Turkish stars - c'est pas passé loin...

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Turkish stars - c'est pas passé loin...


Message par GunMan »

Ca calme !

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Re: Turkish stars - c'est pas passé loin...


Message par Kamov »

Ah la vache! o_O
J'ai refait tous les calculs... notre idée est irréalisable, il ne nous reste qu'une chose: la réaliser!
Pierre Georges Latécoère

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Re: Turkish stars - c'est pas passé loin...


Message par fougamagister »

Vu sur "The Aviationist" avec les précisions suivantes:
Filmed in 2009, the following video shows two NF-5 of the Turkish Air Force aerobatic team “Turkish Stars” coming quite close to collide mid-air during a display practice over Konya airbase, the homebase of the famous Anatolian Eagle exercise.

According to the user who uploaded the video to Liveleak, Major Evren Ayna, the pilot who was flying inverted, describes the moment in these words:

“Every job has its own risks. Of course, you can’t always be prepared for everything. But having good reflexes is good and expecting the unexpected saves lives. This video is a proof that this kind of things is not fun and games. It shows our effort and self-sacrifice. This video was taken in 2009, during a training session in Konya. My plane suffers a mechanical failure and we cheat death. I’m the one in inverted flight. :)

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