1ere NewsLetter de ED ...

Salle dédiée au module DCS : A-10C de Eagle dynamics

Topic author
Messages : 321
Inscription : 21 octobre 2004

1ere NewsLetter de ED ...


Message par Forza42 »

... que je trouve quand meme bien interessante.



This is the first of occasional newsletters to keep you informed of new developments for existing and future titles.

The first message is for holiday discounts!
DCS: Black Shark 2 - 30%
DCS: A-10C Warthog - 50%

Discounts last from 23 December till 9 January.

The DCS: Black Shark 2 upgrade was released in November 2011, providing compatibility with DCS: A-10C Warthog and including new features. It can be purchased from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop

Video: http://youtu.be/CClHbRG0F10

Free patch has been released for the Christmas & New Year holiday season for A-10C Warthog and Black Shark 2. This includes bug fixes, as well as new features, many based on user requests. http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/e ... s/patches/

The development and localisation teams are working hard on finalising the French version of DCS: A-10C Warthog. The Spanish download version of DCS: A-10C Warthog is now available, and the retail DVD version is planned for a release in February.

Development continues on the upcoming add-on "Combined Arms". This paid-for add-on will allow A-10C Warthog, Black Shark 2, and Flaming Cliffs 3 owners to:

- act as ground force commanders as the mission is running,
- direct ground units,
- set fire missions for artillery and multiple rocket launchers,
- take the role of a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC).

As the JTAC, players will have:
- night vision goggles,
- IR pointer,
- laser designator,
- Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR).

Several other new items are still being considered. Combined Arms will work in both single player and multiplayer missions.

Development also continues on Flaming Cliffs 3. This will be a paid-for update to the Flaming Cliffs series which brings it to the level of modern DCS, the most remarkable changes are:

- mission editor,
- AI,
- units,
- dynamic weather,
- graphics sfx.

We consider to include several improvements to aircraft flight models and systems, a resource management system, and several other new features. This will also make Flaming Cliffs online compatible with A-10C and Black Shark 2. The price will depend on the features we include.

Nevada map will become available in the summer. This will be a paid-for add-on that will be compatible with A-10C, Black Shark 2, and FC3. Users that purchased the A-10C beta will get this map for free.

The first "DCS Flying Legends" aircraft will be released in the first half of 2012. As soon as it has gone into "Alpha" testing we will announce the aircraft type.

And, of course - The next US fixed wing jet DCS aircraft is being worked in parallel!

PC PILOT, issue 78 to be published in February 2012 will include a review of Black Shark 2

Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 4570
Inscription : 25 novembre 2006


Message par greg765 »

Oui, j'ai reçu ça dans ma boîte mail (comme beaucoup de monde ici je suppose) et je trouve ça pas mal pour la forme, au moins c'est un peu mieux au niveau communication même si il y-a certains choix que je désapprouve. Ils enverraient ça de temps en temps pour faire le point sur leurs grands projets ça serait sympa je trouve.
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Topic author
Messages : 321
Inscription : 21 octobre 2004


Message par Forza42 »

le "Combined Arms"..... interessant, mais ils exagerent pas mal. C etait dans la beta, soit ils avaient pas le droit et etrangement maintenant ils peuvent ... mais payant.
Bref, ED n est pas specialement a blamer la dessus. Je travaille dans le jeu video, et ce genre de chose ne m etonne pas. C est comme ca. Les studios de jeu videos (comme tout le monde ....) ne font rien de gratuit. Le jeu video est un business comme le reste.

Messages : 291
Inscription : 31 mai 2010


Message par Carpadeus »

Clair c'est un business lol
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Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1895
Inscription : 26 février 2009


Message par titof »

Bonne surprise pour moi. ED aurait-il appris à mieux communiquer ?
J'aime le principe en tout cas et 2012 sera peut-être une année riche en nouveautées (selon les annonces faites...)

Bref, vivement 2012 !!!

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