Viewports =
Center =
x = 810;
y = 0;
width = 4040; -- (3840=2*1920) + 100x2 bezel
height = 1080;
viewDx = 0;; -- Fine tune this to move your center-viewpoint left/rigth
viewDy = 0; -- Fine tune this to move your center-viewpoint up/down
aspect = 4040/1080;
Gui =
x = 1920;
y = 0;
width = 1920;
height = 1080;
UIMainView = Gui -- to maintain GUI on center screen
-- UIMainView = Viewports.Center
-- EMC(CautionLights_panel.lua)
ED_KA50_CautionLights =
x = 4650; --2x 1920 + 2 x 100 bezel
y = 0;
width = 810;
height = 100;
-- EMC (Ekran_init.lua)
ED_KA50_Ekran =
x = 4650;
y = 101;
width = 80;
height = 80;
-- EMC (UV_26_init.lua)
ED_KA50_UV26 =
x = 4650+(810/2)-(50/2); -- 4650 + CautionLights.Width/2 - UV26.width/2
y = 100;
width = 50; --129x51
height = 45;
-- EMC (PVI_init.lua)
x = 4650+810-150; --4650 + CautionLights.Width - PVI.Width
y = 100;
width = 150; -- 356x92
height = 54;
-- EMC (SHKVAL_init.lua)
ED_KA50_Shkval =
x = 0;
y = 0;
width = 410; --356x234
height = 272;
-- EMC (ABRIS_init.lua)
x = 411; -- 0 + Shkval.Width
y = 0;
width = 400; -- 356x438
height = 504;
Viewports =
Center =
x = 0;
y = 0;
width = screen.width;
height = screen.height;
viewDx = 0;
viewDy = 0;
aspect = screen.aspect;
Gui =
x = screen.width / 3;
y = 0;
width = screen.width / 3;
height = screen.height;
UIMainView = Gui -- to maintain GUI on center screen
-- UIMainView = Viewports.Center
-- RIGHT_MFCD = nil -- remove for others
mon softTHConfig
; softTH's d3d9.dll as well as the config.softthconfig in the Game/bin directory.
; -use the "app-key+S" (You should see all data that is rendered at the primary screen) and make a screen-shoot again.
; You will find them in : C:\Users\>User name<\Documents\SoftTH\Screenshots
; Please also post the SoftTH.log you find in C:\Users\>User name<\Documents\SoftTH
; DCS renderer 1920+1920 for mainview + 810 for export views x2 + 2x100 bezel
; Your width/height/aspect in the options.lua must match the one you have set in the config.Softthconfig - If one number isn't right nothing will work.
; 3 x 1920x1080 screens from left to right, with AMD nView, main in windows is center screen, extended desktop on3 monitors
keepComposition=1 ; 1 helios
smoothing=0 ; 0 DCS
zClear=0 ;0 DCS
processAffinity=1 ;
enableVBQuirk=1 ; 1 DCS
; center from mainview on center screen + half left and half right on left screen and right screen
sourceRect=2020,0,3940,1080 ; select 1920 + 100 bezel to 3840+100 bezel pixels from DCS renderer mainview
destRect=0,0,1920,1080 ; display on center screen
;The destRect function doesn't start counting at x0/y0 of your overall resolution. -this does the sourceRect line already -
;The destRect= starts counting in the x0/y0 of your target monitor.
;Keep in mind that SoftTH can only use the resolution your Monitor is set in windows properties when using the "destRect=" function.
; my question is if is Softth able to teleport different 'grabs' to a single monitor
; NO. Only one "destRect" line for one monitor.
; left screen exports on first half of screen + mainview left on second half
sourceRect=0,0,1920,1080 ; select 0 to 810 pixels exports + 810-1920 from renderer mainview
destRect=0,0,1920,1080 ; display at left screen
; right screen right of mainview on first half of screen, exports + Helios on second half (tactile screen)
sourceRect=4040,0,5860,1080 ; 3940+100 bezel to 3940+1920
destRect=0,0,1920,1080 ;
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: SoftTH v2.08 x64 alpha by Kegetys (Launcher.exe, dynamic link)
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Arguments: <"C:\JEUX\SIMU\DCS World\bin/Launcher.exe">
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Config path: <C:\JEUX\SIMU\DCS World\bin\config.SoftTHconfig>
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: main.renderResolution: 5960x1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: Additional heads: 2
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_primary.screenMode: 1920x1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_primary.sourceRect: 2020,0,5960,1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_primary.destRect: 0,0,1920,1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_1.screenMode: 1920x1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_1.sourceRect: 0,0,1920,1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_1.destRect: 0,0,1920,1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_1.transportResolution: 1920x1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_2.screenMode: 1920x1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_2.sourceRect: 4040,0,9900,1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_2.destRect: 0,0,1920,1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: config: head_2.transportResolution: 1920x1080
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Initializing win32 hooks...
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Added module <C:\JEUX\SIMU\DCS World\bin\d3d9.dll> to hook ignore list
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Added module <C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll> to hook ignore list
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Added module <C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll> to hook ignore list
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/ClipCursor
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/GetCursorPos
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/GetCursorInfo
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/SetCursorPos
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/EnumDisplaySettingsExA
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/ChangeDisplaySettingsExA
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/EnumDisplaySettingsA
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/GetWindowRect
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/GetClientRect
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/SetPhysicalCursorPos
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/GetPhysicalCursorPos
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/LogicalToPhysicalPoint
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/GetMonitorInfoA
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/EnumDisplayMonitors
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Hooked user32.dll/SetWindowPos
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Pinned DLL: <C:\JEUX\SIMU\DCS World\bin\d3d9.dll>
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Direct3D DLL Path: <C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll>
4044: 0.000 SoftTH: Added module <C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll> to hook ignore list
4044: 0.015 SoftTH: Direct3DCreate9
4044: 0.062 SoftTH: Detected refresh rates: 50Hz 60Hz 59Hz 25Hz 30Hz 29Hz (6)
4044: 0.062 SoftTH: IDirect3D9New: GetAdapterDisplayMode return 1920x1080
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Added mode 73: 5960x1080 50Hz D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 (D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8)
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Added mode 74: 5960x1080 60Hz D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 (D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8)
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Added mode 75: 5960x1080 59Hz D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 (D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8)
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Added mode 76: 5960x1080 25Hz D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 (D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8)
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Added mode 77: 5960x1080 30Hz D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 (D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8)
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Added mode 78: 5960x1080 29Hz D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 (D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8)
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: IDirect3D9New::CreateDevice 0x0DB61300
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Adapter 0: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (aticfx64.dll v8.17.10.1247) '\\.\DISPLAY1'
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Adapter 1: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (aticfx64.dll v8.17.10.1247) '\\.\DISPLAY2'
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Adapter 2: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (aticfx64.dll v8.17.10.1247) '\\.\DISPLAY3'
4044: 0.093 SoftTH:
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Validating settings
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Head 0: OK
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: Head 1: OK
4044: 0.093 SoftTH: ERROR: Head 2: sourceRect (4040x0-9900x1080) outside
render surface (5960x1080)
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: SoftTH: validateSettings FAILED
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: createdevice failed!
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: ~IDirect3DDevice9SoftTH
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: ~IDirect3DDevice9New
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: Created device 0x00000000
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: IDirect3D9New::CreateDevice 0x0DB61300
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: Adapter 0: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (aticfx64.dll v8.17.10.1247) '\\.\DISPLAY1'
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: Adapter 1: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (aticfx64.dll v8.17.10.1247) '\\.\DISPLAY2'
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: Adapter 2: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (aticfx64.dll v8.17.10.1247) '\\.\DISPLAY3'
4044: 11.497 SoftTH:
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: Validating settings
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: Head 0: OK
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: Head 1: OK
4044: 11.497 SoftTH: ERROR: Head 2: sourceRect (4040x0-9900x1080) outside
render surface (5960x1080)
4044: 12.262 SoftTH: SoftTH: validateSettings FAILED
4044: 12.262 SoftTH: createdevice failed!
4044: 12.262 SoftTH: ~IDirect3DDevice9SoftTH
4044: 12.262 SoftTH: ~IDirect3DDevice9New
4044: 12.262 SoftTH: Created device 0x00000000
4044: 12.293 SoftTH: DLL_PROCESS_DETACH (process terminating)
4044: 12.293 SoftTH: end