Ca c'est de l'accent !

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Pilote Confirmé
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Messages : 4040
Inscription : 31 août 2006

Ca c'est de l'accent !


Message par Rob1 »

Chtite vidéo trouvée au cours de mes pérégrinations sur le web :

Le gars au sol ayant un accent à couper à la tronçonneuse, est-ce qu'une personne ayant le don des langues et une âme charitable aurait l'amabilité de compléter ma tentative de transcription ?
Interviewé : They knocked out one missile. The engagement then lasted I think something like four and half hours. A young officer eventually called in the F-15s to take on other targets.

Sol : Aicraft this is [?] two one. Hello skyship, three three one two zero three north, zero four one zero two east.

Avion : Stand by we're locking.

Narrateur : A gunner camera on an American jet recorded the SAS in action.

Sol : Take the point ...(?)

Avion : I got him. I got it. Bombs away, bombs away !

Sol : (?)

Narrateur : The SAS men on the ground were guiding an aircraft and identify targets for its laser-guided bombs.

Avion : Go. Thirty-three...

Sol : Aircraft here copy one...

Avion : Bombs away, bombs away ! (impact) Smack !

Sol : attack aircraft, this is (??), that was on target, on target. Be aware that they are friendly forces, eight vehicles two two in the open, five (?) meters north and west. Your (?) target was ... launchers processor vehicles by the burning light.

Avion : Bombs away, bombs away !

Narrateur : But it was a huge desert. The Iraqis responded to attacks like this by moving the launchers far away from the SAS Scud box.

Avion : match three seven you got (???) going home.
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Col. Chibani
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 2682
Inscription : 07 octobre 2007


Message par Col. Chibani »

Non seulement l'accent, mais aussi la qualité de la radio ...

J'ai complété / corrigé ce que j'ai cru comprendre (en gras) :
Interviewé : They knocked out one missile. The engagement then lasted I think something like four and half hours. A young officer eventually called in the F-15s to take on other targets.

Sol : Aicraft this is thirty two one. Hello skyship (cushion ??), three three one two zero three north, zero four one two two east.

Avion : Stand by we're locking.

Narrateur : A gun camera on an American jet recorded the SAS in action.

Sol : Take the point ...(?)

Avion : I got him. I got it. Bombs away, bombs away !

Sol : (?)

Narrateur : The SAS men on the ground were guiding an aircraft and identify targets for its laser-guided bombs.

Avion : Go. Thirty-three...

Sol : Aircraft did you copy ...

Avion : Bombs away, bombs away ! (impact) Smack !

Sol : attack aircraft, this is (??) highlight ?, that was on target, on target. Be aware that they are more friendly forces, eight vehicles two two in the open, five hundred meters north and west. Your original target was three launchers processor vehicles by the burning light.

Avion : Bombs away, bombs away !

Narrateur : But it was a huge desert. The Iraqis responded to attacks like this by moving the launchers far away from the SAS Scud box.

Avion : match three seven you got them. We're going home.

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 150
Inscription : 27 décembre 2004


Message par podo06 »

Quelques améliorations. Mais qualité trop pourrie pour tout avoir.
Superbe accent Anglais bien prolo!
Col. Chibani a écrit :Interviewé : They knocked out one missile. The engagement then lasted I think something like four and a half hours. A young officer eventually called in the F-15s to take on other targets.

Sol : Aicraft this is dot two one. Our location, three three one two zero three north, zero four one Four two east.

Avion : Stand by we're locking.

Narrateur : A gun camera on an American jet recorded the SAS in action.

Sol : Take the point ...(?)

Avion : I got him. I got it. Bombs away, bombs away !

Sol : (?)

Narrateur : The SAS men on the ground were guiding an aircraft and identify targets for its laser-guided bombs.

Avion : Go. Thirty-three...

Sol : Aircraft do you copy that...

Avion : Bombs away, bombs away ! (impact) Smack !

Sol : attack aircraft, this is (??) highlight ?, that was on target, on target. Be aware there are more friendly forces, eight vehicles total in the open, five hundred meters north and west. Your two original target was ... launchers process ... vehicles by the burning light.

Avion : Bombs away, bombs away !

Narrateur : But it was a huge desert. The Iraqis responded to attacks like this by moving the launchers far away from the SAS Scud box.

Avion : match three seven you got them now. We're going home.
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Topic author
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4040
Inscription : 31 août 2006


Message par Rob1 »

Dans les commentaires en-dessous de la vidéo, une personne pense que l'indicatif des gars au sol est "delta two one".

Je n'arrive pas à l'entendre comme ça, mais c'est peut-être ca ?

(vu que je j'entends "our location" comme "our locaship", tout est possible :sweatdrop)

Nouvelle Recrue
Nouvelle Recrue
Messages : 150
Inscription : 27 décembre 2004


Message par podo06 »

Rob1 a écrit :Dans les commentaires en-dessous de la vidéo, une personne pense que l'indicatif des gars au sol est "delta two one".
Je confirme c'est bien delta two one
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Messages : 8882
Inscription : 22 février 2004


Message par *Aquila* »

Col. Chibani a écrit :Non seulement l'accent, mais aussi la qualité de la radio ...
La qualité radio a l'air pas mal à vue de nez. Par contre la qualité d'encodage audio du document est calamiteuse, les coms se trouvant noyées dans une bouillie de basses assez ingérable, au même titre que l'interview du début.

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