Quelqu'un d'entre vous a essayé les derniers 190.38 WHQL... d'autres réglages pour le driver... ( il y a surement des améliorations possibles...)
Vos suggestions..?
Ps: actuellement, même avec les réglages IL2, ça tourne pas mal...mais si on peut améliorer pourquoi pas..!
vu ceci..!???...le gars est en SLI:
1920 X 1200 full screen with 4X AA and X AF - All vertical sync Post effects on
Trees = high|Grass = High|Shadows = high|Landscape = High|
Shadows = high|Textures = high|Reflections = high (Video memory at 74%) Sound = 64|Head shake = On
With The NV enhanced bench, the settings are as follows, without Nv Enhanced NV settings were left stock.
Nvidea 190.38 drivers with PhsyX disabled
Anisotropic Filtering = 16X
AA Gamma Corrrection = On
AA Mode = Enhance applications
AA Setting = SLI 16X
AA Transparancy = Multisampling
Conformant texture clamp = Use hardware
Error reporting = Off
Extension limit = Off
Force mipmaps = None
Maximum pre-rendered frames = 3
Multi-display/mixed GPU = multiple display performance mode
Nvidia Performance Mode- Nvidia Recommended (SLI)
Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization = Off
Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias = Clamp
Texture filtering - Quality = Quality
Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization = On
Triple buffering = On
Threaded optimization = Auto
Vertical sync = on