Un B-17 un peu spécial !
Publié : sam. oct. 22, 2022 9:56 pm
Quelqu'un a déjà entendu parlé de ça ?
Ça paraît un peu gros...
Ça paraît un peu gros...
La simulation de vol de combat
This B-17G was fitted with an experimental chin turret armed with 6 fixed .50 cal. machine guns, designed by Armaments Officer Mike Mazer. The firing of the guns was controlled by the Pilot. Aircraft 42-31435 successfully completed many operational sorties with the new nose gun installation but, while conclusively proving the mechanical practicability of the design, a temporary cessation of head-on attacks by enemy attacks prevented the proof of its effectiveness. The ship crashed returning from a bombing mission on July 6, 1944.