Avions Iris Flight Simulation Gratuits

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Messages : 2431
Inscription : 02 mars 2006

Avions Iris Flight Simulation Gratuits


Message par Max.le-rouge »

To those flightsimmers out there who've been affected by the horrendous COVID-19 outbreak, and following in the footsteps of other industry leaders, IRIS is making all our products free of charge until 1st June 2020.
As some of you may know, I consider myself fortunate to remain in work outside IRIS and can work remotely. Many of you cannot, and many have lost jobs, family members and are 'doing it hard' as it were.
If the smallest thing I can do is offer some escapism using our products to those who can no longer afford what now is a luxury item, then it's the least I can do.
In closing, remain safe, keep using social distancing and abide by the laws and rules of your country to save others.
~David & Karen.
The IRIS webstore is available to you all.

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